White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 310: Oscar Will Not Take Dogs Easily

"My eighth soul ring, one hundred thousand years, two soul skills."

Oscar said, smiling slightly: "As Le Bai guessed, my eighth spirit ring spirit ability is very effective, but it cannot be used continuously in a short period of time."

The attention of others immediately shifted from Le Bai to Oscar.

"The first soul technique, the rejuvenating emerald sausage. After eating it, the strength of vitality will be increased and the vitality will be restored continuously. No matter how serious the injury is, even if half of the head is blown off, it can be suppressed and gradually recovered. But it can only be recovered every three days. Make one."

Oscar said slowly: "Then there is the second soul skill, the white jade sausage of life and death. After eating the white jade sausage, an extra part of life will be stored in the body. If it is fatally injured, even if the entire head is smashed, it will only be consumed. The stored vitality enters a state of suspended animation. Before the stored vitality is exhausted, it will not really die."

"It takes three days to make one white jade sausage, but the body cannot continuously absorb the effect of the white jade sausage. After the white jade sausage has been used once, it will take a month for it to take effect again."

"But—the effect of the fantasy gem sausage can ignore these restrictions."

"That is to say, within three days, I can make two sausages with the effect of emerald sausage. However, the effect presented through gem sausage and fantasy gem sausage will be different from eating directly."

"It sounds like the life-saving effect is very good."

Le Bai showed a little surprise: "You said that the effect of gem sausage is different, it means scale armor."

"That's right."

Oscar nodded: "If I use the gem sausage and dream gem sausage to exert the effect of the eighth soul ring soul skill, the recovery effect will give priority to repairing the scale armor."


Le Bai divided more than a dozen thinking lines, and he understood in seconds: "After all, even if the body can recover, the injury will also have an impact. The scale armor can bear this process on your behalf, and it can be effectively avoided. Your current combat ability should not be small. improvement."

"You are too subtle!"

Ma Hongjun was a little emotional: "A battle soul master who lacks a little bit of explosive power probably won't even be able to break his scale armor, and he will forcefully consume him to death in the end!"

"Oscar, can your emerald sausage's vitality replenishment effect be exerted even if you are not injured?"

Tang San said with concern: "The vitality consumed by my activation of the Blue Silver Emperor's ability,

Can it be recovered through emerald sausage? "

"This has to be tried."

Oscar thought for a while and said, "Although they are both called life force, I don't know if the life force replenished by the emerald sausage is the same thing as the life force you consume."

"Before you start the experiment, listen to me finish my eighth soul ring skill."

Dai Mubai was the last one to say: "My eighth spirit ring also has two spirit abilities. The first one is called White Tiger Shocking Roar. Although the attack itself has no additional strengthening effect, it is a relatively rare sonic attack type. It has a large range, can ignore defense, and can affect the body, mind, and soul power at the same time. It can only rely on strong body, mind, and soul power to resist."

"If the body can't resist, it will be shattered; if the spirit can't resist, it will be comatose; if the soul power can't resist, the strength of the soul power will decrease in a short period of time, and it will be difficult to gather the soul power."

"The second soul skill is called the White Tiger War God's Roar. This soul skill has no offensive power, and its effect is quite amazing. I don't know if it is really effective. Through the battle cry, I can improve my fighting will and fighting instinct, and at the same time reduce the opponent's strength. The fighting will and fighting instinct, the range is about 25%."

"Boss Dai, the effect of your soul skill is very strong!"

Tang San smiled wryly: "I have worked so hard and spent more than a year to obtain the Killing God Domain. The effect is to increase my own strength by 10%, and at the same time reduce the opponent's strength by 10%. You are just a Soul skills directly surpass me by a lot!"

"The specific effect must be determined after actual use."

Le Bai concluded: "We only spent two months on the second exam, and there is no rush for the third exam. You should be tired after two consecutive exams. In the next few days, we will take a good rest and test the new soul by the way. effect of the technique."

No one disagrees.

Three days of rest, two days of testing.

After five days, everyone roughly figured out the effect of their latest soul skills.

The biggest benefit is Le Bai and Oscar's martial soul fusion skills.

Oscar's current soul power level has been raised to level 81, but with the addition of the eighth soul ring soul skill, the soul power required for him and Le Bai to perform the gem hot dog has not decreased, but has further increased - when performing the martial soul fusion skill , Le Bai's soul power output was almost twenty times that of Oscar's.

With such an astonishing consumption of soul power, the effect of the gemstone hot dog obtained in the end is also astonishing.

The first is the duration, which has been extended from the original seven days to a full month - this is Oscar's own estimate.

After all, he is the only one who can temporarily put away the jeweled scale armor with the help of the attached spirit bone. Others don't like the state of being greatly suppressed when wearing the jeweled scale armor.

The second is the change in the effect of the eighth soul ring's two soul skills integrated into the gem scale armor.

After the enhancement of the martial soul fusion technique and the strengthening of the spirit bone attached to the scale armor, the gem scale armor has the effect of three complete repairs, and the effect of continuous automatic repair, gradually recovering the number of complete repairs.

Before the three complete repair effects are exhausted, even if Oscar's gem scale armor is shattered into powder, a brand new gem scale armor will appear within a second.

And it only takes five minutes to restore the number of times of the full repair effect. If the opponent cannot completely destroy the gem scale armor more than twice within five minutes, the gem scale armor can always be repaired.

Secondly, Dai Mubai's and Zhu Zhuqing's spirit power is still unable to afford the fusion of spirits in the gem scale armor (seven rings) state.

In the actual test, after Ning Rongrong gave the boost with all his strength, the Nether White Tiger just raised its paws and dropped them, exhausting its soul power and falling into a coma.

Ning Rongrong was slightly better, not unconscious, but her soul power also bottomed out.

And the falling claw directly pressed a "meat ball" mark on the space, which lasted for several seconds before disappearing.

Bo Saixi was alarmed again. But with her first experience, she calmed down a lot this time, and after confirming that it was this group of people who made the noise and that it didn't have much impact on Sea God Island, she left calmly.

"It seems that the three guarantees and one tactic still cannot be used."

Le Bai looked at Bo Saixi's leaving back, and thought regretfully: "In the next test, if she matches, we can only see their own efforts."

After the last day of rest, the eight of them were fully adjusted, and the third test began early the next morning.

"Tidal Body Refining?"

Xiao Wu was the first to receive the test information. According to the experience of the previous two times, she felt that other people should be the same, and asked, "Are you the same?"

The others nodded.

Le Bai took out his little white ball, projected a screen in the air, and after watching it: "Same."

"Tidal body training, I don't know what kind of training method it is."

Ma Hongjun tried hard to imagine: "Listening to the name, maybe it has something to do with the tide?"

"Just wait for Bo Saixi to explain to us."

Le Bai pointed in the direction of Sea God Mountain, and Bo Saixi was rapidly approaching.

"follow me."

Bo Saixi landed and said briefly: "I will take you to the examination room of the third examination first."

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