White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 134 What is One Step to the Sky? (Tactical Backward)

Le Bai held Jiujie Dengtianzhi in his hand and observed it carefully.

When I was in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye before, I was worried that I couldn't help stealing it, so I didn't dare to take a closer look.

On the emerald green branches, there are a total of nine small purple flowers, which grow in size from bottom to top.

According to Tang San, the most correct way to take Nine Festivals of Ceng Tianzhi is to take the nine flowers sequentially from bottom to top. The order cannot be messed up, and the flowers cannot be swallowed all at once, otherwise the maximum effect cannot be exerted.

Le Bai carefully picked one from the bottom up, eating each one immediately before picking another one.

The nine little flowers were eaten one by one, Le Bai focused, and started to use the soul power with all his strength, while maintaining the soul power breathing method.

A few seconds later, a wave of energy spread from Le Bai's stomach to his whole body, very fast!

But this energy is not strong.

If you want to use a metaphor, probably, it is like a flower blooming violently.

Even if Le Bai wasn't distracted to look at the panel at the moment, he could still imagine that the progress bar of soul power cultivation on the panel was beating violently.

The blooming energy was like an extremely powerful combustion accelerant, and Le Bai's soul power began to surge violently in an almost berserk attitude!

Level 26, level 27... In just a few minutes, the soul power has continuously broken through to level 29, and will reach level 30 soon!

Dugu Bo's attention immediately shifted from his granddaughter to Le Bai: "What an exaggerated breakthrough speed, huh? That's...!"

Level 30 breakthrough! Le Bai's third soul ring began to condense.

Under Dugu Bo's surprised and somewhat sympathetic eyes, after three seconds, the white soul ring was completed, and the soul power continued to increase.

Dugu Bo suddenly believed Le Bai's statement, it was the first time he saw a soul ring that could be condensed so quickly: "Maybe his martial soul really has a soul ring..."

Le Bai doesn't know and won't pay attention to other things, he is completely overwhelmed by the feeling of rapid promotion now!

Thirty-one breakthrough.

Thirty-two breakthroughs.

Thirty-three breakthroughs.

Thirty-fourth grade...

After ten minutes, the soul power reached the thirty-ninth level!

But the soul power is still breaking through, and there is no intention of stopping at all!

Le Bai felt that he was going to be high~ he couldn't do it! !

Level 40, breakthrough! !

The fourth soul ring began to condense!

It was still three seconds, and the soul ring was condensed!

Soul power continues to surge, forty-one level! !

The energy in the body is still tumbling, rushing towards the next level...it can't move.

Suddenly, after Le Bai's soul power broke through to the 41st level, it continued to rise for a short period of time, and then the energy disappeared instantly, without even gradually weakening.

It seems that the fireworks continue to rise into the sky, reach the highest point, explode for the most gorgeous moment, and then disappear.

The emotions that had gradually increased due to continuous upgrades suddenly eased, and the strong sense of gap caused Le Bai to withdraw from the cultivation state involuntarily. With his body shaking, everything seemed to have become dull.

"Tsk, I was the fastest to wake up."

Le Bai opened his eyes, and found that the others, including the teachers, were still in a state of sedation, and the fluctuations of their soul power were gradually increasing, and no one was as fast as him.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Dugu Bo quietly came to Le Bai's side: "Boy, this wave of your soul power improvement is really powerful! In just over 20 minutes, you have crossed two realms in a row, and you have directly changed from a soul master to a soul sect!"

"It is very powerful."

Le Bai nodded honestly: "But that's all. It's a one-off for me, and it will be gone when the level is raised. Other fairy grasses, including the one your granddaughter ate, will subtly improve for a long time to come. Physique, speed up the cultivation speed. If you really want to count, I am still the worst."

"Aren't you very clear?"

Dugu Bo became even more curious: "Then why did you still choose one time?"

"For this.


Le Bai rubbed out a piece of bread, and four white soul rings emerged: "For these two more soul rings."

"Just for two more ten-year soul rings?"

