White Dragon Lord

Chapter 438: Red Dragon's Battlefield Records

The red dragon is the largest among the five-colored dragons, and the dragon species with the most lethal dragon's breath. It has always been the leader of the five-colored dragons.

Pride is engraved in the bones of every red dragon, because the brilliant achievements of the ancestors are engraved in their dragon inheritance. They know that one day they will become the same as their ancestors and become the existence at the top of the world.

Sometimes, being too confident is not a good thing. Once you are hindered or fail, you will deny yourself and feel that the world has lost its luster.

Demps was such a proud red dragon, but his pride was shattered in the battle between dragons and titans.

The Titan defeated its flesh, and a white dragon "smashed" its ever-present pride.

Demps was short of breath, and there was a terrifying blood hole in its heart, and the hot dragon blood was gushing out. This was the wound left by the Titan Spear, and it almost pierced through the heart and killed it.

At the critical moment, a white dragon descended from the sky to save its life, and easily pinched its enemy to death. The Titan's dying counterattack could not even break the white dragon's scale defense.

If the white dragon is a high-level legendary dragon, then Demps can still find a reason to comfort himself, but he found that the white dragon's biological level is definitely not more than twenty-five in terms of dragon horns, body length and other characteristics. class.

That is to say, a white dragon with a biological level similar to himself easily solved the enemy who almost killed himself. Its pride was shattered, and Demps felt that the sky was about to fall.

"Can you still fight?" A cold and majestic female voice came from behind, Demps turned back, and it saw another white dragon, which was shrouded in a rich divine brilliance.

This is a priest of the five-headed dragon queen, and the level is not low.

And it looks beautiful.

Oh~, that charming curve, slender dragon horns...

Felicia saw the injured red dragon staring straight at herself, her brows raised, but she was not angry. She had seen this kind of look a lot, and even many high-level legendary dragons wooed it, but it didn't. Refused.

Originally, it looked at some giant dragons and thought that they were very strong and pleasing to the eye, but when he thought of his brother's terrifying power and amazing growth rate, it felt that the other dragons were weak and lost interest.

Perhaps in the entire dragon clan, only the three dragon kings can win the elder brother steadily.

Felicia thinks so,

It activates the divine power in the body.

Advanced Healing!

A milky white energy spurted out of Bright Heart, pouring into the wound of the injured red dragon, and the granulation around the wound grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before Demps could react, he found that the serious injury that almost pierced his heart had healed.

"You need to rest in order to fully recover, leave the battlefield."

"Ah? Oh! Good!"

Demps looked up to thank him, only to find that the White Dragon Priest had left.

Although it was deeply hit, the current situation did not allow it to be in a daze. Demps looked at the sky, the dragon wings covered the sky and the sun, and the huge figure of the Titan cast a shadow of arrogance and claws on the ground.

Dragon's breath, Titan's spear, Dragon's language magic, and Titan's magic are intertwined in the sky. The fierce battle clears the dark clouds that have gathered in the abyss for many years. Fall in the sky.

Just now, Demps is also one of the fallen ones. It looked around. The corpses of dragons and titans were scattered on the ground, and the blood gathered in the low-lying area. own life.

Demps glanced at the battlefield and felt his body. Although the surface injuries had healed, it was still weak.

The principle of healing is to stimulate the life force in the organism, so as to achieve the ability to heal the wound quickly. The heavier the injury, the more life force is consumed.

So as Felicia said, Demps needs to withdraw from the battlefield for a period of cultivation.

Demps flapped his wings and flew at a low altitude. It was heading towards the rear of the giant dragon army, where there was a god-level dragon sitting. It could replenish food in the camp and rest in peace.

Demps' self-esteem was a bit of a stab at Demps' self-esteem, but this was not the time to be brave.

The natives who returned to the camp had no accident, and Demps arrived safely at the dragon's temporary camp.

The temporary camp was built on a vast plain, surrounded by a magical barrier to protect it. This magic barrier also had hidden functions, making the inside of the barrier look like a fog to those outside the barrier.

Although he couldn't see the inside of the enchantment, Demps knew that there were five dragon queen petitioners guarding the edge of the enchantment, and there was an ancient blue dragon in the center of the camp.

