White Dragon Lord

Chapter 318 The Dust Settles

Several days passed after the war, and the high-value ore veins held by the White Dragon Lord had been completely exhausted.

In the floating tower, the White Dragon Lord, Catwoman and Gu Jinlong stood together, watching Hogg return to Nordhill with the last batch of resources.

"Okay, our mission has basically been completed. Next, we will return to the base and wait for the end of the church."

In the past month or so, the magical mines of the Ludoro plane have been mined by the looters and Nordhill people who are like locusts crossing the border. Of the three floating towers in Nordhill, only the Sanctuary is left. A little work needs to be done.

There is no point in staying in a place where resources are depleted. The White Dragon Lord launched a teleportation to teleport the floating tower back to the outpost in the center of the plane.

The floating tower fell from the sky. The premise is that the left-behind personnel who received the news notified others to avoid it in time. The floating tower landed on the reserved space, and the first team led by Lord White Dragon was about to disband.

In the hall of the floating tower, the white dragon lord was carrying out the final settlement work, and more than 70 legendary powerhouses listened to the summary speech of the white dragon lord.

"Everyone, I have had a very pleasant cooperation with you this month.... Your excellence is beyond doubt.... If you go to the overseas archipelago in the future, then the door of White Castle will be open to you at any time."

clap clap. (applause)

Most of the more than seventy legendary powerhouses belonged to their own forces, but there were also a small number of them who did not join any forces. The White Dragon Lord tried to recruit those lone rangers.

However, there are many large-scale forces in Nordhill, and the new White Castle is not very attractive. It is compared with the Buddhist system in the way of the White Dragon Lord's solicitation.

"Not much to say, then let's confirm whether there is anything missing from the credit record, the first Middle Hamtra!"

A tall and thin mage walked out and came to the White Dragon Lord, who displayed a memory crystal to record the credit.

"Mage Middle, you followed the third team to discover the No. 3 mithril ore on the second day of the recruitment. The No. 3 mithril ore is a medium mithril mine, and the reward is 500 points. . . . This happened on the seventh day of the recruitment, while performing the task. In the encounter, rescue the seriously injured companion-Simhar, reward 200 points, ..., a total of 8230 points, you can see if there is anything missing."

"That's right, there are so many."

"Please sign after confirmation."

After Mage Middle signed, the white dragon lord took the pen and paper, wrote "8230" and signed his name. This is the voucher for the legendary powerhouses to find the council to exchange points, because the memory crystal that records the case will also be sent. into the hands of parliament, so even forging credentials is useless.

"Next, Laplace..."


After more than an hour of busy work, the White Dragon Lord finished all processing, the support mission of the legendary powerhouses was over, and they all dispersed.

Most of the legendary powerhouses returned directly to Nordhill, and only a small number stayed. These few people were people who had absolute confidence in their own strength. The battle that may happen next is not an ordinary legend. The strong can participate.

Lord White Dragon walked out of the floating tower and walked towards the center of the outpost base. He felt that there were four high-level legends in the center of the base, three of which were particularly familiar, that is, Silver Dragon Scholar, Catwoman, and Gu Jinlong.

As soon as he entered the room, before the White Dragon Lord could say hello, the Silver Dragon Scholar took the lead in speaking.

"Amos, you came just in time, we are discussing how to deal with the Dragon Cult."

The white dragon lord nodded to the four of them as a greeting and sat down.

The Silver Dragon Scholar continued to analyze the information of the people of the Dragon Cult. After listening to the White Dragon Lord for a while,

Feeling a little puzzled, because the Silver Dragon Scholar didn't mention the pinky at all.

"Wait, Jetsla-senpai, don't we take the pinky into account?"

The orc wizard on the side, Sadom Deadeye, twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Lord Amos, Little Thumb is a raider organization, not an occupier."

Silver Dragon Scholar took over.

"The organization of Little Thumb is like a rogue. It has always only robbed without occupying the plane, because it has too many enemies. Once the news of their occupation of the plane spreads, as long as someone takes the lead, a lot of people will come to seek revenge."

"I see."

The white dragon lord suddenly realized that he did not take this into consideration.

"But the situation of the Dragon Worship Cult is completely different. The plane of Luo Duo Luo is the plane of the dead. They can be used directly when they are taken. The temptation of Luo Duo when facing them can be imagined."

