White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 126 Energy Harmonization

The star anise ice grass and the raging fire apricot are close together, and within a second, the colors of the two are swapped—the white star anise ice grass is dyed red, and the vermilion raging fire apricot is bleached.

At the same time, the ice and fire aura that the two continued to emit suddenly disappeared.

Tang San stretched out his hand decisively, Le Bai withdrew his soul power in time, Tang San caught the two celestial grasses, stuffed them whole into his mouth, swallowed without chewing.

Three seconds later, Tang San's body began to react violently, alternately showing red and blue colors.

Le Bai immediately followed what Tang San said before, using his soul power to grab him, and with the fastest speed and gentlest movements, put him into the intersection of the two-color spring water in the eyes of ice and fire.

As soon as this side was put down, Tang Hao rushed out from the other side.

"Uncle Tang!"

Le Bai hurriedly said: "Tang San is fine!"

Tang Hao was very fast, after Le Bai finished shouting, he had already rushed to the side of the hot spring, almost jumping down to fish for people.

Dugu Bo looked at Tang Hao who suddenly appeared with a look of shock.

"What did Xiao San eat?"

Tang Hao asked coldly: "Is this the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye you mentioned?"

Just ask!

Le Bai's raised heart slowly let go: "Let me first talk about what I ate from him..."

After more than ten minutes, Le Bai finally finished talking about the purpose of Tang San's series of actions just now.

Tang Hao remained silent the whole time, and his aura gradually weakened following Le Bai's explanation.

"The ice and fire energy here is really powerful."

Tang Hao quickly frowned unobtrusively: "Are you sure this place can speed up Ah Yin's growth without hurting her?"

"It's easy to verify."

Le Bai pointed to the outside of the rocky mountain: "You can just go outside and get a blue silver grass and plant it near here. Well, it's best to be the extension line of the intersection of the red and blue springs. Wait a few days and observe the growth rate. I believe it will be easy. It can be seen. If ordinary blue silver grass can't be harmed, Auntie Ayin, who is the emperor of blue silver grass, will be fine, don't you think?"

Tang Hao turned around in silence and walked outside.

When Tang Hao walked away, Dugu Bo exhaled with lingering fear: "Huh—as expected of Haotian Douluo, this aura is truly terrifying."

"Are you so afraid of him?"

Le Bai asked curiously: "Did you ever offend Haotianzong?"

"I don't think my life is too long! And you think the number one case in the world is so easy to offend?"

Dugu Bo said unhappily: "Believe it or not, the hammer in his hand killed many more people than the old man poisoned to death!"


Le Bai nodded in conviction: "You people are very hostile. To become a Titled Douluo, you basically climb out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. Not to mention the massacre of thousands of people, there must be a thousand or eight hundred lives. .”

"Aren't you very clear?"

Dugu Bo looked at Le Bai strangely: "So why is the old man afraid of him?"

"It's not strange to be afraid of him, it's strange that I'm so afraid."

Le Bai looked at Dugu Bo leisurely: "If you are still alone, I will never dare to approach you, let alone try to contact you."

Dugu Bo raised his eyebrows: "Boy, what do you want to say?"

"We humans are weird."

Le Bai slowly sat down on the extension line of the two-color spring water intersection of the hot spring: "When you are alone, you can kill a few people, and gradually you will feel nothing. Killing a person is like crushing a bug. But once you have Future generations, looking at those little lives that are just born and are not much stronger than a bug in their hands, they will strongly feel the weight of life again."

"Are you... really only fourteen years old?"

Dugu Bo couldn't help but said, "Now I'm starting to wonder if you're human again."

"Of course I am human, and my physical age is undoubtedly fourteen years old."

Le Bai suddenly turned his head,

To Dugu Bodao: "But my mental age is not."

"Spiritual age?"

Dugu Bo muttered some unfamiliar words, and quickly understood: "You want to say, are you stuffing a more than fourteen-year-old spirit into a fourteen-year-old body? Or is it a soul?"

"Or maybe it's just a memory, a personality, maybe God will know."

Le Bai felt that the ice and fire energy in his body gradually began to gather: "Don't talk anymore, the ice and fire energy around me began to invade my body. Before I suffer, I have to concentrate on dealing with it."

"A memory? What does he mean? What's a personality? What a confusing guy."

