White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 169: Battle against Weevil Academy (Part 1)

"The Elephant Armor Sect, I remember it is ranked sixth among the seven major sects. The sect is directly related to the Martial Soul Diamond Mammoth. It is known as the strongest defensive Martial Soul. It is even difficult for ordinary soul masters of the same level to break through their defense."

Le Bai briefly stated the information he knew.

"What you say is the point."

The master nodded, and added: "Although this kind of martial spirit with extreme attributes is strong, it also has obvious shortcomings. The speed of the seven members of the Elephant Armor Academy is very slow. However, your competition will be held in the arena, in a limited space. guilt, their weaknesses will be minimized and their strengths will be magnified."

"Teacher, I remember a soul beast like the diamond mammoth, which is also very powerful."

Tang San asked: "Do you think, can my blue silver spider silk control them?"

"Yes. The strongest leader of the Elephant Armor Academy has a spirit power of level 43. Your current spirit power is level 40. In addition, the blue and silver spider silk has double the toughness. No matter how powerful the diamond mammoth spirit is, , and it is impossible to break free easily."

The master analyzed: "But the defense of the diamond mammoth is not limited to physical defense. It is difficult for your toxin to penetrate their skin. I don't think you can deal an effective blow to them without exposing your hole cards."

"Since Xiaosan can control it,"

Le Bai pondered: "Maybe we can try indirect damage."

"Indirect damage?"

The master wondered: "What are you referring to?"

"Let Hong Jun burn it with fire."

Le Bai said with a little joy: "Ordinary flames are fine, but small fires are slow to cook. It depends on whether they can't hold on first, or Hongjun and Xiaosan's soul power is exhausted first."

"Fire roast?"

The master still didn't understand: "I said that the defense of the diamond mammoth is not only physical defense, but their attribute defense is also very strong. Hong Jun's fire, if it is not black fire, is hotter for them at most."

"All you want is heat."

Le Bai chuckled: "Soul masters are also human, and they will sweat when they are hot."

The others were still full of question marks, not knowing what Le Bai was going to do.

"Since you have made up your mind,

I won't say much. "

The master said with a face of trust: "Work hard."

Fast forward to the start of the game.

The two teams confront each other.

The seven people on the Elephant Academy side are all big men over two meters tall, with exaggerated fat on their bodies.

Le Bai's first feeling was that these people are naturally good at practicing sumo, but it's a pity that this sport doesn't exist in this world.

The usual mutual salutation session was followed by a one-minute martial soul opening time.

With the opening of Wuhun, the image of Elephant Armor Academy has changed dramatically.

After being possessed by martial souls, the tall figures of the seven people further swelled, the trembling fat turned into large bulging muscles, the surface of the body was even more reflective like a bright diamond, and the nose became longer, a veritable diamond mammoth.

Shrek's side still didn't have all their spirits activated, so three people released their spirit rings: Tang San, Le Bai, and Ma Hongjun.

This made some people in the audience very unhappy: "Hmph! This Shrek Academy really looks down on our Elephant Armor Academy! There are only three people who release their martial spirits, and one of them is a waste of a ten-year spirit ring!"

The person who spoke was Hu Yanzhen, the head of the Elephant Armor Sect, who stood out in the audience—he was huge! Sitting there is like a mountain of meat, one person occupies a seat as wide as three people.

"Why does Sect Master Huyan need to be angry?"

Salas next to Roshan smiled and persuaded: "The more this Shrek underestimates the opponent, the easier it will be for the Weevil Academy to win?"

"What Bishop Salas said is true."

Hu Yanzhen clasped his hands together, and said regretfully: "I thought the Shrek people had some abilities, so I came here to watch the battle. Looking at it now, I'm afraid they have given up on this match."

Ning Fengzhi wanted to refute with some partial words, but he couldn't see how Shrek could defeat the seven Weevil Armor Academy who were the main force on the opposite side with only three people.

One minute passed, and the battle began!

Although they thought they were underestimating them, the seven members of the Elephant Armor Academy still fought steadily and moved forward steadily.

In the previous three battles, the Weevil Academy used this tactic to squeeze the target out of the ring and win easily.

"Little San, come on."

Le Bai handed Tang San a piece of bread, commanding: "Don't think about anything else, just make them immobile as much as possible. If they use their soul skills to break free later, remember to add control as soon as possible."

"rest assured."

Tang San was still full of confidence: "With the effect of your bread, the soul power will recover very quickly. If you just control it, it won't be a problem if it lasts until dark."

After throwing out the soul skill, the blue silver spider silk cooperated with the ordinary blue silver grass, and quickly fixed all the seven "mammoth men" on the opposite side.

"Little San's mission is complete, Hong Jun, it's up to you next."

Le Bai asked Ma Hongjun to come forward: "Give them each a fire, it doesn't need to be too big, just enough to make them feel the heat."

Ma Hongjun nodded, opened his mouth and spit out seven normal fireballs, which fell to the feet of the seven members of the Elephant Armor Academy, and scattered when they touched the blue and silver spider threads, turning into scattered flames, burning quietly.

If there is any small fire, Ma Hongjun will fill it up again.

"The next thing is to see who can't hold on first."

Le Bai sat down, and called other people to sit down too: "Okay, don't stand around stupidly, just sit down and rest. I'm really bored, you can try to practice."

audience:? ? ?

"that's it?"

Tang San was puzzled: "Can we win like this?"

Not only Tang San, but even the audience felt confused, unable to understand Shrek's operation at all.

"What exactly do these Shrek people want to do?"

Hu Yanzhen frowned: "Tie them up and burn them with fire. Don't they worry that the soul skills of the control-type soul master will be burnt out? How could that little fire pass through the defense of the martial soul and hurt Ali and the others?! "


Salas sneered: "Perhaps, they are trying to use that small flame to stun their opponents."

Hearing this, Hu Yanzhen couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha! What Bishop Salas said is true! As long as the fire is a hundred times bigger, Ali may really be dizzy!"

In the arena, they were accused of roasting seven people, and found that they could not break the seemingly slender blue and silver spider silk with all their strength, but the ground of the arena made a creaking sound, which made them dare not continue to use their strength—in case they broke If the arena caused him to go out of bounds, he would be considered a loser.

"Aligo, what should we do now? What do they mean by tying us up like this?"

One person asked the captain beside him - Hu Yanli: "Do you want to use your soul skills to force a breakthrough?"

"Don't worry. With the control ability of the control-type soul master on the opposite side, even if we forcefully break through now, it is very likely that we will continue to be controlled, and in the end it will just be a waste of soul power."

Hu Yanli, the leader, said in a deep voice: "These fires can't hurt us at all, and we don't need much soul power to maintain the state of martial soul possession. They must consume more energy than us to maintain these fires and control the soul skills. Wait and see, If the four people behind are ready to release their martial spirits and spirit rings, we will use our spirit skills to attack immediately."


The venue is so big, and every word of the discussion on the opposite side was not written, and Shrek heard it all.

"Le Bai, you heard what they said."

Tang San frowned slightly: "Although we have your bread, we can persist for a long time, but if this goes on, we are still more likely to lose."

"Shh, keep your voice down."

Le Bai raised his index finger and put it in front of his mouth, and whispered in a voice that only Tang San could hear: "I'm using my soul power to make trouble secretly, and in a few minutes, they may realize something is wrong and start to struggle, You pay attention."

Le Bai took advantage of Tang San's soul power fluctuations to cover, secretly controlled a little soul power, extended it to the vicinity of the seven people on the opposite side, and kept all the water vapor emitted from them around them, adding Ma Hongjun's fire, gradually Simulate the environment of sauna...

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