White Dragon Lord

Chapter 447 Meeting with the Dragon Kings

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The leopard Yuir was wearing a cloak of aliens and was teleported to the astral city - Frost Free City through the teleportation platform of the White Tower.

The plane of Nordhill has no diplomatic relations with the Frost Titan, the plane where Monkenardo Frostwhisper is located, so it plans to travel to its destination through the transit point of the Astral.

Just as the White Dragon Lord is famous in the multiverse, Frostwhisper is the only God-level Frost Titan, he became famous much earlier than the White Dragon Lord, and the plane is also open to the outside world.

It is not difficult to inquire about the coordinates of a famous plane. In just a few hours, Uyiel got the target information, and the target was named Monconardo Titan World.

That's right, the Frostwhisper named this large plane of matter after himself.

After figuring out the target location, Uyel stepped on the teleportation platform again, and after paying for it, teleported to the world of Monconardo Titan.

The Frost Titan guards looked at the gnoll who walked down from the teleportation platform. This is a black-skinned gnoll with two daggers on its waist. Shadow energy surges in its body, and its strength is legendary.

Uiel sensed a strange wave of energy sweeping over him, a magical means of detection.

But the xenophobe cloak provided by the white dragon lord is the best camouflage magic item in the multiverse, and this scanning detection magic is not enough to break through its camouflage.

There was no abnormal response to the detection of magic, and the Frost Titan loosened the Titan Spear in his hand: "Hey, gnoll, come and register."

Uiel, who turned into a gnoll, obediently came to the Titan.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Is it your first time? What's the purpose of coming to the world of Monknardo Titan?"

"Hey, work, you have so many questions, let's come one by one."

This Frost Titan, who specializes in receiving outsiders, has enough patience: "Name?"

"Hogg Blackskin."

"Where are you from? Is this the first time you've come to the world of Monknardo Titan?"

"Well, this is my first time in this world. I am a wandering mercenary from the astral world."

"Mercenary?" Frost Titan looked up at the gnoll: "Very good! We are recruiting legendary mercenaries to support the abyss battlefield. You are satisfied with the reward package..."

"Wait! I'm looking for a material, and I don't want to accept employment for the time being."

"Well, if you change your mind, you can go to the nearest Titan settlement at any time," the hire object was unwilling, and the Frost Titan did not continue to entangle, and asked some questions before letting go.

Yuel walked out of the magic tower and came to the Titan city outside.

Adult Titans are at least twenty meters tall, so the buildings in the Titan city are not ordinary. On the wide streets, the two-meter-tall Gnoll looks up at the surrounding giant buildings like an ant.

Titan's giant house is built of giant stones, looks square, and snow is piled on the roof. Uyiel remembers the news he heard in Frost Free City:

The world of Monkenardo Titan is a cold world. Most of the land is covered with ice and snow all the year round. The Frost Titan and its followers are the rulers of this land. Other races can only survive by relying on the Titan tribe. The speaker is the master of the world.

The Frostwhisper's base camp is in the Frost Cliffs in the center of the plane, and on the snow-covered cliffs, the Tower of the Frostwhisper reaches into the sky.

The Tower of the Frost Whisperer is the main tower of the magical tower defense system in this world, but the area around the Tower of the Frost Whisperer is a restricted area for non-Titan creatures.

Shadows fell from the sky, and Uyiel felt a strong sense of oppression, and it quickly ducked to the side.

A huge paw stepped on where it used to stand, and the owner of the paw was a frost titan. He looked at the glaring gnoll, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, you're too young to see you," said that, but there was no apology on Frost Titan's face, instead a mocking arc was raised at the corner of his mouth.

A flash of anger flashed in Youiel's eyes, obviously,

This Titan is deliberately looking for faults. As for the reasons for finding faults, there are many.

Being in a bad mood, xenophobia, and seeing yourself bullied can all be the reasons for finding fault.

Uyel didn't even bother to ask the reason, it wanted to teach him a lesson, but then gave up the idea, it didn't need to fight the dead.

"It doesn't matter, the night is coming, be careful," After speaking, the gnoll turned to leave, and the look in his eyes before leaving made the Frost Titan fall into an ice cave.

Frost Titan - Lakdas couldn't help but take a step back and reacted immediately.

I was actually scared off by a lowly gnoll!