Dugu Bo didn't understand even more: "What are the effects of the soul skills of your four soul rings?"

"It's all 【Soul Power Activation Buns】to speed up the recovery of soul power."

Le Bai swallowed the bread in one gulp, and continued: "If the soul power is fully restored, the effect will be to increase the efficiency of soul power cultivation."


Dugu Bo raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect that your spirit ring looks like garbage, but its effect is actually very strong! But you said it's the same, so is the specific strength of the effect also the same?"

"There is a little difference, the first soul ring, 10% of the base + 1% increase in soul power per level; the second soul ring, 20% of the base + 2% increase in soul power per level; the third soul ring, 40% of the base + 1% increase in soul power per level; The first-level spirit power increases by 3%; the fourth spirit ring, 70% of the base + 4% increase in each level of spirit power."

Le Bai reported a series of numbers: "The effects of the four soul rings can be superimposed. Currently, the total recovery speed of soul power is increased by 250%, and the efficiency of soul power cultivation is increased by 25%."

"With your soul skill, speeding up the recovery of soul power is secondary. The key is to improve the efficiency of cultivation. It's a pity that the level of your soul ring is too low, otherwise the effect should be stronger."

Dugu Bo said with a little regret: "However, 25% is not bad. Sometimes, even if it is only a few months or even a few days in advance, it can determine the final achievement of a soul master."

Le Bai smiled and asked, "Are you trying to comfort me?"


Dugu Bo suddenly paused, turned his head with a snort after a few seconds, and walked towards Dugu Yan: "You think too much! What does this old man have to do with whether you are good or bad? Why would this old man waste his time comforting you?!"

So the old man Tsundere is really not cute at all.

Le Bai thought with a blank face, and then entered the state of cultivation.

Even if it is Le Bai, his soul power has increased so much all at once, and he won't get used to it if he doesn't get acquainted with it.

It feels like the twig that has been waving has suddenly turned into a big log. Although it can be swayed, it is very uncomfortable, and the control of the soul power is not smooth at all.

If you want to adapt as soon as possible, there is no special good way, nothing more than using more.

Le Bai ate the bread and continued to cultivate his soul power.

Late at night, with a bright moon hanging high, the teachers who took lower grades of Tiancaidibao woke up one after another.

Their soul power is above level 60, which is not considered a mere celestial treasure. It is their own accumulation of soul power that allows them to raise a level, and most of the soul power has not changed.

However, the changes in the spirit and body are more obvious, making a group of people feel that the spirit power that has been stagnant for many years is beginning to accelerate, and they are very happy.

They left in no hurry, sat around those who were still absorbing, and protected the Dharma with Dugu Bo.

Le Bai took the time to take a look at the teachers, and simply felt it: "It seems that the natural materials and treasures that Tang San gave to the teachers, although they are not immortal, there are also high and low points."

Flender, Liu Erlong, and Zao Wou-ki should be taking more advanced ones, and the changes in the three of them are very obvious:

Flender's hair grew significantly longer. The martial spirit that appeared briefly, the feathers on the owl's body looked bigger and smoother. And his soul power has broken through, from level 79 to level 80.

Zhao Wou-ki's changes are also obvious, the overall size of the lower limbs has become significantly larger, and the whole person looks more stable. The Vigorous King Kong bear that was released for a short period of time had an extra layer of khaki.

Liu Erlong's changes are more obvious than those of Flender and Zao Wou-ki, and they are also more "big". Her frontal armor has grown a bit bigger. According to Le Bai's irresponsible perception, it is two levels higher than before.

In addition, Liu Erlong's soul power has also increased by one level.

Noticing the change in Liu Erlong, Flender couldn't help coughing twice, and reminded: "Sister Erlong, ahead!"

Liu Erlong wasn't wearing tight clothes today, but now the size of the front armor has suddenly increased by two levels, and it's ready to come out!

Hearing Flender's reminder, Liu Erlong looked down, was overjoyed, ran in small steps, and rushed into his own hut next to him to change clothes...

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