White Dragon Lord

Chapter 366 Invincible Dimension Escape

When the Eight-armed Snake Demon Riding the White Dragon Lord focused his attention on Wan Blade Slash, he smirked and triggered the orb. A crescent-like energy slash was hidden behind Wan Blade Slash, using the brilliance of Wan Blade Slash to avoid the sight of the White Dragon Lord. .

Although he couldn't see the Moon Blade behind Ten Thousand Blades Slash, the sudden strong sense of crisis and the familiar orb in the hands of the eight-armed snake demon told the White Dragon Lord that he was in trouble.

The speed of Wan Blade Slash was very fast, and the White Dragon Lord didn't have time to think about it, triggering the life-saving magic in the golden horn ring, and his body became illusory.

Dimensional escape!

Dimensional escape allows the caster to temporarily escape into a different dimension, leaving only a projection in place. In the state of dimensional escape, the White Dragon Lord cannot be locked and will not suffer any damage unless the enemy can find the White Dragon Lord hidden in the different dimension. The body in the dimension.

Wan Blade Slash and the blade master hidden behind hit the body of the white dragon lord. The eight-armed snake demon didn't have time to be happy, but found that there was no blood splashing scene as imagined, and he was shocked.

Two energy slashes passed through the body of the White Dragon Lord and flew into the distant sky.

The sense of crisis that was locked disappeared, and the projection of the white dragon lord gradually solidified, flapping his wings and floating in the air.

The white dragon lord was about to launch an attack when his opponent was stunned when he suddenly found that the eight-armed snake demon who was fighting the golden dragon also took out a green orb, and the urge to curse suddenly rose in his heart.

Did the Lord of Blades grant each of his subordinates the Slashing Orb? !

The white dragon lord used instant high-level magic to entangle his opponents, and at the same time devotes some of his energy to paying attention to the battle situation of the golden dragon.

The energy blade shot by the orb made the golden dragon feel a strong crisis, and immediately triggered the teleportation equipment to disappear in place, but the slash dominated by the blade had its own locking function, and the energy blade turned an incredible arc and continued to fly towards the golden dragon.

Seeing the inflated muscles and solemn expression on Jinlong's body, the White Dragon Lord knew that Jinlong might not be able to do anything, and immediately triggered the [Sodorina's bracelet (pseudo)] on his hand.

The three ice beast gates stood in front of the golden dragon. After the energy of the blade master slashed through the two ice beast gates, it disappeared on the third door, and the golden dragon breathed a sigh of relief.

The white dragon lord approached the direction of the golden dragon. The two eight-armed snakes were unable to take advantage of the enemy even if they tried their best. They also gathered together and looked at the two dragons alertly.

"Amos, I owe you my life."

"We'll talk about this later, deal with the enemy first."

The white dragon lord stared at the two eight-armed snake demons, and his heart was solemn. Now the white dragon lord only has the last life-saving magic left. If the enemy takes out two more green orbs, the white dragon lord can't protect even the golden dragon. .

"Amos, buy me three seconds."

Jin Long gasped in anger, his eyes skyrocketing with murderous intent, staring at the two eight-armed snake demons.

"I'm going to make them pay!!!"

Although he didn't know what the golden dragon was going to do, the white dragon lord chose to trust his teammates, and the range of the ice roar expanded to protect the golden dragon as well.

The white dragon lord showed his answer with his actions, and the magic power surged in the golden dragon's body.

The boiling magic power is like magma, rushing in the blood vessels of the golden dragon, and spreading to all parts of the body.


Although I don't know what the golden dragon is doing, it is right to stop what the enemy wants to do. The two eight-armed snake demons separated and attacked the white dragon lord from both sides. opportunity.

The white dragon lord was dignified in his heart, staring at the two demons that came. During the golden dragon's big move, the white dragon lord needed to fight two against one another and protect the golden dragon, which was even more difficult.

Immediately activate Goldfinger's wartime assistance system.

The powerful spiritual power as if it was substantial spreads in all directions, like a storm sweeping away the fighting people. Everyone felt as if their bodies were being stroked by some kind of light substance, and their hearts trembled.

After more than 100 years of growth, the spiritual power of the white dragon lord can cover thousands of miles around, and it is strong enough to interfere with reality. The power of the auxiliary mode during wartime is multiplied, and every subtle movement of the eight-armed snake demon is detected and analyzed by the golden finger. .

Through details such as muscle tension and trembling, Goldfinger calculated the next move of the two demons in advance, and passed it on to the White Dragon Lord, who made corresponding preparations.

