White Dragon Lord

Chapter 418 Changes in the Kingdom of Yafei Aiwei


Affiliate Kingdom.

The White Tower Laboratory in the Royal Palace of Orchi City.

The avatar of the white dragon lord is conducting a magic experiment. It is holding a crystal cup with a tick mark in its hand. The magic energy in the crystal cup reacts violently, bubbling continuously and emitting a reddish gas. A pungent breath is in the diffused in the laboratory.

It felt a familiar aura coming from the teleportation room, and then the body teleportation appeared in the laboratory.

The clone was not surprised at the return of the main body. When the white dragon lord broke through the space and appeared in the outer space of the abyss, it sensed that the connection between itself and the main body was connected again, and had a preliminary communication.

Watching yourself doing the experiment, this feeling made the White Dragon Lord feel a little strange: "Well..., it seems that you are adapting well."

"Of course, we are one body after all, I have your complete magical knowledge and experience," the clone put down the beaker and looked back at the White Dragon Lord.

Because the peculiar half planes cut off the connection between the two, they have not exchanged memories for decades. The huge change of the White Dragon Lord makes the clone very curious, and the White Dragon Lord also wants to know these years through the clone's memory. things found.

"let's start."

The two white dragons intertwined their spiritual power and exchanged information. The clone knew the experience of the main body over the years, and the main body also obtained the magical research results of the clone for decades.

Through memory exchange, the White Dragon Lord learned about everything that happened in these years, including the specific experience of the bloody battle, the actions of the Dragon Brother and Sister Longmei on the battlefield of the bloody battle, Merlin Tianli asking the gods to perform a great prophecy, the recovery of the Silver Dragon Grand Duke, etc. Wait.

"Well, I haven't seen them for a long time, you keep busy, I'll go see them," said, the white dragon lord disappeared.

"What are you doing in such a hurry! God-level dragon blood is not left behind!" The clone muttered and picked up the crystal cup on the experimental table. It instinctively felt that something was wrong.

and many more!

Isn't the magic experiment the task of the ontology? !

It's not going to be thrown at me, is it? !

Tool dragon also has dragon power!


On the other hand, the White Dragon Lord teleported into the White Castle and notified the scattered dragon brothers and sisters, as well as many family members and ministers of the kingdom. It sat on its own crystal throne and glanced at this familiar hall.

Two rows of stone pillars in a symmetrical pattern support the entire hall, forming ten juxtaposed spaces the size of a football field in the middle, while the crystal throne faces the entrance of the hall.

"I used to think it was quite spacious, but now it feels a little smaller. This hall has to be expanded," the White Dragon Lord made a grand renovation plan in his heart.

Just when the White Dragon Lord was struggling to rebuild the White Castle or use magic to expand the interior space, a majestic two-headed ogre appeared at the entrance of the main hall.

Over the past few decades, Gulgaru has grown a lot, and his height has reached a terrifying two-story building. The ground trembles slightly when he walks. A short stick, its primary weapon becomes a totem pole gifted by Mage Owen.

The White Dragon Lord saw a scar on Gulgaru's one-horned and one-eyed head. Through the memory of the clone, he learned that the scar was a memorial left by a high-level legendary demon, and this high-level legendary demon was also angry. The ogre was badly wounded, and finally fell in the bloody battle.


【Name】: Gulgaru Skullbreaker

[Level]: Level 20 Ogre Level 23 Warrior Level 23 Mage

[Strength]: Legend

[Alignment]: Lawful Evil

[Introduction]: It is an adult Skull Smash Ogre. Since it was born as a two-headed ogre, it has been fully cultivated by the Skull Smash Clan with a long history. after,

It got more training resources, and after a lot of battles, it broke through the ogre's species limit and became an extremely rare three-material legend.

Three legends!

Although it is not unprecedented, it is also unparalleled in today's Nordhill. With Gul'garu's current level of strength, an ordinary high-level legend may not be able to do it.

The White Dragon Lord is very satisfied with this, and has a sense of accomplishment that I really did not see the wrong person.

The majestic Gulgaru knelt on one knee in the center of the kingdom hall: "Congratulations to the master on his glorious return! Enjoy eternity!"

Although Gulgaru didn't know the specific concept of the fifty-meter-long dragon, it knew from the coercion emanating from the White Dragon Lord that it had stepped into the level of the gods and had an infinite lifespan.

