White Dragon Lord

Chapter 102 Crossing the River

Old Jimmy stood in the heavy snow, watching the ice floes floating on the river, worried.

After arriving in Bailey City, Gulgaru led the land races to station outside Bailey City. As a strategic deterrent, amphibious creatures such as murlocs were sent to the major water systems of the earldom to guard the river banks and block traffic.

The murlocs lived up to the earl's expectations. With their amphibious advantages, after scuttling several troop transports from the Viscount Leo family and the Earl Lucas family, no one dared to cross the river by force, but things did not go as the earl expected. develop.

The Viscount Leo family and the Earl Lucas family saw through Bailey City's plan. Although there were frictions on the border between the two sides, the high-level officials of both sides were very restrained and did not start a full-scale war.

There is a delicate balance between the three forces, but now, this balance is about to be broken.

Because, with the arrival of winter, the rivers in the Loewy Kingdom in the north began to freeze. According to this trend, after a few winter nights, the surface of the river will be completely frozen and covered with a layer that is enough for the army to pass. ice.

At that time, the amphibious advantages of the murlocs will be gone, and old Jimmy will have to retreat.

"Elder, the snow is heavy again, you should go back quickly."

The murloc guard's reminder interrupted old Jimmy's thoughts.

"The soldiers who were sent out haven't come back yet?"

"Not yet, or I'll be waiting here, elder, go back first, you..."

"Hahaha, little Zhanshi, don't worry about me, don't look at my age, but I have received the gift of Lord Lord and experienced the transformation of dragon veins. Maybe you strong boys are not as good as me."

The fishman guard scratched his head embarrassedly.

Suddenly, old Jimmy was startled, and in the guard's stunned eyes, he jumped into the river water with broken ice floating, swam to the middle of the river ten meters apart, grabbed an ice cube and observed it carefully.

The murloc guard who jumped down with Old Jimmy looked at Old Jimmy's behavior in confusion.

"Little James, immediately notify a few night walkers to search up the river. The blood of the murlocs is frozen in this piece of ice."


Old Jimmy looked at the faint blood in the ice cube in his hand, and his heart was solemn.

Can't help it finally!

Since the beginning of winter, the two rival families seem to have reached an agreement, the friction on the border has almost disappeared, and more and more scouts have been sent to the river banks in the past two days.

In the face of such an obvious danger signal, Old Jimmy sent people to contact Bailey City while sending murloc scouts into the enemy territory to investigate. However, the two teams have not yet returned.

Old Jimmy got the air of conspiracy, and now he was convinced that the enemy couldn't bear it anymore and was going to attack Bailey City.

Not long after Old Jimmy returned to the murloc camp, the murloc nightcrawler who was out searching came back and brought back a frozen murloc corpse.

"Elder, we found our own bodies in the upper reaches of the river."

Old Jimmy looked at the corpse on the ground. There was an arrow stuck behind the corpse. Old Jimmy pulled the arrow out and saw a hammer emblem printed on the arrow.

The hammer emblem is the family emblem of the Earl Lucas family. Sure enough, they will not give up the opportunity to freeze the river. Ten thousand murlocs will definitely not be able to stop the attack of an earl family.

"Notify everyone, prepare to retreat."

Ding Ding Deng!

Suddenly, old Jimmy heard the sound of hooves from far to near.

Eagle Eye!

Old Jimmy's eyes were covered with a faint layer of fluorescence, and he saw the scene on the other side of the river. In the heavy snow, a large number of human cavalry in iron armor were galloping towards the murloc camp.

Old Jimmy saw a dozen people in mage robes at the back of the team, and immediately decided to make a strategic shift.

"Quick! Bring your rations and get into the water."

In the face of an invincible enemy, there is no need for the murlocs to fight with the enemy for the sake of Bailey City.

Old Jimmy took all the murlocs into the bottom of the river. It planned to detour from the river and return to Bailey City. After all, the employment was not over yet.

Not long after, the human cavalry came to the river, and the leading mighty human knight saw murlocs in groups under the water.

"Hmph, count you acquaintances!"

If old Jimmy saw this man in person, he would definitely recognize that he was the hyena that Count Dumbledore took out the magic image and carefully introduced - Count Lucas.

Earl Lucas, whose full name is Silva Lucas, is the patriarch of the contemporary Earl Lucas family.

The knight on the side looked at the murloc with hatred: "Sir, do you want to pursue it?"

Earl Lucas waved his hand: "No, there is no oil or water on the murlocs, there is no need to waste time on them."

"However, these damn murlocs killed nearly a thousand of our soldiers, I..."

Count Lucas' face changed slightly: "Are you questioning my decision!"

The knight quickly bowed his head and stepped back: "My subordinates dare not."

Earl Lucas's face improved, and he explained: "Count Dumbledore is very rich. We must hurry up before Dumbledore's old fox reacts. Don't worry, these murlocs will meet again."

"My lord, aren't we going to hit Hammerfall Town?"

Earl Lucas cast a glance at his subordinates.

"Mage, create a channel!"

Old Jimmy felt the violent fluctuations of magical energy behind him, and when he turned around, he saw that a team of mages had frozen the ice surface, creating an ice road for the army to pass through.

"Everyone dismounts! Cross the river!"

In the snowstorm, the knights led their horses, walked across the ice, and set foot on the land of Dumbledore's Earldom.

On the other side, old Jimmy said to the murloc guards: "You ride the fastest swordfish, enter the sea from the river, and then rush to Bailey City, and tell the Earl to prepare for defense."




Bailey City.

Bruce is awakened by a servant in his sleep.

"Master Bruce, the master is holding an emergency council in the hall."

The confused Bruce heard the word "Emergency Council" and immediately sobered up, hurried to the castle hall, and found that the hall was already full of people.

"Father! What happened?"

"Wait a minute."

Bruce suppressed his doubts and sat on the chair beside him.

After a while, the four-meter-tall two-headed ogre chief pushed open the door, walked in, and sat directly on an extra-large chair.

"Okay, everyone is here."

Earl Dumbledore looked solemn: "Everyone, we are in trouble."

"I just received the information that the hyena brought 2,000 elite cavalry into the hinterland of the territory and plundered everywhere. Leonardo Leo, the heir to the Viscount Leo family, the military aristocrat, is attacking Watch Town with 10,000 soldiers. , what are your thoughts?"

Bruce: "Father, the Lucas family and the Leo family have definitely reached a secret agreement, otherwise how could it be so coincidental, let's do it together!"

A certain baron growled: "That's right! These two families are too hateful!"

Bruce calmly analyzed: "The Hyena expected that we didn't have the ability to fight on two fronts, and gave up attacking Hammerfall, where Viscount Willen was stationed. Let's do our best to rescue Viscount Oliver stationed at Everlook, and then sit and watch the Dumbledore family and Ray. The Ao family is fighting with two tigers, what a vicious method!"

"Yes, Leonardo Leo was pitted by hyenas, but we can only be led by his nose."

"Then civilians don't care?"

Count Dumbledore looked at the quarreling crowd and said: "Civilians will not be in danger. Our priority is to rescue Viscount Oliver. Who wants to lead the team?"

Baron Adams stood up: "I'm going!"

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