White Dragon Lord

Chapter 444: Dragon Academy Graduates

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Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

The war between the Titans and the giant dragons is still going on, and there is a trend of expanding in scale. The five-colored dragons led by Tiamat and the followers of the Dark Titans are fighting hard in the abyss, and several layers of demons in the abyss are gray in the war. Smoke goes out.

There was a small-scale melee in the rootless city of the Gem Dragon and the Star Titan, and the only ones who remained restrained were the North Wind Dragon God and the Radiant Titan in Paradise Mountain.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this kind of restraint will not last long. Although there is no war in Paradise Mountain, the Metal Dragon and Titan have had many frictions in other places.

Many forces in the multiverse have long noticed that the momentum is not good, and have adopted shrinking strategies to avoid being involved in the contradiction between the two major races.

You must know that only the god-level powerhouses, the five-color dragons, the metal dragons, the gem dragons, other dragon species, plus the time dragon and many other legendary dragon species, there are three famous dragon kings, and the gods of the giant dragon family. There are nearly a hundred strong people.

It is almost impossible for the gods and evil-level dragons to obey the orders of the Dragon King, but it is almost impossible for them to participate in the battle to fight the Titans, but nine times out of ten, they will respond accordingly.

The situation with the Titans is similar.

Hundreds of god-level powerhouses melee, which is a catastrophe for the entire multiverse.

This catastrophe will surely spread to the Afi Avi Empire, but not now.

So far, the senior management of the Yafei Aiwei Empire has remained very calm, and the White Dragon Lord even has the time to watch the "graduation ceremony" of the Dragon Academy.

It received a report from the teacher of the Dragon Academy that one of the first batch of students in the academy woke up from a deep sleep, and the White Dragon Lord specially came to witness this historic moment.

Through the monitoring plane function of the main tower, the white dragon lord saw the first adult dragon student of the dragon academy.

On the ground made of gravel and gravel, a blue dragon stuck its head out of a hole in the ground. It stared dazedly at the sunlight outside, snorted and spurted electric sparks from its wet nostrils.

Blue Dragon - Woodacre!

hold head high!

An excited dragon roar resounded through the earth, and the herd of herbivorous camels in the distant oasis looked up and around in horror.

The hot, dry wind in the desert brought the smell of camels, and Woodacre's saliva dripped from its jagged teeth. Because the sleep consumed too much energy, it was now skinny and very hungry and desperately in need of energy.

Woodacre fanned the wide dragon wings, soared into the sky from the spot, rushed to the sky, and then gliding in the direction of the camel group. It felt an unbearable pressure on itself, and a touch of helplessness flashed in its eyes.

This pressure is very familiar because it has been experienced so many times.

Every time they cross the physiological stage, the students of the Dragon Academy will feel this pressure. This is the magic circle set up by the dean of the Dragon Academy, Amos Winter's Breath. The dragon enters the next living area.

But the legendary dean who was so powerful that it was recorded in the inheritance of the dragons is not unreasonable. It left a buffer time for two days, and these two days were for the new breakthrough dragon.

Woodacre was very excited because it thought that it was coming of age and it was time to graduate from the academy.

In the excitement, it found the camel group in the oasis, spewed lightning from its mouth, electrocuted a large number of camels, and fell into the food and devoured it.

While Woodacre was enjoying his meal, the sand in the distance swelled slightly, like ripples caused by boats rowing across the water.

The blue dragon turned his head and glanced at the movement in the distance, with a flash of disdain in his eyes, it knew what it was - sandworms.

Sandworms are extraordinary insects that live in the sand. The general strength is high-level. Individual outstanding individuals can grow to master-level, social creatures, can move quickly in the land, and have extremely keen hearing. The movement of the dragon hunting wanted to share a piece of the pie.

These sandworms have thick carapaces,

Possessing sharp mouthparts strong enough to bite dragons, and capable of spitting acid, it is a trial monster specially recruited by the academy to block the young blue dragon.

If Woodacre was still a young dragon, it might still be afraid of these gregarious bugs, but now, it feels that it can solve these annoying bugs with its dragon breath.

The blue dragon stopped eating and faced the swarm of worms burrowing from the ground. The lightning dragon breath flashed in his mouth. Just when it wanted to attack, it remembered the meaning of these worms entering the living area of ​​the young blue dragon, and gave up the killing angrily.