Anger welled up in his heart, he looked in the direction of the gnoll, but found that the gnoll had long since disappeared.

"Humph! You're running fast!"

Frost Titan - Lakdas was very dissatisfied with his performance just now, and walked towards home cursing.

In the shadows of the houses on the street, a gnoll stared coldly at the departing Titan.

It happens that there is no camouflage template, but you come to the door...

As time went by, the world of Monknardo fell into darkness, and the titans followed their living habits and returned home.

Frost Titan - Lakdas felt very uneasy. There was no reason for this uneasiness. The warm home could not give him any sense of security. He lit all the magic lights in the house.

"What's going on? This damn feeling! Did my brother die in the abyss..."

Lakdas walked back and forth at home, no matter what he thought, he never thought that a crisis was about to appear on him.

Suddenly, he felt the hairs stand upside down, and then a sharp pain came from the top of his head, and he lost consciousness.

The black leopard stood on the corpse of the Frost Titan and licked its bloody paws. The Frost Titan was shot in the head by its claws and immediately lost its life.

Uyiel took out the scroll given by the white dragon lord from the dimension bag, and immediately unfolded the scroll. A strange energy wave smashed the soul of the Titan who had just left the body and sucked it into Uyr's body.

Soul suck!

Soul sucking can smash the target's soul body, and those souls carrying memory fragments are absorbed by the caster. Although the memory obtained by doing this is incomplete, it is safer and faster, which is enough for Uiel who sneaked in.

Yuir absorbed part of the Frost Titan's memory and learned that his name was Lakdas, an adult Frost Titan who lived alone, with a brother in the abyss battlefield.

"Nice disguise."

Uiel controls the faceless cloak and transforms into Lakdas.

It compared it with the corpse on the ground, and found that it was exactly the same, and put away Titan's corpse.

Yuel will live in place of Lakdas, and collect information and send it back to Nordhill.


Nordhill, the Empire of Aphiev.

The white dragon lord received the news from the leopard and ordered it to continue collecting intelligence.

Day by day, Uyiel returned more and more information, and the White Dragon Lord's cognition of the world of Monknaduo Titan gradually became fuller.

It was a large and cold material plane. The Frost Titan, Monkenardo Frostwhisper, built more than 800 magic towers to monitor the entire world, and there were even several floating towers.

Yes, this is a large magic tower defense system.

In fact, most forces in the multiverse control the plane through the magical tower defense system, and Nord Hill is the same. Those magical towers all over the world are part of the plane defense system.

It's just that the main tower of Nordhill's magic tower defense system is the city in the sky, and it has also added the weapon of space blocking magic circle.

Uyiel's ability to handle affairs is very strong, but within a year, he has figured out the details of the world of Monknardo Titan.

In addition to the distribution map of the magic tower defense system, it also obtained an important piece of information, that is, the Frost Titan - Monkenardo Frosttalker has not appeared for a long time.

The White Dragon Lord did a careful calculation and found that the last time Frostwhisper appeared was shortly before the end of the battle in the abyss. It suddenly understood that Frostwhisper was hiding and healing, and his subordinates might not even know that he lost the ability to cast spells.

This can be a breakthrough.

The White Dragon Lord ordered Uyiel to continue to lurk in order to obtain more in-depth information. At the same time, it planned an attack plan.

In five years at most, the city in the sky can be fully completed, and then it will be the time when the army of the Aphi Aiwei Empire is overwhelmed.

However, after a plane controlled by a god-level titan, it is not the matter of the Yafei Aiwei Empire, it must notify Merlin Tianli in advance.

In fact, what the White Dragon lord did is just an attitude. The dragon family is an important part of the Nord Hill Guardian Council. The council has long been tied to the dragon's warship. Although it does not want to be involved in the war between the dragon and the Titan, But that won't stop the native dragons from invading the Titan world.

After notifying Merlin Tianli, the white dragon lord contacted the three dragon kings again. Although Tiamat was unreliable in some matters, it was also absolutely trustworthy in dealing with the Titans.

The platinum dragon god, the five-headed dragon queen, and the gem dragon king descended their incarnations and came to White Castle to talk with the White Dragon Lord.

"Three Majesties, I called you here this time because I am about to attack the Frost Titan - the world of Monkenardo Frosttalker, which is very likely to completely ignite the war."

