After the white dragon lord paid tribute to the statue of Bahamut, he accepted the invitation of the red copper dragon and went to the red copper dragon's house to have lunch with the red copper dragon's family.

The two dragons flew all the way to the edge of Bahamut's Wall, and finally reached a large red spherical building.

The White Dragon Lord glanced at the houses of the other giant dragons around and found that the house of the red copper dragon—the house of the Vernosi Starhall family was not the largest, but it was relatively large.

It seems that the Star Hall family has either been brilliant before or is very powerful now. After all, it is not an easy thing to have a large house in the Holy City of the Platinum Dragon God.

Vernosi hovered at the top of the spherical building, turned back and said.

"Welcome to the home of the Starhall family, Lord Amos."

"I am also honored to come to the Starhall family."

After politely saying a few words, the two dragons flew into the house.

The first thing that caught the eye of the White Dragon Lord was the huge table at the bottom of the spherical building. This was the dining table used by the Starhall family for dinner. As for why it was not a conference table, it was because the White Dragon Lord saw that food was already placed on the table.

The interior of the building is a vertical rugby-shaped wall, with some circular holes neatly distributed on the wall. This is the entrance to the room of the giant dragons, and some juvenile dragons fly in and out from time to time.

When the young dragon saw Vernosi, he flew over in surprise to greet Vernosi, and at the same time looked at the white dragon lord curiously.

Soon the two dragons gathered around a large group of small dragons, chatting and arguing non-stop. The young dragons seemed timid to the unfamiliar white dragon, but they were more casual to Vernosi, asking about the wonderful outside world.

The white dragon lord counted, and there were 21 copper juvenile dragons in total.

In addition to Vernosi and Bailong, the adult dragons have only two very old dragons waiting at the dining table.

Such a scene reminded Lord Bailong of the left-behind children who lived with their grandparents in their previous life.

Vernosi couldn't bear to be questioned by a group of bear children.

"Okay, brothers and sisters, don't keep Stan Roata and Molida Amu waiting for a long time."

Only then did the bear children let Vernosi go,

Follow the two dragons and hula la to the table.

The female extremely old dragon said.

"Welcome to the home of the Starhall family, Lord Amos, Vernosi has sent a letter to tell us what happened, thank you for your help to Vernosi."

"Morida Arm, you're too polite, in fact, it was Vernosi who came to help me."

The male extremely old dragon on the side shouted happily.

"It doesn't matter who helps whom! Anyone who can kill a Titan is a good dragon! Let's celebrate today!"

Amid the cheers of a group of bear children, the banquet began.

The dishes prepared by the two extremely old dragons are very rich. There are various fruits produced in Golden Paradise, sacred shells produced in the river of Holy Light Paradise, huge insects specializing in Amber Paradise, and a large group of unknown names. food.

After a full meal, the white dragon lord chatted with the two extremely old dragons and learned about the dragon culture of the astral era.

Although the inheritance of dragons from the ancestors is all-encompassing, most of them are important things, and some daily culture and the like will not be recorded. Now that there are two living fossils on the side, the white dragon lord naturally wants to ask for advice.

The white dragon lord learned that in the ancient astral era, when the dragons lived in groups, the dragons also had rich cultures, such as a systematic food culture and casting techniques.

"I think back then, when the dragon gods didn't split up, how powerful our giant dragon family was, the giant dragon armed, the astral fortress, the ten thousand dragons, invincible, all the tribes surrendered, and now, there are only three holy places, I can still see the scene of ten thousand dragons flying together..."

"A thousand years ago, when our husband and wife traveled on the plane of Bilud, the plane of Bilud happened to discover the ruins of an arcane empire..."

"Now, in many material planes, there are even people who regard dragons as uncivilized beasts, which is really sad and lamentable!  …"

"When fighting a Hydra, don't ignore its tail..."

Maybe no matter what creatures are old, they like to nag. The two old dragons talked for seven days and seven nights, not only the past of ancient times, but also some secret stories that the two dragons have heard, or the experience of the two dragons fighting other creatures. Dabbing, let the white dragon lord gain a lot, and feel that this trip is worthwhile.

There is no lasting feast in the world. A few days later, the White Dragon Lord left some specialties of Nordhill and bid farewell to the Starhall family.

Accompanied by Vernosi, the white dragon lord came to the golden wilderness and easily collected enough tobacco seeds.

