White Dragon Lord

Chapter 152 The Trial of Winter

Seeing the familiar figure, the white dragon lord guessed what happened, his face was blue and purple.

The thought of Metznoffy, who was hiding and watching the play, made Amos itch with anger.

"Congratulations, you passed the first hidden level."

Without waiting for the white dragon to speak, Metznoffi raised his hand and stretched out a finger, and energy poured out from the fingertip, forming a rotating black hole with an ice-blue border. The black hole continued to expand during the rotation. The size of a disk, it quickly expanded into a giant swirling black hole.

Metznoffi laughed playfully.

"You are about to face the trial of winter."

Regardless of whether the white dragon answered or not, a suction force burst out from the black hole, and suddenly the lord of the white dragon who was close at hand was sucked into it.

All this happened too fast, before the White Dragon Lord had time to express his anger and dissatisfaction with Metznoffe's bad behavior, he was involved in a black hole.

At the moment of being engulfed by the portal, Bai Long raised a middle finger to express his deep "respect" to Commander Winter.

Metznoffey didn't understand the specific meaning of the white dragon's gesture, and he didn't care.

It looked at the annihilated portal and remembered the great existence that he met when he was still a little master ice element in ancient times, that great existence, and the scene when he threw himself into the portal, and At this moment, how similar.


Of course, the White Dragon Lord didn't know that behind him, Metznoffi murmured with sighs. After it escaped the brief teleportation, it felt that its body began to fall, and hurriedly spread its wings, preventing the body from continuing to fall.

Seen from a distance, an ice-blue portal appeared high in the sky, spit out a white dragon and disappeared, the white dragon spread its wings among the clouds, stopped falling, flapped its wings, suspended in the air, and unfolded a defensive posture .

The White Dragon Lord found himself at a high altitude, with faint white clouds under him, and above his head, an apple-sized sun hung high in the air.

This sun is definitely the smallest sun that White Dragon knows, so small that it seems to be leaving this plane.

The heat provided by such a small sun can be imagined. Even under the sunlight, the White Dragon Lord could not feel the slightest warmth.

Amos estimated that at noon, when the temperature is the highest, the temperature of this plane is equivalent to the coldest winter night in the North Wind Icefield, which is about 100 degrees below zero.

Of course, this kind of low temperature that can instantly freeze ordinary people to death is nothing to the white dragon lord.

After receiving the blessing from the leader of the Winter Legion, Amos's perverted frost resistance has been improved by a big step. Bai Long is not worried about this level of temperature, but he is worried about his current situation.

After confirming that he was temporarily safe, the white dragon lord couldn't help but "praise" the ancestors of Mutznowy by name.


Suddenly, Bai Long was stunned. Elemental creatures were born to be raised, and there was no relatives. He had to end sadly and began to think carefully about his current situation.

Winter's Trial? !

Sure enough, the Silver Dragon Scholar was right, this is a trial similar to the elemental trial.

Generally speaking, it is very beneficial to pass all kinds of trials. Those who pass the test may directly obtain stronger power, or may obtain treasures that enhance their strength, and may also obtain some indirect benefits. Only a few of them are Bullshit.

But no matter what the reward for customs clearance is, it has to be said after customs clearance. However, the difficulty of each trial is different. It is a very dangerous move to rashly participate in an unknown trial.

After Bai Long thought about it for a while, the magic incantation was quickly recited from his mouth. After reading it, Bai Long found that his incantation was sinking into the sea.

Teleport spell failed!

Amos' face changed and the teleportation was invalid, so he could only leave after clearing the trial.

"@#¥%...\u0026amp;! Metznoffee! You bastard, it's better not to fall into my hands,

Otherwise, I will let you taste the torture of dog's tail grass too. "

Afterwards, Bai Long remembered that elemental creatures have no nerve endings, sighed depressedly, and began to think about ways to break the game.

Since it is a trial, then there must be a checkpoint.

Looking around, Bai Long didn't find anything strange, and the biggest possibility was on the ground.

The white dragon lord flew down the white clouds, and at a glance, he saw eight towering snow peaks below him. The snow peaks were completely covered by ice and snow.

What is even more breathtaking than the peak is the foot of the snow peak. The eight snow peaks are connected from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, forming a huge ring mountain range. Like, there is a huge circular platform.