Silver Dragon Scholar continued.

"In addition, the Speaker cleaned up a certain senior of the Dragon Cult a while ago and slapped the Dragon Cult in the face. When the Dragon Cult leaves, it is very likely to cause trouble for us. We must guard against this."

"I don't think there's any need to worry too much, nya~."

"What is Master Hajir thinking?"

Everyone turned their attention to Catwoman, who scratched her cheek.

"It can be pushed back, meow, even if the Dragon Cult wants revenge, what can they retaliate? Ownership of the plane? Unless the Dragon Cult plans to go to war with Nordhill, it is impossible for them to compete with us for plane ownership. ."

"Revenge us? We have a battle group composed of three floating towers. Even if we face more than 20 high-level legends of the Dragon Worship Cult, it is still unknown who will die."

"In addition, there are so many high-level legends from the Dragon Worship Cult, but there is no psychic tower, which means that there is no consensus within the Dragon Worship Cult. It should be like Little Thumb, just vote and run away."


Catwoman's analysis was eloquent, and the three dragons and one orc couldn't help but nodded.


A day later, the church was over, and at the same time, the White Dragon Lord and others also received news that Little Thumb had withdrawn, and the Dragon Cult also showed signs of retreat.

After another day, the Dragon Cult also withdrew.

With the retreat of the Dragon Cult, the month-long feast was officially announced.

In the center of the plane, three floating towers gathered, and eight high-level legends sat together to settle the settlement work.

According to the resource value harvested by each floating tower, and the dedication made by each high-level legend, the eight high-level legends also have corresponding point rewards.

In the end, the white dragon lord gained nearly one million points, and the others were similar.

After the points were settled, Sadom Deadeye and Silver Dragon Scholar drove the two floating towers back to Nordhill.

However, for safety reasons, the council still left a floating tower to guard the under-construction Luoduuo plane, and will return after the construction of the mage tower is completed. After all, the floating tower is a scarce combat resource, and it is impossible to stay in Luoduo forever. Doro plane.

As the owners of the plane of Luo Duo Luo, Lord White Dragon and Priest Sinod are carrying out the final settlement work. According to statistics, this operation has harvested resources worth more than 26 million points from beginning to end.

After deducting the remuneration paid to the legendary powerhouse and the high-level legendary powerhouse, and deducting the taxes paid to the council, there are still more than 15 million points worth of resources left.

Due to the internal digestion of the silver gems in the sanctuary, the White Dragon Lord finally harvested resources worth 8.5 million points. Of course, it is impossible for the White Dragon Lord to convert all resources into points, but the points for upgrading the White Tower are almost the same. .

Long Feng was in good spirits at the happy event, and the white dragon lord felt that his flight speed was faster.

All the dust on the plane of Luo Duo was settled, but the White Dragon Lord did not leave. It planned to accompany Elena for a while.

After all, the plane of Luoduo has just experienced a grand event. I am sure someone left a space beacon and plans to return to do things. It has to wait for the initial construction of the defense system of the mage tower, and Elena's safety is guaranteed before returning. White Castle.

Because the White Dragon Lord stayed behind, the Floating Tower was controlled by it.

In the floating tower, the white dragon lord lay on the floor alone, summarizing the gains and losses of the operation.

First of all, in terms of interests, the donation points are nearly one million, and the points are divided into 8.5 million. In addition to all the spoils, the White Dragon Lord calculates that his total income is between 12 million and 13 million.

Before that, including the land in the overseas archipelago and everything, the total worth of the White Dragon Lord was about ten million points.

Secondly, in terms of combat experience, in the battle of the planes of Luo Duo Luo, the white dragon lord drove the floating tower, fought with high-priced legends from all over the multiverse, and learned all kinds of magic and secret skills. is a priceless treasure.

Finally, it is the experience of driving the floating tower. Although I have seen it many times in books, this time I have really implemented the actual combat operation. I can get started so quickly, thanks to the powerful computing power of Goldfinger.

After summarizing the experience and lessons of this battle, the white dragon lord took out the spoils he had harvested, the most valuable of which was the failed artifact—【Sodorina's bracelet (pseudo)】.

