White Dragon Lord

Chapter 396 Tiamat Arrives

"What exactly is going on?!"

"How did the Titans find us so quickly?!"

"Do they have some special tracking method that we don't know about?"

"Impossible, if some were taken out ten days ago, this incident is definitely a coincidence!"


As for the reason why the Titans quickly traced the White Tower, the high-level legendary dragons were divided into two factions, coincidence and premeditated, fighting non-stop in the White Tower.

The white dragon lord thought calmly in the noise, but he was still puzzled, and the amount of information was too little.

"Stop arguing!"

The dragons looked at the white dragon lord.

"Whether it's a coincidence or the Titans have some means we don't know about, try it and you'll know."

"How to try?"

"A few more laps to see if Titan can still find us."

As he said, the White Dragon Lord held the control core of the White Tower and controlled the White Tower to change directions at will. After flying blindly for a period of time, he turned on the stealth magic circle and stayed in place.

snort! I don't even know where I am now! See how you can find me!

With such thoughts in mind, the white dragon lord and the dragons waited quietly.

A minute has passed...

Nothing happened.

Ten minutes have passed...

Tarling's warning sounded again.

"Warning! The unknown high-energy reaction object is approaching! The speed is as high as kilometers per second! It is expected to approach the White Tower in one minute and twenty seconds!"

"Damn it!"

The dragons now determined that the Titans had special tracking methods.

Even if the Titan could track the White Tower, the flying speed of the floating tower of the Mother of Thunder was far less than that of the White Tower, but it was a flaw. The White Dragon Lord once again got rid of the Titan with the excellent performance of the White Tower.

The white dragon lord turned on the trusteeship mode, allowing Taling to drive the white tower to fly at high speed in the air, while the white dragon lord Benlong gathered with many high-level legendary dragons, and the scene was so quiet that the needle fell.

As the lord of the White Tower and the leading dragon of this operation, the lord of the White Dragon was the first to break the silence.

"Everyone! It's time to make a choice! Take it as soon as you see it! Or go to war with the Titans!"

As the white dragon lord said, due to the special tracking methods of the Titans, the original plan of guerrilla destruction of the world is no longer feasible, and there are only two paths in front of the dragons: the first is to retreat with rich spoils, and the second is to make peace with The enraged Titans went to war head-on.

The white dragon lord is more inclined to retreat. After all, the strength of the giant dragon and the Titan is almost the same at this time. The result of an all-out war will only be a loss for both parties.

After waiting for the dragons to think for a while, the white dragon lord clapped his hands to attract the dragons' attention.

"Everyone, let's start voting and support the claws that go to war."

Except for a few extreme violent lunatics and dying dragons like the Black King, most of the other dragons did not raise their claws.

"Twelve votes are in favor of war, and the following are in favor of retreating claws."

The white dragon lord counted, and the twenty-seven high-level legendary giant dragons agreed to retreat, and some of the giant dragons had not raised their claws, so they were treated as abstentions.

"The result of the vote is already obvious. According to the retreat plan formulated in advance, next..."

"and many more!"

The poisonous mistress suddenly stood up and interrupted the speech of the white dragon lord.

"Everyone, Her Majesty the Dragon Queen has new instructions."

Including the white dragon lord, the dragons looked at the poisonous mistress, but the poisonous mistress seemed a little hesitant.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen asked us... we..."

The Flame of the Molten Mountain is a little impatient with the hesitation of the Venomous Mistress.

"We! Us! What are we! You say it!"

The poisonous mistress gritted her teeth.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen has asked us to take the heart of the plane of the world of Sincalo Titan!"

The dragons were in an uproar, and the white dragon lord raised his brows.

Tiamat is so cruel!

The heart of the plane is as important to a plane as the heart is to humans. The result of losing the heart of the plane is the passage of elements in the world of Cincalo Titan, the collapse of matter, and finally into pieces in the endless void.

"This is impossible! Even the Dragon God has no right to ask us to do this!"



Most of the dragons reacted strongly and looked very angry.

You must know that extracting the heart of the plane is a very dangerous task, and not everyone can bear the backlash before death.

Moreover, the world of Sincaro Titan is still an intermediate-level material plane. The backlash of an intermediate-level material plane is enough to make the god-level powerhouse pay a painful price, and the dragons of the high-level legendary level are killed by whoever touches them.


The white dragon lord looked at the two ancient dragons, the Black King and the Breath of Silentness, who were about to die, and understood Tiamat's plan in his heart.

