White Dragon Lord

Chapter 321 Return to Nordhill

The invisible floating tower quickly flew over the orc crypt. This crypt was not covered by any magic circle and looked like an ordinary beast den.

"However, this crypt doesn't look like a residence built by the invaders. Instead, it looks a bit like a temporary residence for refugees. Isn't this orc trapped in the Ludoro plane?"

"Most likely."

Through soul vision, the white dragon lord found that the orcs had not left.

"Let's take a look first."

The white dragon lord withdrew the magic that concealed his breath, and the orcs in the depths of the crypt felt the powerful magic fluctuations that suddenly appeared outside, grabbed the war blade at their feet and rushed out.

A brown-skinned orc with long braids appeared in everyone's field of vision. The orc was wearing earth-colored leather armor. The leather armor was covered with dust, and even his face was dirty. It is the war blade with the arc of lightning in its hands.

Gu Jinlong looked at the orc for a moment.

"The lips are dry. This is caused by no water for many days. This orc is trapped here."

The White Dragon Lord nodded, then frowned slightly.

"What do you think should be done with him?"

The orcs were trapped in the plunder, and it was not a pity to die, but the battle was over at this time, and it didn't matter whether the orcs died or lived.


Priest Sirona pondered for a moment.

"Give it a chance, the Lord says forgiveness is a virtue."

Catwoman agreed.

"Amos, in another 40 years, it will be White Castle's turn to be stationed on the battlefield of bloody battle. Why don't you let it sign a magic contract to give you an extra boost."

The White Dragon Lord was moved when he heard the words, and looked at Priest Sirona, Priest Sir Nord smiled and nodded.

High-level legendary orc warrior - Treroy Thunder Blade staring at the floating tower above his head, despairing in his heart, how terrifying a high-level legendary mage who controls the floating tower is, in the past time, it has seen pass.

Ten dead!

But the mortal situation made Cui Luoyi's heart gradually calm, and it stared at the floating tower with complex eyes.

Finally freed.

In fact, when Treroy found himself trapped in this plane, he knew that such a day would come.

Cui Luoyi clenched the war blade in his hand, and there was a rough touch from the twine-wrapped handle. This familiar feeling made Cui Luoyi's heart beat faster, and he felt his blood burning.

bring it on! Even dead! I want to fight to the death!

"Orc! Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you trapped here?"

Hearing the Orcish language with a slight accent coming from overhead, Cui Luoyi was stunned. He has lived alone in this hellish plane for two months, and he has become accustomed to the life of meeting and fighting, but the White Dragon Lord's questioning Make it feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that the orcs below did not respond for a long time, the White Dragon Lord raised his brows.

"Orc! Your answer is your life!"

The accented orc language came again, and Cui Luoyi suddenly woke up.

They don't seem to plan to kill me outright!

Cui Luoyi was overjoyed, the ants were stealing their lives, not to mention that a smart creature with a sound personality could not die, Cui Luoyi naturally wouldn't think about dying in battle.

The war blade in his hand sagged slightly, and the shining arc of thunder disappeared. Knowing that mages have the magic to test lies, Cui Luoy chose to answer truthfully.

"I'm Treroy Thunderblade! Hormura Orc World, Chief of the Thunderblade Clan! As for why I'm stuck here, it's because the undead slaughtered my people and took everything from me."

After speaking, Cui Luoy stared nervously at the floating tower above his head, knowing that the next moment was the moment of fate.

If they make excessive demands, such as signing a slave contract, I will fight them.

Thinking like this, Treloy clenched the blade in his hand.

The white dragon lord sighed in relief.

If the people who slaughtered the orcs were the Nordhills, then the White Dragon Lord would not be able to keep it.

"Orc! In front of you is the real master of this plane! You invade my territory! Plunder my wealth! According to the custom of orcs, I should kill you! String your head on a spear!"

Treroy gritted his teeth and clenched the blade.

"However, my companion is the servant of the God of Justice. He persuaded me to save your life. Now, I give you two choices. One is to die! The other is to sign an employment contract to serve me for five hundred years."

Cui Luoyi pondered after hearing the words. After stepping into a high-level legend, even a melee professional has a lifespan of nearly 10,000 years. Five hundred years is not much, and it is not much.

"I can promise you and fight for you, but you can't force me to do what I don't want to do."