The platinum dragon god frowned: "Amos, you are too impatient. The dragon will take the initiative to lead the battle, which will make our reputation among the gods drop."

"Your Majesty the Dragon God, you and I both know that this battle is inevitable. Instead of letting the Titans ignite the flames of war, it is better for us to take the initiative to gain the initiative in the battlefield, which can effectively reduce the casualties of the dragon race."

"I agree with Amose's point of view," the five-headed dragon queen said. "The dragon's side suddenly ignited the war, and the Titans could be caught off guard. At that time, we would work together to eliminate the Titan's vitality as much as possible."

After thinking for a moment, the Gem Dragon King looked at the frowning Platinum Dragon God: "This plan is beneficial to the Dragon Clan, and now is not the time to take word of mouth into consideration."

After a short discussion, the white dragon lord and the three dragon kings reached an agreement.

Tiamat promised to watch over the Dark Titan God, and the Platinum Dragon God promised to deal with the Radiant Titan. The White Dragon Lord turned his attention to the Gem Dragon King, but it has not made a statement now.

The Gem Dragon King shrugged: "I can't guarantee that I can stop the Star Titan, because I don't even know where the rootless city is. Like the Obsidian Temple, the rootless city is also hidden in the boundless astral world."

The White Dragon Lord understands the Gem Dragon King: "According to His Majesty's words, let's change the battle plan..."

Overnight, the white dragon lord and the three dragon kings reached an agreement on a battle plan. The three dragon kings left, and they had to prepare accordingly before the white dragon lord launched an attack.

The White Dragon Lord began to mobilize the empire's strategic materials, first of all, the army.

In addition to the Titans, there are many giants and various races that depend on the Titans. The White Dragon Lord and the Dragon Legion deal with the Titans, and the followers of those Titans are handed over to the Imperial Army to deal with.

After years of development, the military power of the Yafei Aiwei Empire has made great progress.

The ogres are still the well-deserved ace army of the empire, and the ordinary soldiers in the most elite ogre legion are high-level professionals.

Add in the creature level and combined attack skills, and two ogre soldiers would have no problem dealing with a master-level powerhouse.

In the ogre trump card army, the master ogres are middle and low-level officers, only the legendary ogres are high-ranking officers, and the commander of the ogre army is the prime minister of the empire - Gulgaru.

In terms of another main class, the gnoll, the leader of the gnoll family is Hogg Riverpaw, and the minimum standard for the gnoll soldiers to join the army is 8.

Fierce and forbidden, these gnoll warriors are loyal warriors of the Empire.

In addition to the ogres and gnolls, the Yafei Aiwei Empire also has a special trump card army, that is, the puppet army.

Over the years, the empire has exported countless puppets to the outside world, and the puppets it has accumulated have filled the Underdark.

In this special army, the rock puppets with strength comparable to high-level professionals are the grassroots soldiers, the iron puppets comparable to the masters are the elite troops, and there are even hundreds of various legendary puppets as the elite troops.

The commander of this puppet army is the avatar of the White Dragon Lord.

At the same time as the army was preparing, the White Dragon Lord summoned the strategic experts of the Yafei Aiwei Empire to come to White Castle to make a strategic analysis of the world map of Monknaduo Titan sent back by Uyiel.

After many discussions, a combat plan for invading the plane was completed.

At this time, the Yafei Aiwei Empire is like a cheetah crawling in the grass, its muscles are tense, and it can attack at any time when the time is right.

And this time is the complete completion of the city in the sky.

As time passed, the white dragon lord invested a lot of resources to build the floating tower and finally saw the effect.

Not long ago, the council delivered several floating towers, and Baita's own team also completed several floating towers.

Looking at the docking of the floating towers and the bases on the Sky City, the White Dragon Lord was full of pride.

Back then, when it drove the parliament floating tower back to the city in the sky-Samiria, it thought that one day it would be able to have its own city in the sky and a complete floating tower battle group.

Now, its goal is finally being achieved.

The White Dragon Lord was in the control room of the White Tower in the center of the Sky City, and it witnessed the docking of the last floating tower and the base with his own eyes.

At this point, the city in the sky, which belongs to the Yafei Aiwei Empire, has finally been completed.

On a snow-white sky city, a giant white magic tower stands in the center, and around the giant white tower, thirteen decimal floating towers are evenly distributed.

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