White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 667 The incarnation of Indra walking on earth

After watching Jin An sweep through to resolve the battle, and then watching Jin An walk to his side, put the sword back into its sheath, and take back the Kunwu sword in his hand, Master Luo Sang came back to his senses from this drastic change.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, why are you here..."

Not to mention those Tianzhu people who didn't expect Jin An to appear in Death Valley, even Master Luosang was also shocked.

When he was in Kunlun Snow Mountain, Master Luo Sang had already seen Jin An's bravery and strength, but he didn't expect Jin An's progress to be so rapid: "Taoist Jin An... did you just use control of objects to kill people? Your realm Great progress, and finally achieved the third level of the venerable state!"

Master Lobsang was first surprised and then happy. First he was surprised to meet friends, and then he clasped his hands in congratulations.

Jin An did not hide anything from Master Luosang, and shook his head and replied: "Master Luosang, are you not injured? I haven't entered the third realm yet."

"But it's soon."

Jin An's answer made Master Luo Sang stunned.

There were several wounded people lying on the ground now. This was not the time to reunite old friends and reminisce about the past. The two of them then began to treat the wounded people.

"Brother Luosang!"

"Little brother!"


At this time, Master Qudan, the old Taoist priest, and the goat also arrived.

When he saw that almost all of his fellow disciples were seriously injured, Master Qu Dan's eyes were red with anxiety, and he kept blaming himself for being late, and then joined the team to treat the wounded.

Even old Taoist priests joined in to save people.

Fortunately, Jin'an still had some leaves and sap of the immortal tree left, both of which were wonderful medicines for healing injuries and prolonging life. Before dying, Jin'an was not stingy and gave them to several masters of Renzen Temple to replenish blood. The big medicine was also taken out, and after a lot of work, the injuries of several masters were finally stabilized.

The most troublesome thing was the master who was poisoned by snake venom. The little snake didn't know what kind of venom it was. The snake venom was very strange. Even the Baidu Pills from Renzeng Temple and the antidote pills prepared by the old Taoist priest could not detoxify the snake venom. In the end, it was left to Jin. An used his thrice-sealed plague-repelling talisman to remove the snake venom that had penetrated deep into his internal organs and bone marrow.

Unfortunately, the arm had been eroded by snake venom for too long, and the muscles and bones had become necrotic, so one arm had no choice but to be amputated.

Master Luo Sang clasped his hands and saluted Jin An: "Taoist Master Jin An, there is no need to blame yourself. This is the best result for our senior brother and our Renzeng Temple. If we didn't meet you today, our senior brother Qu Dan, let alone our senior brothers." People’s lives may not even be protected by Rigzen Monastery. Tochenna.”



Several masters from Renzin Monastery expressed their sincere gratitude to Jin An.

Even the man from the Jianghu who was regarded as an abandoned son by the Tianshi Mansion expressed his gratitude to Jin An with a big gift. He originally thought he was going to die in Death Valley today. He would rather die with these eminent monks than fall into the hands of the Tianzhu people and live in a life worse than death. He didn't expect that rescuers would come from the sky in the end, and he would survive in such a desperate situation. It made him feel like he was reborn, and he felt even more grateful to Jin An.

"Master Yongcuo, thank you for saving our Renzeng Temple." Master Luosang said with a smile to the old Taoist priest with his hands clasped together. The old monk's eyes were clear and with the wisdom of the Buddha, he saw through the truth. .

The old Taoist priest also returned the greeting: "Master Luosang is truly worthy of being a master of Buddhism."

Um? Jin An suddenly looked surprised. After recovering from his injuries, several masters from Renzin Temple dug up the white snow salt under the huge snow salt stone and dug out a person from the snow salt pit.

Astonishingly, it was the khenpo from Renzin Temple who was possessed by the terrifying white body!

The Khenpo's situation at this time was not optimistic. He was unconscious. In addition, he was buried under a salt pit. His skin was severely dry and dehydrated. He had severe symptoms of high fever. This is a typical dehydration fever. If he did not replenish water in time, It would be life-threatening.

After everyone was busy for a while, Khenpo's condition was finally stabilized and the high fever subsided.

Jin An: "When I checked Khenpo's body just now, I found that in addition to organ failure and severe dehydration, he had no evil energy entering his body. Master Lobsang, have you successfully eliminated the white yin body?"

Master Luo Sang turned to look at Khenpo, who was still unconscious, and his fellow disciples who were turning prayer wheels, chanting sutras and praying. He shook his head with a solemn expression on his face: "The terrifying white shadow has escaped."

It turned out that the Tianzhu people had been eyeing Renzeng Temple early in the morning. When Master Luosang and the others chased the terrifying white shadow all the way to Death Valley, they accidentally fell into the trap that the Tianzhu people had laid in advance. Several people rushed to kill them all the way. They couldn't get out, but were trapped in the white forbidden area.

And just when they were about to fall into the white forbidden land full of snow and salt, the terrifying white shadow possessed by Khenpo took the initiative to abandon Khenpo's physical body, then possessed one of the Tianzhu people and went deep into the depths of Death Valley.

Those Tianzhu people still don't know about the terrifying white shadow, and they still don't know that one of them is possessed.

Because they were being chased along the way and the situation was chaotic, they did not have the energy to get rid of the remaining evil spirits in Khenpo's body, so Master Lobsang and others temporarily buried him under snow and salt to use salt to drive away the evil spirits.

But the risks of burying people in salt are also very high.

Fortunately, Jin An arrived in time.