The adult dragon and dragon's might spread out in all directions, and the strongest but master-level sandworm swarm felt the danger, turned his head and left, and the blue dragon continued to eat.

In the main tower of the magic tower defense system in the distance, the white dragon lord nodded in appreciation when he saw this scene. He could learn to restrain his temper, and the education of the Dragon Academy was not in vain.

Woodacre swallowed all the dozen camels in his stomach, feeling 80% full, licking the blood on the corner of his mouth with satisfaction, flapping his wings and flying into the sky, towards the central portal area of ​​the Dragon Academy.

Under the influence of the magic circle, the longer it stayed in the youth dragon area, the greater the pressure it felt.

It's time to go to the portal and get out of this dragon academy.

Among the white clouds, Woodacre saw the distant portal from a distance, which was a lonely peak shrouded in a translucent magical barrier.

Woodacre looked at the portal and sped up excitedly.

But as it approached the buttocks, it felt a pressure, which forced it to lower its flight altitude, and finally landed in front of the buttocks.

Woodacre felt that something was wrong, and there was no such pressure when entering new areas in the past.

It seems that this portal is not so easy to pass through.

Woodacre raised his vigilance and stepped into the translucent barrier. The scene in front of him changed in an instant. He was surprised to find that he had come to an ocean above, and a huge dragon turtle was floating on the sea and roaring at him.

Fantasy? !

It instantly realized that it was an illusion.

But this fantasy is too real!

The sea breeze with a salty and wet breath, the deafening roar of the dragon turtle, and the breath of the legendary extraordinary beast.

This is a test, and the subject of the test is to defeat the dragon turtle.

Woodacre took a deep breath. Its current biological level is a 20-level dragon, and its professional level is a 17-level warrior. This professional level is also among the best among many young dragons in the Dragon Academy. What kind of.

Intensive lightning fell from the sky and slammed into the dragon turtle on the sea. The legendary dragon turtle manipulated the sea water to attack the sky.

The legendary war broke out!

In the main tower, the teacher of the Dragon Academy looked at the battle scene and couldn't help but look at the dean of the academy. This fantasy realm comparable to the real is the handwriting of the White Dragon Lord, and it is the graduation exam for the students of the Dragon Academy.

After exhausting all his efforts, Woodacre finally killed the invincible dragon turtle, and he was tired enough.

The scene changed, and it came to a forest in the blink of an eye. A legendary barren rock blasting bear was staring at it with all its hair open, and the steamy snort represented the owner's anger.

and also? !

It was another fierce battle, and the blue dragon won at the cost of minor injuries.

The corrupt swamp filled with hookah, the blue dragon bravely fights the hydra of various patterns.

In the glacier desperation with the piercing cold wind, the blue dragon fiercely battles the legendary snow demon who travels through the ice.


Between the towering mountains, the blue dragon fought fiercely against the eastern giant eagle that rode the wind and thunder.

The opponents were stronger than each other, and Woodacre won from the very beginning, to the narrow victory at the back, until the seventh time, the blue dragon was pierced in the head by the sharp claws of the eastern giant eagle.

After death, Woodacre suddenly broke free from the illusion. It was panting heavily, and its wide eyes were full of horror. The feeling of being pierced by the hook-like sharp claws was so clear that it almost thought it was real. was dead.

In the main tower in the distance, the white dragon lord looked at the blue dragon with his head down and panting with satisfaction: "We reached the seventh level, not bad."

The illusion leading to the portal has a total of nine levels. The first level is stronger than the first level. The first three levels are relatively easy battle trials, the middle three levels are somewhat difficult, and the last three levels are abnormal levels of difficulty. There is no possibility of clearance.

This is the last lesson of the Dragon Academy to the adult students - learn to be respectful.

In the multiverse, there are many creatures that are stronger than dragons, and the peak of death of young dragons is the period of young adulthood, and an arrogant provocation may cause its fall.

After a while, the blue dragon broke free from the fear of death, it felt the pressure on its body disappeared, and looked up to see the portal at the top of the mountain.

From a close distance, the portal lost its dazzling colorful light, and was filled with a solemn and majestic aura.

