White Dragon Lord

Chapter 389 Destiny Gold Coin

The white dragon lord flew out of the white pagoda and landed on the ice with six other high-level legendary dragons. He walked towards the frozen tower of the ice man. The king of the Thunder Prison was the quickest, the fastest, and the fastest. Come first to the frozen gate of the Tower of the Iceman.

"It's ironic that the Tower of the Iceman was destroyed by ice."

With that said, the King of Thunder Prison kicked up.


The thick ice cracked into a cobweb-like shape, and further cracked into pieces and fell, revealing the covered gate of the Tower of the Iceman, and the King of Thunder Prison kicked it again.

The gate made of unknown material dented into a big hole, but there was no sign of shattering. The King of Thunder Prison was slightly surprised, and then he felt that his face was a little overwhelmed, and he kicked it again.




With three feet in a row, the gate of the Tower of the Iceman collapsed, revealing the hall in the magic tower.

The white dragon lord saw the towering throne at the end of the hall at first sight. Between the throne and the white dragon lord is a smooth mirror-like avenue. There are sixty-four stone pillars symmetrically distributed on both sides of the avenue. The stone pillars are carved with exquisite patterns and reliefs. , you can imagine the scene of Libing sitting high on the throne and the Titans kneeling in front of the stage.

It's just that all this no longer exists. The shining hall of the past was frozen by the cold air infiltrated by the Forbidden Magic.

The King of Thunder Prison took back the big foot he kicked out.

"The door is of good quality."

The dragons set foot on the collapsed gate in a victorious attitude and entered the interior of the Tower of the Iceman.

The Tower of the Iceman is an overlord-level force in the medium-sized material plane. The wealth accumulated by the force for thousands of years is a windfall even for the high-level legendary dragon. The dragons are looking forward to the harvest of this trip.

The stream of red flames looked around the tower that was frozen by the ice.

"Everyone, how about some exciting fun, whoever finds it will belong to whoever finds it."

The White Dragon Lord raised his brows.

"Okay, just to see who has the best treasure hunting talent."

The Flame of the Molten Mountain: "This uncle is most sensitive to the breath of treasures.


Not to be outdone, the dragons expressed that they would have a good fight.

Chi Yan Liuguang: "Well, I count to one, we will start to act, how?"

"it is good."

Seeing that the dragons had no opinion, Chi Yan Liuguang smiled.

"Get ready, I'm going to start counting."


After saying that, Chi Yan Liuguang rushed out, and the dragons were slightly taken aback, and immediately reacted.

"Cunning guy!"

The dragons who reacted scolded the cunning of Chi Yan Liuguang, but they were not slow, and they all ran to the rooms of the Tower of Libing.

Since no one knows the layout of the magic tower and the distribution of treasures, the dragons stand on the same starting line, and what they can gain depends on luck and means.

Elemental Vision!

The White Dragon Lord blessed himself with auxiliary magic—elemental vision, and the elements between heaven and earth, such as dots of light and dust, appeared in the White Dragon Lord’s field of vision.

Because the tower of the ice man is originally the reason for the ice attribute and the ice-based forbidden spell, most of the elements in the tower at this time are blue ice elements, and other elements are very few and particularly conspicuous.

The white dragon lord ran to a room rich in elemental energy and kicked the door.


The door inside the magic tower is not as strong as the door. It was immediately broken open by the huge force of the white dragon lord, and the white dragon lord drilled in at once.

After entering the interior of the room, the white dragon lord found that this was a warehouse for storing magic materials. All kinds of precious ores, strange plants and some strange magic materials were neatly placed on the shelves.

Too late to subdivide, the white dragon lord put the magic materials into the dimension bag together with the shelves, cleaned up and immediately went to the next place rich in elements.

Running in the corridor, the white dragon lord met the red flame streamer head-on, and the two dragons sensed the magic aura on each other, and smiled at each other and passed by.

At the moment of passing by, the white dragon lord more clearly sensed the peculiar aura on Chi Yan Liuguang's body, and a storm surged in his heart, because the energy aura on Chi Yan Liuguang's body was actually the legendary lucky magic.

Do not! It should be said to be lucky magic!

The Chi Yan Liuguang actually hugged the golden thigh of the goddess of luck, and the White Dragon Lord couldn't help but feel a little envious.

If it is said that the strongest god in the multiverse is the God of Justice and Light, but if the most popular god in the multiverse is to be selected, it is the Goddess of Luck.