The last purpose of coming to Golden Paradise has also been achieved. The white dragon lord thought about the bloodline advancement ceremony of the dragon brother and sister, and took the teleportation array of the holy city to return to the Nordhill continent.

After the White Dragon Lord returned to the White Tower, he immediately dealt with the spoils of the Ocean Titan.

Ocean Titan - Parima has three magical items, one of which is legendary equipment.

This legendary equipment is a ring, which looks a little transparent, but it seems to be the skeleton of some kind of creature, and the white dragon lord can't recognize the material.


【Name】:Simero's Ring of Vengeance

【Introduction】:Diamond Titan - a ring made of Simmerau's kneecap. Simmerau is a powerful Titan warrior, but due to an arrow in his knee, he was overtaken and killed by the enemy. Simmerau's child failed to Retrieved his father's body, but found the pierced kneecap. He polished the ring with the kneecap that was hit by an arrow, admonishing himself to avenge his father.

Ring with magic:

[Diamond Body]: Turn the whole body into diamonds for three seconds; Physical Defense: Unbreakable defenses within three seconds; Magic Defense: Can resist most legendary magics; Cooldown time 30 days.

[Simero's Wrath]: Summons a diamond titan spear, which can be thrown as a spear or a weapon, limited to the titan race; the cooldown is three days.

After the White Dragon Lord watched the magic attached to [Simero's Ring of Vengeance], he secretly rejoiced that if the White Dragon Lord had not taken away Parima in a wave, maybe Parima might have caused some trouble for the White Dragon Lord.

The Diamond Titans are the legendary race of Titans, and their Titan Spears are no joke.

The White Dragon Lord thought for a moment and decided to give this legendary equipment to Willy. Willy focuses on melee combat, and accidents are prone to occur. [Diamond Body] can save his life at a critical moment.

The fly in the ointment is that [Simero's Wrath] can only be used by Titans.

Although the other two pieces are not legendary equipment, they can be worn by the Ocean Titan, which is also very extraordinary. The White Dragon Lord added them to his collection.

Willy happily took the [Simero's Ring of Vengeance] and left, leaving behind a Titan's body.

How to deal with the corpse of the Ocean Titan, this makes the White Dragon Lord a little bit troubled.

Titans, like dragons, are also magical creatures, and their bodies can also make powerful magical equipment.

The corpse of the enemy is used to enhance the strength of one's own side. This kind of thing is approved by the white dragon lord with both hands.

But this ocean titan is not strong enough, it is difficult to make such good things as legendary equipment, and more high-quality magic equipment is useless for today's white dragon.

Finally, the white dragon lord made a specimen of the ocean titan and placed it in the dragon beast academy to educate the young dragons.


three days later.

Inside the White Tower, in the laboratory of the White Dragon Lord.

The white dragon lord closed his eyes, and the whole dragon remained motionless. On the table in front of him, there were 120 kinds of materials neatly placed. The materials were all-inclusive, including bloody animal bones, and exotic flowers and plants preserved in different ways. And the liquid in the glass jar...  

After a lot of hard work and countless money, the 120 kinds of materials required for the advanced bloodline advancement ceremony were finally collected.

But the complete material is the beginning of the White Dragon Lord's mission.

The advanced bloodline advancement ceremony prepared by the white dragon lord for the dragon brother and sister is very complicated. It not only requires the cooperation of a special magic array, but also requires nine kinds of medicines, both for internal use and external application, and the order and time interval for the use of these nine medicines are required. .

The whole ceremony can be described as extremely complicated. Thinking of this, Lord White Dragon is grateful to all of the Winter Legion. When its bloodline advanced, it fainted at the beginning, and did not know the series of processes that followed.

Thinking about it at this time, the bloodline advancement ceremony must be extremely complicated.

After returning to Nordhill, the white dragon lord rested for three days and regained his energy before starting to prepare the medicine needed for the bloodline advancement ceremony.

In front of the experimental table, the white dragon lord closed his eyes and repeatedly deduced in his mind the materials required for the first potion, the processing technology of the materials, and the configuration process.

Even if these procedures are memorized by heart, the White Dragon Lord cannot guarantee a success.

It's just that the white dragon lord has collected multiple copies of the materials, and there are magic towers and golden fingers to help, so the probability of success is still very high.

The white dragon lord opened his eyes and opened his golden finger at the same time.

