The body of the snake tens of meters long was carried on the shoulder by Chu Xiao, with the broken neck facing the dry pool. The body of the snake was like a water pipe, pouring blood into the dry pool.

That sound is terrifying!

When the surviving monster saw it, it was paralyzed by fright, and it didn't even dare to move.

This human being is simply cruel and insane!

"That is……!"

Cheng Xiaoxiao, Zhao He and other human warriors from Guancheng came to a standstill.

The towering mountain of corpses in front of him was shocking enough.

However, when they saw a figure full of gorgeous hair, who chopped off the head of the giant green-scaled snake with one palm, carried the snake's body, and stood on the mountain of corpses to collect blood, they were completely stunned.

They all know that giant green-scaled snake, isn't it the lord-level monster Qingnv of Broken Wind Valley? !

That charming and seductive woman who fascinated so many human men was slaughtered like this, her head was beheaded and rolled aside.

They approach quickly.

The eyes are one after another demon head.

And corpses with broken necks.

It was as if they were all chopped off with a knife.

It made everyone feel horrified, this... is indeed a bit cruel!

They stopped before the mountain of corpses.


Chu Xiao stood on the mountain of corpses, stared at the dry pool, and immediately walked down.

The body fell into the demon blood pool.

The demon blood is boiling!

The purpose of making this pool of blood is to temper the body and perform a baptism for Jie Yaoxue.

There is violent power in the demon blood, which can effectively polish his Wu Zun's spiritual power.

The second is to repair the Blood Moon Sword Art!

It's the same as Frenzy.

They all rely on blood and energy to cultivate.

The power is extremely powerful.

In the past, he relied on these two martial arts skills to reach the seventy-two level!

However, the Qi and blood were exhausted later, and there was no way to touch it anymore, so I could only pass it on to the eldest son Chu Hao!

But it's different now.

The state of blood energy has reached the ninth rank of the mortal body, and rebuilding the blood moon knife will help him effectively use the arm fused with the alloy knife to enhance his attack methods.

The demon blood in the blood pool seemed to be drawn away!

A blood-red aura was formed, coiled into a storm, and then, a moon-shaped blood knife shadow condensed above Chu Xiao's head, and the torrential sharp knife aura raged out.

Shuttle around Chu Xiao like a vigor!

During the shuttle, it absorbs the blood energy in the blood pool, condenses it into a blood moon knife, and then returns to blend into the shadow of the blood knife above Chu Xiao's head.

Repeatedly, lasting six or seven hours, gradually solidified!

The blood knife shattered and merged into Chu Xiao's body.

Chu Xiao opened his eyes.

The blade flashed in the pupil.

A sharp breath emanated from Chu Xiao's body.

Chu Xiao dressed and stepped across the bleeding pool.

The demon blood in the blood pool became much weaker.


Cheng Xiaoxiao and others waited.

Didn't bother.

From the appearance of the blood moon knife shadow in mid-air, they knew that the man was practicing, and instead of disturbing him, he took on the role of guard.

Chu Xiao carried the coffin and walked out of the mountain of corpses.

White hair ups and downs.

Tsing Yi hunting.

The sharp-edged face is vigorous and fierce!

Zhao He, Cheng Xiaoxiao and others stepped forward, Cheng Xiaoxiao shouted: "Senior, you...!"

"Grandpa Chu Xiao!"

Suddenly, Cheng Xiaoxiao exclaimed, extremely surprised.

A pair of bright and story-filled eyes stared at Chu Xiao closely, as if they knew each other.

Chu Xiao was about to leave straight away.

However, upon hearing this sound, he also turned his eyes to look.

A young woman's figure came into view!

The woman looks about twenty-six or seventeen years old!

Wear golden alloy armor!

The hot wavy hair hangs over the shoulders!

Looks a bit like a Battle Angel.

Beautiful, generous and energetic!

The young woman said that there is no woman in the human race who is as beautiful as her, because she is less experienced, and this one is more beautiful than her, but the uniqueness of this beauty is not her charm, but her purity.

Chu Xiao felt a little familiar with this woman, but didn't recognize her for a while.

"Grandpa Chu Xiao, I'm Xiaoxiao, Cheng Xiaoxiao!"

Cheng Xiaoxiao said.