The white dragon lord was slightly stunned, he didn't expect the orcs to be so upright, and they wouldn't bargain!

Originally, the psychological expectation of the white dragon lord was 250 years, which was just enough for the end of the bloody battlefield rotation.

Since the orcs didn't bargain, the White Dragon Lord wouldn't remind it.

"I promise you that high-level legends should be treated with courtesy."

The white dragon lord controlled the floating tower to land, and the four high-level legends walked out of the floating tower together and walked towards the orcs who put away their weapons.

After approaching the orcs, the white dragon lord frowned, and the catwoman stepped back.

An orc was trapped in the plane of Loduro without water. He didn't take a bath for nearly two months. That sour feeling...

The white dragon lord vaguely understood the reason why the orcs did not bargain. It was absolutely unpleasant to be trapped in a lifeless necroplanet, without food and water.

After giving himself and his companions an air purification, the white dragon lord used magic to create an icy table, took out the deed paper and began to formulate the terms of employment.

As the white dragon lord said, high-level legends should be treated with courtesy, and the terms drawn up by the white dragon lord are not harsh, just an employment contract without wages.

In order to take care of the orcs, the white dragon lord uses the orc language promulgated by the orc gods, so Treroy can also understand the content of the contract without any problems.

After carefully reading the terms of the contract, Cui Luoyi breathed a sigh of relief and signed his name after the long list of names of the white dragon lords.

The contract paper ignites without fire, and the employment contract is established.

Witnessing the contract turned to ashes, both sides were on alert at the same time.

"From today onwards, I will be your boss."

The white dragon lord directly cleaned up the dirty orcs with a cleaning technique, and then took everyone to the floating tower again.

In the control room of the floating tower, the white dragon lord drove the floating tower to fly towards the mage.

"Everyone, do you have any food?"

Cui Luoy looked a little embarrassed and rubbed his stomach.

"I haven't eaten for more than a month after being robbed of the dimension bag by the undead."

The white dragon lord said.

"I can make you some magic food. Although it doesn't taste much, it can at least fill your stomach."

"No, I have small dried fish here."

Catwoman took out a bag of dried fish and threw it to the orc. The orc gave Catwoman a grateful look, and couldn't wait to tear open the package. He grabbed the dried fish mixed with chili powder and various spices and stuffed it into his mouth.

Legal professions don't need food, that's because they can make magical food to live, and warriors don't have similar abilities.

Perhaps he was aware of the battle, or perhaps he had left after encountering the leopard. The soul vision of the white dragon lord did not find the figure of the mage.

Looking at the crypt exuding the power of death in front of him, the White Dragon Lord pondered for a moment and took the lead in walking into it.

Detect magic traps!

Avoiding or breaking all kinds of magic traps along the way, the White Dragon Lord and others came to the bottom of the cave.

After reaching the ground floor, feeling a little familiar, the White Dragon Lord was slightly startled, and looked at Gu Jinlong.

"Samiat Bone-Eating Flame?!"

"That's right, there is a strong undead energy, and there is a residual dragon breath. This should be the residence of Samiyat Bone Erosion Flame."

Hearing the conversation between the two dragons, Priest Sirona asked curiously.

"That mage was transformed from a dracolich?"

Yuiel stepped out of the shadow of the white dragon lord, twitched his nose and sniffed.

"It shouldn't be. The smell on that mage is obviously different from the smell left here."

Catwoman suggested.

"Look around for any clues."

After some inspection, the group found nothing.

Since the dragon lich and the enigmatic mage are not here, it is meaningless for everyone to speculate out of thin air, and they immediately decided to go home.

After a meal together, Catwoman, Gu Jinlong and Priest Sir Nord returned to the plane of Nordhill.

The White Dragon Lord is driving the magic tower and sweeping the entire Ludoro plane with the orc, Treroy Thunderblade.

After two months, except for the removal of a few space beacons, the White Dragon Lord had nothing to gain.

Now, the magic tower defense system has begun to take shape, Elena's safety has been initially guaranteed, and it is time for the White Dragon Lord to return.

"Cui Luoy! The first task I gave you was to keep it safe!"

The White Dragon Lord pointed at Elena and said to the orcs who had not returned for a long time.

With the permission of the white dragon lord, the orc who returned to his hometown to deal with some things patted his chest.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission, BOSS."