"Get up! You've done a great job all these years! I'm so relieved!"

The white dragon lord learned from the memory of his clone that after his disappearance, Gulgaru led the army to participate in bloody battles like madness. Garou's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and in the last battle, he joined the high-level legendary battlefield, creating the name of blood slaughter.

There are also many legends of the kingdom who are crazy with Gulgaru, such as Hogg River Claw, Bucky Darkscale and the like. The bloody battle almost destroyed half of the legendary professionals in the kingdom of Yafei Aiwei, and all of them survived. Strength by leaps and bounds.

At the same time that Gulgaru stood up, many legendary family members also appeared at the entrance of the hall one after another. The White Dragon Lord glanced around and found that many familiar faces were missing, but there were also some new ones.

Many family members and ministers of the kingdom entered the door and saw the white dragon lord sitting on the throne, and their mouths grew in surprise.

The huge crystal throne is enough for people to run around to exercise, but the white dragon lord is sitting on it, but it looks a bit crowded. At the same time, a very light but pure dragon power spreads in all directions, making people want to kneel surrender.

"Congratulations on the return of Your Majesty!"

"Get up! I already know what happened over the past few years. I see your loyalty to the kingdom in my eyes. This time, I gathered you together to announce my return and to reward you for meritorious deeds."

"Gul'garu! Hogg Riverpaw! Bucky Darkscale! You three come forward!"

The three family members who were named took a step forward, and three drops of dragon blood penetrated from the fingertips of the white dragon lord and fell to the eyebrows of the three.

The god-level ancestor dragon blood is definitely a great thing for the three of them. Dragon blood strengthens their muscles, bones, internal organs, and even something more mysterious deep in their genes.

Obtaining part of the power of the ancestral dragon also has to pay a price. The transformation of dragon blood is accompanied by the pain of ant bites, but the three of them are silent and trembling, and they endure the pain abruptly.

In the envious eyes of others, the dragon blood transformation stopped, and the white dragon lord ordered the three to return to their positions, and then read out the rewards of others. Although the rewards of others are not as good as the dragon blood transformation, they are also extremely precious magic equipment. Or some equivalent potions, magical wonders, etc.

After the reward was completed, the White Dragon Lord announced the end of the meeting and came to the White Tower Hall. In the hall, Felicia and Willy were already waiting, and Gu Jinlong—Adelaide Leslie was also there.

Lord White Dragon learned from his clone memory that after he disappeared, Willy took Gu Jinlong as his teacher and learned combat skills from Gu Jinlong, so when Willie was notified, Gu Jinlong also came along.

"Long time no see, Senior Adelaide."

Gu Jinlong, who was astonished, came back to his senses: "Well... 50 years is not too long, but Amos, your change is really big! It's big in every sense!"

"I did have a chance."

The white dragon lord turned to the surprised dragon brother and dragon sister, and found that they had also grown a lot. Both of them were level 23 dragons, Felicia was a level 22 priest, and Willy was a level 23 warrior.

"It's just missing Elena, it's on its way with Lord Hajir."

Not long after the white dragon lord and the three dragons chatted, Elena and Catwoman appeared on the white tower teleportation platform and joined the assembly. Everyone was very curious about the encounter of the white dragon lord over the years. The white dragon lord told everyone about Mohot The story of Lund and the Winter Legion.

The story of the 100-meter-long ancestor White Dragon and Time Dragon, as well as the Demon Prince, Demo Gogan, made everyone exclaim in surprise. After telling his story, the White Dragon Lord looked at Elena.

Among the three dragon brothers and sisters, Elena is the most well-deserved strongest. At this time, its biological level is a 24-level dragon, and the dry vine druid profession has broken through to level 28, which is even better than that of the white dragon lord's mage. The level must be higher, and the white dragon lord found that its necklace was missing.

"Elena! Where's your necklace?"

Speaking of necklaces, Elena's spirit suddenly came to her.

"Amos! Do you know! The necklace given to me by the Silver Dragon Scholar was actually left by Lord Desert Buster! And it stores some of the plane blessings obtained by Lord Desert Buster repairing the plane of Nordhill. I am repairing it. When I trigger the necklace when I am on the plane of Luo Duo Luo, the blessing of the plane directly makes my Druid profession break through the high-level legend."

"Over the years, I have repaired the Luo Duo Luo plane, and the feedback from the plane has directly made me break through to the current level."