As if on a pilgrimage, Woodacre embarked on the road to the top with awe, climbing up the steps step by step until he reached the top.

Standing in front of the majestic and majestic portal, the blue dragon looked back at the earth behind him. This is the cradle where it has lived for decades, but it cannot live in the cradle forever.

With apprehension and anticipation for the future, Woodacre stepped into the portal.

At the other end of the portal, the newly grown blue dragon stepped out of the portal. This is a portal that is exactly the same as the one at the academy, except that there are three majestic dragon statues around the portal. They are the five dragon queens and the platinum dragon god. , Statue of the Gem Dragon King.

Further away from the sculpture is a circle of milky white walls. There is only one door on the wall. It walks towards the door. This door leads to a large hall. After entering the grand hall, Woodacre saw a silver-haired elf.


Woodacre smelled the breath of the silver dragon, which was a silver dragon in human form.

Seeing the silver dragon, Woodacre is not surprised. In the Dragon Academy, the number of metal dragons is not less than that of the five-color dragon. It has dealt with the silver dragon many times, sometimes as comrades fighting side by side, sometimes as hostile relationship competitor.

"Name?" Yinlong said coldly.

Lan Long didn't react: "Huh?"

"I asked what your name was."

"Oh, Woodacre, Woodacre Beethoven Smith..." The dragon's real name is not like the real name of the devil and the devil, and it is known that it will be in danger of being controlled, so Woodacre answered the question completely. It looks like a problem with the Silver Dragon of the Dragon Academy teacher.

"Stop! No real name needed!"

The silver dragon uses the towering tune to extract the information of the blue dragon.

"Blue Dragon - Woodacre, the first group of native giant dragons in Nordhill to enter the Dragon Academy, the mother is Sunalina Kuangsha, the young dragon lived in the third blue dragon young dragon period, during which time he chose I learned the warrior profession, learned War Roar at the knowledge exchange center..., and the young dragon stage learned the sky and the earth... The total value of these knowledge and practice materials is 15,320,000 gold coins."

Hearing that he owed so much money to the academy just after graduating, Woodark felt a bit of a toothache, but in the process of growing up, it did use these resources of the academy.

"Now, you have two options. The first is to temporarily owe money on credit and pay it off within 200 years. After collecting the money, you can send it to the Yafei Aiwei Empire. The second is to join the dragon formed by His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire. Legion, serving the Empire, can choose to stay after the service period expires."

Yinlong continued: "For the consideration of your future professional development, I suggest that you join the giant dragon army. Within the army, you can not only get a lot of warrior training resources, but also will not lack communication partners. The dragon army is even more With a high-ranking legendary powerful warrior like the Golden Bulwark, and Prince Willy of the Empire..."

It didn't take long for Woodacre to decide to join the Dragon Legion.

This is almost nothing to consider. The Dragon Legion is backed by a powerful backing like Amos and Winter's Breath, and it has the strong financial support of the Yafei Aiwei Empire. It's much easier to fight alone.

What's more, he has lived in the Dragon Academy since he was a child, and has heard the legendary story of the rise of the White Dragon Lord many times. Like the vast majority of students, Woodacre is full of reverence and gratitude for the White Dragon Lord.

"A wise choice," Yinlong was not surprised by Blue Dragon's decision: "Then let me tell you a piece of news, the Dragon Legion has just started, and a large number of mid-level officer positions are still vacant. The dragon is selected, I heard that the specific selection method is to select the strong through battle, so prepare well."

As he said, Yinlong gave Woodacre an imperial identity certificate: "When you join the dragon army, you will join the Yafei Aiwei Empire by default. This is a special identity certificate for the dragon family, please keep it."

Lan Long took the small card handed over by Senior Silver Dragon, and found that the front side recorded his magical avatar, as well as basic information such as race, while the reverse side was a simple portrait of the White Dragon Lord and the emblem of the Yafei Aiwei Empire.

"What do I need this for?"

"It's very useful. The members of the Dragon Legion can use this card to go to the provincial administrative center to get their salary every ten years, and they can also use the card to use the teleportation array in the empire, and there are many other functions. You will know how precious this card is."

Under the guidance of Senior Silver Dragon, Lan Long walked outside the main hall, where the sun was just right.

On the other hand, Yinlong felt another wave of magic power coming from the teleportation array.

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