White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 277: The Second Cooperation Between Humans and Soul Beasts

The instantaneous speed is very fast, and the consumption is small, plus the influence of the terrain can be ignored, just after noon, Le Bai, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong have arrived at the outer edge of the Star Dou Forest.

They passed through small towns on the way, but did not stop.

"How are you feeling now?"

Le Bai stopped and asked: "Can you guarantee that you can walk in the air as if you are walking on flat ground?"

"If you don't think about fighting,"

Oscar thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Ning Rongrong said: "No problem."

"Then let's continue to use instant motion to walk straight from the air."

Le Bai said: "Give me your soul, you can concentrate on moving yourself."

Keep going.

Although both Oscar and Ning Rongrong trust Le Bai very much and believe that he can ensure their own safety, when they think of the Star Dou Forest under their feet, they feel that their actions at this time seem to be jumping back and forth on the verge of death. It's exciting.

However, until they got close to the center of the forest, they didn't encounter a soul beast, nor were they attacked.

"what happened?"

Ning Rongrong couldn't help asking Oscar: "Even if we are in the air, this is the Star Dou Forest, why didn't a soul beast appear?"

Oscar was also curious, but when his eyes fell on Le Bai in front of him, he suddenly remembered what Le Bai had said before, and guessed something: "It should be what Le Bai did."

"It seems to be the only possibility."

Ning Rongrong felt a little emotional: "I was worried that it would be difficult for him to break through, but in the end, he left us farther and farther away."

"You should be happier."

Oscar comforted: "The higher the level of Le Bai's soul power, the more soul rings, the better the effect of soul skills, and the faster we can improve."


Le Bai suddenly reminded: "Prepare to slow down."

Compared with the instantaneous technique of acceleration,

Slowing down is much simpler, you only need to consume a little more soul power and seize the space.

"Wow! So the center of the Star Dou Forest is so beautiful!"

Ning Rongrong was immediately attracted by the scenery near the lake.

"See you later."

Le Bai reminded: "Go down first."

Xiao Wu has already come out from the hut to meet them - Le Bai notified Xiao Wu in advance by using the skill of forcing the sound into a line.

"Rong Rong!"

"Xiao Wu!"

The two beautiful girls embraced each other, and for a while the orange was in a good mood.

It seemed that Oscar was breathing a little harder.

Enter the house and reminisce about the old days.

The four of them were chatting, when Le Bai suddenly said, "By the way, Xiao Wu, I've already told the two of them about your situation."

"What did you say?!"

Xiao Wu realized later, looked at Oscar and Ning Rongrong, a little at a loss: "Then, I, you..."

"Xiao Wu,"

Ning Rongrong strode forward and grabbed Xiao Wu's hands: "No matter what your identity is, you are the Xiao Wu we know."

Oscar also looked at Xiao Wu sincerely.

After a burst of true feelings, and finally waiting for the two girls to adjust their emotions, Le Bai began to turn the topic to the main topic: "Xiao Wu, I brought the two of them here today to help them obtain the sixth spirit ring."

Speaking of the soul ring, Xiao Wu's mood suddenly became depressed: "Yes, that's it."

"But I'm not going to let them hunt soul beasts."

Le Bai said: "For this, I need the help of you, Da Ming and Er Ming."

"Not hunting soul beasts?"

Xiao Wu immediately cheered up: "Then we can help! What do we need?"


"It's just a small thing!"

Xiao Wu readily agreed: "Let's go, I'll tell Da Ming and Er Ming right away!"

Oscar followed Xiao Wu, and asked Le Bai in a low voice, "Who are you and Xiao Wu talking about, Da Ming and Er Ming?"

"Da Ming, a 100,000-year-old Azure Bull Python, was given the nickname Forest Emperor."

Le Bai took it for granted, "Er Ming, a hundred thousand year-old Titan giant ape, known as the king of the forest."

Before Oscar could inquire carefully, they had already seen the appearance of two hundred thousand year spirit beasts with their own eyes.

This is the first time in Oscar and Ning Rongrong's life that they have had close contact with a hundred thousand year spirit beast, which is still the top one. If they say they are not nervous or afraid, it must be a lie.

