White Dragon Lord

Chapter 277 Dragon Mother Returns

Baita calendar year 1 late summer.

The second floor of the basement of the White Tower, this floor was originally a cage for holding dangerous creatures, but now it has been transformed into a temporary place for the bloodline advancement ceremony by the White Dragon Lord.

The white dragon lord stood in front of a mysterious magic circle, looking solemnly at the three dragon brothers and sisters in front of him.

"Have you remembered the order of use of the eight medicines and the precautions?!"

"Remember." X3

"very good."

The White Dragon Lord nodded.

"Then take the medicine."

Long brother Longmei drank the first potion excitedly.

The natural lifespan of ordinary dragons is two thousand years, and even the longest-lived golden dragon will not exceed three thousand years. If you can't break through the biological limit and become a high-level legend before the lifespan reaches the end, even a peak dragon with a biological level of 24, In the end, it's just a pile of bones.

But how difficult it is to break through the limits of biology, Nordhill has thousands of native dragons, not counting the white dragon lords, only 4 have broken through to the high-level legend.

Moreover, among the 4 high-level legendary dragons, the breakthrough time span of the golden dragon and the silver dragon is more than 3,000 years, which means that there is a generation of half-dragons, and there is not a single high-level legend.

Today, the bloodline advancement ceremony will greatly increase the bloodline concentration of the ancestral dragon in the three dragons, and the door to high-level legends will soon be opened for them.

As for the success of the ceremony, Sanlong looked at a test tube in his hand. The test tube contained a strange kind of blood. The bright red and hot blood was tinged with faint blue stars, giving Sanlong a kind of blood pressure.

Zulong blood! ! !

Sanlong is full of confidence in this bloodline ceremony. Even if this bloodline advanced ceremony can't allow them to get a ticket to directly step into the high-level legend, it can make their way forward a lot easier.

A high-level legend seems to be a door. Ordinary dragons use their bodies to hit the door of confinement, while dragons with high-concentration ancestral dragon bloodline have the key to the door and can directly advance.

One by one, the medicines were swallowed one by one, and the surging medicinal power spread out in the three dragons, impacting their internal organs.

Sanlong endured the discomfort and took the remaining three potions in his hand,

Apply separately to the head, throat and heart.

After completing the final preparations, the three dragons lie in the center of the three mysterious golden magic circles.

The eight potions are all legendary and have different effects. Some potions can stimulate the long-silent Ancestral Dragon genes in Sanlong, some provide energy, some repair damaged bodies, and some... .

But the most important thing is the blood of Zulong in Sanlong's hands.

The three dragons connected the test tube and swallowed the blood of the ancestor dragon into the abdomen, and the powerful gastric juice of the giant dragon dissolved the crystal test tube.

Zulong's blood was a little spark, which detonated the turbulent medicinal power in Sanlong's body, and Sanlong instantly fainted. The white dragon lord quickly activated the magic circle under Sanlong's body.

With the input of magic power, the magic circle drawn with golden paint burst into dazzling brilliance, and a special magic energy poured into Sanlong's body. Sanlong was bathed in a layer of golden light, and the hideous and painful expression gradually calmed down.

The three dragons absorbed the elements in the air at the same time, forming a magic vortex around them. The magic elements in the second underground floor of the magic tower were drained in a moment, and the magic tower controlled by the golden finger quickly mobilized the energy in the element pool. Pour into the body of the three dragons.

The energy stored in the pool of the four elements gradually decreased, and these elements became the resources for the growth of the three dragons.

one day…….

Two days….

Three days….

After the energy of the element pool bottomed out, some of the spare element crystals were consumed, and Sanlong finally stopped absorbing magical energy.

The white dragon lord looked at the three dragons who fell into a deep sleep, and heaved a sigh of relief.

At this point, the bloodline advancement ceremony has finally settled, and the three dragons need to fall asleep to adapt to the skyrocketing power.

When the three dragons wake up, they will officially step into the legend and become the backbone of the White Castle, and their fighting power will far exceed that of ordinary white dragons, based on the blood of their ancestors.

The white dragon lord gently closed the door, and immediately saw Willy's pet, the lava dog, who was guarding the door.

Because the temperature of the lava dog is too high, it is easy to damage the ground of the old white castle, so Willy has been raising it in a volcano outside.