The White Dragon Lord nodded. Although he did not believe much in the beasts of the orcs, he believed in the constraints of the contract of God.

With a strong bodyguard and a well-established magic tower early warning system, with this double guarantee, the White Dragon Lord was completely relieved, launched the teleportation, and drove the floating tower back to Nordhill.

City in the Sky - Over Samiria, a huge black hole formed, and the legendary professionals on duty quickly alerted.

While no one felt that anyone would dare to be presumptuous in Samiria, long-standing habits quickly prepared them for battle.

It was not until they saw the parliamentary standards on the floating tower that everyone relaxed.

"Welcome back to Nordhill, Senator Amos, please park the floating tower at the designated location."

The voice of Taling No. 1 sounded in the mind of the white dragon lord. Following the guidance of Taling, the white dragon lord drove the floating tower and landed on a round pit interface.

The base of the floating tower was just closed with the interface, and it became a whole. At the same time, a wave of will poured into the control core, releasing the control authority of the white dragon lord.

The white dragon lord felt that Taring's consciousness was scanning the floating tower, and it didn't take long for the voice of Taring No. 1 to sound again.

"After the inspection, the No. 014 floating tower is in good condition and the handover is complete."

After hearing that the handover was completed, the white dragon lord flew out of the floating tower directly from the window, and the next thing had nothing to do with it.

On the way to the main tower, Lord White Dragon looked back at the floating tower that had been with him for several months.

At this time, the base of the floating tower is connected to the huge floating city, and it has become one of the many floating towers on Samiria. Several legendary mages are entering the floating tower No. 014. They will give the floating towers who have experienced the battle. Empty tower for maintenance and maintenance.

The eyes of the white dragon lord shone brightly.

Before long, I will be able to have my own floating tower.

With such thoughts in mind, Lord White Dragon pushed open the door of the Speaker's office.

As usual, after reporting to Merlin Tenri something noteworthy on the plane of Lodoro, the White Dragon Lord returned to the overseas archipelago.

In the White Castle Hall, the White Dragon Collar was lying on the throne, and Gulgaru and other high-level White Castle leaders stood below.

"Your Majesty, the precious substances brought back by Lord Hogg have been stored in multiple secret warehouses according to your instructions. This is a specific list, please check."

The administrator, Hobbs, handed over a long list, and the White Dragon Lord took it, glanced at it, and reduced it to ashes.

"I don't worry about your work."

The gnoll commander - Hogg Riverpaw stood up.

"Your Majesty, most of the prisoners of war brought back from the plane of Luoduo were handed over to the Council. I followed your instructions and left the Titans and Giants, but..."

Hogg seemed a little submissive, and the White Dragon Lord raised his brows.

"Just what?"

"On the way to escort, I met Her Royal Highness Felicia..."

The White Dragon Lord took a deep breath and felt a little pain in his head. With Felicia's fiery temper, he saw the Titans and Giants, and the Titans and Giants were also blocked from power, and they had almost no ability to resist...

"A legendary legendary Titan and several giants were seriously injured by His Royal Highness and are still recovering."


Not dead? !

The White Dragon Lord had already prepared for the destruction of the Titans and Giants, but only a few were seriously injured. It seems that Felicia has also grown a lot.

"It's not your fault, just forget it."

The corners of the White Dragon Lord's mouth twitched slightly.

"I'll talk to Felicia myself."

Hogg breathed a sigh of relief, the city lord of Whitescale City, the chief of the murlocs - Faisy Darkscale stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, recently a group of murlocs have defected from the deep sea area. This is the list of the major murloc clans who have defected. Please take a look."

The white dragon lord took over the list and found that the murloc at the top was a legendary murloc, which caught the attention of the white dragon lord.

After pondering for a while, the white dragon lord decided to deal with the murloc, and the murloc solved it.

"This is the internal affairs of the murlocs. It's up to you to decide whether they go or stay. Just do a good job of espionage prevention. I don't want any trouble in my kingdom."

"Thank you for your trust, you will not be disgraced!"

Gulgaru took a step forward, the corner of Gul's mouth raised with one eye and one horn, obviously in a good mood.

"Your Majesty, according to the latest population data survey, the number of ogres in the overseas archipelago has reached one million."

The White Dragon Lord was pleased.

"That's really good news,"

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