White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 206 Cultivation (entertainment) soul guide (2)

Back at the rented house, Le Bai immediately took out the pen and paper, and began to design the next soul guide: the handheld.

In fact, very early on, Lebai already had the conditions to design and manufacture handhelds, but it has never had the right opportunity to do so.

If possible, Le Bai would prefer that the audience be ordinary people, rather than a small group of less than a million soul masters.

But helplessly, the soul tool can only be used by people with soul power.

Designing and manufacturing soul guides that ordinary people can use is one of the effective solutions, but Le Bai is looking forward to the day when most people in this world have soul power.

Otherwise, soul power would not be able to become the foundation of a civilization - energy.

After talking with Hu Liena, Le Bai realized that now is the right time for the soul masters of Wuhun Temple to take the lead in emphasizing soul power control training!

Le Bai wants to take this opportunity to make all soul masters have a stereotyped impression of the game: the game is not pure entertainment, but an efficient means of cultivation and exercise that combines teaching with fun.

"First of all, the most important point is that the interaction method is limited to soul power control, otherwise it cannot be used as a means of exercise."

"Secondly, the level and the upper limit of difficulty must be set a little higher, otherwise, with the reflexes of a soul master, it will definitely pass the level easily."

"There is also the score calculation. In the case of not being able to play online, the score is the most intuitive way to reflect the 'level'."

"Finally, the strength of the handheld device itself...must be low. As long as you are a little excited, the burst of soul power exceeds 30% to clear the save file, and the pressure with both hands exceeds 50%, the shell will crack. Let these people learn 'self-control' from an early age, let them Understand the truth that impulse is the devil."

After completing the basic settings, Le Bai began to design the core "architecture" of the soul guide, using all the thinking lines, and slowly adding and modifying the details.

When you are tired, lie down and sleep, wake up and continue. Le Bai makes full use of the brain's ability to efficiently organize information during sleep.

After one night, the design drawing of the first handheld device on Douluo Continent was completed.

"Then we'll wait for Hu Liena to deliver the materials."

Le Bai thought silently, found a breakfast shop nearby, and ate slowly.

"The price is really expensive,

Let's cook by ourselves in the future. "

When paying the bill, Le Bai handed over the money while thinking silently.

Hu Liena arrived at 8:30 in the morning: "This is the house you rented? It's so small."

As she spoke, she took out the materials one by one from her storage soul guide.

"I live alone, so what are you doing so big? Isn't the rent expensive? Cleaning is also more difficult."

Le Bai took all the materials, put them in his leg bag, and checked the quality by the way: "Huh? The materials you found are of good quality."


Hu Liena slightly raised her head arrogantly: "You don't even look at who bought it."

"Too good? It doesn't work."

Le Bai shook his head and sighed: "Huh? There's no way, I can only take some from my inventory and use it first."

"Hello? You bastard!"

Hu Liena glared: "Just exchange the materials I bought in front of me?"

"No? According to what we agreed, these materials are my reward for telling you how to exercise your soul power control ability."

Le Bai corrected: "So these things are mine."

"No, as we agreed,"

Hu Liena said seriously: "You need to tell me the method first? These things belong to you."

"…you're right."

Le Bai stopped taking things? He even took out the things that had been put in the leg bag: "Wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

Le Bai took out the necessary materials and tools from the leg bag, unfolded the completed design and put it in front of him, and started to manufacture the soul guide under the guidance of the panel.

Hu Liena quietly watched Le Bai do these things? She was very surprised: This guy really knows how to make soul guides!

Subconsciously? Hu Liena put her gaze on the blueprint.

Soon, she looked away.

"It's scary? What are those dense numbers? There are also those strange characters and neat patterns. Although I can't understand the meaning? But there is a very harmonious feeling."

Hu Liena was calm on the surface, but she was very active inside: "This guy clearly said that he was teaching me how to exercise the control of soul power? Why did you start making soul guides? Do you want to use soul guides for training?"

Le Bai seemed to be concentrating on it, but in fact, he left a line of thought to guard against Hu Lina, preventing her from attacking him suddenly.