Now, the white tower is built, and the enchanted magic tower can withstand the high temperature of the lava dog, so Willy brought it back to be a guard dog.

The white dragon lord patted the head of the guard dog who was doing his duty, and walked along the spiral staircase to the surface.

The sun in the late summer is still vicious. This kind of weather is not suitable for the activities of the white dragon, but a problem has been solved. The lord of the white dragon is in a particularly happy mood. He walks in the blooming garden and hums the tune of his previous life.

The lord of the white dragon crossed to the White Castle Hall. It guarded the dragon brother and sister for three days. He did not receive any information from the outside world for three days.

Gul'garu's assistant, Hobbs Scott, was handling official business in the hall.

Of course, no one would sit on the throne except the White Dragon Lord. Hobbs sat on a chair beside the hall with two stacks of paper in front of him.

These papers are the information submitted by various places, with the official seals of various places on them, recording various issues, such as the progress report of the newly developed island, the population growth report, the criminal record report... .

Hobbs was reading it so seriously that the huge white dragon lord did not find it when he entered the house.

After he came to Nordhill mainland, Hobbs has been helping Gulgaru with his official business. Although he has changed to another world, the foundation of his previous kingship is still there, and Hobbs is quite handy in handling these matters.

And after arriving in Nordhill, Hobbs came into contact with mysterious powers. Although he has the talent of a mage, his talent is not very good. It is estimated that he is only a middle-level mage in the end.

The white dragon lord promised him that if he behaved well, he would give him a long life. Therefore, Hobbes worked more seriously.

With such a qualified assistant, Gulgaru was also freed from the arduous affairs and concentrated on his practice.

The White Dragon Lord has less to do, and often does not come to the hall for half a month.

The attendant standing beside Hobbs found the white dragon lord and hurriedly knelt down to salute.

"Good day! Your great majesty!"

The voice woke Hobbs, who was dealing with things, and Hobbs hurriedly saluted.

After the white dragon lord asked the two to stand up, he spoke directly.

"Has anything major happened recently?"

Hobbs looked at the white dragon lord cautiously, lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, the old blind elder is dead."

The white dragon lord's heart sank, and his good mood instantly decreased by half.

Without waiting for the White Dragon Lord to speak, Hobbs continued.

"After returning to the army, the old blind elder joined the team to clean up the demonized beasts, and every time he took the lead."

"Two days ago, when the old blind elder was leading the team on a mission, he accidentally discovered a group of demonized electric eels. The power of the electric eels was too strong. In the end, he fought to the death.”

Hobbs respectfully put the information on the table aside and presented it with both hands.

The Magic Hand took the information and handed it to the White Dragon Lord.

In addition to what Hobbes said, the paper also recorded the outcome of the matter.

All the team members escaped and quickly notified the main force to annihilate the group of electric eels that had been maimed by the old blind eye, while the old blind eye was swallowed by the group of electric eels, leaving no bones.

The white dragon lord's brows gradually stretched, and the last wish of the old blind eye was to die in battle, and now it has been fulfilled.

"Pass my order to find the most outstanding blacksmith in the mainland, build a stone statue of an old blind man, and place it on the White Dragon Square in White Scale City."

Every country needs heroes, and the old blind eye is undoubtedly such a hero. He has made countless contributions in the history of the development of the White Castle force. He feels that he has no hope of stepping into the legend, so he returns to the army and finally protects his teammates from the battlefield. Fort burns the last of life.

Whether from an emotional point of view or from a political point of view, the white dragon lord will vigorously publicize the heroic deeds of the old blind. Serve the tradition of the motherland.

"Order governments at all levels to vigorously publicize the heroic deeds of the old blind man, write the old blind man's deeds into textbooks, and pass on this dedication to the next generation."

The white dragon lord bowed his head and pondered. Even if the old blind eye left, he left a huge fortune for the newly born Yafei Aiwei. If the deceased is like this, then give his due reward to his clan.

"The White Scale Clan is exempt from tax for one year!"

Hobbs recorded the White Dragon Lord's order, and the White Dragon Lord turned and returned to the bedroom.


A year passed in the blink of an eye.

This year's Nordhill was very calm, except that some small countries used force due to border friction, nothing else happened.