Chu Xiao suddenly remembered Cheng Xuanwu's family at the seventy-two level.

That was the kid who fought side by side with him.

Later, she gave birth to a daughter, who is now Cheng Xiaoxiao!

At that time, Cheng Xiaoxiao was only in her teens.

She is a few years older than her granddaughter Chu Xiaoxiao.

In fact, Cheng Xiaoxiao is now in her thirties, but the martial artist is full of vitality and does not look old, so Cheng Xiaoxiao looks very young!

"So it's you little girl!"

Chu Xiao showed her first smile since entering customs!

Seeing that the two knew each other, Zhao He and the others were full of curiosity, and asked Cheng Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, do you know each other?"

"City Master Zhao, this is the little grandfather Chu who fought the extraordinary monster twenty years ago. After the First World War, he retired with honor. Don't look at the white hair of the little grandfather Chu, but he has maintained bloody battles for thousands of years." man!"

Cheng Xiaoxiao introduced with great pride.

Using the description of 'a man who has fought bloody battles thousands of times' is enough to show her admiration in her heart!

Thousands of bloody battles!

Zhao He had heard about it and was in awe.


Cheng Xiaoxiao sensed that something was wrong, and asked, "Didn't Grandpa Chu retire? Why did he enter the battlefield again? Your energy and blood are exhausted, if..."

Saying that, looking at the coffin on her back, her eyebrows were folded!

The First World War twenty years ago.

Chu Xiao retired because he was exhausted!

The depletion of blood, coupled with the decline of more than 20 years, carried the coffin back to go out again, and Cheng Xiaoxiao vaguely guessed the meaning of it.

"The blood is exhausted, and the blood is hard to extinguish!"

Chu Xiao sighed.

He has to go out!

If his children and grandchildren die in battle, he will destroy all races and be buried for them!

If he didn't die in battle, then he vowed to make peace for them!

Zhao He and the others were also moved when they heard this. An old soldier, he has made great achievements on the battlefield all his life, was born on the battlefield, and died on the battlefield.

No wonder Xiaoxiao is so proud!

Who wouldn't be proud to know such a backbone!

"Where are your parents?"

Chu Xiao asked.

Cheng Xiaoxiao asked, with a gloomy expression, and didn't answer.

A Martial King behind him said: "Senior Cheng died in battle eighteen years ago outside the Seventy-Five Pass!"

After Cheng Xuanwu and his wife died in battle.

The seniors on the front line decided to arrange Cheng Xiaoxiao in the rear to hone for the time being.

Now Cheng Xiaoxiao has reached the intermediate Wu Zun!

"Grandpa Chu Xiao, let's go back to the city first!"

Cheng Xiaoxiao suppressed the sadness in her heart and didn't show it. In front of Chu Xiao, she had no right to grieve, because Chu Xiao experienced much more pain than she did.

"I won't go!"

Chu Xiao didn't stop.

Cheng Xiaoxiao said worriedly: "Grandpa Chu, you're making too much noise. I'm worried that if you continue to attack the front line, the monsters will send strong people to enter the pass."

"do not worry!"

Chu Xiao stared at Cheng Xiaoxiao, reached out and touched Cheng Xiaoxiao's head, and said with a smile: "In the future, I will support the sky for you girl, so I won't fall down!"

Everyone watched quietly.

Cheng Xiaoxiao, the famous iron-blooded castellan!

Don't talk about touching your head.

Be careful even when approaching her.

Chu Xiao was the only one who dared to touch his head like this.

And Cheng Xiaoxiao is extremely well-behaved.

Cheng Xiaoxiao's suppressed emotions were about to burst, and the circles of her eyes were reddish!

"I must move forward!"

"Your future, I will fight for it!"

Chu Xiao said.

Cheng Xiaoxiao nodded, there was no way to stop it, she knew Chu Xiao's stubborn temper before.

Changing the subject, she noticed the state of Chu Xiao's blood energy, and she said: "Grandpa Chu Xiao's blood energy is stronger than before, and he is much younger."

"It's better to be younger, so that I can support me to continue fighting!"

Chu Xiao laughed.

Fusion of blood energy is to change his decadent state!

"The younger the better!"

Cheng Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "You go to the front line first, and when I'm done with breaking the snow city, I'll follow in your footsteps and fight side by side with you!"



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