White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 337 Nether White...Tiger?

The chain formed by the Blue Silver Emperor was still the Blue Silver Emperor, and sprouts sprouted from the side of the chain, growing into a new Blue Silver Emperor, which was quickly twisted into a rope, further "packing" Bo Saixi.

Tang San's three-pronged seven-year-old three-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring and soul skills directly stabilized Bo Saixi.

"Soul power has been suppressed!"

Bo Saixi was surprised to find that her own soul power was greatly restricted, and her soul power at level ninety-nine could only be exerted to around level ninety-six, but what was even more terrible was the feeling of weakness and powerlessness that continued to emanate from her body.

"It can't be torn apart at all, what a tough blue silver grass... and this golden pattern, it is definitely not ordinary blue silver grass!"

Bo Saixi knew that she wasn't really weak, but her brain kept telling her body like this, which gave her the illusion that she wanted to use force but couldn't use it: "Terrible control ability, no wonder he was able to rely on mere eighty-level soul power and Seven soul rings defeated Hai Long!"

"It's not good, if this goes on, this control system soul master alone can hold me back for a stick of incense time!"

Although Bo Saixi didn't say it clearly, in fact, she didn't have a spirit bone: "What should I do? Are you going to use the ninth spirit ability now?"

If fighting Le Bai, Bo Saixi will not hesitate, because she knows that her soul power is not as good as Le Bai, and if she doesn't try her best to explode, she will lose faster.

It is different now, there are seven people on the opposite side, as long as half of them can stand in the end, it will be considered a success.

Even if she succeeds in killing the girl from Seagod Nine Trials, the other six people also have the qualifications to replace the girl to inherit the Seagod—after several years of observation, Bo Saixi determined that none of the seven people except Le Bai had the same qualifications as Seagod. The girls in the nine exams are poor.

As long as you pass the sixth test, even if you "miss" the girl and kill the girl, someone else may replace the girl and upgrade your own test to the Sea God's Nine Tests!

So in this battle, Bo Saixi only wants to win, and must win!

"No, the ninth soul skill consumes too much mental power. If I use it now, even if I can't guarantee it to the end, I'd better fight with soul power first."

Inexperienced combat experience prompted Bo Saixi to make a wrong judgment, she chose to continue mobilizing her spirit power, improve her own strength, and try to break the Blue Silver Emperor, no matter how bad it was, she would consume Tang San's spirit power as much as possible.

And that's what everyone else needs.

"Hongjun, don't worry about her being burned to death by your fire,

Go all out. "

Le Bai reminded.

Le Bai didn't say anything, Ma Hongjun didn't dare to hold back.

The aura of Bo Saixi when he charged at them with all his strength before made Ma Hongjun tremble with fear: "The Phoenix Flame Domain is unfolding! The Phoenix Flame Avatar! Flame Assimilation! The eighth soul skill: Phoenix Flame Burning Bone, Phoenix Flame Burning Soul!"

Full buff, maximum firepower!

Ma Hongjun completely turned into a phoenix composed of black flames. The effect of the Phoenix Flame Domain was fully exerted after the Martial Soul Avatar was activated. The mark was completed in an instant, and thousands of black fire feathers burst out from his body. Next, focus on shooting at Bo Saixi through the effect of the fourth soul skill.

Ning Rongrong's support targets have been switched simultaneously, from Oscar to Tang San and Ma Hongjun. In the current battle situation, the first and second soul abilities don't have much meaning to the two of them, so Ning Rongrong only used the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh soul abilities to assist them.

After reaching level ninety, Ning Rongrong's basic support effect is fully 100%, plus the additional 20% provided by the spirit avatar, reaching an astonishing 120%.

Especially the third soul ring's soul power boost, and the sixth soul ring's attribute boost directly increased Ma Hongjun's attack strength enough to threaten Bo Saixi.

In order to suppress Ma Hongjun's domain filled with black fire, Bo Saixi had to use most of the water attribute energy collected in the Seagod's domain to counteract the flames, and at the same time use his own defensive soul skills to resist Ma Hongjun's soul skill attacks.

Saving resources and opening up flow, Bo Saixi's abundant soul power began to be consumed rapidly.