But in fact, [Sodorina's Bracelet (Pseudo)] did not give the White Dragon Lord as high a combat strength as he imagined, at least not at the level of using [Skull of the Caucasus] back then.

This is because the white dragon lord himself is not what it used to be. It is like a game character with a combat power of 500. If you give him a piece of equipment with an attack power of 500, the combat power will naturally be doubled, but if the character itself has a combat power of 5,000, then Equipment with 500 attack power can only be regarded as ordinary.

In terms of the affinity of the ice element, the white dragon lord is a member of the Winter Legion, and he has a permanent BUFF on his body - the blessing of the winter.

On the contrary, the two magics enchanted by the bracelet made the life of the White Dragon Lord more secure.

In addition to the bracelet, the most valuable loot that the White Dragon Lord has harvested is undoubtedly the souls of two high-level legendary tiers. They are essential raw materials for making high-level puppets. Inside the council, the lowest-quality high-level legendary souls are A minimum of 200,000 points is required.

The White Dragon Lord held a spar shining like a starry sky between his two fingers, and held the spar to his eyes. A titan's soul could be vaguely seen in the spar.

Ignoring Titan's constantly opening and closing lips and waving arms, the White Dragon Lord held the spar and slowly rotated, falling into contemplation.

The mysteries of the soul are infinite, like a huge treasure house.

The most direct manifestation is that the gods compete for believers, and the fundamental purpose of fighting for believers is to compete for the souls of believers.

Living believers provide faith, faith is the raw material of divine power, and faith is produced by spirit, and spirit is the external manifestation of the union of soul and soul.

The souls of dead believers can be transformed into helpers such as divine servants, helping the gods to take care of the kingdom of God, and even fight against the enemy. After the souls of believers die, their bodies become nourishment for the kingdom of God.

All these processes are inseparable from the soul, so the gods are the masters of playing with the soul.

But the white dragon lord estimates that most of the gods do not have a deep understanding of the soul. They only use the power granted by the clergy and the godhead to use the soul, just like everyone can use a mobile phone, but few can figure out the specific structure of the mobile phone. .

Of course, the white dragon lord doesn't understand the essence of the soul, but he who studies soul magic understands the soul better than the average person, and can use his knowledge to use the soul.

"Who to choose?"

To make a soul spar, one must first erase the sanity of the soul, which is easy for the White Dragon Lord, but the White Dragon Lord struggles with who to keep for research.

The complete high-level legendary soul is super common. The white dragon lord can't help his desire for research, but when doing research, the resistance of the soul must be taken into account.

The advanced legend is once, and the advanced high-level legend is once. After the strengthening of the law twice, the soul of the high-level legend is very powerful. Once they adapt to the soul form, they can exert terrifying combat power. The attack of the soul form is more difficult than before. wrapped around.

Generally speaking, after capturing the souls above the legendary, in order to prevent them from resisting, the first thing is to wipe their minds.

However, the white dragon lord is good at soul magic, but Yi Gaoren dared not do it. The biggest reason is that he wants to keep the complete soul for research.

Frost Titans are intelligent creatures, with more comprehensive emotions, better soul quality, and stronger corresponding strengths. The high-level legendary souls of exotic beasts are relatively weaker.

The weaker ones are easier to control, and the stronger ones are beneficial to research. Therefore, the White Dragon Lord is a little tangled.

After tangled for a while, the white dragon lord found that there was no need to tangle, and he simply stayed with both.

As for the soul of making a puppet, you can't buy it.

So it was such a happy decision, and the seemingly non-existent mysterious incantation sounded. If anyone was here, they would be surprised to find that the White Dragon Lord's throat and abdomen did not tremble.

Because this sound is not made by the **, but the soul.

**Spiritual Sound!

"Go to sleep~"

Among the two soul spar, the eyelids of the roaring Titan soul and the beast soul jumping up and down became heavier and heavier, and gradually fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Using soul magic to deal with the soul, the effect is better than expected, the white dragon lord stored the spar in a box with the power to suppress the soul, and then closed his eyes and rested in satisfaction.

Subordinates who go out to perform tasks may need support at any time. As the controller of the floating tower, the White Dragon Lord is mainly responsible for their safety.

Therefore, in this month's time, even if the Lord of the White Dragon was resting, he was in a state of half asleep and half awake, and now he can finally sleep in peace.

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