White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 166 The first game, crushing the game

In the waiting room of the Tiandou Great Soul Arena, eight Shrek monsters and seven monsters were waiting to enter.

"The game will start in a while, we try not to move, and leave it to Xiaosan to solve it alone."

Le Bai made arrangements: "Originally the strongest team of Tiandou Royal Academy was Tianheng and the others. Now the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy is the original second team, and our opponent is a team temporarily pulled up by the eliminated members. Very weak."

"No way, let the person who was eliminated originally play?"

Oscar wondered: "Aren't the people of Tiandou Royal Academy afraid of losing face?"

"I said very weak, relative to us."

Le Bai simply explained: "Just now, I simply sensed that the average spirit power of all their members is nearly forty-level, and the captain should be around forty-two. The overall strength is about the same as that of other high-level soul master academy teams present today."

"Sounds pretty good."

Xiao Wu worried: "Is Xiao San okay?"

"Did you hear that, Xiaosan, your Xiaowu has no confidence in your strength."

Le Bai smiled and said, "Should I show it off?"


Xiao Wu said displeased: "This is worry! Worry, do you understand? When did I say that Xiao San can't do it?!"

"Should really show it off!"

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, and smiled confidently: "After a while, you can watch my performance with peace of mind. I just want to show you the progress I have made this month since I obtained the fourth spirit ability."

The qualifiers consisted of 28 teams that signed up for the round robin, starting from the first day and continuing for 28 consecutive days, with at least one battle each day.

Considering the intensity of the battle and the speed of recovery, it was difficult for the weak academy to even fully participate in these 28 battles.

Most of the powerful academies adopt the method of alternately playing the main players and alternate players to ensure that the main players have enough time to recover.

Although Shrek only has one backup member, but with Le Bai and Oscar around, their recovery speed far exceeds the consumption speed, so there is no need to worry about being dragged down.

The only thing to pay attention to is mental power.

But as long as you don't encounter opponents who use mental attacks, you don't need to worry too much about this, just sleep well at night.

When the time is up, the host of the game loudly announces the entry of both parties.

The hosts of the contest are all directly invited elite hosts from the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena, full of experience and professional enough.

Although the relevant staff in charge of lighting when entering the arena were not professional, but with the main lighting on the arena, the audience was still able to see the appearance of the seven clearly.

After playing, the eight of them posed in a pose so that the audience could see the advertisement behind them clearly, then pulled off their cloaks at the same time, stuffed them into the storage soul guides in seconds, took off their hats, and loosened their necklines.

The two handsome guys Oscar and Dai Mubai once again caused a round of screams from the female audience.

On the opposite side, the No. 1 male player in Tiandou Royal Academy suddenly felt that the team uniform on his body was no longer attractive, and said bitterly: "Tsk! What kind of clothes are you wearing! The team uniform looks amazing, isn't it? The competition is about strength!"

"that is!"

The No. 2 man next to him agreed very much: "The golden-haired man over there, see if I don't smash your face in a while!"

"You're here to hit me~"

Dai Mubai smirked and said: "I will stand here for a while, if you can hit me, you will win."

"That's what you said!"

The No. 2 man in the suit thought he had caught Dai Mubai's sore foot, and cheered up, "You're doomed!"

Before the smell of gunpowder became stronger, the host announced in time: "Both sides salute! Non-competitors please leave the ring!"

The people on both sides, except Le Bai, saluted with great reluctance.

Afterwards, Oscar withdrew from the ring, and several people walked off the other side, leaving the fourteen contestants behind.

The team of Tiandou Royal Academy stood up according to the classic formation.

On Shrek's side, Tang San stepped forward alone, while the other six did not move.

Seeing this scene, the audience's first reaction was to wonder.

Even Emperor Xue Ye, who was watching the battle from the VIP seat, asked Ning Fengzhi beside him with a puzzled expression: "Sect Master Ning, you know more about soul masters than I do. What is the significance of this Shrek Academy formation?"

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed to say that I have never seen such a formation."

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly, and he couldn't understand what Shrek meant: "If you only look at their behavior, the only possibility is that this Shrek Academy is going to let the student who stepped forward to fight against the Heaven Dou Royal Academy alone. seven contestants."

"One against seven!?"

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help touching his beard: "Even if there is a certain advantage in soul power or martial soul, there shouldn't be such a disparity in strength."

"Of course not."

Salas said confidently: "That student's soul power is only at the fortieth level at the highest level, and at the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, the lowest is at the thirty-seventh level. With one against seven, even if he can defeat two or three One, will definitely be knocked down by the rest.”

"not necessarily."

Sitting a little ahead of the three of them, Mengshenji, the education committee of Tiandou Royal Academy, suddenly said: "There are no idiots in Shrek Academy, since they do this, they must have something to rely on."

Hearing this, Salas frowned, and was about to say something when the host announced loudly: "The first match of the first round of the qualifiers officially begins!"

According to the regulations of the competition, the first minute of the competition is "preparation time". Both sides are only allowed to activate the martial soul, and any attack or use of soul skills is prohibited.

Accompanied by the possession of the martial spirit, the tool spirit appears, and the brilliance of the spirit ring shines.

On the side of Tiandou Royal Academy, there is no accident, all of them have the best soul ring configuration.

On the side of Shrek Academy, only Tang San who stepped forward alone had a spirit ring, which is also the best configuration.

Now, everyone could see Shrek Academy's plan, and started discussing emotionally:

"What Shrek Academy is planning to fight seven?"

"Just kidding, that's Tiandou Royal Academy! Even if the second team is weaker than the first team, it's impossible to be beaten seven by one! This Shrek Academy person must be out of his mind!"

"Exactly! Who do they think they are? Isn't it level 40? There are also three at the Heaven Dou Royal Academy!"

It's a minute.

The seven people of Tiandou Imperial Academy immediately moved, two rushed towards Tang San, and four rushed towards the six people behind Tang San who did not activate their spirits.

The first man who spoke at the beginning was a combat soul master of the sensitive attack department, and his speed was very fast: "You don't even open the martial soul! I want you to see the consequences of underestimating us!"

Le Bai said calmly: "Little San, don't dawdle, just deal with them."

"it is good."

Tang San smiled slightly, and the two thousand year spirit rings on his body lit up: "The fourth spirit ability Blue Silver Spider Silk!"

The crystal clear blue silver grass shoots out in a fan shape with Tang San as the center, covering most of the arena in a blink of an eye.

"Spider silk? Why is there something like a leaf?"

The No. 1 dragon man dodged the blue-silver spider thread and took a closer look, feeling that the spider thread was not normal, but he didn't think much about it: "A control-type soul master... Even so, one person is too small for us all! The third soul skill—"

When the No. 1 dragon man was about to release a soul skill, Tang San released a second soul skill: "The third soul skill Spider Web Binding - Soul Skill Combination, Blue Silver Spider Silk Formation!"

Accompanied by a large amount of soul power output, more branches of the blue and silver spider silk were instantly extended from the blue and silver spider silk that shot out to the surroundings, connecting and interweaving each other, forming a huge three-dimensional spider web!

People who avoided the blue and silver spider silk before did not expect that these spider silk would grow branches like plants, and they were not aware of it for a while, and many places on their bodies were stained and stuck by the blue and silver spider silk.

Afterwards, the strong toxin in the spider silk was released, which directly made the seven dragon suits lose their ability to resist.

After a few breaths, the seven people of Tiandou Imperial Academy fell on the spider web like bugs stuck in the spider web, trembled and soon stopped moving.

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