White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 339 The Final Test and Hope

With Bo Saixi admitting defeat, the seven of them completed the sixth test at the same time, and the rewards began to be settled.

No surprises, the basic rewards have shrunk significantly.

However, because it took only 1/3 of the incense stick time to defeat Bo Saixi, and the degree of completion greatly exceeded the test requirements, if the remaining half of the sticks of incense sticks survived, the evaluation will increase and the reward will increase.

Final reward: Xiao Wu gets 10% Seagod Affinity, and the soul power level of others +1.

There are no bonuses.

Seeing that the reward was in place, Bo Saixi let out a weak sigh in his heart: "Lord Sea God, have you already seen such a future?"

Afterwards, Bo Saixi collected her mood and said to herself, "Le Bai, are you here?"


"Didn't you talk very happily just now, maybe you even guided them to target me the whole time, why don't you talk now?"

Still quiet.


Bo Saixi's face trembled, and he was going back to Sea God Temple to rest.


Oscar suddenly ran over and presented a gem sausage: "Please try it, the recovery effect is good."

Bo Saixi picked it up and ate it expressionlessly.

The injuries on his body disappeared in a second, and his strength, soul power, and even spiritual power were fully restored.

"Amazing recovery, and this calming feeling..."

Bo Saixi felt a "coldness", and all his emotions were frozen, his chaotic thoughts were emptied, and things that he hadn't noticed before suddenly felt wrong: "Le Bai...he should know that the Nine Tests of Sea God requires me to sacrifice my life." .Then why did he tell me about Tang Chen? To strengthen my desire to live? What good would that do him and his companions?"

Bo Saixi didn't waste time to continue to think deeply, walked directly in front of Xiao Wu, and said: "Your seventh test is to pull out the golden trident in the Sea God Temple."

Xiao Wu didn't know why Bo Saixi suddenly wanted to tell her this, Tang San who was standing beside Xiao Wu asked: "Senior, what's the content of our seventh exam?"


There is also Le Bai's seventh and final test, which is to help her complete the eighth test. "

Bo Saixi said: "The specific content, you will know after she completes the seventh test."

"What about the time limit?"

Xiao Wu asked: "The deadline for my seventh exam..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Wu suddenly fell silent, and after a while she raised her head, silently started her seventh test, and received specific test information at the same time.

"Please take me to the Sea God Temple."

Xiao Wu looked at Bo Saixi: "I want to start the seventh test right away."

Bo Saixi stared at Xiao Wu seriously for five seconds, then turned around: "Follow me."

The others looked at each other and followed silently.

The seven of them are all top seven trials, and they have already passed the first trial, and they will no longer have the Seagod's Light to stop them from stepping on the steps of the Sea God Mountain.

Climbing up the stairs, the seven of them entered the Sea God Temple for the first time.

The structure inside the temple is simpler than they imagined. Not to mention the resplendent decorations, there are not even utensils that are common in ordinary palaces. There are only seven small round tables, surrounding a large round table in the middle, on which a black stick full of dust is inserted.

"The one on the platform in the middle is the golden trident."

Bo Saixi calmly introduced: "It is also left by Lord Seagod, a true artifact. Even if you just pull it out, the difficulty will not be lower than fighting with me. There is only one chance, are you sure you want to try it now? ?”

"Didn't you say 'Golden Trident'? Why does it look so dark?"

Oscar beeped softly: "Could it be that Poseidon calls it the Golden Trident just to look good?"

"Do not."

Tang San said calmly: "The gods are self-deprecating, if it's a real artifact, it's normal to have this appearance without its owner by its side."


Bo Saixi affirmed Tang San's words: "As long as you get the approval of the trident and pull it out, you will naturally see the true appearance of the golden trident."

"I see."

Xiao Wu jumped onto the round platform, activated the trident imprint on her forehead, summoned the Haihan Cosmic Cover and held it in her left hand, and at the same time released the Sea God's Light on the trident, grabbed the black handle of the halberd with her right hand, injected her soul power, and pulled it up forcefully.