Small troubles on the mainland will not affect the overseas Yafei Aiwei. The newly born Yafei Aiwei Kingdom thrives and has made great progress both economically and militarily.

The number of foreigners in the overseas archipelago is also increasing. According to official statistics, the number of foreigners has exceeded three million.

In Nordhill, where there are no high-speed trains, planes and giant ships, three million migrants are not a small number, and the total population of some small countries may not be three million.

These foreign populations are more or less skilled, and they have contributed to the advancement of society in the overseas islands.

But the development of the people is not what the White Dragon Lord cares most about. Now, the White Dragon Lord is most concerned about the thousand "drifting bottles" that he threw out.

A year has passed, and the dimensional explorers have not responded, which makes the white dragon lord complain that because the predecessors of the traversers are all European emperors, they can pick up artifacts when they go out. Why is their luck only at the level of ordinary people.

The news of the dimensional explorers did not wait, but the white dragon lord waited for the dragon mother to come back.

After destroying Sandonar, the main city of barbarians in the north, Long Ma fled overseas in order to avoid the pursuit of the legendary priest, Archbishop Augsger. you.

And the mother of dragons, Salerina Aldridge's first stop in Nordhill, was the Overseas Islands.

Since the dragon brothers and sisters were sleeping, only the lord of the white dragon, Yilong, received the returning dragon mother.

In the luxurious restaurant of White Castle, the White Dragon Lord and Long Ma sat opposite each other.

"Oh, Amos, you really amaze me. After just a few years of absence, you have established a kingdom, and this kingdom is so powerful,..."

Along the way, realizing the power of Yafei Aiwei Kingdom, Long Ma was full of praise for her son's achievements.

The white dragon lord raised a huge wine glass.

"All this is inseparable from the training of the mother in the past!"

Salilina raised her glass with joy. Of course she knew that the white dragon lord was talking politely. Back then, her attitude towards the young Amos was better than that of ordinary young dragons, but it was definitely not the word "cultivation". .

But Amos's words expressed an attitude. The friendly relationship between their mother and son will continue. It must be known that the family relationship between the five-colored dragons is quite weak. It is possible to fight for a gold coin, let alone maintain a long-term friendship. Contact, unless the strength is equal.

However, the current White Dragon Lord makes Salilina feel unfathomable. In terms of strength, Long Ma has lost the qualification to have an equal dialogue with the White Dragon Lord. The White Dragon Lord took the initiative to release goodwill, and Long Ma is of course extremely happy.

With both parties willing to release goodwill, a pleasant dinner came to an end.

After the reception was over, Long Ma sat contentedly on a special chair and talked about her purpose of coming to Baibao.

"Amos, although the funeral of that old man Ogusger has been held for a few years, I'm still a little worried. If he cheated to death and set up a trap to wait for me to go back, it would be bad."

The white dragon lord said indifferently.

"Then it's better if you don't go back, stay in the overseas archipelago, no one dares to touch you."

Long Ma was stunned when she heard the words, the lord of the white dragon does have the strength to protect it, but it does not want to become the vassal of the lord of the white dragon.

Moreover, it is the disaster of the north wind-Sallina Aldridge, who is also regarded as the No. 1 dragon in the dragon world. She was forced to give up the territory. This place has to be found no matter what. Long mother has long been in her heart. How to get revenge on the northern barbarians.

Long Ma politely rejected the kindness of the white dragon lord, and the white dragon lord did not take it seriously.

Although the dragon mother is very strong and the creature level is as high as level 23, for today's White Castle, a level 23 legendary dragon is really not enough to stay.

The white dragon lord pondered for a moment, and the legendary priest, Augsger, was buried in the holy mountain of barbarians after his death. The defense on the holy mountain must be super strong, even the half-step legendary Bucky Darkscale would not dare to say that it is foolproof. .

The only one who can do it without fail is the leopard——Yiel.

"Yuier, you sneak into the holy mountain of the northern barbarians, check the cemetery of Augsger, and see if there are any corpses in the coffin."

"Yes, Master."

You Leopard's lingering voice sounded, and Long Ma only heard its voice, but saw no one, and was horrified in her heart.

It seems that his son's power is stronger than he imagined.

But that's a good thing, and it seems that this event is foolproof.

Mother Long breathed a sigh of relief.

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