White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 157: Chasing the Man-faced Demon Spider

After half an hour, the group finally made the best preparations they could do so far.

"Next, the 'Human-faced Demon Spider Chasing Battle' will start soon. I will be in charge of the overall command, and the specific details will be left to your own judgment."

Le Bai exhorted: "But no matter what, everyone must put their own safety as the top priority, understand?"


Starting to accelerate, the eight people galloped towards where the Man-faced Demon Spider was.

Four minutes later, Tang San was the first to witness the figure of the Man Faced Demon Spider through the Purple Demon Eyes: "The target has been spotted! The target seems to have spotted us too!"

"Keep getting closer."

Le Bai said decisively: "It didn't run away immediately, which means it doesn't think we're a big threat. After getting close, use long-range attacks to test it out, and pay attention to the spider webs. Little San tries to wrap the blue silver grass around it as much as possible. Even if it's just to make it uncomfortable That's fine too."

The man-faced spider not far away saw a group of not-so-powerful human beings rushing towards him, getting closer and closer. He was a little cautious, but was quickly suppressed by his bloodthirsty instinct, and strode forward with eight slender legs. , rushed over quickly.

"Boss Dai and Hongjun, attack it left and right."

Le Bai commanded quickly: "Little San, give it a net from the front."

The white tiger's light wave and the phoenix's fire wire condensed into two rays, passing by both sides of the man-faced demon spider.

Tang San threw a spider web in front of him, and opened it ahead of time through control.

The Man-faced Demon Spider was startled by the two rays—the power was greater than the threat it felt!

The big web that appeared immediately after that made the spider feel very familiar, just like its own web!

The Man-faced Demon Spider didn't want to be caught in the net just relying on its intuition, and couldn't dodge from both sides and the front, so it bent its eight legs and jumped back suddenly.

"The opportunity is here!"

Le Bai reminded loudly: "Be careful of its net!"

Immediately after he finished speaking, with the help of the scales, Le Bai appeared directly under the Man-faced Demon Spider in a flash, met its eyes located under the abdomen, and deliberately emitted a strong wave of soul power from his hand, and through the soul Inspired by force, the white soul ring on his body emits a strong soul light.

The eight eyes of the Man-faced Demon Spider flashed,

Lifting the huge abdomen forcefully, turning the body in the air through the reaction force, aiming the mouth downward, and spitting out the net!

Le Bai's soul power jet moved out of the coverage of the spider web.

When the spider web landed on the ground, Ma Hongjun directly sprayed it with flames and ignited it.

Le Bai seized the time, and just before the Man-faced Demon Spider touched the ground, he pushed out an enlarged palm of soul power, pushing the Man-faced Demon Spider in the air towards Tang San's bound spider web.

In the end, Tang San's spider web successfully entangled the Man Faced Demon Spider, although it was stretched and torn apart by the eight legs in less than a second, but most of the blue silver spider web was still attached to it.

Without Le Bai's reminder, Tang San had already consciously connected his second and first spirit abilities. Regardless of the consumption of soul power, the soul skills were activated continuously, and a large amount of blue silver grass grew out of the special blue silver grass that made up the spider web, entangled the man-faced demon spider.

Although it cannot be restrained, it greatly hinders the eight legs of the Man-faced Demon Spider from moving back and forth.

And the Man Faced Demon Spider couldn't get rid of these blue silver grass by itself.


The Man Faced Demon Spider let out an unpleasant cry, adjusted its direction, and spit out the second web aiming at Tang San.

Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes had long noticed its small movements, the scale armor sprayed several times in a row, combined with the ghost shadow fascination footwork, it easily dodged.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Hongjun breathed out fire again and burned the net.

Seeing that the two trump cards didn't work, and they were completely burned by the fire on the opposite side, the Man-faced Demon Spider began to feel scared and slipped away!

"Hong Jun, give it a mark!"

Le Bai said: "Let's see if its physical strength is exhausted first, or its soul power is burned first."

Ma Hongjun flew quickly over the body of the Man Faced Demon Spider, scattering black sparks here and there.

Tang San had taken the fiery apricot jiaoshu, and the blue silver grass released could be immune to flames, so Ma Hongjun didn't have to worry about his own fire burning the blue silver grass.

Then Ma Hongjun opened the distance, separated by a long distance, and through his fourth soul ability, continuously released black firebirds one after another towards the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Now, even without Le Bai's perception, a group of people would not be able to follow the shameful spider.

They just hung not too far behind the Man-faced Demon Spider, letting Ma Hongjun throw a firebird from time to time.

Chasing all the way, the air gradually smelled the smell that would be emitted when hair and feathers were burnt.

From time to time, one or two spirit beasts could be seen fleeing in a hurry not far away, as if they were frightened by the "runaway" man-faced demon spider.

Le Bai kept his senses throughout the whole process, checking whether there were any dangerous spirit beasts in front of the direction where the Man-faced Demon Spider was fleeing.

Although according to the cunning nature of the man-faced spider, the possibility of them running towards dangerous places is very low, but rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. do something stupid.

After four hours of continuous pursuit, a group of people followed the man-faced spider to a place that looked quite familiar.

Although Le Bai didn't recognize this place, he sensed the faint energy of ice and fire in the air, and immediately understood the man-faced spider's escape route: "This man-faced spider is much more cunning than I expected. You see Looking around, does it feel familiar?"

The others looked around for a while.

"Ah, the front is where the old monster set up the poison array."

Tang San recognized a place, and immediately understood: "Could it be that this man-faced demon spider wants to use the old monster's poison formation to deal with us?"

"Perhaps the ice and fire energy of the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye will be added."

Le Bai guessed: "The master said that even among the spirit beasts, the man-faced demon spider is an unpopular type. It probably doesn't go to places with many spirit beasts because it is worried about being besieged. And Dugu Bo's poison formation, with Its size and anti-virus ability can last longer than us. If we follow up without knowing anything, we may be killed by it in the end."

"Ha ha!"

Oscar said with a smile: "This man-faced spider can't think of it, we will be more familiar with this place than it!"

Ma Hongjun released another fire bird, watched it fly into the poison formation, and confirmed: "It really ran in."

"You know more about Dugu Bo's poison formation than we do."

Le Bai asked Tang San: "Should there be countermeasures?"


Tang San took out a pill and swallowed it: "Everyone just wait for me outside the poisonous formation. After being burned by Hong Jun for so long, the soul power of this man-faced demon spider is probably almost exhausted, and with the influence of the poisonous formation, its strength is almost exhausted. One out of ten. Even if it's just me, I can handle it easily."


Le Bai nodded, and reminded: "Be careful with the last spider web left."

"Don't worry, I remember!"

Tang San waved to Le Bai, staring at Ziji Motong into the poison formation.

"Huh, you can breathe a little easier."

Le Bai maintained his perception, and slowly dissipated the spirit power around his body: "We will rest here and wait for Tang San to come back."

"Finally I can rest."

Oscar sat down on his buttocks: "To actually keep moving at this speed for four hours in that state, the physical stamina of this man-faced demon spider is truly astonishing."

"It's the first time I've seen such a difficult thousand-year-old soul beast."

Dai Mubai also sat down: "I can only say that it is worthy of being a breed comparable to ten thousand year spirit beasts. Now I am somewhat looking forward to Xiaosan's fourth spirit ability, I don't know what effect it will have. Although it is comparable to the third spirit ability's soul ability It is the same as a beast, but it should not be a spider web..."

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