White Dragon Lord

Chapter 286 The rules between gods

High-value targets are identified, and the barbarian hunters are in action.

The barbarian social system is different from the human social system. In human society, the leaders are not necessarily strong, but in most cases, human leaders are wise. They often sit in the rear and direct the sergeants to charge.

The barbarian is a race that advocates force extremely, the clan chiefs are always on the front line, and Perma Khan is no exception.

This agile and powerful barbarian wielded a sharp machete in his hand, seemingly aimlessly slaughtering ordinary soldiers on the White Bird City side, but in fact he was approaching Saroc with a purpose.

The surging energy surged in the body, and before the ordinary soldier could react, he was stabbed at the head by Perma Khan. Under the leadership of the brave and unparalleled chief, the barbarian team was like a broken bamboo and quickly opened up an alley.

The route chosen by the barbarians was very tricky. It was an alley with a width of no more than two meters. There were tall buildings on both sides of the alley. — Owen found an anomaly.

"Master Saroc! Something's wrong! That team of barbarians is coming for you, hurry up and move!"

Sarok was shocked when he heard the words, and with the dim vision blessing, he looked at the barbarian chief who was leading the barbarians to charge, and saw a blood-soaked barbarian slashed with a machete in his hand, cutting off the heads of several soldiers blocking the road.

He kicked down the headless corpse that looked like a fountain of blood. The barbarian chief grinned and stepped over the corpse. Behind him, a group of barbarians who were obviously beyond the level of ordinary barbarians were covering him, and the direction they were heading was exactly where they were.

Saroc's eyes sparkled and he struggled in his heart. No matter which side of the war, the leader is a clear banner. Once this banner falls, it will cause a fatal blow to morale.

Perma Khan wanted to kill Sarok, but Sarok didn't want to deal with the barbarian chief.

Even legendary warriors, if they don't escape, will be drowned by the crowd, let alone masters.

Moreover, Saroc is the heir of the White Bird City, which has been passed down for hundreds of years. He also has magical items that can threaten the master-level powerhouse. This is the heritage of the long-standing noble.

Sarok took out an exquisite long wooden box, opened the box, and saw a special crossbow arrow lying on the red cloth in the box. This crossbow arrow was completely transparent, like a work of art made of crystal.

Mage Owen's pupils shrank. Mage's induction of magic energy is far better than other professions. At the moment when the crossbow arrow was exposed to the air, he sensed a strong magic and a sharp breath.

Sarok handed the crossbow arrow to the Viscount's Guard Captain - Avalon, who was the Shimir family, the strongest other than Viscount Namisha and the master-level powerhouse - Tomaru.

But what everyone didn't notice was that, at some point, a goshawk lowered its flight height and hovered above their heads. The barbarian wizard saw the series of movements of everyone.

The crossbow was wound, and Perma Khan also received a magical message.


The crossbow arrow shot, without dazzling light, the sharp arrow silently broke through the air and attacked Perma Khan.

Perma Khan, who received the warning from the old wizard, always pays attention to the movement of the enemy. At the moment when the crossbow arrow is fired, he feels like a light on his back. At this time, he does not care about the face of the chief. in the corner.

The crossbow arrow hit the barbarian elite behind Perma Khan, and after piercing several people, it hit the ground, leaving a dark hole.

Several elite barbarians fell to the ground and could follow behind the chief. These barbarians were naturally not simple characters, they were the mainstay of the tribe.

The death of a companion who had been with him day and night, Perma Khan's heart was full of anger, and the machete in his hand was almost at its extreme.

Although several barbarians were killed, the main goal was safe, and the dark arrow wounding led by Sarok failed.

Before he could think about the reason for his failure, Saroc took out a scroll and activated it directly. The red magic energy was drilled out of the magic scroll and quickly shot into the bodyguards.

Mass bloodthirsty!

Everyone suddenly felt a rage in their hearts, and they just wanted to rush to the battlefield and shred the hateful enemy.

But these diehard guards cultivated by the Simil family have the strength of professionals. They keep in mind their mission to protect the master, suppress the impulse in their hearts, continue to maintain the formation with red eyes, and guard by the master's side.

"Go! Kill them!"

Following Sarok's order, the guard who suppressed the bloodthirsty impulse in his heart jumped directly from the house several meters high and rushed towards the barbarian chief.

