White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 332 The last new soul technique research meeting, probably (1)

In the quiet afternoon, the fluctuations in the soul power in the hotel room caused waves.

With the help of Le Bai's Bread, after three months of training, Xiao Wu and Tang Sanwai, five people, began to break through the bottleneck of level ninety.

Two days later, Dai Mubai was the first to break through the bottleneck.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhu Zhuqing followed closely to reach the 90th level.

On the evening of the third day, Ma Hongjun made a breakthrough.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Oscar and Ning Rongrong broke through almost simultaneously.

After the five people stabilized their state and became sober, another week passed.

"Come, come, each of you has a god-given spirit ring. Let's say it first, this is lent to you."

Le Bai took out five god-bestowed spirit rings and sent them out, emphasizing: "When you complete the follow-up test and get the god-bestow spirit ring, remember to return it to me. If you don't get it in the follow-up test, then be prepared and go In the future, I will increase my strength to use you."

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong smiled indifferently and took it.

The three men grimaced, feeling that the golden beads in their hands were slightly hot - but they were reluctant to let go.

Then Le Bai and Oscar gave each of them a gem hot dog, ate it, fully adjusted their state, crushed the golden beads together, and began to absorb the ninth soul ring, while doing their best to sprint to the year of the soul ring.

After six hours of hard work, the red mist around the bodies of the five people was covered with a dim golden light.

But that's their limit.

A long absorption time follows.

Another month, Xiao Wu also broke through to level ninety.

However, Le Bai did not directly lend the god-given spirit ring: "Xiao Wu, I still have two god-given spirit rings in my hand, but I want to keep one for research. So, the remaining one, you have to Use it, or leave it to Xiaosan?"

"Give it to my brother."

Xiao Wu didn't hesitate at all: "Even if I don't have a god-given spirit ring, I can gather a hundred thousand year-level ninth spirit ring by myself if I spend a little more time."


Le Bai nodded, and said: "Then you start quickly. They have been absorbing for a month,

It should take more time for you to condense yourself? "

"Should. I don't need to absorb the soul ring I condensed. Most of the time is spent on improving the year of the soul ring."

Xiao Wu calculated carefully, and said: "If I can speed up my own energy recovery speed, the time required can be greatly shortened."

"Oscar is still absorbing, there is no way to make hot dogs now."

Le Bai rubbed out a piece of white bread: "Let's make some bread."


Although it just passed by in a flash, Xiao Wu was sure that she read it right: "Le Bai, when did you get another soul ring!?"

"It's only a few days after you concentrate on practicing."

Le Bai didn't take it seriously: "Similar to the first ten spirit rings, it also speeds up the cultivation speed."

"It feels like you are more powerful than ordinary gods except that you don't have a god position right now?"

Xiao Wu sighed: "I still thought that I could beat you once after becoming the God of the Sea..."

"Aren't you?"

Le Bai was startled: "How many years has it been, and you still think about hitting me?"


Xiao Wu snorted arrogantly: "I don't care how long it takes, anyway, the lost place must be found!"

"Then go for it."

Le Bai said helplessly: "But don't expect me to slow down my practice and wait for you."

"No need!"

Xiao Wu is full of fighting spirit: "If you let me win, it's meaningless!"

After speaking, he ate the bread given by Le Bai in one bite, and began to gather the soul ring.

a month later.

Zhu Zhuqing woke up first.

It's not that she is the most useless, because Zhu Zhuqing's own "resilience" and "adaptability" are the strongest, so the speed of absorbing spirit rings is faster than others.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Le Bai scribbling on a piece of white paper that was one meter square, as if he was designing something. There were a lot of geometric figures, numbers and symbols on the paper. Just looking at it made Zhu Zhuqing feel dizzy a feeling of.

"When you wake up, go eat something, and then go outside for some activities."

Le Bai didn't raise his head and said: "You have not been active for five consecutive months. If you don't exercise, your body strength will start to decrease."

Zhu Zhuqing withdrew his gaze, glanced at Dai Mubai, and walked out of the hotel silently.

The next morning, Ning Rongrong woke up.

In the afternoon, Ma Hongjun was sober.

On the fifth night, Oscar and Dai Mubai woke up successively.

Before they could start celebrating, Xiao Wu successfully condensed her ninth spirit ring and woke up.