Dugu Bo looked at Le Bai who was beginning to enter meditation, thought of his white soul ring, and shook his head silently: "Unfortunately, the soul ring is too bad, the soul power is too low, sooner or later he will become an ordinary person."

After a while, Tang Hao came back, holding a bluesilver grass with soil in his hand, poked a small hole in the ground, planted it, and then silently stared at the hot spring.

Dugu Bo was quiet and honest at the side, not daring to speak at all.

Le Bai didn't pay attention to the two old men, but focused on his own body.

He didn't lie, because he didn't deliberately resist, the energy of ice and fire had indeed begun to invade his body.

If left unattended, it will cause harm to the body beyond a certain level. It is not difficult to solve, the two energies themselves can cancel each other out - just like the junction line of two-color spring water in a hot spring.

Regardless of the attribute, energy is energy, and when it enters Le Bai's body, it is Le Bai's energy, which can be controlled by Le Bai.

Le Bai first separated the soul power with ice and fire attributes in his body, and then concentrated it in the palms of both hands, one left and one right, and pressed the palms together, so that the ice and fire attributes in the two equal amounts of soul power just canceled each other out, turning back to pure Energy - just like the white mist rising from the junction of the two-color spring water of the hot spring.

Under the condition of strictly controlling the soul power, Le Bai, relying on his already strong soul power control ability, quickly managed to control the ice and fire energy in his body by an equal amount.

The panel faithfully recorded this moment and displayed the skill: [Energy Harmonization] Lv0.

The most difficult step is over, and the rest is to follow the guidance of the panel, get used to it slowly, and then increase the release amount.

In this way, the ice and fire energy that invaded Le Bai's body gradually decreased and remained at a very safe level, and the non-attribute energy obtained after canceling each other's attributes could be absorbed by Le Bai, further increasing Happy Bai's cultivation speed!

This is the biggest reason why Le Bai is thinking of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye!

Grass jelly is indeed a good thing, but whether you can find the grass jelly that suits you is a problem.

Although it is possible to fight for other people, and the possibility of success is very high, Le Bai still regards Shrek and these people as "insurance" - he can't let the "story" of this world move towards him As you move forward, it's insurance that you don't end up with the worst possible ending.

Therefore, if the grass jelly is not very suitable for him, Le Bai thinks it is unnecessary.

In contrast, the value of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye itself is even higher. As the spring eye of ice and fire energy, the energy near the ice and fire Yangyi eye is very abundant.

Although there is a risk of body explosion caused by ice and fire conflicts, as long as there is a way to eliminate the ice and fire attributes, the energy can be used to directly increase the soul power, and no matter how bad it is, the speed of soul power cultivation can be greatly accelerated.

And as long as the Binghuo Liangyi Eye does not disappear, this kind of improvement will always exist.

Time passed slowly, in the hot spring, Tang San's aura became more and more stable.

Tang Hao has changed from standing up to a meditating posture like Le Bai.

Dugu Bo also sat down, his attention was once again attracted by Le Bai: "This kid is actively absorbing the ice and fire energy around him, he doesn't want to live anymore?"

Although the energy permeating from the hot spring is not much, it is of high quality. Once it is invaded into the body, it is not easy to get rid of it.

Dugu Bo once saw a soul beast with a strong body wandering around, even before approaching the hot spring, it exploded and died several hours later.

Even Tang Hao, a rank ninety-five Title Douluo, needs to be careful to protect himself with soul power, to avoid these energies from accumulating in his body.

Dugu Bo relied on the deep-rooted poison in his body, so he was not afraid of the ice and fire energy wafting out of the spring. But he didn't dare to absorb it as aggressively as Le Bai is now. If the toxins in his body can't neutralize the ice and fire energy in time, even if he doesn't explode, he will still suffer a bit.

After a while, Dugu Bo found that the speed at which Le Bai absorbed the surrounding ice and fire energy had further increased. It stands to reason that he should have exploded and died long ago, but Le Bai didn't seem to be in any pain or pain, let alone exploded: "This kid ! How did he do it?"

At this time, Le Bai was indulging in the pleasure of the rapid growth of the skill progress bar on the panel, with a high degree of concentration, and through the effect of parallel thinking, while continuing to reconcile energy to obtain non-attribute energy, while absorbing these energy cultivation...

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