But even if he doesn't need to pick up the heart of the plane himself, the white dragon lord is not willing to work hard for Tiamat and Titan, and most high-level legendary dragons have the same idea.

Don't look at the white dragon lord commanding the dragons, it is because of the white pagoda and common interests as the support, the dragons obey the orders of the white dragon lord because of the loot and other interests.

If Tiamat wanted to use his identity as a dragon god to order the dragons to do white work for him, the dragons would only respond to him with one sentence - dreaming!

While the white dragon lord wanted to understand the reason, some of the old dragons also wanted to understand, and they all sneered at the poisonous mistress.

There are more than one dragon gods, and the big deal is to turn to the platinum dragon god after death. This is the inner thought of many dragons.

The poisonous mistress looked at the unkind eyes of the dragons and felt aggrieved in her heart, but who made herself the spokesperson of Tiamat, accepted the power and benefits of Tiamat, and had to do things for Tiamat.

"Everyone, this is a good opportunity to serve Her Majesty the Dragon Queen. After death..."

Chi Yan Liuguang: "Ms. Grena, I believe in His Majesty the Platinum Dragon God, of course, I also respect His Majesty the Five-headed Dragon Queen, but my respect for His Majesty the Dragon Queen is not enough for me to risk my life to fight the Titans. The Titans know that our goal is the Heart of the Plane, and the supreme beings of those Titans may be dispatched in person."

The Heart of the Plane of an Intermediate Plane is also a big temptation for the gods. It is really possible for the three gods of the Titans to be dispatched in person.

All the high-level legendary giant dragons nodded and said yes, Chi Yan Liuguang said the wishes of the dragons, there is no benefit at all, but there is a huge risk, no one is a fool.

The Venomous Mistress opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything else, because even it understood these truths deep in her heart.

Suddenly, the body of the poisonous mistress froze, and then her eyes shot out a condensed light of divine power. The whole dragon's spirit and energy underwent earth-shaking changes, and a faint but incomparably pure dragon might enveloped the audience.

The expressions of the high-level legendary dragons froze, and Tiamat came in person!

To be precise, it was Tiamat's will that came.

"You unworthy descendants! Picking up a plane heart for me is a promise! How can I expect you to take on the important task of revitalizing the Dragon Clan?!"

The Venomous Mistress, or Tiamat, glanced at the dragons with a little anger, but no dragon dared to look directly at it.

The god of evil dragons, the prestige that Tiamat has accumulated for countless years, is not something that anyone dares to challenge. Even those arrogant dragons with iron heads will only end up fleeing to other planes if they offend Tiamat. Or find a small plane where Tiamat can't come, and dare not show up for the rest of his life.

The eyes of the Mother of Evil Dragons finally rested on the White Dragon Lord.

The white dragon lord suddenly felt in his heart.

So many dragons, why are you staring at me? !

As Tiamat's gaze was fixed, more and more dragons focused their attention on the White Dragon Lord.

The white dragon lord understands that Tiamat is forcing him to take the lead and promise to capture the heart of the plane for him.

But if the white dragon lord succumbed to Tiamat's lewd power, from now on, the white dragon lord could no longer raise his head in front of the dragons, and if he refused directly, he would undoubtedly anger Tiamat.

The thoughts in his mind were like electricity, and the white dragon lord had an idea in his mind. There was only another dragon god who could fight against the dragon god.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, if Your Majesty Bahamut wants to ask you to help capture a treasure without paying anything, will you agree or not?"

Hearing the White Dragon Lord speak directly about Bahamut's divine name, Tiamat felt annoyed at the same time with a little appreciation.

What a sly slicker!

It is precisely because the white dragon lord directly stated the name of the god that Bahamut, the platinum dragon god, also noticed the abnormality here, and observed the situation here through the eyes of the metal dragon believers.

Under the gaze of Bahamut, who is also the dragon god, Tiamat can no longer squeeze the younger generation at will. After all, Tiamat also needs to take care of face.

Don't think that immortal gods don't need face. In fact, for the gods, face is one of the most important things besides life. The older successful people are, the more they care about their face. This principle applies to gods The same applies.

Tiamat knew that his plan to make the dragons work without paying any price was in vain, but he had thought about this issue in advance as he liked to make a move.

"Okay! You little guys have done a good job in this plane! Let me have a taunting capital when facing the old bastard in the dark shelter, and I will reward you."