The two eight-armed snake demons were surprised to find that the white dragon lord seemed to know his plan in advance. He always took one step ahead and blocked his dodging position with magic, let alone approaching. high-level magic.

For high-level legendary powerhouses, the power of high-level magic is limited, but hard resistance will also be injured, and hitting vulnerable vital parts such as eyes can even be fatal.

The high-level magic cast by the white dragon lord seems to have eyes, always attacking vulnerable parts such as the eyes, nose, and mouth of the eight-armed snake demon. In addition, the white dragon lord predicts the position of the enemy, which creates a kind of The strange phenomenon seems to be like the magic of the two demons taking the initiative to use their own vital points to welcome the white dragon lord.


A knife stabbed the ice spear into the eye and cut it off. The eight-armed snake demon felt that the battle was extremely aggrieved. It waved eight machetes and danced into a phantom to protect the whole body, and rushed towards the white dragon lord in a frenzy. .

One word - reckless!

The white dragon lord sneered at the crazy snake demon, the ice spear condensed in his hand, and shot at the snake demon with a swoosh.

The ice spear passed through the phantom formed by the machete, hit the abdomen of the eight-armed snake demon, and immediately created a shallow blood hole. The demon blood flowed out of the blood hole, and the eight-armed snake demon felt as if its abdomen was pierced by some sharp object. For a moment, I was shocked.


Immediately after the two demons found out in fear, the ice spear could always find a gap in defense to cause effective damage, and the two demons had to protect their vital points while approaching.

The closer you are to the White Dragon Lord, the shorter the distance the ice spear can fly, and the shorter the time left for the two demons to react. If it wasn't for the White Dragon Lord being unable to instantly cast master-level magic, the two demons would have died several times.

"go to hell!"

An eight-armed snake was in a state of rage, and it used a machete in its hand as a throwing weapon and shot at the golden dragon.

Seeing the hazy energy radiance on the surface of the machete, the White Dragon Lord felt solemn in his heart.

Broken Blade Storm!

After the machete flew for a certain distance, the blade exploded and broke into pieces, but these pieces did not scatter, but were caught by a peculiar whirlwind and hit Jin.

In the hands of the White Dragon Lord, there is also a standard machete of the eight-armed snake demon. The magic enchanted in the machete includes [Legendary Sharpness], [Moon Slash] and [Blade Breaking Storm].

Among them, [Blade Storm] is a skill with a large power range at the cost of destroying the machete. The shattered blade will sweep a straight line like a storm, and the sharp blade fragments will smash everything in the path into pieces.

Goldfinger quickly calculated the flight path of Scimitar, and proposed to use the sloping ice wall to change the trajectory of Shardblade Storm.

A series of three ice walls with a subtle angle of inclination appeared in front of the Broken Blade Storm. Each time an ice wall was broken, the movement trajectory of the Broken Blade Storm was deflected by one point, rubbing the golden dragon's body and flying over.

"Amos, thank you for your hard work."

Jin Long opened his eyes, and a burst of energy and killing intent burst out from his pupils.

Seeing that Jinlong's big move was completed, the two demons who missed the opportunity quickly retreated and fled.

The white dragon lord looked back at the golden dragon, only to see that the golden dragon had nearly doubled in size at this time, the surface of the body was covered with white patterns, the energy in the body seemed to explode, and the substantial white smoke of energy poured from the nose, mouth and ears. Wait for the hole to pop up.

In the blink of an eye, the golden dragon disappeared, leaving only afterimages, and the white dragon lord was shocked.

What a great speed!

The White Dragon Lord felt that if the Golden Dragon attacked him just now, he would be injured 80% of the time. Although the Golden Finger could detect the Golden Dragon's movements, the White Dragon Lord's nerves could not react in time.

Of course, this is under the premise that the distance between the two dragons is very close. If the distance is widened, the result will be difficult to say.

It was the two eight-armed snake demons who felt the speed of the golden dragon more intuitively than the White Dragon Lord. Forced by the pursuit of the golden dragon, the two demons had to use advanced teleportation to avoid them.

The golden dragon launched a series of energy waves, covering a large area in front.

The White Dragon Lord looked around, Mage Ellen pressed his opponent to fight, Padhak was full of cuts made by the Space Blade, Sural Grey Dove and Huo Fen were evenly matched, and the Golden Dragon chased an eight-armed The snake demon fought, and his opponent was so intimidated by the battle just now that he did not dare to attack.

Own an absolute advantage!

The white dragon lord was about to take the initiative to attack, and suddenly found a group of dense dots flying in the sky in the distance. After a closer look, it turned out to be a dense number of flying demons.