The golden thigh of the goddess of luck, almost everyone wants to hug, but very few actually hug.

On the one hand, this goddess does not have a fixed temple, and likes to wander around, and it is difficult to meet her whereabouts. On the other hand, the character of the goddess of luck is as unpredictable as her priesthood. Maybe the goddess of luck didn't like the licking dog that rushed up, and a European gas sucked, and the licking dog turned into a non-chief in seconds.

Although a little envious, the white dragon lord quickly adjusted his mentality. No matter which plane, the importance of his own efforts is far greater than the illusory luck.

With mixed feelings, the white dragon lord kicked open the door of another room and saw the dressing table and a large number of women's clothing inside the room. The white dragon lord understood that this was the residence of a female titan.

Being able to have a fixed room in the magic tower, this female Titan must be an important figure for the ice slaves.

After searching, the white dragon lord came to the room next to the dressing room. This was a huge bedroom. The most eye-catching thing in the bedroom was the big round bed that was enough for the white dragon lord to roll three times.

The white dragon lord looked at the portrait on the head of the bed. The portrait showed two titans who were arrogant and thin. The two titans maintained an intimate posture of face to face.

You don't have to guess to know that it is his wife, Sylvana Frostdancer, who maintains an intimate position with the ice man.

The white dragon lord suddenly felt that he had found the bedroom of the couple of the Titan rulers.

After another search, before leaving, Lord White Dragon accidentally swept across the big bed, remembering the habit of hiding treasures under the bed in his previous life.

In line with the principle of killing mistakes without letting go, Lord White Dragon went to the bed and tried to lift the big bed, but found that the big bed was motionless.

The white dragon lord was surprised that even if the big bed was fixed on the ground, he could destroy it with his own enormous strength, and the bed did not even have a scratch under the grasp of the dragon's claws.

The bed material is not right!

The white dragon lord threw aside the frozen quilt on the big round bed, revealing the bed like a whole piece of jade below.


Suddenly, the white dragon lord saw a groove on the bed, and the groove looked familiar.

After thinking for a while, the white dragon lord took out the two rings he got from Pridom Iceman, one was a token of love and the other was an emblem of power, and the emblem perfectly matched the groove on the bed.

The white dragon lord aligned the emblem with the groove and inserted it.


The magic mechanism was activated, and a cassette popped out from the side of the bed, which had no gaps at all. There was only a palm-sized box in the cassette.

The white dragon lord took out the box and closed the cassette, then opened the box and found a dark golden gold coin inside.

Seeing the smiling female image on the gold coin, the white dragon lord was surprised, and immediately surprised, this is the avatar of the goddess of luck!

"Lucky gold coins?!"

The white dragon lord took out the gold coin in surprise, turned it over to the reverse side, and was stunned, because he found that the reverse side of the gold coin was the head of a woman with a sly smile. This woman looked exactly like Goddess of Luck, but the temperament was completely opposite.

This is the goddess of doom!

"It's actually a gold coin of destiny!"

The White Dragon Lord was horrified.

Legend has it that if someone is lucky enough to meet the goddess of luck and win the goddess's smile, the goddess of luck may give a small gift when parting, this gift is a lucky gold coin.

Although lucky gold coins cannot make the holder directly a winner in life, it can also make the holder's luck better than ordinary people.

If the lucky gold coin bearer encounters the twin sister of the goddess of luck again, the goddess of doom, this moody goddess of doom is very likely to destroy the twin sisters' blessing and bless the lucky gold coin with a curse of doom.

The power of luck and bad luck are intertwined in the same carrier, which will form a peculiar destiny gold coin. The destiny gold coin will not bring any blessing to the carrier, and it has also become a one-time consumable.

When the gold coin of fate is thrown up, the gear of fate will turn with it. If the gold coin falls to the ground and see the smiling goddess, the holder will get almost heaven-defying luck in a short time. Some people will be cursed by bad luck, how much luck can the bad luck bring, how much bad luck can the curse of bad luck bring.

The harsh formation conditions, coupled with the peculiar ability to instantly reverse the situation, make the Destiny Gold Coin one of the most precious magical things in the multiverse.

The White Dragon Lord put the Destiny Gold Coin into the box and carefully put it away. If he is unfortunately in a desperate situation that day, then the Destiny Gold Coin will be the last straw.