Sarlock calculated in his heart that more than 20 elite soldiers with the blessing of bloodthirsty, even if they couldn't defeat the barbarian chieftain, they could delay it for a while. As long as the reinforcements of the third prince arrived, victory would belong to White Bird City.

Sure enough, as Saroc had thought, the soldiers who had been blessed with the bloodthirsty technique were not afraid of death.

But the real ultimate move of the barbarians is not the elite team led by the barbarian chiefs. Before the war, the old wizard had long expected that the human commanders were not lacking in the protection of elite soldiers, and the human nobles also had the bottom cards.

Although the elites led by the barbarian chiefs can deter human commanders to a certain extent, they are unlikely to kill the opponent, and the assassination still relies on the dagger pierced from the shadows.

The barbarian's plan is to lead the barbarian chief to put pressure on the human commander. If the human commander sees the barbarian chief fleeing in fear of the battle, the barbarian will shout "The chief of White Bird City is dead", and he cannot see the morale of the commander's soldiers. will collapse immediately.

If the human commander does not choose to avoid the battle, he will inevitably send the masters and guards around him to block the brave barbarian chieftain, and the guard strength around him will be greatly reduced, and the assassins in the shadows will have a chance.

The barbarian's plan was successful. With the help of the goshawk's visual superiority in the air, the barbarian quickly found the command center of White Bird City, and the assassin also approached Saroc along the route indicated by the wizard.

Without the guards of a large number of soldiers, Sarlock was left with only Mage Owen and the captain of the guard, Avalon, standing beside Sarlock.

Since Sarrok was blessed with protective arrows by Owen, the barbarian killer could only launch a surprise attack from behind.

The barbarian killer approached lightly but quickly, holding a matte dagger in his hand, breathing for a long time, even his heartbeat slowed a bit, and he only had his own goal in his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt that he stepped on something... The barbarian killer had a bad heart and couldn't care about hiding. The barbarian killer accelerated and rushed towards the nearby target, his arm stretched to the longest, and the dagger in his hand stabbed the target's waist between the kidneys.

As a precaution, the magic alert trap that was set up was triggered, and the Mage Owen didn't have time to think about it, and activated the magic ring on his finger.

Ring of Resistance!

An invisible force field, centered on Mage Owen, spread out around, hitting the barbarian killer and pushing him away.

At this time, the barbarian killer's dagger had already pierced Saroc's uniform, the hairs on Saroc's waist stood on end, and his heart was stagnant.

The barbarian killer's dagger pierced his clothes, and just pierced Sarok's skin, leaving a red dot on his back waist, and was pushed away by the ring of resistance.

When the ring of resistance appeared, Avalon, the captain of the Guards, reacted and quickly protected Saroc, looking at the assassin who was pushed upside down by the magic field, and threw out the long sword in his hand in anger.

In mid-air, the assassin used a dagger to poke his sword away. Even though he was unwilling, the barbarian killer knew that he had no chance, and without the slightest nostalgia, he quickly disappeared into the alley and disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

Worrying about the assassin and his companions, Avalon pulled out a spare dagger and guarded the surrounding area, while Owen added a magic shield to Saroc.

At this time, the son of the viscount, the acting city lord of White Bird City, Saroc, only then reacted. He stretched his finger to his waist and touched it, and then stretched his hand to his eyes. The dazzling blush made Saroc's face turn pale with fright.

If the assassin was not holding a dagger, but a short sword, Saroc would have been pierced in the kidney at this time, and once Saroc fell, the White Bird City would suffer heavy losses in this war.

Sarok broke out in a cold sweat.

In the distance, the old wizard who was under heavy protection found that the assassination failed, and his face suddenly became ugly. At this time, through the goshawk in the sky, the old wizard discovered the white wolf army that came, and quickly sent a message to the barbarian chief who was still fighting.

"You can't do anything, retreat quickly!"

The barbarian chief looked at Sarok in the distance and felt unwilling, but he could only accept the fact and growled.


At the same time, there was a loud eagle cry in the sky, which was a signal to retreat, and the barbarians fought and retreated.

Mage Owen looked up and found the goshawk in the sky, and a water arrow pierced it.