Three projections of crystals appeared in front of Tiamat. Each crystal contained a strand of silk emitting a milky white shimmer. Although it was only a projection, the breathing rhythm of the dragons inevitably became rapid and chaotic. .

Divinity! ! !

"However, there are only three rewards. You have so many dragons that I am really embarrassed. Why don't I make this capture of the Heart of the Plane a test. I will reward whoever performs well."

"Serve for Her Majesty the Dragon Queen! It is my duty! I will go forward bravely!"

The impassioned speech of the white dragon lord made the dragons sober, and they all scolded shameless in their hearts, and then rushed to express their respect and loyalty to Tiamat.

The Flame of the Molten Mountain wiped the saliva that was about to drip from the corner of his mouth, and looked away from the three crystal projections.

"It is my honor to serve your Majesty the Dragon Queen!"

"Down with Titan! Capture the Heart of the Plane for Her Majesty the Dragon Queen!"


Tiamat looked at the energetic dragons and nodded with satisfaction, and the three crystal projections disappeared.

"I'm looking forward to your performance."

As soon as the words fell, the pure and ancient dragon power disappeared.

Looking at the extremely excited dragons, the white dragon lord sighed in his heart that Jiang was still old and hot.

Three strands of divinity for a heart of an intermediate plane, Tiamat is not too profitable, but the dragons are willing to work for him.

The white dragon lord looked at the black dragon - the black king and the green dragon - the breath of annihilation. If nothing else, Tiamat arranged for the two of them to pick up the heart of the plane.

"Everyone, His Majesty the North Wind Dragon God has something for me to tell everyone."

The dragons looked at Chi Yan Liuguang who spoke, and Chi Yan Liuguang was a little excited.

"Just do it with confidence. If the supreme existence of those Titans is discovered, the three dragon kings will stop them."

"Praise Your Majesty the North Wind Dragon God!"


The dragons were all delighted when they heard the words, and the last trace of scruples disappeared.

Silent Breath walked to the side of the White Dragon Lord.

"Your Excellency Amos, borrow your teleportation room, I have some personal matters to deal with."

"no problem."

The Breath of Quiet is going to go back to explain the funeral, and the White Dragon Lord will naturally not stop it, and the White Dragon Lord looks at the Black King.

"Don't look at me, I have already arranged it."

Breath of Annihilation and the Black King also admitted in disguise that they had accepted Tiamat's conditions and undertaken the task of extracting the heart of the plane for him.

After sending off the breath of annihilation, the white dragon lord called the dragons for a meeting.

"Everyone, the plan has changed, we have to plan carefully to capture the heart of the plane for Her Majesty the Dragon Queen."

The White Dragon Lord recalled the records of the Council of the Guardians of Nordhill for the capture of the Heart of the Plane.

"The heart of the plane is generally located deep in the crust of the plane. It takes a lot of time to find the location. After finding the position of the heart of the plane, it is necessary to break through the many obstacles of the outer laws of the heart of the plane."

"The task of finding the Heart of the Plane is easy to do. It just takes more time and energy. I will send the murlocs to assist Senior Black King and Senior Breath of Silentness, and we will take the Titan Floating Tower in circles to let The Titans don't have time to think about anything else."

"But when the law protection of the Heart of the Plane is broken, there will be abnormal phenomena on the entire plane. Such a big movement can't hide the Titan. At this time, we need to stop the Titan. This will be an extremely difficult battle."

The dragons are thoughtful, and if there is no accident, this battle is the most important reference for Tiamat to choose the winner.

Thinking like this, the dragons looked at the other dragons as if they were looking at their competitors, and the white dragon lord felt a bit of a headache.

"Everyone, let's unite first, find the location of the heart of the plane, and then consider the reward."

The White Dragon Lord looked at the Black King.

"Senior, the task of finding the heart of the plane can only be completed by you and Senior Breath of Silentness."

The Black King nodded.

"You just have to make sure the Titans aren't free to bother us."


The white dragon lord took out the four-dragon ring emblem that symbolized the royal family of the Yafei Aiwei Kingdom.

"This is my token, you can use it to mobilize the murlocs in the sea."

The Black King took the token. It was undeniable that the new murlocs under the White Dragon Lord were a good team in the sea, not only in numbers but also well-trained.

After negotiating everything properly, the White Dragon Lord randomly selected a target and flew towards the target with the White Tower.

Now, the White Dragon Lord must not let the Titans perceive that the dragon's strategic goals have changed.

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