White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 174 Blazing Academy: Gone

In the storm of soul power, there are very small crystals of soul power that look like gravel.

Rather than saying it was a sandstorm, it was better to say it was an ice shaving machine—the moment the storm touched the black ice layer, black ice mist flew out.

Although the ice layer immediately triggered a counterattack, and continued to pierce ice thorns outward.

But Le Bai was outside the attacking range of the ice thorns, no matter how many ice thorns pierced out, he couldn't touch Le Bai, but was slowly ground and blown away by the storm of soul power.

No matter how strong the soul ring soul skills are, there is a limit. After piercing hundreds of ice thorns in a row, without adding new ice thorns, Ye Zhiqiu has turned into a huge ice hedgehog. Many ice thorns even pierced the ground, further fixing Ye Zhiqiu to the ground.

"A bit wearable."

Le Bai simply estimated that with his current efficiency, it would take more than five minutes to wear through the ice shell of this mysterious turtle. And this mysterious tortoise can make up a few more rounds of soul skills, then there is really no end to it.

"It's been so long since I haven't been back, and with this black turtle, if someone from Canghui Academy finds me, I might be blamed."

Thinking of this, Le Bai gave up continuing the test, and the storm of soul power stopped.

"Haha, are you finally out of strength?"

Ye Zhiqiu said happily: "Still, he was stabbed by my ice spike!"

"For now, let me say sorry, Mr. Ye Zhiqiu."

Le Bai found out the name Ye Zhiqiu from his memory: "I don't have you in the future I expect."

The soul power control is full, and a thin soul power line extends from Le Bai's right index finger, connecting the crystals floating around, forming a very thin "string".

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Le Bai, the countless tiny crystals of soul power that make up this string began to vibrate at a super high speed with enhanced soul power.

A slightly piercing hum sounded.

Ye Zhiqiu also heard this voice, but he didn't pay attention, thinking that Le Bai was creating illusions on his "ears".

Suddenly, the sound disappeared.

Ye Zhiqiu's consciousness also disappeared.

Le Bai retracted his fingers slowly,

Pretending to say: "Knowledge is power."

Then he stared blankly at the pile of minced meat that needed to be mosaiced on the ground: "It's heavy... This trick should be used with caution in the future. It must be disposed of before the ice melts, otherwise the bloody smell will attract spirit beasts or other monsters." Human attention is troublesome."

Taking advantage of the relatively high strength of the soul power, Le Bai controlled the soul power to strengthen the shovel, and dug straight down for more than forty meters...

By the time Le Bai had completely dealt with the murder scene, half an hour had passed since Flender left.

Le Bai turned off the fire with water, put away the stove and spirit bones, and finally confirmed that he had recorded the part where Shi Nian threatened to kill him and Tang San, sneaked back to the vicinity of Tiandou City, appeared out of sight, entered the city, and walked back to the college.

At noon that day, Le Bai rarely had any appetite, and only ate three bowls of food.

For the next few days, Canghui Academy didn't come to their door, and Shrek didn't meet any opponent at the level of Elephant Armor Academy.

Ordinary little-known small academies still came to the stage, let Tang San go, at most let Ma Hongjun spit a few more mouthfuls of fire, and the battle was over.

It wasn't until the eleventh day that Shrek Academy encountered Blazing Academy, which was known as the "Five Elemental Academy" together with Elephant Armor Academy again.

Before the game started, Le Bai discussed the tactical arrangement with others as usual.

"I guess it can't be too easy today."

Le Bai said directly: "Although the opponent is full of fire attribute spirits, Xiaosan's Blue Silver Grass is also immune to flames, but this has been exposed in the previous battle with the Elephant Armor Academy. As long as the people of the Blazing Academy are not stupid, they should We have found a way to deal with it, so we can't rely too much on Xiaosan."

"That is to say, we can finally move our muscles a little bit?"

Dai Mubai's face showed joy: "The last ten days I've been watching Xiao San and Hong Jun fight, my hands are itchy!"