It turned out that the four high-level legendary demons were separated from the large force, and they took the first step to block the hostile high-level legends such as the White Dragon Lord. Now, the flying demons, whose speed is second only to the high-level legends, have arrived.

"Leopold! Stop chasing! Enemy reinforcements are here!"

Jinlong looked unwillingly at the fleeing eight-armed snake demon, and at the demon flying from the sky, flying towards the white dragon lord.

The White Dragon Lord ignored his opponent and flew towards Huo Burning Demon.

The eight-armed snake demon was stunned for a moment, clenching his teeth at will, his arms trembling with anger because he was underestimated, but remembering the weird battle scene he just slammed into the white dragon lord magic, he loosened his clenched fists.

Seeing the arrival of the White Dragon Lord, Huo Fenmo quickly retreated, and Master Allen easily got rid of his opponent.

The two dragons gathered together and covered each other's retreat. The high-level legendary demon lord watched his opponent flee, but did not dare to stop it.

Only Huo Fenmo, Rabmodo Modi, was an exception. Looking at the enemy who was escaping quickly, Huo Fenmo was furious.

"Chase! Why don't you chase?!"

"To chase after you, now I need to eat."

The wound on Padhak, the lord of the Wagro Fortress, healed quickly, but the blood loss caused his body to be vain, and he greeted the flying demons.

The two eight-armed snake demons turned and left without a word, Huo Fenmo was in a rage, but had no choice but to keep up with the eight-armed snake demon.

On the other side, the legendary demon flying in the front saw Paderhak flying towards him, showing fear, slowing down and avoiding Paderhak.

Padhak greedily looked at the legendary demon who avoided him, stretched out his fat tongue and licked his lips, but remembered that the legendary demon was a rare core fighting force in the army, gave up the tempting idea in his heart, and went to the rear. The high-level, master-level demons flew away.

The demon, who didn't know the special nature of Padhak, even bent over to salute the demon lord, but was immediately caught by Paderhak, and the demon was stuffed into his mouth by Paderhak before he could react.


As if gnawing on sugarcane, the hapless body disappeared into Paderhak's mouth piece by piece, Paderhak's breath slowly recovered, Paderhak's face was rosy, and he greedily looked at the trembling demons in front of him.



On the other hand, after the White Dragon Lord and others got rid of the demon, they gathered together to discuss.

"Everyone, we need to monitor the movements of these demons. None of Trident Fort, Black Rock Fortress, and River River City can fight this group of demons alone."

Master Allen's words were unanimously recognized by everyone.

"But the question is how to monitor. There are no assassins among us. Sending legendary subordinates to monitor the eight-armed snake demon who is good at assassination is like sending them to death."

The two and the dragons frowned, but found that they and others could not do anything about the eight-armed snake demon who was good at assassination, and it was still night, the demon would get a certain amount of blessing under the blood moon, and the combat power of non-demon creatures would be destroyed by blood. Moon energy is weakened.

After negotiating for a while, everyone still did not discuss the results, so they had to give up and return to their respective places.

Inside the Black Rock Fortress, the White Dragon Lord and the Golden Dragon held an emergency meeting in the central castle.

"Everyone, there is an army of demons in the wilderness. In the army, there are four powerful demons of high-level legendary level, and an army of demons of unknown number. This is a force that is enough to subvert the Black Rock Fortress. We must fight twelve points tonight. Spirit to prevent demons from attacking the city."

"Romana Tieyu! You sent your harpies to patrol around the city wall of the Black Rock Fortress. After each person flew around the city wall, they returned to the room to rest, and then they participated in the patrol after enough rest."


"Gulgaru, order the army to wear armor and rest with their weapons on their backs. There may be a battle at any time tonight."


"You don't have to be too nervous. It's not certain whether the devil will attack the city, and you don't have to choose the Black Rock Fortress if you choose to attack the city."

Seeing the heavy expressions on the faces of his relatives, the White Dragon Lord comforted.

"I also tell you a piece of good news. The forces of the gods have already fought against the demons, and the alliance is about to enter the war, and the army participating in the battle is on its way. When the sun rises tomorrow, the army of the alliance will continue to march, no use How long will it take to reach the front line, the devil must not dare to stay for long."

After discussing the defense deployment work for a while, the family members dispersed to carry out their respective tasks.

Thinking of the demon army in the wilderness, the white dragon lord and the golden dragon did not dare to rest, and closed their eyes in the central castle hall.

In the second half of the night, the blood moon slanted westward, the negative energy of the blood moon reached its peak, and a harpy broke into the central castle hall.

"Master! Demon traces found outside the city!"

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