Don't ask how it knew, because it came out of the enchantment.

Demps plunged into the misty barrier and found that several petitioners who had transformed the dragon souls were looking at it. It felt a little embarrassed, lowered his head to avoid the eyes of the petitioners, and flew deeper into the barrier. .

You can't expect a dragon that is used to being free and loose to become a forbidden professional soldier in a short period of time. On a large plain protected by the barrier, the dragons lie on the ground in a mess, and they are basically like Deng. Puth was also injured, but did not want to withdraw from the fighting dragon.

They also want to seek revenge on the Titans, and some of them are to continue to eat and drink...

Demps flew to the west of the camp, where the dragon lords brought their servants, and these dragon servants would provide logistical supplies such as food for the injured dragon.

The head of the family in charge of logistics is a ferocious two-headed ogre, high-level legendary level. On the first day of his arrival, he beat three high-level legendary dragons who were making trouble. After that, the dragons dared not dare. Put on airs and don't dare to make trouble.

Although these relatives are a bit fierce, so that the dragon can't feel the treatment of the master, but the food they provide is really delicious, and there are many kinds of patterns, so the dragons hate and love these disobedient relatives.

Demps came to an ogre in a white chef hat: "Give me one, what? Red! Two big tongs! What's it called?"

The ogre chef was taken aback for a moment, thinking about the special food according to the description of the red dragon: "Crab, or lobster?"

"Oh! It looks like a crab!"

"What species do you want, we have deep sea swimming crab, freshwater bread crab, Moroccan king crab..."

Seeing the confused expression on the red dragon's face, the ogre understood that he had said it in vain.

"Hold on."

After a while, the ogre chef brought in samples, and Demps was dazzled by the variety of crabs.

These economical crab species bred by murlocs in the Yafei Aiwei Empire not only taste extremely delicious and large, but also the carapace is slightly crunchy, which is very in line with the taste of giant dragons. Dragon scrambles.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the injury and early return to the camp, Demps really didn't have the confidence to grab a plate of crabs in the competition of the dragons, let alone let him choose now.

Looking at the choice of food, it didn't seem like a bad thing for it to feel hurt for the first time, and Demps ordered some of each.

The ogre chef took out a large dinner plate with a diameter of several meters. This plate was specially made for the dragon by the kingdom of Yafei Aiwei. The plate, ingredients and other materials were all in the name of the white dragon lord to support the battlefield. .

After Demps ate and drank, he felt a warm current in his body, and his weak body recovered a little.

This is not its illusion. Giant dragons have extremely powerful digestive ability. Their gastric juices can quickly digest food into nutrients to supplement body consumption. The more elemental energy contained in food, the more nutrients are converted.

And the food supplies from the Yafei Aiwei Empire are all nutritious treasures, which are beneficial to the recovery of injured dragons.

Don't underestimate the power of food. Abundant food can not only make soldiers happy, but also improve morale and speed up the recovery of the wounded, thus gaining a certain advantage on the battlefield.

In a single giant dragon, this advantage is not obvious, but the advantages of thousands of giant dragons add up to a powerful advantage that can change the situation of the battle.

The provision of logistical supplies for the war by the Kingdom of Yafei Aiwei is one of the agreements between the white dragon lord and the five-headed dragon queen. As a reward for the investment of the white dragon lord, Tiamat will try his best to ensure the safety of the three dragons.

It's a common problem for creatures to get sleepy after eating. Demps yawned and flew to the rest area of ​​the camp. In fact, even if he slept in the dining area, no one stopped him, but when the battle was over, it was easy for the dragons to return. A stampede occurs.

Being trampled on by Wanlong is not pleasant, so it's better to follow the rules.

Demps found a clearing in the rest area to lie down, covered his head with his wings, and began to doubt the dragon's body while blocking the sun.

In its mind, the scene of the scales on the white dragon being stabbed by the titan spear appeared, and sparks were scattered everywhere, but the white dragon didn't even look at the titan spear, and rushed up with a desperate attitude, stabbed the dragon's claws. Entering the Titan's chest, a legendary Titan fell like this.