The senses of the white dragon lord were instantly strengthened, as if time had slowed down, and everything around him was extremely clear. He could even clearly see the dust in the small holes of the stone experimental table.

The first step in the experiment is to process the material.

The mage's hand picked up a crystal box. The transparent crystal box contained an ice-blue flower. The moment the lid was opened, a cold air came out of the box.

This is a peculiar magical plant that can only grow in extremely cold places - Xihan Flower.

Xihan Flower, its petals contain a lot of special ice magic elements, take off the petals and dissolve it in one liter of distilled water, the distilled water will freeze instantly, put the ice cubes under the magic flame of 700 degrees Celsius to melt,... , until the liquid turns a pure blue color and store in a crystal bottle.

After sorting out the processing process of Xihanhua in his mind, the White Dragon Lord took action.

First, pick off the seven petals of Xihan Flower, which are as thin as cicada wings, and put them into the distilled water that has been prepared. The petals whose temperature is lower than the cold ice touch the distilled water and melt instantly, and then the distilled water in the crystal test tube is visible to the naked eye. speed of icing.

The White Dragon Lord activated the magic circle on the experimental table, and flames burst out.

With the help of Goldfinger, the white dragon lord accurately adjusted the temperature to 700 degrees Celsius, and his mental power controlled seven crystal test tubes that were brimming with cold air, and roasted them on the flame.

Time passed minute by minute, and it took a full half an hour to melt the water frozen by the powerful magical energy in Xihanhua, and the ice melted into a light blue liquid.

The white dragon lord poured the liquid into a special beaker, adjusted the temperature to 320 degrees Celsius, placed the beaker on the iron frame, the water vapor gradually evaporated, the blue became deeper and deeper, and the temperature of the flame also followed Variety.


Twenty hours later, the White Dragon Lord finally processed the seventeen materials required for the first potion, and then fused and processed the materials in order.

In the middle of the night, the tired white dragon lord looked at the crystal test tube with a terrifying chill in his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief. The powerful control of the golden finger, coupled with the continuous replenishment of magic power from the magic tower, the white dragon lord finally prepared the first potion. success.

But after opening the golden finger for a whole day, Rao felt a little overwhelmed by the amazing spiritual power of the white dragon lord.

The white dragon lord put the potion in a special alchemy magic circle to save, and then returned to the room to rest.


The next day, the white dragon lord and three dragon brothers and sisters ate in the restaurant together.

After the founding of Yafei Aiwei, the White Dragon Lord kept Elena in the White Castle on the grounds of the bloodline advancement ceremony.

Elena's teacher, Hajir Dry Vine, took a deep look at the White Dragon Lord and agreed.

So the four dragons gathered together.

The atmosphere of the meal was a bit silent, and Felicia, Elena and Willy all knew what the White Dragon Lord was busy with.

Seeing their brother's tired appearance, they felt sorry for them.

After a full meal, the White Dragon Lord and Felicia discussed Tiamat's teachings again.

After Felicia stepped into the legend and strengthened her beliefs, it was not so easy to accept Bai Long's "correct" thinking.

Therefore, the White Dragon Lord intends to give Longmei more lessons on this issue before the preparations for the Bloodline Advancement Ceremony are completed.

From the current point of view, the effect of the White Dragon Lord's efforts is still good, and Felicia rarely loses her temper at the Dragon Beast Academy.

Time passed by like this, the white dragon lord would prepare the potion after resting, rest when he was tired, find some time to chat with his brother and sister, and give ideological education class to the sister who has problems.

The life of the White Dragon Lord is full and busy.

Two months later, the preparation of the potions of the White Dragon Lord was completed. Although two pieces of materials were destroyed, four potions were successfully produced.

In addition to what was given to Longdi and Longmei, there was still one left, which the lord of the white dragon left behind. This kind of good thing cannot be bought with money.

Just as the White Dragon Lord was preparing the magic circle for the bloodline advancement ceremony for his brother and sister, Gulgaru received news and asked the White Dragon Lord to visit in person.

Since the establishment of the kingdom, except for some important matters that need to be handled by the White Dragon Lord personally, the less important things have been handled by Gulgaru, and some daily trivial matters have been handed over to the king brought back from the world of Madillan, that is, Gul Garou's assistant.

Therefore, Gulgaru informed the White Dragon Lord that there must be a major event that he could not make up his mind.

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