White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 145 Unable to find the reason

"The effect of [Phoenix Phoenix Flame Dance] consists of two parts. The first part is to give the black fire the effect of 'marking the target', and the second part is to release the fire bird to continuously track the target marked by the black fire."

In order to explain more vividly, Ma Hongjun stretched out both hands at the same time, releasing a ball of black fire with his right hand, and releasing a normal flame with his left hand, and then controlled the normal flame to dance back and forth around the black fire.

"It's basically this feeling. But when I actually use it, the tracking flames I release through my soul skills can also be black fires."

Ma Hongjun showed a sinister smile: "In the future, except for Le Bai, who has a particularly strong ability to control soul power, as long as he is hit by my black flame once, he will never try to avoid my flame again!"

Others imagined the situation for a while, and suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

"Hongjun's soul skill is too suitable!"

Tang San said with emotion: "The effect of marking and tracking is almost perfect for Black Fire. In the future, Hong Jun's opponent may be in bad luck."

"I don't want to compete with Hong Jun anymore!"

Dai Mubai made a very exaggerated reaction: "As long as you let him fly, the opponent who can't fly is completely a target. In the past, you can dodge if you are fast, but now you can't even dodge!"

"Oh! Boss Dai, you actually give in?"

Ma Hongjun raised his eyebrows: "So, my current strength should be considered... second among us?"

"Anyway, I'm sure I can't handle you now."

Dai Mubai said freely: "It depends on whether Le Bai and Xiaosan can do it."

"Boss Dai, why don't you talk about me?"

Oscar said dissatisfied: "The result of my current competition with Hong Jun is that I win more and lose less!"

"I don't think so right now."

Le Bai rarely shows weakness in actual combat: "Recently, my soul power has increased too much, and I have encountered a small problem. Before I solve it, my actual combat ability will be weakened to a certain extent."

"!" ×7

Hearing Le Bai's speech, the expressions of the seven people were all different.

Only Xiao Wu showed a little surprise: "Really?"


Le Bai nodded solemnly: "I can't use my full soul power to overclock now, and the overall strength must be weakened a lot."


The surprise on Xiao Wu's face disappeared: "So it's just like this."

Xiao Wu didn't eat fairy grass, and now her soul power is only level 30. Even if Le Bai couldn't use her soul power to overclock, she was still higher than her.

Dai Mubai looked at Le Bai with very concerned eyes: "Le Bai, if there is anything we can help you, please remember to say it!"

"You reminded me of that."

Le Bai concentrated the soul power in his hands, and rubbed out a marble-sized soul power crystal in two minutes: "When you condense and compress the soul power, will the soul power become like this?"

"???" ×6

The expressions of the six people other than Tang San gradually became confused.

Seeing the expressions of other people, Tang San recalled the appearance when he witnessed Le Bai rubbing out the crystal of soul power: Maybe I also reacted like this before? Fortunately, no one else saw it!

"Le Bai, you... what is this?"

Oscar's eyes were full of curiosity: "Soul power, has it become a crystal?"

"It's not a crystal, it's the crystallization of soul power. Look, it can be absorbed by me."

Le Bai directly absorbed this small soul power crystal.

"Oh, oh!"

Oscar looked at it for a moment: "You... are you obtained by condensing and compressing your soul power?"

"It still needs to be maintained at the beginning."

Le Bai rubbed out a soul power crystal again, but this time the speed was slightly slowed down, and it took five minutes, which was still the size of a marble: "Now that I am familiar with it, I can make it relatively quickly. This is also the reason why I can't use the soul power overclocking. Once I compress the soul power in my body, it will soon become crystals like this, and then be absorbed by the body, there is no way for the soul power to be strengthened through compression.


"Wait a moment!"

Dai Mubai found that there was something wrong with what Le Bai said: "You seemed to say just now that the soul power crystal is still soul power, which can be absorbed by you, but now you say that after the soul power crystal is absorbed, you can't perform soul power overclocking - your body absorbs it. Where did the soul power crystal go?"


Le Bai pointed to his left hand with his right hand: "After the body absorbs the crystal of soul power, it will enter into the bones. I don't know why this happens, but after absorbing the crystal of soul power, the bones seem to become stronger."

"Strengthening bones? Wouldn't that be great!"

Ma Hongjun was suddenly very interested: "How do we get this soul power crystal? Can we also absorb the one you made? What is the specific strengthening effect?"

"You can try it yourself."

Le Bai threw the soul power crystal in his hand to Ma Hongjun: "Little San tried it before, but he couldn't absorb it. I don't know if you can do it."

Ma Hongjun held the soul power crystal in his hand and played with it for a while, but didn't see any tricks.

Tried to absorb, failed: "No, I can't feel that this is soul power at all."

"Let me try."

Oscar picked up the crystal from Ma Hongjun's hand: "Le Bai and I can use the martial soul fusion skill, maybe we can absorb it."

Still failed: "Tsk, no, I can't feel that this is soul power."

Then Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing tried in turn, all ended in failure.

The soul power crystal finally returned to Le Bai's hands, absorbed it in the blink of an eye, and disappeared: "It is basically certain that only I can absorb the soul power crystal. Probably, you can only absorb the soul power crystal made by yourself."

"The question is how did you make this soul power crystal?"

Ning Rongrong asked: "I can also use soul power overclocking now, although it can only be increased by about one level, but apart from a stronger soul power, there is no crystallization phenomenon like yours at all."

"Maybe, you haven't gathered enough soul power? Or the degree of compression is not high enough?"

Le Bai guessed.

Although he has developed several "soul skills" so far, his current research and understanding of soul power is actually not much at all: "If I can know the reason, my problem should be solved smoothly."


Dai Mubai quickly gave up: "Sorry, Le Bai! I'm really not good at researching this kind of thing!"


Le Bai said indifferently: "Even I, the client, didn't understand it myself, let alone you. Next, we should hurry up and discuss the matter of going to the Binghuo Liangyiyan. This is the most important thing."

After some discussion, a group of people decided to leave tomorrow.

The "Blood Pill" that Tang San prepared for the others had already been prepared during the six days when Le Bai and the others left. When talking about this, Xiao Wu felt distressed.

Afterwards, the eight people finished their discussion and went back to the dormitory, what should they do.

Early the next morning, Tang San asked Dugu Bo for the map of the location of Binghuo Liangyiyan.

Afterwards, the eight people bid farewell to Flender and the master, followed the guidance of the map, and headed towards the Sunset Forest where the Eye of Ice and Fire Yinyi was located.

Without the presence of Dugu Bo, who is full of deterrence, the group encountered several waves of soul beasts when moving in the sunset forest.

However, Le Bai noticed them all in advance, and those who could hide escaped. He really couldn't escape, even being beaten several times by a group of people, he still gave way honestly.

In the evening, they finally stepped into the range of ice and fire energy of the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye.


Le Bai was the only one among the eight who hadn't drank Tang San's blood, nor had he taken the blood pill, and was most sensitive to the existence of ice and fire energy: "I can already feel the ice and fire energy around, try to see if you can reconcile it."

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