White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 335 The last new soul technique research meeting, probably (4)

"I see!"

Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up, as if he had been greatly inspired: "Then what about your ninth spirit ring spirit ability?"

"My ninth spirit ring also has two skills."

Xiao Wu said: "The first one, Bone Blast Kill, can greatly prolong the charging time of my other soul skills and increase the effect, up to ten times. However, ten times the effect also requires ten times the charging time. It can be affected by the effect of my Martial Soul Avatar, and in the state of the Martial Soul Avatar, five times the time of charging energy will get ten times the effect."

"Amazing range!"

Dai Mubai's eyes widened a bit: "Combined with the effects of your previous soul skills, your current explosive ability is probably comparable to Zhuqing's!"

"The real explosion is the second soul skill of the ninth soul ring, Soft Bone Instant Strike."

Xiao Wu said triumphantly: "When I perform Soft Bone Instant Strike, my soul power will be consumed at one time according to the proportion, and then in the corresponding time, all my attacks can get the effect of maximum power storage without having to charge power."

"How do you calculate the soul power consumption ratio and the corresponding time?"

Le Bai asked: "Also, does the ratio refer to the current remaining soul power, or the total soul power?"

"Total soul power."

Xiao Wu said: "For every 1% of the total soul power consumed, the effect will be obtained for 1 second."

"Doesn't that mean you can only hold on for 100 seconds after exhausting all your soul power?"

Ma Hongjun is not very satisfied with this time: "Besides, using other soul power also consumes soul power, Xiao Wu, although the explosive power of your soul skill effect is high, the soul power consumption is too high."

"Is that really the case?"

Tang San smiled and said: "I think this spirit ability is very suitable for Xiao Wu!"

"I think it's appropriate too."

Ma Hongjun scratched his head: "But the soul power is indeed consumed a lot, and the duration is also very short..."

"It's not short."

Le Bai reminded: "One second is enough for Xiao Wu to kick her strongest kick. In contrast, performing other soul skills consumes more soul power."


Ma Hongjun understood,

But immediately there was a new question: "But that would have high requirements for the activation speed of the soul ability and the control aspect. If Le Bai can do it, I think it's normal. How powerful is Xiao Wu's control ability? "

"Are you underestimating me?"

Xiao Wu said unhappily: "Although I can't compare with Le Bai, my ability to control soul power and soul skills is better than you! I can already condense the crystallization of soul power that you can't do!"

As she said that, Xiao Wu rubbed out a roughly spherical light red soul power crystal on the spot.

"You can already create soul power crystals?"

Le Bai asked in surprise: "When did it happen? Have you started strengthening the bones with soul power crystals now?"

"It can only be achieved after the soul power breaks through the eighty-eighth level."

Facing Le Bai, Xiao Wu couldn't feel complacent at all: "Speaking of this, I would like to know how you were able to condense the crystallization of soul power so quickly by relying on more than forty levels of soul power? Your control over soul power Ability, how terrifying is it?"

"I can ignore the bottleneck."

Le Bai said lightly: "The bottleneck of control ability can naturally be ignored."


Tang San suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise: "Then, Le Bai, have you already reached the bottleneck of your lifespan..."

"do not know."

Le Bai shrugged: "I'm only in my twenties, even if I can really ignore the bottleneck of my lifespan, I can't see it now."

"And, as long as the level of soul power continues to increase, lifespan is not a problem for you."

Le Bai roughly explained the relationship between the theoretical lifespan of Titled Douluo and the level of soul power, and said: "In addition, after becoming a god, the soul power, or divine power, will gradually change our physique and further prolong our life span. Not surprisingly, After reaching the god level, there should be no concept of longevity and the ability to live forever."

"That is to say, as long as we continue to cultivate and improve our soul power, we can at least remain young for hundreds of years?"

Ning Rongrong excitedly said: "Breakthrough to god level and even youth forever?!"

"To give a simple example, Bo Saixi, she is over a hundred years old this year, do you think she is old?"

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Le Baiyu said earnestly: "If you are worried that you will not look good when you grow old, practice hard and strive to break through level 100 as soon as possible."

"Oh! I will definitely work harder!"

Ning Rongrong was full of enthusiasm: "It's my turn! My ninth spirit ring also has two spirit skills. The first one is Nine Treasures Invincible Divine Light! The second one is Nine Treasures Glazed Glare!"

"The effect of the invincible light is the same as the name, it is invincible. For details, you can refer to Xiao Wu's invincible golden body. Casting the invincible light will not consume my soul power, and there is no limit to the number of uses, but I can use and maintain invincibility every day The time of Shenguang is only nine seconds. If you can break through level 100 in the future, it will be increased to ten seconds."

"At first, I thought this skill was useless, but just now I heard Xiao Wu talk about her soul skill control method, and I realized that as long as the control is good, the invincible light is a magic skill!"

Ning Rongrong clenched his fists: "One time for one second, you can only use it nine times a day. But if you only use it at the moment of being attacked each time, for example, if you only last for 0.5 seconds, the number of times you can use it will be doubled!"

"I can practice with you."

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "But it won't be easy."

"It's okay, anyway, it will definitely not be harder than Le Bai's training."

Ning Rongrong said calmly: "As for the Nine Treasure Glazed Light, the effect is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Ao's Silver Light Sausage. The difference is that his Silver Light Sausage is restored, and my Glazed Light is a 'replacement'."

"Can your glazed glare be attacked instead of us?"

Le Bai guessed: "Or, die instead of us?"

"Just take the attack instead!"

Ning Rongrong emphasized: "After I cast Glazed Light, I will leave a mark on you. You can activate the mark by yourself to withstand any form of attack on your behalf. After that, the mark will shatter and release a mark with dazzling and spiritual power. The strong light of the impact effect prevents your opponents from following up."

"As for the passive activation, this is a little difficult to control. The strength of the soul power of the attack we have received must exceed the strength of our own remaining soul power before the imprint can be passively triggered."

"It looks similar to Oscar's silver sausage, but the applicable situation is completely different."

Le Bai pondered for a while, and said: "Silver sausage is suitable for long-term battles like attrition wars; your glazed glare is more suitable for dealing with opponents with outstanding explosive abilities like Zhuqing and Xiao Wu."

"Wouldn't that be great!"

Oscar said happily: "From now on, as long as Rongrong and I are together, no matter what kind of opponent we are, we will be able to deal with it!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ning Rongrong concealed her shyness with a perfunctory attitude, and quickly changed the subject: "Zhuqing, you are the only one left!"

"My ninth spirit ring, two spirit skills."

Zhu Zhuqing said briefly: "The first one, the civet stabbing shadow, attacks the target shadow, and 70% of the damage caused is transmitted to the main body by ignoring the defense; the second one, the ghost murderer, ignores the defense and resistance, directly attacks the spirit, Reduce the mental power of the attacked target."

"Simple, but effective."

Le Bai nodded and said: "Combined with the quick switch between your two martial soul avatars, the battle should end quickly."

After everyone introduced their own situation, they continued to discuss their views on other people's soul skills, as well as their ideas on how to use them.

Then spend a month to test the effect of the soul ability, and practice controlling the soul ability by the way.

Only Ma Hongjun's ninth spirit ring's second spirit ability, because the trigger conditions are too strict and the risk is high, it is not easy to test, so temporarily ignore it.

After two days of rest, the seven of them finished their preparations and started the sixth test.

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