The moment the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover appeared, the trident had already reacted, and light blue light patterns appeared on the black long handle. After Xiao Wu's Seagod's Light went up, the black on the long handle gradually faded, revealing the golden body.

When Xiao Wu pulled it up, she didn't even feel too much resistance, she pulled it out quickly.

When the connection between the long handle and the three-pronged part of the halberd head appeared, Xiao Wu saw a diamond-shaped groove, without any hesitation, she pressed the Haihan Qiankun Cover on her left hand and inlaid it.

The moment when the vast sea universe cover is inserted, it will automatically shrink and fit perfectly into the diamond-shaped groove.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu felt as if the trident in her hand "came alive", a strange power came out from the handle, and communicated with the soul power in her body through the palm of her hand.

The last bit of hindering power disappeared, Xiao Wu pulled out the trident without much effort, a blue and golden mixed light illuminated the entire Seagod Temple.

The Seagod's Light from the trident imprint on Xiao Wu's forehead echoed and merged with the blue light from the trident in her hand.

"That's the end of it?"

Oscar tilted his head, meaning: "It sounds dangerous to say it, but I think Xiao Wu is very relaxed."

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"The key is the 'Sea God's Heart' that she summoned."

Bo Saixi could hear the sting in Oscar's words, but at the moment her emotions were not fluctuating: "I don't know where she got it, that is the missing part of the golden trident, and it is also the most important part."

"She has already recognized the Seagod's Heart as the master, which means that the most difficult part, being recognized by the Trident, has been completed from the very beginning. In this way, it is only natural that she can easily complete the seventh test."


Bo Saixi suddenly said: "I'm curious, why she seems to know this from the beginning."

"Is that something that has to be explained?"

Xiao Wu shouldered the trident, jumped off the round platform, and met Bo Saixi's eyes: "There is no such requirement in the test."

"Not really."

Bo Saixi said frankly: "This is just my personal curiosity."

"Then I don't want to answer."

Xiao Wu walked to Tang San's side and reminded Bo Saixi: "My eighth test, and others' last test, the content can be said."

While speaking, Xiao Wu continued to start her eighth trial.

"Your next test is, "

Bo Saixi began to explain: "Kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King..."

Later, after learning about the content of the test, the seven returned to the hotel, with Bo Saixi silently following behind.

But she didn't enter the hotel, but walked to the side of the hotel, called the eyeliner she installed, and asked, "Has he left yet?"

"Back to the big offering, no. He's been sleeping almost all the time."


"Yes. I didn't feel the fluctuation of soul power coming from him, not even the slightest movement. Apart from sleeping, I can't think of any other possibility."

"Well... it's been hard work."

"For Lord Seagod, no hard work."

"It's fine for the time being, you continue to complete your usual duties."

"Yes, great enshrinement, this subordinate will retire."

After dismissing his subordinates, Bo Saixi took a look at where Le Bai was, "How did he do it?"

"What do I do?"

Le Bai suddenly appeared.

Just at this time, the effect of the sausage that Bo Saixi ate passed, and the suppressed emotions surged up all of a sudden, his whole body was stiff, but his feet were full of strength, so he could escape at any time.

Le Bai smiled and asked, "Want to run?"


Bo Saixi took deep breaths, finally calmed down, and asked, "How much... do you know? Why did you tell me about Tang Chen in the first place?"

"I only know what I know."

Le Bai said: "As for why, if I hadn't said this at the beginning, you wouldn't ask that question now, and you wouldn't think that I know a lot."

"I'm well aware of that."

Bo Saixi took another deep breath and said seriously, "But this still doesn't explain your purpose."

"If possible, I also want to say it directly. But a 'smart person' like you is very assertive. If you don't use euphemism to make yourself figure it out, you won't believe me at all."

Le Bai said helplessly: "I know a way, maybe you don't have to die, and the ninth test of the Sea God's Nine Tests can be started smoothly."

Bo Saixi slowly opened his eyes wide, full of hope...

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