"It seems that you have gained a lot."

Le Bai put away the design blueprints and asked: "Now we are short of Xiaosan, who is still not level 90, and it will take another ten days and a half months at the earliest. However, it is estimated that it will take more than a month to absorb the spirit ring bestowed by the gods. Do you want to wait for him?" ? Or try to challenge Bo Saixi immediately?"

The six exchanged glances and decided to wait.

Everyone agreed very tacitly, never mentioning the matter of the ninth spirit ring and spirit ability.

After resting for a few days, the six of them started exercising their bodies every day as they did when they were still in Shrek school, as well as cultivating their soul power.

At the beginning of the sixth month, Tang San finally reached level ninety.

After waking up, Tang San found that there was no one around: "Xiao Wu, and everyone... where did you go?"

As soon as he stood up, a ray of golden light flew in from the window, hitting Tang San straightly.

A purple meaning flashed in Tang San's eyes, he raised his left hand to catch it.

"Everyone has been waiting for you for more than a month, hurry up and absorb."

Le Bai's voice reached Tang San's ears: "I want to leave a god-bestowed spirit ring for research, this god-bestowed spirit ring was given to you by Xiao Wu, absorb it well. Also, if you get it after completing the test God bestowed spirit ring, remember to return it to me."

Tang San didn't listen to the last sentence, all his attention was focused on "Xiao Wu gave him the god bestowed spirit ring", being moved, he secretly made up his mind: "I must not let Xiao Wu down!"

Just when Tang San made up his mind and was negligent, suddenly another colorful streamer flew in from the window, hitting his face directly.

Le Bai's voice sounded again: "I almost forgot to give it to you, this time I caught up."

Tang San lay on the floor, a piece of colorful bread stuck firmly to his face.

Tang San grabbed the hot dog and ate it, silently raised his other hand, facing out the window, raised the middle finger.


The eighth month after the start of the sixth test.

Tang San's ninth spirit ring was finally absorbed.

At noon that day, a group of people sat down in a circle on the floor of the large room after lunch.

"I never thought this day would come so soon."

Dai Mubai was filled with emotion: "I can still remember the appearance when we held the new soul ability research meeting for the first time. In a few years, we are already Titled Douluo, and the new soul ability research meeting may also be the last time .”

"Don't be too pessimistic."

Le Bai said calmly: "We are still young, maybe we will have a tenth soul ring soul skill in the future."

Speaking of this, others remembered what Le Bai said before about the world and "obstacles", and couldn't help but start to think - what should they do if they can't break through because of the obstacles of the world when they reach level 99 in the future? ?

"Speaking of which, Bing'er and I and Xiao Wu recently... I mean my family Xue Wu, contacted and confirmed. The inheritance that the two of them received in the ice palace in the extreme north was a certain ice phoenix that became a god in the past left."

Ma Hongjun suddenly said: "In the past few years, the two of them have worked together and completed four tests, which are said to be very smooth. But in terms of soul power, they are far behind, and both of them have only broken through level eighty."

"So it seems, Hongjun, you have to work hard."

Ning Rongrong laughed and said, "Otherwise, the two of them will go to the God Realm and you won't be able to follow them. Maybe they will be snatched away by other handsome male gods in the God Realm~"

"That's it!"

Oscar followed suit: "Originally, you are only worthy of them in terms of talent and cultivation. If you fall behind in this, it's normal for you to be dumped!"

The uneasiness on Ma Hongjun's face increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were also a little uneasy, their hands tightened.

"What are you panicking about? Why don't you think about how to repay me if you have time to think about what you have and what you don't have."

Le Bai said calmly: "One day when I am in a good mood, maybe I will help you solve the problem."


Ma Hongjun lifted his spirits: "Le Bai, can you make me a god too?"

Tang San also looked at Le Bai expectantly.

"Hey, you guys, don't always rely on Le Bai so much."

Dai Mubai said seriously: "If this continues, you will have to sell yourself to Le Bai."

"Don't say I look like a human trafficker."

Le Bai complained a little, and comforted: "You two don't need to worry about becoming a god. Now I have a rough framework, and I can come up with a practical and effective solution in five years at most. Also, say Good new soul skills research association, do you want to talk about it?"


Dai Mubai raised his volume a bit: "This time, let me start first..."

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