White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 139: The Skill Dugu Bo Wants Most

Le Bai has been carefully perceiving the situation of the Roaring Mandrake.

Dugu Bo has been waiting for Le Bai to say yes.

Thirty minutes passed before Le Bai said, "That's enough. The fluctuation of soul power is completely silent."


Dugu Bo exhaled lightly: "Your perceptual ability is a bit abnormal. Even a titled Douluo like this old man seems to be inferior to you in perceptual aspects."

"Innate talent, who can say clearly."

Le Bai shook his head and sighed: "I want the talent of cultivation more than perception."

While the two were talking, the roaring mandrake was breathed out by Liu Erlong with a mouthful of flames, directly burning the part of the trunk with holes into ashes, leaving only a small blackened stump.

"The power of Erlong's breath seems to be much stronger than before."

Flender forced himself not to look at Liu Erlong's chest, and asked the master, "Xiao Gang, do you have any clues?"

"It's the treasures of heaven and earth that Xiaosan gave you before."

The master said: "I heard from Xiaosan that the plant that Erlong took was called Flaming Breathing Grass, which can significantly strengthen the flame-breathing ability. It is precisely for the purpose of emitting more and stronger flames that Erlong's chest cavity is like this." significantly increased."

Flender thought of the plant he had taken, and nodded: "It seems that even if it is not a fairy grass, the effect is very good."

Then, it was still Liu Erlong, who showed astonishing strength after being possessed by the martial soul, grabbed the tree stump with both hands, and forcibly pulled out the root of the Roaring Mandrake.

When you pull it out, you can see that the roots of the Roaring Mandrake are thicker than the trunk on the ground, and the fat roots are covered with fine and short root hairs.

Next, the master took out a sharp long knife from his storage soul guide, added soul power, and cut it hard.

The master worked hard for nearly an hour, and finally purple mist emerged from the roots that had been divided into small pieces, condensing into a ring.

Oscar sent a big sausage at the right time to restore the master's strength.

Afterwards, the master's process of absorbing the spirit ring went smoothly. But it was getting late, they did not continue to move, and set up camp on the spot.

At night, a group of people rested in three tents.

As usual, Le Bai was in charge of guarding, and nothing happened overnight.

Early the next morning, a group of people began to head towards the center of the Star Dou Forest. The remaining four people needed spirit rings, three with the fourth spirit ring and one with the eighth spirit ring. There were hardly any spirit beasts over three thousand years old outside the Star Dou Forest.

The overall strength of the team is sufficient, coupled with Le Bai's large-scale perception, the speed of advancement is very fast.

After a day's movement, most of the soul beasts within Le Bai's perception range have exceeded five thousand years.

According to Grandmaster, this shows that they have crossed the outer periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest and entered the "middle circle" of the Star Dou Great Forest—the largest area between the outer periphery and the core area of ​​the forest.

At the same time, it is also the area with the largest number of soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

"The energy around here seems to be stronger than that outside the forest."

Le Bai glanced at the panel, and found that the growth rate of the progress bar of soul power cultivation had increased slightly: "Could it be that the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest is also a treasure land similar to the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye?"

Le Bai has no ability to confirm this for the time being, so he will soon stop thinking about it.

It was getting dark again, when Le Bai and Ma Hongjun were preparing dinner, they sensed that a spirit beast was approaching.

"Hongjun, stop for a moment."

Le Bai stood up and reminded: "Dugu Yan, get ready, a snake-shaped soul beast is approaching."

Dugu Yan immediately stood up.

Dugu Bo came to Le Bai faster than his granddaughter, and asked, "Can you tell what kind of snake it is? Don't think that any kind of snake-shaped soul beast will do."

"Don't worry, I know this well."

Le Bai briefly described what he felt: "The horns can be felt on the snake's head,

It should be a snake-shaped soul beast of the sub-dragon species. According to the strength of the soul power, the year is around five thousand years. The nature of the soul power is very similar to yours, and the possibility of poison is high. "

"The nature of the soul power?"

Dugu Bo's awareness of Le Bai's perception ability was refreshed again: "Can you even perceive this?"

"Can you, you will know in a while."

Le Bai did not emphasize his ability, and continued to remind others: "Be careful of the poisonous attacks of soul beasts. Not all poisons of Dugu Bo can be cured, it is better not to be poisoned as much as possible."