"When Khenpo saw that he failed to feed demons by sacrificing his body, in order to prevent the terrifying white shadow body from borrowing his magical powers and spiritual practice to cause killings in the world, he closed the six senses and silenced his soul. At the same time, he also wanted to use this method to trap the terrifying white shadow body in his body. , but still let the terrifying white shadowy body escape..."

When Master Luo Sang said this, he sighed with a frown and said: "Khenpo took the initiative to close the six consciousnesses and seal the soul. The eye consciousness cannot see the movement of the outside world, the ear consciousness cannot hear the sounds of the outside world, and the nose consciousness cannot breathe the outside air. It relies on the inner breath. My breath and tongue consciousness cannot taste the taste of berries from the outside world, my body consciousness cannot feel the warmth and coolness of the outside world, and my consciousness cannot detect changes in the outside world. Now I can only wait for Khenpo to wake up on his own."

After hearing this, Jin An and the old Taoist priest also frowned.

Unexpectedly, there would be so many twists and turns in Renzin Temple later on.

The man in the world who was rescued by Renzin Temple was regretful and ashamed and kept apologizing. It was he who had harmed Renzin Temple. He never expected that an evil spirit would possess his brother. Master Luosang began to comfort him, saying : "Evils are the most cunning and cunning, and are good at taking advantage of people's good intentions to bite people. You will not abandon your friends until your death. How many people in the world can achieve this kind of friendship and share the same hardships? You are the first to be the donor. The kind thoughts moved the auspicious Heavenly Mother in the sky, and only then did we have the fateful encounter with Renzin Temple."

Jin An frowned and pondered for a while, and then asked another matter: "Master Luo Sang, do you know why that terrifying white shadow must return to Death Valley?"

Upon hearing Jin An's question, Master Luo Sang first turned around and looked into the depths of Death Valley, and then replied worriedly: "Perhaps, it is heading for the new venerable who is about to be born in this deep valley..."

Jin An lowered his head and thought: "Is it really what I guessed?"

The old Taoist priest on the side also heard the meaning of this sentence: "You are saying that the terrifying white shadow wants to steal a reincarnation and possess a land immortal in the three extreme realms?"

"Mom! If the land god is really possessed by the white yin body, then this thing will become an evil god! If he builds a wild temple for himself, he will be a wild god who can suck the incense of the world. If he walks around the world during the day, he will be a wild god. He is an evil god who is not afraid of the sun! This is going to be a calamity-level ghost. Once calamity comes out, a big disaster is bound to happen!"

The old Taoist priest was dumbfounded: "This Death Valley is really getting more and more evil. The most evil ones are the ones that come out!"

Suddenly, Jin An covered his heart with his palm.

The old Taoist priest looked concerned: "Little brother, do you have angina pectoris again?"

Jin An waved his hand and said it was okay. Then, he put the Kunwu knife back on his waist. There was a dark wind blowing in the Death Valley late at night, and his robes were blowing. His expression was cold and stern: "I must go to the depths of Death Valley!"

"Master Luosang, do you know where the Tianzhu people will break through this time?"

Master Luosang nodded: "The Auspicious Heavenly Mother will bless every exorcist who subdues demons. I will go with you, Taoist Master Jin'an."

At this time, the old Taoist priest also clamored to come with him to see the grand breakthrough of the third realm.

Those in the third extreme realm are as rare as a phoenix. He has never seen in his life how a mortal can break through the land gods. He must see it with his own eyes. Of course, by the way, it is the duty of a disciple of the Zhengdao to subjugate demons and eliminate evil for the people. The old Taoist priest said solemnly.

Finally, the team expanded into Jin An, the old Taoist priest, Master Luo Sang, Goat, and Gu Jun, and then immediately set off to the depths of Death Valley.

Gu Jun is the man in the world who was treated as an abandoned son by the Tianshi Mansion.

The other eminent monks of Renzin Temple were carrying the still unconscious Khenpo back to the temple. They had been out for a while and needed to go back in time to appease people. The temple also needed someone to abbot.

This white forbidden land is very large. When the group of people walked out of the Snow Salt Lake, they could already see the pre-dawn blue light at the end of the horizon. It would be dawn soon.

As soon as we walked out of the snowy salt lake, lightning started to strike again outside.

And the further you go deeper into Death Valley, the crazier the thunderstorms become and the more frequent lightning strikes the ground.

Even human skin can feel a slight numbness.

"The master who wants to break through to the realm of the Venerable this time believes in Indra, practices the thunder method, calls himself the Thunder God Envoy, and is the incarnation of Indra walking in the world, so he specially chooses to break through the realm in Death Valley. Here The special rules are just suitable for his cultivation and breakthrough." While rushing on the road, Master Luo Sang introduced the situation of the Tianzhu people.

Indra is the God of Thunder in the ancient Tianzhu religion. Among the people, he is also known as the King of Gods, the Son of Power, the King of the World, the God of War and many other titles.

In Tianzhu mythology, Indra once fought against the gods in the sky, killing them so much that even the gods were afraid of him. He broke through ninety-nine pagan temples and beheaded countless pagan gods. He was the man of thunder and absolute power. symbol.

Although it was only a believer of Indra who broke through to the third realm in Death Valley this time, it can also be seen from this that this talented man who claims to be the Messenger of Thunder and the incarnation of Indra practices Shinto far higher than ordinary people. No wonder he dared to break through the realm through thunderstorms in Death Valley. This was not a sign of arrogance, but confidence in the path he was following.

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