Xiao Wu also cheered and said: "Tell me, which one do you want me to kick away?"

"Since you can't hold back, let's do some activities together."

Le Bai smiled and said: "I will continue to only use bread to assist. Rongrong seizes the opportunity by himself, paying special attention to the fourth soul skill. After the competition starts, I will choose an opponent for each of you four, and the remaining three, Xiaosan try to control it .Considering our soul power, physical ability, soul ring and support advantages, even if we don't reveal our true strength, it is more than enough to defeat Blazing Huo."

Go to the ring.

Blaze is the full main lineup today, and it seems that they are not ready to give up.

"Two are above level 40, and the remaining five are all level 38 or 39. Two are attack-type, two are agility-type, two are support, and one is control."

Le Bai quickly perceives and compares the information collected by the teachers in his mind: "There is no threat at all, only Huo Wu's third soul skill, the effect of forcing a certain distance is more annoying... You can let Xiao Wu use the golden body to intimidate her. Wave."

Salutation link.

The fiery captain, Huo Wushuang, said harsh words to Dai Mubai: "We will end your winning streak."

Dai Mubai said contemptuously: "Let's wait until you can make us use all our strength."

Then open Wuhun.

At this time, the audience was surprised to find that all members of Shrek had opened their martial souls and released their soul rings!

"As expected of Blazing Academy! Even Shrek can't hold it up!"

"Look quickly! Everyone on Shrek's side is Soul Sect!"

Shrek's "true strength" finally revealed the tip of the iceberg - all soul sects, although one person's soul ring configuration is particularly strange, but the rest are the best configuration.

It wasn't over yet, when they saw the pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand, the knowledgeable people were instantly excited: "It's the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda! Shrek's auxiliary system soul master is actually a member of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect!"

The more strength Shrek showed, the more nervous people in Blazing Academy became. As the captain, Huo Wushuang already had a solemn expression on his face: "The teachers have already made an extremely high estimate of Shrek, unexpectedly they still underestimated them!"

"Brother, don't be too nervous, it's not like we have no chance of winning."

Huo Wu comforted Huo Wushuang in a soft voice: "This is the first time since the start of the qualifying round that they released their martial spirits and soul rings. It can be seen that they don't dare to underestimate us. But if we want to win, we must go all out. At once……"

"Huo Wu, do you think it's better for us to give up this match?"

Huo Wushuang suddenly asked his sister: "If we admit defeat now, we can avoid the consumption and damage caused by the battle. And we know most of Shrek's hidden strength. On the contrary, they don't know our strength yet."

"Although admitting defeat makes me very unhappy..."

Huo Wu thought about it seriously, and thought what her brother said was reasonable: "But it's not halfway through the qualifiers. If we show our full strength now, the next battle may be further targeted by other academies. It is a wise choice to give up here. .”

So, when the one-minute preparation time was up, Huo Wushuang suddenly said to the referee: "We admit defeat!"


Shrek: "..."

An anticlimactic battle ended like this.

Some people think that it is too embarrassing for Blazing Academy to back down. Such people are either ulterior motives, or too simple.

More people expressed their admiration for Chi Huo's quick-witted behavior, and were surprised by Shrek's strength.

Prior to this, the name Shrek had been unknown to many people, and it was even the first time for many bigwigs to know about this academy.

On the other side, Shrek and his group returned to the academy sullenly.

"You don't have to be too sad."

The master comforted: "Even I didn't expect that Blazing Academy would give up the competition at such a juncture. I'm afraid they did it temporarily. Although your soul power level is known by people from other academies, but you haven't actually done it. There is still a large part of strength that has not been revealed, and the advantages are still obvious."

"Master, we are not suffering because of the problem of showing our strength."

Le Bai said in a muffled voice: "We were all ready to do a big fight, but it ended suddenly. This contrast is really uncomfortable!"

"That's it."

The master came to a sudden: "Then I will ask Mr. Zhao Wuji to accompany you for a little discussion."

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