The master-level powerhouse sent by the third prince to support Hatim had a happy expression on his face. Due to the lack of communication between the two sides, Hatim could not find his own protection target on the chaotic battlefield, but at this time, the barbarians retreated. It means that the Shiratori Castle side has won.

"The barbarian has failed!"

Hatim shouted, and then led someone to chase after him, trying to leave more barbarians behind.

Everyone also noticed the retreat of the barbarians and shouted.

"Master! The barbarians have retreated!"

Sarlock woke up, and immediately decided to pursue the victory.


Beating the Reservoir Dogs is something everyone loves to see and are willing to participate in. The morale of the White Bird City side soared, and the barbarians finally left 3,000 corpses and retreated into the woods outside the South City Gate.

Everywhere Lin Mo enters!

After the barbarians retreated into the woods, Shiratori Castle stopped the pursuit.

In the battle of White Bird City, the number of people who died on the Rowe Kingdom side was even more than the barbarians, and it could only be regarded as a tragic victory.

But what surprised Sarok and the third prince was that the master-level powerhouse of the barbarian family, Mumuta, died on the city wall of the West Gate.

Injured and disturbed by a large number of soldiers, Mumu Tower failed to escape, and finally died in the hands of the master-level powerhouse of White Bird City.

As a master-level powerhouse, Mu Muta is not unknown among the barbarians. His death greatly inspired the morale of the soldiers in White Bird City, and the heroic deeds of Baron Ma Wei also spread.

The third prince seized the opportunity to announce in public that the deceased Baron Mavi would be given an additional honorary title, and he would bestow the treasures of Baron Mavi's clan.

For a time, the morale of White Bird City soared, and everyone followed the example of Baron Ma Wei, taking the initiative to attack under the command of the third prince, and fought back and forth with the invading barbarians.

White Bird City is only a microcosm of the northern province of the Loewy Kingdom. Under the command of the four princes, the Loewy Kingdom and the barbarians fought in full swing, but on the whole, the barbarians who were numerous and powerful still had the upper hand. A piece of weather-beaten land staged every day.

At the same time, the Overseas Islands, Kumlinge, in the palace of the White Dragon Lord.

The white dragon lord lay alone on the throne, thinking about the battle situation in the north.

For the white dragon lord, the barbarians are never a threat. The god of the barbarian beliefs—Balinuo is. Even if the white dragon lord is arrogant, he will not think that he is a real god. opponent.

But the gods also have the rules of the gods. If the lord of the white dragon does not violate the taboos of the gods, such as toppling the statues, insulting the holy mountain, etc., Ba Linuo can't make a shot at the lord of the white dragon.

After all, each race has its own gods of faith. If the gods made random shots and killed each other, the multiverse would have turned into a mess.

The only one who can tear down the temple can be another god. This is the accepted truth of the multiverse.

The white dragon lord has no confidence and no interest in challenging this rule. After all, it is not the black dragon Aotian. It is a cautious and cautious dragon that likes to make moves.

As for destroying the barbarians and destroying the foundation of faith, although it will anger the gods, Ba Linuo has no reason to take action against the white dragon in person. After all, racial vendettas and genocide are happening at any time in the multiverse.

But the lord of the white dragon is still a little worried. Ba Linuo, a shameless old thief, can even give revenge to the gods and gods.

no! Gotta find a way!

The White Dragon Lord closed his eyes, his thoughts were like electricity.

It didn't take long for it to have an idea.

"Yuier, there is a legendary priest in the barbarian family. I want you to let him die without knowing how."

A low voice that sounded out of nowhere answered.

"As you wish."

After Uyiel was gone, the White Dragon Lord was relieved. With Uyiel's assassination ability, he could deal with a priest who had just entered the legend. With mental arithmetic, the chance of success was almost 100%.

Once the only legendary priest dies, Barino will lose the carrier to descend, and the lower realm of the gods has strict requirements on the carrier. The minimum requirement is a legendary powerhouse, otherwise it will descend on Felicia like Tiamat. In the same way, with a little magic, Felicia's body was riddled with holes.

Of course, killing the legendary priest of the barbarian family was just the prudence of the white dragon lord.

If the white dragon lord does not violate the taboo, Ba Linuo will go to the lower world to find the trouble of the white dragon lord.

After all, if a racial god cannot protect even his own followers, once the matter spreads, its source of belief will be worrying, and no god will tolerate such a thing.

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