There was no snow on the round stone platform, and these four giant statues were erected in each of the four directions.

Seeing such a situation, White Dragon still doesn't know where this circular platform is the key to the Winter Trial.

The white dragon lord flew down, flapped his wings, suspended above the stone platform, and observed the four statues. Only then did he find four giant sculptures with a height of 300 meters, carved with different postures of the same being.

The images of the statues are all the same woman. Although the postures are different, all the statues reveal the same characteristics, that is, majesty, and coldness. It is a pure cold that is not mixed with anything, as if its It's cold incarnate.

The white dragon lord has never seen such a peculiar statue. He knows that it is a dead thing, but he still can't help but admire it and wants to pay homage.

Amos dared to swear that this was by no means a statue that a mortal sculptor could make.

The invisible force field affects the mind and body of the white dragon lord. The white dragon lord gritted his teeth, forcibly resisted the urge to bend down and bow down to the statue, and landed in the center of the circular square.

The moment the white dragon fell, the two braziers at both ends of the statue's base suddenly ignited, and the ice-blue flames rose 10 meters high.

In Bai Long's eyes, the statue in front of him seemed to come alive.

A majestic, icy voice appeared in the bottom of Bai Long's heart.

"The first test of Winter's Trial - Wisdom."

The white dragon lord was tense all over. He didn't expect that as soon as he fell, when the trial started, he quickly recited the incantation.

"Every question, you have one minute to answer."

The white dragon, who hadn't finished chanting the spell, almost fell to the ground. I took off my pants, so you're going to show me this? !

"Now, please listen to the first question, what can only be increased, not decreased?"

Isn't this a popular brain teaser on the Bluestar network? !

Bai Long was unable to complain in his heart, but since this was the test question, Bai Long was also unable to change, so he could only choose to solve it.


"The answer is correct, please listen to the second question below."

The icy and majestic voice sounded again, but this time, Bai Long thought it was a bit funny.

"The Morguffin Adventure Team encountered danger in the ruins and all died. Why is Morgufin okay?"

The white dragon lord frowned slightly, lowered his head and pondered for ten seconds before replying.

"Morguffin didn't go because of this adventure."

"The answer is correct, please listen to the third question next."

A magic book suddenly appeared in front of Bai Long, and Bai Long saw the twisted and twisted font on the big book that could be used as a pillow for him, and his pupils shrank.

Can't help exclaiming.

"The Book of All Laws!!!"

The Complete Book of Ten Thousand Laws is the deity of the natural department that has long since fallen. It is the exclusive artifact of Isis, the ancient goddess of magic. It records all the magic spells that Isis has collected from ancient times to the present.

The distorted font on the big book floating in front of him, although Bai Long didn't know it at all, he knew as soon as he saw it that it was a divine script—the complete book of all laws, and this was the power of divine script.

Although the divine script is called divine script, it is not a script created by the gods, but because of this script, it has a peculiar power in itself. This peculiar power may make people who don’t know it instantly understand the meaning of the script. The text may convey some kind of information, and the content of the information may be strange, it may be a big secret, or it may be just an insignificant paragraph.

This kind of text cannot be actively written. It will only appear in a certain place by chance. No one knows when it will appear or when it will disappear. , so it is also called divine text.

But there is a kind of existence that can solidify the divine text on the surface of the creation. This kind of existence is the great existence of the gods of the natural department that was born at the beginning of the birth of the world.

The White Dragon Lord closed his eyes and felt the magical fragrance of the Book of Wanfa. The Book of Wanfa had a fatal temptation for the Lord of the White Dragon, as if in the desert, someone who was dying of thirst suddenly got a bottle of pure water.

"Please read this book and answer my questions."

The white dragon lord was stunned for a moment, there is such a good level, but such a problem may be a test for others, but for the systematic white dragon, it is completely pie from heaven.

Amos couldn't wait to stretch out his dragon's claws, wanting to record the complete book of Wanfa. Suddenly, Bailong was startled and quickly stopped his movements.

Not right!

The white dragon lord broke out in a cold sweat. At the beginning, the mysterious voice said that the answering time was one minute. If that was the case, how did the others pass this trial?