After making sure that nothing was missing in this room, the White Dragon Lord rushed to the next target.

After going through a lot of searching, the seven high-level legendary dragons finally swept the Tower of the Iceman, gathered them in the control room at the top of the Tower of Iceman, and took the spoils they didn't need. Take it out and exchange it.

Since both the Iceman and the White Dragon Lord are ice attributes, most of the collections in the Iceman's Tower can be used by the White Dragon Lord.

After some exchanges, the dragons have gained a lot.

"Amos, this is for you."

Gu Jinlong took out an ice sculpture of a female Titan, whose face was exactly the same as the female Titan in the portrait on the bedside in the bedroom.

"Take it and give it to the Dragon Beast Academy as a teaching material together with the ice clerk."

"I seem to have heard a new word, Dragon Beast Academy?"

Chi Yan Liuguang looked curious.

"What is Dragon Beast Academy?"

"Well..., Amos opened a school mainly to protect underage five-colored dragons and provide basic education to dragon beasts. Not to mention, these dragon beasts are really a force that cannot be underestimated after being systematically educated. Fighting power, and dragon beasts can also give birth to real dragons..."

Gu Jinlong introduced the teaching situation and teaching results of the Dragon Beast Academy to Chiyan Liuguang. Chiyan Liuguang's eyes became brighter as he listened. The Flame of the Molten Mountain and the King of Thunder Prison were indifferent. Wang looks like it has nothing to do with him.

While Gu Jinlong was telling the story, the White Dragon Lord accepted the ice sculpture of Sylvana Frostdancer.

"The family has to be neat and tidy."

"Speaking of the Libingzhe family, there seems to be an underage young Titan."

With that said, the Black King pulled out a golden framed portrait in his space pocket and showed it to the White Dragon Lord.

In the portrait, there is a young Frost Titan who is somewhat similar to the Ice Scribe. The young Frost Titan is majestic, holding an ice spear, and stepping on a red dragon corpse under his feet, with a mighty appearance.

The flames of the molten mountain immediately burst into flames.

"Where is this little brat's body?! I'm going to tear him apart!"

"I didn't see it, maybe it's not in the tower of the ice man."

After asking around, none of the dragons found the body of the Frost Titan Prince, and the flames of the molten mountain looked unhappy.

"Don't let me meet this brat! Otherwise, I will let him know the fate of provoking the Red Dragon clan!"


From a perspective that ordinary people cannot see, the rushing River Styx carries the souls of thousands of planes in the multiverse to the secret place. The densely packed souls with different shapes are crowded into a ball in the river water, drifting with the current, each one is translucent. hands reaching up to the sky trying to catch something.

Along the way, the soul entered the final place of life with the waves of the Styx - the underworld.

The servants of the gods of death with the soul-gathering lamps pick up and classify the souls in the Styx, and the souls of the unbelievers are taken to cover the walls of the unbelievers, while the believers of the gods are classified according to their beliefs and locked up, waiting for the gods to send them. lead messenger.

The god of dark titans, the god of Astels, entered the solemn and dark hall of the god of death, and came to the servant of the god of death, who managed the soul, and showed the sign of the god of dark titans.

After checking the authenticity of the mark, the Dark Titan God Envoy was taken to the corresponding place of detention, where he successfully saw the souls of recent believers, and when he saw many more believers than usual, the God Envoy was taken aback and immediately asked the cause of death. .

When he learned that many believers came from the Titan world of Cincalo and died at the hands of the giant dragon, the envoy understood that something had happened, and hurriedly returned to the kingdom of God with their souls.

In the kingdom of Astels, the god of dark titans, the god envoy knelt down in front of the shrine at the top of the cloud with the many giants and a few titan souls he had just brought back, telling the story of what happened to the world of the Sincarlo titan.

"Dragon invasion?!"

The power of the gods is like a prison. With the fluctuations of Astelis' anger, the mighty coercion spreads in all directions. The petitioners living in the kingdom of God hurriedly knelt on the ground and sang the hymn of praise to the gods.

The coercion lasted only a short while before disappearing, and Astress was expressionless.

"What kind of dragon is the main force of the dragon army?"

"Your Majesty, it's a five-color dragon."

Astralis muttered to himself.

"Tiamat, do you want to go to war?!"

PS: I wish all readers and friends a Happy Chinese New Year. The longer the men are, the more handsome and richer they are, and the more beautiful and younger the women are.

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