White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 150: The Shulking Manul

After seven months of hard training, all eight of them made considerable progress, and returned to Heaven Dou City in less than half a day.

Although there was no obvious peculiar smell on their bodies, the three girls always felt that the eyes of passers-by looking at them were not right, and they were disgusting them.

So the eight of them accelerated all the way after entering the city. When they arrived at Lanba Academy, they didn't even go through the main entrance. They climbed over the academy's wall in a straight line, and returned directly to the student dormitory that was divided into Shrek Academy.

Such operations naturally alarmed the security guards of Lanba Academy.

Any soul master can enter and leave the academy at will, how can the safety of the students be guaranteed?

Fortunately, Flender arrived in time, and Le Bai and the others were not too anxious to return to the dormitory, so the impact of the misunderstanding was not further amplified.

"How many of you still know to come back?"

Flender's expression was not good: "It's been more than half a year since I left, and I haven't even heard of it. I went to a place that even Dugu Bo said was dangerous. Do you know how worried the teachers of our college are about you?"

"Dean, what you said is a bit too much."

Le Bai reasoned: "At the beginning, we had a good discussion with you, and we left only after getting your consent."

"That's it!"

Ma Hongjun didn't give face to his teacher at all: "It was agreed at the beginning, as long as you come back before the start of the competition, you promised it yourself at the beginning!"


Dai Mubai coughed loudly, reminding Ma Hongjun not to die, and at the same time quickly distanced himself from Ma Hongjun: "Principal, sorry, we are late! But we have made great progress, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Tang San and Oscar smiled and remained silent.

"I've made a lot of progress, okay."

Flender pushed his glasses, and his gaze towards his disciple gradually became kinder: "Hong Jun, come with me to the playground, let me see if you have been lazy in the past six months."


Ma Hongjun looked at the four people beside him, then at Flender, and pointed at himself: "Is it just me?"

"if not?"

Flender finished speaking,

He grabbed Ma Hongjun and flew away.

"People will die if they die, why doesn't Hongjun understand?"

Oscar shook his head and sighed: "Okay, I should go back and take care of it. This damn beard always grows so fast."

Le Bai, Dai Mubai and Tang San also returned to their dormitories respectively.

When it was time for dinner, a group of people ate in the private room on the second floor of the cafeteria of Lanba Academy, and reported to the Shrek teachers about their progress over the past six months.

He also said that the four people needed spirit rings.

"Now that the competition is approaching, you also need time to adapt and study new soul skills. It is not too late to obtain soul rings."

Compared with half a year ago, the master has long hair, and his resolute face is a little softer. He is a handsome old man. A group of people almost didn't recognize him: "Tomorrow morning, the three of us will take you to the Sunset Forest to hunt Soul ring. Of course, Le Bai is coming."

"I can do it anytime."

Le Bai is now super confident: "Recently, my perception ability has improved again. I can go through all the places in the Sunset Forest in two days."

Although surprised by Le Bai's abnormal perception, the stronger Le Bai's perception, the easier it will be for them afterwards, and no one will feel unhappy about it.

"Since this is the case, others will follow."

The master thought for a while and said, "You should have been busy cultivating for more than half a year, and the teamwork between you may be unfamiliar. Just take this opportunity to recall how you felt back then. Our teacher will try not to make any moves."


Le Bai agreed with his mouth, but what he thought in his heart was: Come on, I'll do whatever I want.


The next day, the team of eleven people moved towards Sunset Forest again.

"Speaking of which, have the four of you decided what spirit ring you want?"

While keeping moving quickly, Le Bai asked the four protagonists of this trip: "The Sunset Forest is no better than the Star Forest, so I might not be able to find one that suits you."

"You already know Xiao Wu's situation, and I leave the specific judgment to you."

Tang San hinted: "My words are still the same, mainly improving toughness, preferably poisonous."

Ning Rongrong was a little confused: "The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda... Now it is the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. The first three soul skills are mostly strength, speed, and soul power. From the fourth soul skill, there is no special fixed. Help me Let's think about it together."

Zhu Zhuqing was very brief: "Speed, cat."

"okay, I get it."

The choices of several people are basically consistent with Le Bai's prediction: "Next, it depends on whether the soul beasts in the sunset forest give face."

The three members of the Golden Iron Triangle followed behind the team.

The master nodded silently when he heard their choice of spirit rings, without adding anything.

At noon, they entered the range of Sunset Forest, and the formation changed accordingly - Le Bai was at the front, Oscar stood behind Le Bai, and Ning Rongrong was behind Oscar.

Tang San and Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, four people in groups of two, protecting the left and right sides respectively.

Ma Hongjun was at the end of the team.

Before moving on, Le Bai first began to perceive.

A few minutes later, Le Bai said with joy in his tone, "Good start!"

"That's it?"

Dai Mubai paused, and hurriedly asked: "Whose?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

Le Bai didn't say: "Anyway, no matter who it suits, we have to beat him to the ground first."

"makes sense."

Dai Mubai nodded: "Everyone, keep moving forward, don't let your guard down. Although it's not the Star Dou Great Forest, the ten thousand year spirit beasts here are also very dangerous to us!"

Proceed carefully.

Until evening, they finally got close to the soul beast that Le Bai perceived.

While surprised by the huge range of perception, Le Bai also complained about this soul beast.

"I probably guessed who this soul beast is suitable for."

Oscar wiped the sweat off his face: "If you can run like this, the speed is definitely not slow!"

"Shh, keep your voice down."

Le Bai lowered his voice to remind: "It is indeed suitable for Zhuqing, but this spirit beast is not easy to catch. It is small in size, sensitive, fast, and seems to have some special abilities. Although the duration of this journey is very short , it has disappeared from my perception several times."

"Can it disappear from your perception?"

Tang San noticed the key point: "Can you describe the specific disappearance? Is it the disappearance of the soul power, or the disappearance of the body, or both?"

"The soul power can still be felt."

Le Bai said: "The several disappearances are the disappearance of the body, and the movement speed will be significantly accelerated during the disappearance."

"In this case, it is very likely to be a kind of soul beast called 'Hulker Mantle'."

Tang San guessed: "This kind of spirit beast is only a little bigger than ordinary cats, very sensitive, and very fast. Most importantly, they have the special ability to temporarily merge with the shadow to move."

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