White Dragon Lord

Chapter 170 Brother's Call

City in the sky - Samiria.

Inside the Supreme Mage Tower directly under the Council, Merlin Tianli sat at his desk, flipping through the documents in his hand, frowning.

This year, the casualties on the battlefield of the bloody battle were too great.

jump jump jump!

At this moment, someone knocked on the closed door.

"Come in."

Merlin Tianli didn't lift his head. As early as when Dennis Clive was standing outside the door, the most powerful mage in Nordhill, a man who was almost a god, knew who was coming.

The female mage tidied her hair and pushed open the door.

"Your Excellency Speaker, I will report the results of the investigation of this powerful demonic energy reaction."

Merlin put down the quill, rubbed his temples, and took the report as a relaxation.

Dennis continued.

"According to Senator Amos, a Balno named Ogreza broke away from the seal. It happened to be in Kumlinge and rushed to fight with him."

Merlin recalled the name Ogreza, and finally remembered that he had read it in an ancient book. Thirteen thousand years ago, the four abyss lords invaded Nordhill together, and the flame demon lord, Ogreza, Is the subordinate of one of the abyss lords.

In the bottomless abyss, only occupying an entire plane can be a justifiable abyss lord. However, in some planes, there is always a situation of multi-pronged confrontation. The Balrog Lord - Ogreza is such a person. A powerful demon on one side.

Wait, if I remember correctly, this guy's lair is on the 132nd floor of the abyss, isn't that the commander's territory on the bloody battlefield!

When I thought of the Balrog Lord, Ogreza, when he went back, he found that his old nest was occupied and the planes were unified. What kind of expression would he have?

It should be able to block some existence. Thinking of which existence was on fire in the backyard, Merlin smiled maliciously.

Dennis didn't know that Merlin had gone through so many scenes in her heart. Seeing Merlin's schadenfreude expression, she didn't know why, so she took out the horn of the flame demon.

"Lord Amos also knocked off one of the demon's horns."

Merlin saw the half of the huge devil's horn taken out by the female mage,


This kind of powerful demon who separates one side has the same level of strength as Grand Duke Yinlong.

Even after 10,000 years of seal, the strength of the Flame Demon Lord has been greatly reduced, and it is not something that ordinary legendary professionals can deal with, let alone destroy a single corner of it.

In this way, that white dragon already possesses high-level legendary combat power.

Merlin leaned back on the chair, folded his hands, suppressing the shock in his heart, and his thoughts swirled.

After a while, the female mage said.

"Your Excellency, how do you end this matter?"

Merlin Tianli came back to his senses, remembering that there must be a public announcement of this matter.

"Well... Senator Amos has done a good job in driving away demons, so let's reward him with 10,000 points."

10,000 points can almost be exchanged for a legendary equipment of slightly lower quality. In this way, I have not let Amos suffer much, and the female mage is also very satisfied.


The female mage withdrew.

Merlin Tianli leaned on the chair and pinched his chin, feeling very interesting. The moment he saw the flame demon's horn, the old mage who had lived for more than a thousand years guessed the cause and effect of the incident.

"This cunning guy will bribe investigators."

Although he understands it in his heart, Merlin Tianli will not break it. This is an unspoken rule.

The bigger the organization is, the more internal interests are involved. The unwritten rules are unwritten rules. Although they are disgusting, they are indeed a great guarantee for maintaining the unity within the organization.

"No, that guy can't be cheap like that."

Merlin stroked his white beard, thinking about how to make use of White Castle.

Although a crime without evidence is not a crime, as long as a reasonable "task" is arranged within the framework of the organization, a certain dragon who must have a guilty conscience will not refuse this great opportunity to contribute to the organization.

While the female mage went to report, the members of the legendary team also passed the collected information to the forces behind them through various channels.

In the southern part of the mainland, in a huge imperial palace, in a book house full of incense, a middle-aged man in a jujube-colored costume sat on a chair, and after listening to the report of the man in black on his knees, he muttered. muttered to himself.

"Uncle Samaranch, really found a good investment target."

The most powerful empire in the mainland, the emperor of the Bolton Dynasty, picked up a yellow fruit on the desk and took a bite.

As soon as he came into contact with this fruit from the overseas archipelago, he was conquered by its unforgettable taste.

The Emperor of the Empire tilted his head with a tangled face.

"Would you like to send someone to get in touch?"

Holy City - Ranorah.

Ranora is the headquarters of the god of justice and light, the church of Norda Hill in Nordhill.

In the sacred milky white hall, the sun sheds soft sunlight from the dome and slants on the exquisite columns carved with reliefs of angels.

In the center of the hall, an old man with white hair, wearing a milky white robe with a gold border, knelt down in front of the tall statue at the end of the hall, praying in a low voice.

At this moment, a handsome paladin in gorgeous armor pushed open the door, walked in, and stood respectfully behind the archbishop.

After a long time, the Archbishop finished his prayer, stood up, and walked out the door.

"What happened?"

The Paladin followed behind the person he most respected and said solemnly.

"His Excellency Archbishop, Lord Balrog - Ogreza broke free from the seal and fled back to the abyss."

The old archbishop frowned into a Sichuan character.

"what happened?"

"That's it,... Your Excellency Archbishop, what should we do?"

"This white dragon is on Nordhill's side, let's observe it for a while."


Within two hours, the heads of any influential organization in Nordhill learned a piece of intelligence with the same content.

The reactions of all parties were different, but all of them raised the level of attention to the White Dragon Lord.

The protagonist of the topic, the lord of the white dragon, Amos, painted a magic circle in the temporary camp of the monster army in the central area of ​​Kumlinge.

This kind of magic circle, Elena had used it, and communicated with the Silver Dragon Scholar, and invited reinforcements.

Amos also intends to use the same method to use the power of the magic circle and his real name to deliver news to Elena who is far away in the Nine Eyes Alliance.

The magic circle was successfully activated, and Amos used the half dragon's real name to send a message to the druid dragon, Elena.

This method of transmitting information based on the power of the real name, although it requires the help of a magic circle, the steps are relatively cumbersome, but it is more stable and safe, no matter where the communication object is, the transmitted information can be obtained.

In a cave in the Elf Forest, Elena opened her eyes in a daze.

"Amos is calling me?!"

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