White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 164 The Opening of the Contest

For a month, the eight members of Shrek used their own methods to carry out the final sprint training, or rest and adjust.

Every day, Le Bai trains Oscar to doubt his life, and then allocates the remaining time and energy equally to improving the level of soul power and making soul guides, and optimizes the fighting method according to the skills he has mastered.

Flender transferred his store in Soto City to Tiandou City. With Lebai as a stable supplier, it soon became the most popular store in Tiandou City. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is making money every day. .

This kind of behavior of selling stored soul tools on a large scale has attracted the coveted eyes of many dignitaries in Heaven Dou City. But when they found out that the owner behind the store was the dean of Lanba Academy, everyone shrank in unison.

After the news that someone near Soto City was also selling storage soul tools, these people quickly shifted their attention.

All these things were within Flender's expectation, because he had specially asked someone to release some news.

For this reason, he specifically discussed with Le Bai, and after receiving Le Bai's instruction, he found some teams that researched soul tools and sent them Le Bai's "writings".

Afterwards, many groups researching soul tools in the Heaven Dou Empire made rapid progress in their research, attracting a large number of dignitaries from the Heaven Dou Empire to invest in them, and even the related market for soul tools also became lively.

During this period, Le Bai kept emphasizing that he had a purpose, and told Flender not to care.

But Flender always felt that Le Bai's behavior of giving benefits to strangers was a bit too selfless, and he would suffer a disadvantage if he left the academy in the future.

After taking over Liu Erlong's position as dean and taking over the affairs of Lanba Academy, Flender found that the daily expenses of a large academy with hundreds of people were very scary, and a large amount of gold soul coins flowed in and out of his hands.

But Flanders miser's character not only did not ease, but became more and more serious.

Le Bai's behavior made Flender feel that it would become increasingly difficult to earn gold soul coins in the future—but he finally did what Le Bai wanted.

As the time drew closer, Flender had already started planning to have the Shrek Seven Devils wear special team uniforms with advertisements to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

He even planned to let the members of the Lanba team wear it.

But with Dugu Yan's firm opposition and Dugu Bo's backing, Flender's attitude could not be hardened, so he could only give up.

There was a little commotion during the period,

Let Le Bai know this.

Afterwards, Le Bai found Flender for the first time, and after a brief exchange, he confirmed that Flender would not give up.

Reluctantly, Le Bai could only come up with the second plan prepared in advance - he would provide the team uniforms he made for free.

The team uniforms made by Le Bai refer to the military uniforms of the guard of honor and the De*** suits in another world. They come with a cloak-style coat like that of the Admiral of the Navy. The advertising space is behind these cloak coats, and a blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex coils around. blank space.

Although it is impossible to get rid of the advertisement, at least, at the beginning of the game, they can justifiably take off the "obstructing" cloak to ensure that their heroic appearance on the field is not compromised.

Flender's aesthetic ability is indeed bad, but when he compares two clothes with obvious differences in front of him, he can tell the good from the bad.

The key is that these team uniforms are provided by Le Bai, free of charge.

With a little expectation, Le Bai prepared three colors: black, white, and army green, but Flender still chose the army green one.


Two days before the start of the competition, the eight Shrek participants stopped all training and entered the adjustment stage.

Early in the morning, the master called everyone to the dean's office and explained to them how to arrange the competition that started two days later.

A group of people listened to the master Balabala say a lot, and Ma Hongjun, who was not too quick to turn his head, expressed a headache, so Le Bai made a brief summary of the content:

1. The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is sponsored by the two empires and co-organized by Wuhundian.

2. The entire event process is divided into three parts: qualifiers, promotions, and finals.

3. As long as you keep winning, nothing else matters.

"Your summary is really... brilliant!"

The master couldn't laugh or cry: "As for the details of the competition, our teachers will help you grasp it. What you have to do is just like what Le Bai summed up, keep winning."


"In addition, regarding the order in which the eight of you played in the competition, Xiao Wu was determined not to play in the finals due to personal reasons. Le Bai, as one of our trump cards, needs to fully show his face in the qualifiers."

The master arranged: "Therefore, there must be one person reserved as our 'secret weapon' during the qualifiers and promotion matches. Mubai and Zhuqing should not be separated, so the only people I consider are Hong Jun, Xiao Ao, and Rong Rong. You three."

"Then let me be your secret weapon."

Oscar raised his hand and said: "Rongrong's martial spirit is too well-known, almost a soul master knows the effect, so it doesn't make much sense to keep it. Even if Hongjun appears on the stage, he can always keep the black fire. In my case, whether it is the effect of the soul skill , or my own fighting ability, can make opponents hard to defend against."

Oscar's analysis was in place, and the others couldn't think of refuting his words for a while.

The master nodded: "OK."

Two days later, the All-Continent·Advanced Soul Master Academy·Elite Contest officially began.

There are multiple competition areas in the Heaven Dou Empire, and they are basically set in the capitals of each kingdom. The competition venue of Tiandou City is located in the Tiandou Great Soul Arena.

The opening ceremony is also held here.

As the largest and grandest competition in the soul master world, it goes without saying that the attention from soul masters, even ordinary people who are not soul masters, also attach great importance to the competition.

There are various reasons, but the only constant core element is "benefits". It doesn't have to be profit, it may also be "entertainment". After all, it is human nature to like to join in the fun.

In this continent that lacks entertainment means, as long as they have money, few people are willing to miss this kind of grand event that happens once every few years.

On the way to the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, the Heaven Dou Empire officials specially arranged for soldiers to maintain a "player-only passage" to ensure that each participating team would not be unable to enter the arena due to the scene being too crowded.

This passage has also become an excellent location for people to watch the young soul masters. Both sides of the passage are crowded with all kinds of people.

Every time a team passes, it will lead to a lively discussion. If it is a well-known college with many handsome men and beautiful women, there will be high cheers and screams.

Suddenly, a group of people whose clothes were obviously different from those of other academies came domineeringly, with the illusion that they could hear some music.

Although the clothes they are wearing are all ugly green, but--the tall and straight figure, the tightened waist curve, with the metallic accessories on the clothes, the thick high-top black leather shoes, and the draped , a cape coat with sleeves and hem that move with the wind!

All in all, very stylish!

When they walked over and saw the advertisement behind them, everyone felt that the force suddenly dropped. By the time people recovered from the overly strong contrast, Shrek and his party had already walked away.

"Really, it made us look like stars."

Le Bai pressed down the brim of his hat slightly, he was not used to this kind of crowded scene.

"There are so many people, it's so lively!"

It seemed that Ning Rongrong encountered this kind of scene for the first time, but instead of feeling nervous, she was very excited and couldn't help but look around.

Oscar followed Ning Rongrong, with a well-trained figure, fully propped up his clothes, and a very handsome face. Wherever his eyes passed, both women and men were extremely excited: "It's really very lively. I don't know Will there be people from our village watching?"

"It should be difficult."

Ma Hongjun pulled down the brim of his hat like Le Bai: "After all, both my old village and your old village were poor."

The atmosphere became a little silent until they entered the big spirit arena and came to the rest area of ​​the contestants.

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