‘If it goes on like this… Can win! ’

Looking at the score of 40:32 on the scoreboard, and then feeling that although he has consumed a lot of physical strength, he still has enough physical strength, Sogo’s heart secretly said.

The players of Hakuyama can’t prevent Nemuya, but the same – the other players of Torakari can’t prevent him at all!


“Sogo!” With Mitsui Kasamatsu’s high drink, the basketball crossed the opponent’s defensive matrix of three people and passed through its gap, and it was transmitted to a position less than two positions in front of Sogo on the side!

“Snap!” And Sogo naturally wouldn’t miss such a great offensive opportunity – under the almost desperate gaze of the Toragari player in charge of defending him head-on, he once again burst out with incredible speed, just now he remained completely still!

The body turned around fluidly, a slight gap in the back, and then turned around and jumped to shoot!

So in the next second, his score in this game was refreshed again to 28 points!

“Good ball – 42:32, in the white phase player’s goal again, the point difference was widened to double digits for the first time…” The commentator also found something wrong while saying: “We can clearly notice that in addition to the two players Nemuya Nagayoshi and Bai Sangsogo, the performance of other players is obviously superior to ‘Toragari’!” ”

“I would like to add, especially Hakushan’s No. 5 rookie player Mitsui Kasamatsu – in the matches so far, including the wonderful pass just now, he has shown very good passing skills and control of the position of players on the court, he is definitely an important cornerstone for Hakushan’s ability to maintain the current advantage!”


And as the two commentators who are somewhat sure of the situation say, the reason why Sogo has the judgment that he can win now is because of his teammates!

Although it is embarrassing to say, Toragari Middle School itself is indeed an embarrassing team – almost all teams know that the other players of Toragari are ridiculously weak except for ‘Rigidity’!

In other words, as long as the power of Nemuya Nagayoshi on the offensive end is limited, then this tiger-like team is just a sick tiger that has always lost its minions!

And although Sogo’s side did not limit Nemuya Nagayoshi’s attack, his own attack was no less than Nemuya!

When the two aces of the opposing attack are close in scoring efficiency, the strength of the defenders becomes an important factor limiting the game!

And there is no doubt that the players on this side of the White Mountain… Much stronger than Toragari!

They can’t stop Nemuya from scoring, but they can get in the way or foul it somewhat!

“You guys go and stop Nemuya, Mitsui and I cooperate to attack!”

Behind Sogo there is an absolutely top-ranked all-rounder, Mitsui Kasamatsu, as a foil, while Nemuya is alone!

And this tactic, called ‘isolation tactic’, is exactly the skill that Sogo learned in the system!

Now it seems – it clearly works!

Under the intentional isolation of the people of Hakushan, the already weak strength of Nemugu’s teammates was clearly displayed – from beginning to end, Toragari’s attack could only be carried out by Nemuya alone, and his teammates could not even enter the three-point line!

And under such circumstances, with the passage of time and the inevitable decline of Genmugu’s physical strength, the gap in the score will only get bigger and bigger!


After converting the ball, he once again flew Sasaki, who was defending himself, and then poured the ball into the basket, Nemuya looked at the expressions of the Hakusan players around him without the slightest frustration after landing, but his expression suddenly became solemn!

“Do you think there’s nothing I can do about it?”

“No kidding!” His gaze stared fiercely at the silver-haired boy not far away, his eyes were like hungry tigers!

“Lao Tzu, but Nemuya Nagayoshi!”

The five players without a crown, this title itself is a legend in the national basketball world.

In the next five people have not yet blossomed, their existence is the highest point, a genius who can be understood no matter what he does!

Their name itself is a carrier of pride and honor!

Therefore, when Nemuya Nagayoshi first appeared in the opposite position with Sogo and seemed to be defensive, Sogo’s heart did not overflow with much surprise, but rather…

‘That’s right! In his heart, a trace of inexplicable joy rose out of thin air.

Or if the game really goes on like it just did, then even if he wins, he may have some regrets in his heart!

‘That’s it, the game… It’s fun! ’

Looking at Nemugu’s completely calm pupils and expression, the excited expression on Sogo’s face flashed away!

Ankles are strong, knees are slightly bent!

Butterfly step through flowers, start!

“Boom!” The sound of sneakers stepping on the field is loud, as if it is a command gun that is fired!

Instant acceleration, as before, the familiar road has almost become an instinctive low-body breakthrough!


“Sure enough, it was fast…”

A trace of essence flashed in Genwu Gu’s eyes, but his figure was instantly activated!

But what he did was not open his arms and try to break the ball like ordinary defenders do!

All he did was move his body!

And then… Waiting for the upcoming collision!

As we all know, when breaking through, because the offensive player is the initiator and ball carrier, the acceleration he assists when breaking through is extremely powerful.

For defenders who can only stand still and are passive, head-on collisions often end when the defenders are pushed away.

In fact, for most defensive players, their way of defense is often to use their keen observation and reaction power to try to take advantage of the opponent’s breakthrough gap to pull out the ball or obstruct the opponent’s vision to force the opponent to walk or foul!

However, some players do not choose this way of defense!

Like ‘Shaquille O’Neal’, like… Nemuya Eiyoshi!

“Hmm!” The figure was lowered, and the dribble rushed straight forward, but in the process of breaking through, Sogo suddenly found that a hard thing appeared in front of him that blocked his progress – this thing would never exist in his previous breakthroughs!

And just in the moment of his surprise, the ‘thing’ that he hit was not pushed away by him, but instead of a great force came from it, directly pushing him backwards!

However, with Sogo’s physical fitness, he will not lose his center of gravity due to this obstruction – I saw his body retreat slightly backwards with this force, and his feet immediately wanted to shoot directly here!

However, at the moment he jumped, Genmugu’s huge body and the arm that intercepted high on the parabola of the shooting basket were already impressive!

“Bai Xianggo, you are very strong!” There was no trace of casualness in Nemuya Nagayoshi’s expression!

“A breakthrough at this level, there are really few people who can prevent it – your talent and strength, I recognize!”

“But… How do you think I won when I used to compete with Shibu? ”

After doubts, basketball was taken as a matter of course!


As if announcing….

The competition is only now really beginning!

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