Dugu Bo unexpectedly did not refute Le Bai's words, silently watching the direction Le Bai pointed out, waiting for the arrival of the spirit beast.

Three minutes later, Le Bai reminded again: "We're nearby."

Everyone released their spirit rings at the same time, and through the flickering light of the spirit rings, they were able to see the appearance of this spirit beast clearly:

The white cuticle is like bone, wrapping the dark body;

A pair of short, pointed horns on the snake's head indicate its high-level lineage of sub-dragons;

The body is not very big, only thirty to forty centimeters thick, about seven meters long, less than eight meters;

The eyes inlaid at both ends of the snake's head emit a distinct golden light.

"Golden pupils, white shells, and double horns are 'golden eyes and white bones'!"

The master's tone was not heavy, but very serious: "Le Bai, Oscar, Hong Jun, you three stand back! This kind of soul beast can launch long-range attacks with poison through its eyes, and it is difficult to avoid!"

"The three of you back off too."

Dugu Bo put his hands behind his back and walked forward leisurely, possessed by the martial soul, with nine soul rings on his body, his emerald eyes met the golden pupil: "Golden eyes and white bones, this is the soul beast I wanted most back then .Unfortunately, I have never met you. Yanyan, your luck is much better than that of grandpa."

"Grandpa, stop talking, hurry up!"

Dugu Yan anxiously said: "What if it ran away?!"

Although soul beasts less than ten thousand years old have no wisdom, even if they only have instinct, they may be scared away by the soul power of Title Douluo.

"Don't worry, it won't run away."

Dugu Bo slowly increased the soul power released by himself, turned it into real pressure, and pressed down on the golden eyes and white bones in front of him.


Jin Mu Bai Gu let out a cry that didn't look like a snake at all, raised his head with difficulty, Jin Tong stared, and shot two golden lights towards Dugu Bo.

"This cry! This move!"

Le Bai stared at the golden eyes and white bones, and complained in his heart: "Is this soul beast the reincarnation of Master Diao?"

The golden light crossed a distance of more than ten meters and was about to hit Dugu Bo.

"That's the skill."

Dugu Bo stretched out his left hand from behind, lifted it up, and concentrated his soul power in front of him, forming an invisible wall, blocking the two golden lights: "The soul skill I wanted most back then."

Clenching a fist, the huge soul power directly crushed the two golden lights, turning them into spots of light and dispersing them.

Finally realizing that the enemy in front of him was invincible, Jinmu Baigu bent down and turned his head to run.

"You glared at the old man and still want to leave?"

Dugu Bo stared at the gold, wood and bones, and also shot two lights from his eyes, green ones: "Medusa's gaze."

Dugu Bo's head spirit bone skill is also one of his trump cards. If you use it with all your strength, even your soul power can be temporarily "petrified".

Of course, Dugu Bo wouldn't use his full strength for a mere thousand-year-level golden-eyed bones.

As if a gust of wind was blowing very lightly, a small green light fell on the body of the golden wood and white bones, making the surface of its body petrified, it was not dead, but it lost the ability to move and escape.

"Okay, Yanyan."

Dugu Bo signaled Dugu Yan to go over: "Go get your fourth spirit ring."

"Thank you grandpa!"

Dugu Yan trotted forward, raised the knife in his hand and dropped the long dagger directly through the gap in the white cuticle, piercing the head of gold, wood and bones.

Instant death (Physical).

Dugu Yan immediately sat down on the spot and began to absorb.

Dugu Bo silently stood beside his granddaughter, guarding.

"Master, just now Dugu Bo said that this is the soul beast he wants most."

Le Bai secretly asked the master: "Do you know the reason?"

Before the master opened his mouth, Dugu Bo said to Lebai: "Boy, if you want to know, you can ask me directly."

Le Bai asked, "Will you tell me?"

"Although the poison of the old man's martial soul is very strong, when the level of soul power was not high, the attack method was too simple."

Dugu Bo directly began to say: "Golden wood and white bones are one of the few soul beasts that can release toxins from a long distance. Moreover, they attack fast, can lock on the target, and are not easy to accidentally injure. They are also snake-shaped sub-dragon soul beasts. It’s all very appropriate.”

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