The white dragon lord suddenly realized that the blessing of the plane and the feedback of the plane are the rewards that the plane gives to the meritorious. According to some planes, it is also called merit, and the blessing of the plane is indeed a good thing.

"Hey?! Wait! You said that the Luoduo plane has been repaired?!"

Elena was a little proud of the surprise of the white dragon lord: "Of course! If I go out, it won't be easy."

"Good job! Elena!" The White Dragon Lord couldn't help but be overjoyed: "How far has the plane been repaired now? Can plants survive? What about animals?"

"Well, grass has grown in many places on the plane of Luoduo, and my teacher and I are discussing transplanting some plants, but animals can't survive, and the air on the plane still lacks some necessary ingredients for animals to survive, but it can't be used. How long will it take, when the time comes, think about the biological system, bring some small animals from Nord Hill, and completely restore the vitality of the entire plane."

"good, very good, excellent!"

"Amos? Why are you so happy?" Catwoman tilted her head and looked at the White Dragon Lord, she felt a little puzzled.

"To be honest, I have been planning to find a safe paradise for the dragon race for a long time, and which plane is more suitable than the plane of Luoduo!"

This idea has been in the minds of the white dragon lords for a long time. Due to the competition of other creatures and the hunting of intelligent creatures, the survival of the Nordshill young dragon is really worrying.

The idea of ​​the white dragon lord is to migrate the dragons to the Ludoro plane, sufficient food, no competitors, a vast living space, plus the elemental energy of a medium material plane, which will change the Nordhill The fact that the number of dragons is scarce is of great significance.

The only trouble is that the plane of Luoduo is jointly owned by White Castle and the Sanctuary, but the White Dragon Lord is confident that he can solve this problem. After all, it has a good relationship with the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary has no special needs for the plane of Luoduo. For wealth of equal value, the Holy Church has no reason to reject the White Dragon Lord.

It secretly included the sanctuary on the list of visits, and started to act after processing internal affairs. Of course, its itinerary list not only included the sanctuary, but also the Sky City and the Grand Duke of Silver Dragon.

After the white dragon lord and the dragon brother Longmei, Gu Jinlong, and Catwoman are finished, it is teleported to a big island at the edge of the kingdom. This big island was unknown until a Hydra made its home on the island. Here It became the famous Myriad Snake Island.

This Hydra is the Hydra that the White Dragon Lord brought back from the abyss - Hydra.

At the beginning, the White Dragon Lord was worried that Hydra was too ambitious and left it to Gu Jinlong to take care of it, but it turned out that it thought too much.

After the Hydra came to the kingdom of Aphi Ivey, it was a snake compared to the abyss. It used to be the overlord of the swamp side, and the skeletons were piled up at the door. Only a fat house happy snake.

After coming to the Kingdom of Aphiawei, the Hydra had no pressure to survive, and even the food was prepared by murlocs and brought to the door, and it fell.

Full of warmth and lustful thoughts, Hydra began its great cause of strengthening the snake family. It harmed all the mother snakes on the island where Gu Jinlong was located. When Gu Jinlong woke up, he found that the island had become a snake nest, and the hybrid descendants of Hydra were everywhere. Crawl.

Gu Jinlong couldn't take it anymore, so he discussed with the clone to move Hydra to the current Myriad Snake Island. The clone is also happy with the Hydra to strengthen the snake clan, because these snakes with the blood of the Hydra are very good pets of war. These snakes Greatly strengthens the combat effectiveness of the new murloc tide hunters.

Hydra knows that this plane is a giant plane, there are even god-level powerhouses, and White Castle is a major force in this plane, so it does not dare to make mistakes until it breaks through the high-level legend, it begins Becoming a little indifferent.

As a result, the Hydra became the only unstable internal factor in the eyes of the White Dragon Lord, and it decided to beat it.

In the sky, the white dragon lord looked at the lake in the center of the island. He saw a lazy snake lying on the shore and basking in the sun, letting the murloc servants scrub the scales up and down, and let the murlocs feed while taking a bath, and sometimes hum some indistinct sounds. Little song.

"Yo! You're really enjoying it!"

The Hydra heard a joking sound above his head, and was immediately startled.

who! You can get close to me without a sound!

The nine snake heads looked up and saw a giant beast suspended 100 meters above their head, and their mouths opened wide in surprise.

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