White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 117 A Better Way (Part 2)

"Shrek... branch?"

Flender repeated what Le Bai said, and asked: "You mean, Shrek and Lanba Academy don't need to be renamed, and the personnel don't need to be adjusted, just let Shrek be named under Lanba Academy, and then everything will go on as usual?"


Le Bai clapped his hands together: "In this way, Shrek can use the resources and conditions of Lanba Academy to strengthen our training, and Shrek can also continue to maintain the tradition of only accepting monsters."

"Of course, Lanba Academy is not without its benefits. Because Lanba only recruits ordinary people, it must suffer from high-talented students. Shrek's students can make up for this very well. Because they belong to the same academy in name, Shi The honor that Lake has won also belongs to the Lanba Academy."

"In addition, Shrek can also be opened to the students of Lanba Academy. Any student of Lanba Academy, as long as they meet the Shrek recruitment standard, can transfer to Shrek from Lanba Academy to study. There are also two meetings held in the academy every year. The confrontation competition in the branch school strengthens healthy competition, and also allows those students with average talents to know why the students in the Shrek branch school are treated better."

"However, in that case, it is best to integrate the existing teaching materials of the two colleges and recompile them. It should be no problem to leave this matter to the master. If the effect is good, in a few years, many theories of the master will become the masters of the soul master world. Common sense."

"Finally, if our Shrek teachers can find time to give lectures to the students of Lanba Academy every ten days and a half months, presumably the teachers and students of Lanba will be more willing to accept the joint offer of the two colleges. matter."

After listening to Le Bai, both Flender and the master lowered their heads and fell into deep thought.

Liu Erlong didn't care at all. She was planning to send the academy out, and even if she followed Le Bai's advice, her position as dean would be transferred to Flender, and then she would just take care of the source of happiness for the rest of her life.

"Sounds great!"

Flender looked up at Le Bai, his eyes full of hope: "That can solve Shrek's current problems very well, and even make Shrek no longer have to worry about business problems!"

"The method Le Bai said is indeed better."

The master also agreed: "In this way, the advantages of the two colleges can be fully utilized, and the disadvantages of each other can be made up for. The most important thing is that neither side needs to pay too much. As for the compilation of teaching materials, I need some time."

"But, if we do what Le Bai said, how will the participating teams of next year's competition be arranged?"

Zhao Wou-ki raised his hand and asked: "We are still an academy in name, so we can't send two teams?"

Le Bai, Flender, Master, the three said in unison: "Why not?"


Zhao Wou-ki scratched his head: "Well, isn't there a rule in the competition that each academy can only send one team?"

Master: "There will be no quota limit until the preliminaries of the official competition."

Flender: "There are more than one team sent by the academy every year, but those are just for the sake of numbers, and they are usually eliminated before reaching the preliminaries. As long as the two teams we send out are good enough, I think the Heaven Dou Empire side will have no chance. Reasons not to let us compete."

"All right."

Zao Wou-ki put down his hand: "I'm fine now."

Others will naturally have no problem.

That's it for the academy. The specific details will be discussed in detail when Lanba Academy holds a teacher-student meeting tomorrow.

By this time, it was completely dark.

"Get here first today."

Flender got up first: "Erlong, can you arrange a place for us to rest tonight?"

"No problem at all!"

Liu Erlong patted his exaggerated chest muscles: "There are many vacant student dormitories, and the children can choose by themselves. The teachers' dormitories are also available, and the conditions are no worse than the room I live in!"

Flender nodded.

Said to the eight children: "Gather in the open space next to the grove tomorrow morning. Don't be late!"

"Yes!" ×8.


Le Bai still fell asleep after lying down for a few seconds, and woke up half an hour later.

"Which liver skill is better tonight?"

Le Bai browsed the skills in his mind.

Over the years, he has mastered more and more skills, and there are more and more skills that need to be improved, but the time will not increase, and the choice is very important: "It's just tonight, pick whatever is useful."

If there are creeks or lakes around, Le Bai will not hesitate to continue the intensive training of soul power control a while ago.

But no.

Suddenly, Le Bai saw an unfamiliar skill at the end of the panel: [Soul Power Crystallization] Lv0.

"Huh? What kind of skill is this? When did it appear? Why don't you remember it?"

But it doesn't matter, at this time, as long as you follow the guidance of the panel and use the [Memory] skill, you can review the past memories like watching a replay.

A minute of memory is over.

"Hoho~ It turns out to be such an interesting skill, it doesn't look like it will be boring at night!"

Le Bai ate the next piece of bread, and then began to gather more soul power in his hand to make the enhanced version of the bread. The two white soul rings emitted a soft and bright white light under the continuous infusion of soul power.

Just like Oscar can obtain a large sausage with greater recovery by increasing the consumption of soul power, Le Bai can also obtain bread with a longer-lasting effect by increasing the consumption of soul power.

Unfortunately, only the duration of the effect is increased.

"The light from these two white soul rings is really good. It's soft and doesn't hurt your eyes, and you can see things very clearly. It would be great if you could use a soul guide to simulate and restore them."

Le Bai couldn't help thinking.

But just think about it. His current level of soul tool production is not yet at the level where he can do whatever he wants.

Continue to concentrate the soul power for 25 minutes, and finally get bread that can last for 24 hours.

"The soul power consumption is nearly twice the total amount of soul power, and a serious support system soul master should not be able to do this."

Le Bai looked at the bread in his hand, and rubbed out another ordinary bread for comparison: "There is really no difference."

After eating all of them, start the skill of liver soul power crystallization.

According to the results of the memory, the skill of crystallization of soul power was discovered by Le Bai about half a month ago, seventeen days to be precise, when he was practicing the ability to control soul power by the stream at Shrek Academy (former site). Strange phenomenon, this skill appeared on the panel afterwards.

At that time, Le Bai had a whim and tested the limit of the soul power he could compress and control.

In fact, he will test it every once in a while. It feels like the mobs fight too much and they want to try to fight the boss once. After being beaten by the boss, they recognize their strength, and then continue to brush mobs to upgrade.

In short, while recovering his soul power that day, Le Bai continued to condense and compress the soul power in the palms of his hands until it was completely impossible to continue, or it would be difficult to control if he continued to compress, and then boom.

After trying his best, Le Bai casually threw the compressed soul power into the air.

According to past experience, this group of soul power will expand rapidly and make a small "bang", bring a gust of wind, and finally dissipate in the air.

However, this time, the mass of soul power did not expand as quickly as in the past, but continued to maintain a compressed state, and began to overflow from the outermost layer at a slow speed, until the last core remained, and then suddenly began to expand rapidly. dissipate.

At that time, Le Bai paid a lot of attention to this phenomenon, and after repeating it several times in a row, he found that it was not the same.

No matter how many times it is repeated, it is the same as the first time, and the progress bar of the [Soul Power Crystallization] skill remains unchanged.

So Le Bai ignored this skill for the time being, and focused on training his soul power control.

"The emergence of skills means that in the process of compressing the soul power, I have indeed achieved the phenomenon of 'soul power crystallization' in my knowledge."

Le Bai analyzed carefully: "But the progress bar has not changed, which means that although this phenomenon is caused by my compression of soul power, the training direction is wrong, or the minimum training volume required for the progress bar to grow has not been reached... ..."

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