It was simply too sturdy to speak.

Demps couldn't understand why a white dragon who was inherently weaker than the red dragon could be so much stronger than himself.

It reminds me of the beautiful Dragon Queen Priest...

In the wild thoughts, Demps fell into a half-asleep state, and its body accelerated recovery.

In the haze, Demps heard the dragon roar of the dragons. This is the sound of the end of the battle and the return of the dragons. He heard the excitement in the dragon's roar. It seems that today's battle is the victory of the dragon family. .

The group of dragons who returned from victory excitedly rushed into the barrier and flew towards the dining area, lining up in front of the rows of chefs, ordering food, and eating the plate after eating.

That's right, these dinner plates are one-offs, and only the Yafei Aiwei Empire's strong national strength and wealth can support such an amazing consumption.

Felicia, Elena, and Willy are also among the returning dragons, but as imperial princes, they have special chefs to prepare food and eat in the dining area of ​​the high-level legendary dragon.

As the mainstay of the war, the high-level legendary dragons charge on the most dangerous battlefields and undertake the most important tasks. After returning, the high-level legendary dragons can also enjoy some privileges, such as special chefs and dining areas, which avoid The hassle of queuing.

At the beginning, the dragons thought that Felicia and Willy were only related households and could come to the high-level legendary dining area, but the performance of the two dragons on the battlefield these days made the dragons admire them.

They unexpectedly discovered that although these two white dragons did not cross the threshold of the ancient dragon, they had a combat power comparable to that of the ancient dragon, and they were not even the ancient dragons that had just crossed the threshold.

If Felicia and Willy surprised the dragons, then Elena surprised the dragons, turning the power of life and death to further damage the enemy, and taking a step back to heal the companions, she is simply an all-around warrior .

The three dragons fight alone and are comparable to the ancient dragons, and together they can turn the situation of a battlefield. Because the three dragons have a reasonable lineup and cooperate closely, they can play the role of one plus one greater than two.

All this made other dragons curious about the origin of the three dragons. After learning about the relationship between the three dragons and the white dragon who is famous in the multiverse, all the unreasonable things became natural.

After Elena finished eating, she was about to take out the magic item enchanted with the Mansion Technique to rest when it suddenly received a voice transmission from the god-destroying blue dragon sitting in the camp, the wrath of the sky.

"Elena, a lot of people of the same kind have been injured these days. Can you use another large-scale life supplement?"

The words of the wrath of the sky are very polite, and Elena knows that this is the recognition of her own strength by the anger of the sky, and on the other hand, it is also for her brother's sake.

The dragons all know that the reason for the outbreak of this war is that the five-headed dragon queen sneaked into the sanctuary of the Dark Titan, but few dragons know how the five-headed dragon queen found the opportunity.

And the god-level blue dragon, the wrath of the sky, is one of the insiders, but it doesn't know much, only that the four god-level Titans failed to kill the god-level white dragon that rose like a comet, and they paid a Severe injuries, the price of a disability.

When this news came out, it shocked the entire dragon clan. Compared with the fact that the white dragon lord had such a record soon after stepping into the gods, it really surprised the dragon.

The most important thing is that the fury of the sky knows that the god-level white dragon and the three dragons in his camp are brothers and sisters, which means that the age of the white dragon is no more than five hundred years old.

This conclusion gave Cang Qiong's anger not shock, but shock, which also made Cang Qiong's anger pay more attention to Sanlong.

After all, with such a monstrous elder brother, Sanlong's genes are not far behind, and this is indeed the case. Sanlong has become the final card of this battlefield, turning the tide of the battle several times.

Elena was invited by the god-level blue dragon to come to the center of the camp. Under the guard of the god-level blue dragon, she quickly recited the incantation, and the strong life force erupted in all directions with the center of the camp as the place. Influx into the body of the injured dragon, replenishing the life force consumed by the treatment.

The dragons woke up from their deep slumber, feeling that their body weakness had subsided for the most part, and it would not take long for them to fully recover. Once again, they went into battle. They looked at the source of the power of life, and paid attention to express their respect.

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