White Dragon Lord

season finale.

The White Pagoda has a calendar of eight hundred years.

The fiery red sun sheds thousands of golden rays, shining on the land of the Yafei Aiwei Empire, awakening the sleeping people, and a new day begins.

In the majestic and peculiar city of the Nine Rings, the dense population of imperial citizens is like an endless stream of ants. Even in the early morning, this city, which is famous throughout the multiverse, can still make people feel its charm and prosperity.

Luxurious carriages pulled by various beasts galloped on the broad roads, professionals who drove extraordinary beasts flew in the air, and magicians flew through the air with bread in their mouths.

This is a bustling and busy city.

The magic puppet trade market, magic jewelry store, etc. contribute a lot of tax to the empire every year.

In addition, real estate is also a topic talked about by the people of the empire.

Since the expansion of Aoqi City to the Ninth Ring Road, the scale of the city has not been further expanded. Instead, several satellite cities have been built, and the stars and the moon will protect Aoqi City in the center, which makes the real estate within the Nine Rings range. become irreplaceable.

The rise of the White Dragon Lord and the boom in the magic industry have further pushed up the city's housing prices, making Orchi City one of the most expensive cities in the multiverse, but it's still priceless.

The people of this city are proud to live here, and few people sell their real estate unless necessary.

But once the residents of Orchi City have the will to sell their houses, then someone will immediately crowd their door. Anyone who chooses at random is at least a representative sent by the Earl of XX and Duke of XX. As for the nobles below the Viscount, they I didn't even have the courage to come.

Even the duke may not have the last laugh among the many bidders, because sometimes the king, or even other forces in the multiverse, will come to the city of Orchi to buy a property and use it as a resident.

Occasionally, dragons are also involved in the competition.

Since the white dragon lord became famous in the last dragon and titan war, the number of otherworldly dragons that came to Yafei Aiwei suddenly increased. They came to travel, study, and even settle down. The residents of the empire have long been accustomed to this.

Metal dragons like to transform into humanoid creatures and integrate into the lives of the people of the empire, so many people find that the neighbors who told them stories when they were young have not changed their appearance in the past hundred years. Dragon incarnation.

The five-colored dragon is still high and cold,

But they did not dare to be presumptuous in the Aphi Ivy Empire. They lived in the inaccessible mountains and forests like hermits, and they would go to the Sky City to communicate with their companions every once in a while.

Occasionally, gem dragons and even legendary dragon species come to the Yafei Aiwei Empire and go to the floating city to visit the white dragon lord.

The floating city is above the city of Aoqi.

The white dragon lord used a magical barrier to hide it, and used a portal to connect the sky city and the city of oqi, which gave ordinary people the opportunity to come to the floating city for a day trip.

The people on the floating city are constantly flowing, and the white dragon lord is still studying the mysteries of magic as usual.

Life is endless, and exploration is endless.

But the combination of work and rest, it also relaxes after being busy, and what it loves to do is to walk to the balcony of the White Tower and look down, watch the crowd come and go on the street, watch the buildings being built, watch Watching the clouds change under the floating city, watching the visiting dragons shuttle between the clouds.

Whenever it sees such a scene, a sense of pride floods its heart unconsciously.

Because this is the kingdom it built.

The book is over!

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