In such a short period of time, it is possible to memorize the entire contents of a book that can be used as a pillow. It is not that there are no people who can do this, but it is extremely rare. Among a billion people, there may be only one person with such a perverted memory.

If so, the trial loses its original meaning.

The white dragon lord lowered his head and thought carefully, then raised his head and glanced at what was in front of him.

"My question."

"correct answer."

After Wanfa Quanshu disappeared, the white dragon lord heaved a sigh of relief, betting right, it turned out that the first and second levels were used to confuse the passers-by, and the real killer move was in the third level.

Paralyze the white dragon through the first two levels, tempt the white dragon with the artifact that the white dragon dreams of, and then leave a ray of life in the problem.

If Bai Long did not see through this conspiracy, then the trial failed, the consequences of the trial failure, Bai Long did not know, and it did not want to know now.

"You have passed the first test of Winter's Trial. Remember, wisdom is the shortcut to the road to the strong. Next, you are about to enter the second test of Winter's Test - Perseverance."

As soon as the words fell, the White Dragon Lord suddenly felt his body sink, as if an invisible pressure was pressing on him.

Amos propped himself up on all fours and struggled to lift himself up. He was about to use magic to relieve the pressure on his body, when the white dragon was shocked, because he found that he couldn't pronounce the familiar magic spell. He opened his mouth and could not spit it out. sound.

Damn, this trial is not allowed to use the power of magic.

There is no other way but to resist hard, and the White Dragon Lord is ready to fight a protracted war in his heart.

As time passed by, the pressure on Bai Long became heavier and heavier, and Amos tightened his muscles, trying to support him so that he would not be crushed to the ground.

But the trial has not ended, and the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew. In front of this cold wind, the frost resistance of the white dragon lord seemed to be paper paste, and the cold was thoroughly bone marrow.

Bai Long's body trembled from the cold, his legs couldn't help shaking, and he was suddenly pressed and bent.

not good!

The white dragon gritted his teeth and used his wings and tail to support his body on the ground.

Finally, Bai Long was trembling all over, and with great effort, he straightened his bent legs again.

The pressure on his body is getting bigger and bigger, and the cold wind is getting stronger and stronger.

The lord of the white dragon was in great pain, and the pressure beyond the limit made the white dragon's eyes round, the eyeballs were slightly congested, and the cold wind made the white dragon's body almost numb.

"Give it up. If you give up, you can rest your burden and relax yourself."

"Give up, give up, you can leave here and go back to your comfort zone."

"Give up, give up, you can..."


The tempting voice kept ringing in his ears, and the White Dragon Lord clenched his teeth even tighter.

"I! Never give up!"

The white dragon lord never gives up easily, because at present, the white dragon lord feels that he can hold on for a while, as long as he gives himself a reason to give up before reaching the limit, then there will be a second time. .

Giving up is the beginning of failure.

The persistence of the white dragon lord seemed to anger a certain existence, the pressure on the white dragon increased sharply, the cold wind seemed to freeze the soul of the white dragon, and Amos felt that his thoughts were not smooth.

The huge pressure shattered the hard floor under the white dragon's feet, and the white dragon's legs were embedded in the ground bit by bit, as if they were being pressed into the nails of the plank bit by bit.

Finally, the white dragon's legs were completely submerged into the ground, and the dragon's belly landed on the ground.

The pressure is still increasing, and the white dragon's body is squashed little by little, leaving only the wings and tail, which can provide some insignificant support for the body.

Although the white dragon is calm and rational on weekdays, once it is forced, it is also a very stubborn dragon.

The greater the pressure, the firmer the belief in Bai Long's heart to pass the trial.

Finally, when the White Dragon Lord felt that his eyes were about to be squeezed out, the pressure suddenly disappeared.

The white dragon loosened, and the milky white light covered the white dragon's body, and the gentle energy entered the white dragon's body, repairing the crush and frostbite caused by pressure and cold wind.

Amos felt warm all over, and it didn't take long for the White Dragon Lord to return to his best condition.

Bai Long suddenly jumped up and moved his body without feeling any discomfort, as if everything he had just experienced was fake.

"You have passed the second level of Winter's Trial. Remember, perseverance is the cornerstone of forging a strong man."

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