Regardless of whether it was Da Ming or Er Ming, their huge bodies and unfriendly gazes made the two of them feel more pressured, blood pooled involuntarily to the soles of their feet, and their hands became slightly cold.

"Yo, Da Ming, Er Ming, I'm here to disturb you again."

Le Bai took the initiative to say hello, and was also demonstrating to the two of them. His relaxed attitude eased the tension of Oscar and Ning Rongrong a little: "Xiao Wu told you just now that the two people here are me and Xiao Wu's companions. , They need spirit rings, I want spirit beasts to help gather them, and by the way, let you see for yourself."

Er Ming was not very interested, he glanced at Oscar and Ning Rongrong, then turned around silently, showing that he didn't want to talk to him.

Daming was more active. He lowered his head slowly, stared at Oscar for a few seconds, and asked Le Bai: "Is he, the first person to succeed?"

"Yes, that's him."

Le Bai said: "The problem now is that the spirit beasts in this forest are very hostile to us. Even if I communicate with them through spirit, it is difficult to get their help."

"If I don't help,"

There was a sense of displeasure in Daming's tone: "You will choose to obtain the soul ring by hunting."


Le Bai said decisively: "You should understand that just as you will not give up seeking breakthroughs, we will not stop improving. Moreover, for me, soul beasts that cannot let go of their hatred for humans have no value in existence."

"Le Bai! Weren't you very good at talking before?!"

Xiao Wu said anxiously: "And Daming, this is good for us, why can't you just agree?"

"Little Miss Wu..."

Daming was full of helplessness and said: "I will try my best to help persuade, but I can't guarantee whether other soul beasts will agree."

"Have to try first."

Le Bai said calmly: "As long as you are willing to help coordinate, they really have wisdom. I think the possibility of success in the end should be much higher than failure."

All that is left is to choose a "suitable" soul beast, and then "ask for cooperation" at the door.

The process of selecting the soul beast and "persuading" it later was a bit tortuous.

The soul beast suitable for Ning Rongrong is a "Colorful Scale Dragon" with a cultivation base of 60,000 years, also known as the "Thousand Color Dragon". The name sounds a bit like a chameleon, but this kind of soul beast is a serious dragon clan soul beast, which has the ability to freely change its own soul power attributes. Because the color of the scales will change with the change of its own soul power attribute, hence the name.

And the dragon clan basically has a kind of enigmatic arrogance, even a forest emperor like Da Ming is not very easy to speak.

In the end, he was beaten up by Daming before he honestly agreed.

With the support of Le Bai's vitality, the subsequent process of condensing the soul ring went smoothly unexpectedly.

Oscar's situation is more complicated than Ning Rongrong's. Among the older soul beasts, there are not many soul beasts suitable for food-type martial souls, and they must be the type with enhanced "physical ability".

Le Bai considered Er Ming at first, but quickly denied it.

It is true that Er Ming's physical ability must be at the pinnacle of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. But the meat quality is not good, and the muscle fibers are many and hard.

If Oscar condenses the soul ring with Er Ming's help, the effect of the soul skill is estimated to be as expected, but the quality of the martial soul may not increase but decrease, which must be avoided no matter what.

In the end, the age requirement was slightly lowered, and a "Tianxiang Musk Tiger" with a cultivation base of about 50,000 years was finally found.

Although the name contains a tiger, the Tianxiang musk tiger only has fangs and claws and body stripes similar to tigers, and its physical characteristics are closer to deer.

The physical ability of this kind of soul beast is also extremely strong, and it can further stimulate and strengthen its physical ability through its own "extraordinary fragrance".

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Unfortunately, due to the side effect of the "exotic fragrance" after using the ability, the death rate of Tianxiang musk tiger in childhood is very high.

Even with Daming's help in "persuading", the Tianxiang musk tiger refused to obey at first.

It wasn't until Le Bai conveyed the cruelest way of death that he could think of through spiritual power that the musk tiger half-pushed and half-heartedly agreed.

Three days later, Oscar and Ning Rongrong successfully condensed the sixth spirit ring.

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