White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 313 God, the world, reality

"Become a god at the hundredth level, heh."

Le Bai let out a contemptuous laugh, and said to Bo Saixi, "Before I answer you, please tell me what you mean by 'God'."

"I said God..."

Bo Saixi was dissatisfied with Le Bai's attitude, but when he thought that Le Bai's soul power had already surpassed level 100, and his status was already higher than his own, he couldn't get angry: "Naturally, it's like Lord Sea God, it's our belief!"

"As far as I know, your sea god was just a very talented soul master in the past. After reaching the ninety-ninth level, he conquered the sea, and finally used the faith of most sea creatures to gather his god position."

Le Bai said disapprovingly: "So the god you know is a soul master whose soul power has reached level 100 and has a god position. Although I don't have a god position now, my soul power has reached level 100. According to your knowledge, I'm half a god."


Bo Saixi frowned slightly: "You give me a different feeling from Lord Seagod. You don't have the detachment that belongs to God."


Le Bai thought about it and understood: "You mean this?"

Stretch out your hand and condense your soul power in the palm of your hand.

A massive amount of soul power gathered in Le Bai's palm, first it could be observed by naked eyes, then it turned into a flowing white fluid, and finally it was gradually stained with a layer of noble gold, turning into a mass of golden energy.

"The power of God!"

Bo Saixi stared: "You have indeed reached the realm of God!"


Le Bai sneered very impolitely, and absorbed the golden soul power group: "Please, this is just a changed soul power. Your standard for gods is really low enough."

Bo Saixi wanted to refute, but when he thought that Le Bai was already a "god" and knew better than himself, he couldn't say anything, and blushed.

"I'm not interested in discussing the things of God with you."

Le Bai's expression calmed down instantly, and he sent Bo Saixi away: "I just want to tell them what's next. If you have nothing else to ask, just leave first."

Bo Saixi silently bowed to Le Bai, put away the domain, and exited the room.

Waiting until Bo Saixi was far away, Le Bai controlled the soul power to cover the room they were in, ensuring that what he said next would not be heard by others.

"Okay, let me think about where to start next."

Le Bai pressed his fingers together, and pointed his two index fingers together: "You should have a lot to ask now. But I have just straightened out everything myself, and I don't know where to start or how to tell you."

"Is it something related to 'God'?"

Xiao Wu said.

She is now the successor to the Seagod throne, the one closest to the god besides Le Bai, and she is more concerned about this aspect.

"It really has something to do with God."

Le Bai nodded: "To be precise, it has something to do with both God and the 'world'."

A group of people pay attention and listen carefully.

"In the Douluo Continent, the highest level of soul masters is titled Douluo, and the world of soul masters has no information about soul masters above rank ninety-nine.


Le Bai said a well-known thing: "Why do you think this is?"

"Because the soul master world doesn't know that there is no such soul master. We do know the existence of Sea God, but there is no relevant record of Sea God's past."

Oscar took it for granted: "Except for you, most of the soul masters can break through to Title Douluo, which is already very remarkable."

"What's the reason? Have you ever considered why you can't break through?"

Le Bai asked the others: "Insufficient talent? Too poor comprehension? The quality of the martial soul is too low? The age of the soul ring is too low? Or is the cultivation method too inefficient?"

The others shook their heads silently.

"We haven't even reached level ninety, let alone level ninety-nine."

Oscar looked confused: "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Soul masters cannot break through level ninety-nine normally because they are restricted by this world."

Le Bai explained the reason, and said to Oscar: "Didn't you always think that the space in this world is weak, and you can interfere casually? Your idea is right. In fact, not only the space is weak, but even the world itself is weak, weak To the point that it cannot bear the spirit power above level ninety-nine."

"and many more."

Tang San noticed the contradiction: "If it is said that the inability to break through level ninety-nine is due to the limitations of the world, then how did Seagod, and you, break through level one hundred? You have the ability to ignore bottlenecks, so it's understandable. Could it be that Seagod also has it? ?”

"No, I'm different from Seagod. Seagod's breakthrough was based on the faith of most of the creatures in the sea to forge his god position, and then he was able to break through. But I just broke through to level 100 with pure soul power."

Le Bai said: "Let's put it this way, the world can support soul masters to break through to level 100, but the world is restricting soul masters from breaking through to level 100. The reason for this contradiction is what I'm going to talk about next."

The attention of others became more concentrated immediately.

"Let's go straight to the conclusion first—the world we are in now is a false world created by the earliest god, the so-called 'Creator God'."

Le Bai affirmed: "Because it is false, it is very fragile, and the space is easily interfered with. In order to ensure the stability of this world, the God of Creation has added 'restrictions' to the world, making it difficult for the soul masters in this world to break through level ninety-nine. .”

"It feels like a storage soul guide. We only need a little soul power to interfere with the space inside the soul guide. If we forcefully put more than the volume of items into the storage soul guide, it will cause the soul guide device is damaged."

"Of course, even a false world is much stronger than a soul guide. So occasionally there will be some people who can break through the limit, and the world will not be damaged."

"And those who break through the limit will be squeezed out by this false world and go to the so-called 'God Realm'."


The expressions of the others hardly changed—they had no sense of reality to what Le Bai said, so that they didn't know how to react.

"Well, that's it, our current world is a false world created by the Creator God."

Oscar nodded perfunctorily, and asked, "Why did the Creator God create a false world? Where is the real world? God Realm?"

"Sorry, there is something wrong with my statement."

Le Bai corrected: "The world itself is not false, but real. But the creator god I am talking about here is not a creator god in the true sense, and does not have the ability to create the world from 'nothingness'."

"The Creator God I'm talking about is the 'Creator God' who divides the original complete real world and then adds 'walls' to the divided world, turning a complete world into multiple 'false' worlds .”

"Still using the storage soul guide for comparison. The world we are in now can be regarded as a super-large storage soul guide that can store living things made by God of Creation using the world as a material."

"As for the God Realm, it is the 'small courtyard' prepared by the Creator God for himself, so that He can overlook the human world from a high place."

Oscar opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"Le Bai, although what you said is true, where did you know these things?"

Tang San asked delicately: "If it is according to what you said, how terrifying power should the god who created our present world possess? How long ago did he create this world? You know the future, but there is no reason to even mention the past You know that too?"

"You're right, I don't know what happened in the past."

Le Bai nodded and said: "But the world knows and has completely recorded everything that happened in the past."

"Your statement seems to say that the world is alive?"

Tang San's expression became more subtle: "So, you learned what happened in the past through everything recorded in the world?"

"That's it."

Le Bai nodded seriously, and said, "In addition, the fact that the two of us are here is directly caused by the will of this world."

Tang San didn't react at once.

But soon, he understood what Le Bai said, and his pupils dilated instantly: "What did you say?!"


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