Before she could react any more, Oscar immediately backed away, rubbing sausages while backing up, and when he retreated to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's side, he handed over a gemstone sausage in each hand.

Without saying a word, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing didn't let go of their clenched hands, stretched out their free hands to take the gem sausage, stuffed it directly into their mouths, chewed two bites quickly, and swallowed.

Martial soul fusion!

The figures of the two merged, and their soul power exploded, directly surpassing that of Bo Saixi at this moment. Eighteen soul rings overlapped one after another, turned, and then merged.


Seeing the fusion of the two, Bo Saixi finally remembered what he had overlooked: "Two of them can use the martial soul fusion technique!"

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing performed martial soul fusion more than once on Sea God Island, but never actually fought.

Although Bo Saixi was alarmed twice by the fusion of their martial souls, the first time Bo Saixi arrived, the two had already lifted their fusion state. The second time, Bo Saixi only had a glimpse, leaving a vague impression of the Nether White Tiger.

The impression is vague, coupled with the lack of fighting all the year round, hands are raw, and at the moment being controlled by Tang San, the spirit is highly nervous, and part of the vision is blocked by Ma Hongjun's black fire, making Bo Saixi's "vision" narrow...that's why he couldn't He immediately noticed Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's small movements.

"I can't stay any longer!"

Bo Saixi judged that the time had come for him to go all out: "The Ninth Soul Ability Seagod Descends!"

The seventh spirit ability Seagod Avatar was used from the very beginning, otherwise she would not be able to fight against Ma Hongjun's Real Body Huangyan Domain and Tang San's Killing God Domain at the same time.

Also performing the ninth soul skill, today Bo Saixi did not release a huge real Seagod over five meters high from behind his back like he did when he fought Le Bai before, but was only surrounded by a translucent Seagod about three meters high.

"That's a huge gap."

Le Bai complained in his heart: "Sea God must have maxed out the divine power that he can pass down."

Even the ninth spirit ability that Le Bai thought was "very weak" was very strong to others—the phantom of the sea god that wrapped Bo Saixi's whole body forcibly propped Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor away, although it didn't break. , but enough for Bo Saixi to move.

What's more, without being in close contact, Bo Saixi's suppressed soul power and vitality recovered, allowing her to spare some power to attack.

"If it's so easy for you to go away, what else do I control?"

Tang San's first, second, third, fourth and sixth spirit rings at the 10,000-year level and the fifth spirit ring at the 100,000-year level lit up at the same time: "Soul Skill Combination Blue Silver Destiny Coiled Silk!"

Countless tiny blue light spots emerged from Bo Saixi's body surface, turning into hair-like blue spider silks, entangled on the skin surface, eroding and absorbing Bo Saixi's vitality, and at the same time consuming the absorbed vitality, Use it to strengthen yourself!

Bo Saixi just had some smooth movements, but became stiff again.

"What an annoying control-type soul master!"

Bo Saixi thought a little angrily: "Sure enough, he should be dealt with first!"

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Controlling Wuhun, slowly turn the trident in his hand, aiming at Tang San: "Go!"

The illusory Seagod threw the trident at Tang San.

This time, without Le Bai's reminder, Xiao Wu and Oscar had already rushed in front of Tang San in advance. The former kicked the side of the thrown trident, and the latter's fist wrapped in scales hit the side of the trident's tail, directly letting the trident Start spinning in the air.

Bo Saixi struggled to make a gesture of beckoning, and the trident that was spinning in the air turned into a stream of light and returned to Seagod Phantom's hand, before being thrown out again.

But this time, there is no need for Xiao Wu and Oscar.

The martial soul fusion technique was completed, and the huge black shadow, accompanied by several white lights, crossed a distance of more than ten meters at an astonishing high speed, grabbed the trident away with one paw, and then moved in front of Bo Saixi in an instant, with black cat paws wrapped in white Stellar Qi, grabbing towards Bo Saixi.

Until now, Bo Saixi didn't see the appearance of this black figure clearly - the black body was filled with dark mist; behind him were two nimble long tails; the white tiger stripes all over the body and the ears, eyes, The teeth, four claws, and the end of the tail all exude a sharp white aura.

Bo Saixi couldn't help but compare with the Nether White Tiger in his vague impression: "It's different from that day!"

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