But until Le Bai finished making it, Hu Liena didn't show any intention of doing it.

"All right."

Le Bai handed a handle-shaped soul tool suitable for both hands to Hu Liena: "Hold it, don't use too much force, I will explain to you how to use it."

Hu Liena subconsciously stretched out her hands to hold it, and subconsciously lightened her strength when she heard Le Bai's reminder: "A soul guide that I have never seen before, what can this be used for?"

Le Bai said: "You try to input a little soul power first, not too much, then stretch out your left index finger a little, and you can touch a button, press it."

Hu Liena did so.

After a while, the handle she was holding projected a rectangular black screen in the air, with only two options on it: [New Game] [Load Archive].

The two options are arranged one above the other, the top one is white and the bottom one is light gray.

Hu Liena's soul power output was very unstable, causing the black screen to flicker.

"Can't your output of soul power be more stable?"

Le Bai said unhappily: "Your screen shakes too much like this, and your eyes will be very tired."

"I've worked really hard to maintain stability!"

Hu Liena really wanted to throw the thing in her hand on Le Bai's face, but now she was very interested in how this thing can be used for exercise: "Would you like to demonstrate it to me first?"

"no way."

Le Bai took over the handle, and the stable output of soul power made the screen projected by the handle instantly stable, and the clarity was raised to the highest level: "This soul guide is specially made for soul masters like you who want to exercise the control of soul power Yes. In order not to make the exercise process too boring, I put a little thought into it and made a game."

"The first is to control the stable output of the soul power. If this cannot be done, the screen will shake and the clarity will drop significantly."

"Then, the triangle mark in front of the words on the screen can be controlled by soul power. The white option means that it can be selected, and the gray one means that it cannot be selected temporarily."

"Concentrate the soul power on this triangle mark, and use the mind control to confirm the choice. At this time, the options will flash a few times."

As soon as the screen image changed, it shrunk down a bit, and a large square composed of several small squares appeared on the top, and it was slowly falling down.

Near the right side of the screen is a box showing the number 1, and below that is a box showing the number 0.

"Pay attention to these blocks, try to concentrate your soul power on these falling blocks, and then turn them through your own consciousness, so that these blocks can rotate, or move left and right, and move down quickly."

While talking, Le Bai controlled the cubes on the screen to make actions, and finally fell to the bottom.

"Once the block falls to the bottom, it can no longer be controlled. At the same time, new blocks will fall from the top. There are 7 shapes of large blocks, but there is no rule about what shape will fall each time. Turn these blocks, combine, When you fill an entire row with no gaps, the blocks will be eliminated and you will get points. If you eliminate multiple rows at once, you will get more points."

"However, as the score increases, the falling speed of the blocks will become faster and faster, leaving less time for thinking and control, and the difficulty and risk of continuing the game will increase. If the blocks are not eliminated in time and piled to the top, the game will be over for this time." fail."

"The two small boxes on the right represent your current 'level' and affect the speed at which the big cube falls. The one below is your current score."

Le Bai played while talking, and quickly eliminated a few lines, and the score increased accordingly: "If you are halfway through the game and you have something to do, you can press the switch button again to stop temporarily and save the file."

Le Bai demonstrated the operation. Among the first two options, [Load Save] became white: "As long as you choose to load the save at this time, the game will continue directly from the location where you saved it, without starting from the beginning."

"That's about it, have you learned it?"

Hu Liena nodded again and again: "Yes! Let me try!"

Le Bai handed over the handle: "One last reminder, this handle is not strong. If you use too much force, it will cause damage, and the save file will disappear. If you can't control your soul power well, outputting too much soul power at one time will also cause damage. , and the archive disappears."


Hu Liena said nonchalantly, and began to familiarize herself with the operation with a look of excitement.

Fifty minutes later:

"Should you go?"

"Hey! You're quarreling with me! I finally made a vertical bar, but I didn't turn it around!"

"Your screen is not stable."

"You are so annoying!"

"I can accept those things."

"Take it and take it!"

"It's almost noon, do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Tsk! Just go!"

Watching Hu Liena walk away slowly with her head down, Le Bai closed the door with a happy face.

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