White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 343 Deep Sea Demon Whale King (3)

Boone maintained his supportive posture with his hands, took a deep breath, and a burst of energy that was similar to soul power, but a bit like divine power burst out from his body, and he opened his mouth and roared: "!!"

It's not a skill or ability, but a "roaring sound" that is simply amplified with a lot of energy, but enough energy is invested to turn the sound into a "sound shell"!

If it hits, Oscar and Xiao Wu should be injured.

When the sound spread, a thumb-sized imprint of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda lit up on the two of them, nullifying the damage caused by the sound, and then shattered, releasing a burst of dazzling light.

Boone couldn't help closing his one eye, and felt a strong dizziness in his head: "Damn it! It's control again!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Wu pulled back the trident and rushed forward in front of Boon. The spirit rings on her body flashed once, and her whole body was covered with a layer of golden light. With the maximum power, she kicked Boon's chin obliquely upwards.

Under the protection of the crystal armor, Boone was not injured, but the impact penetrated, and the dizziness was about to disappear. Because his jaw was impacted, the dizziness continued for a while.

Bunn was kicked into the air by Xiao Wu's kick, and when he was about to continue flying into the sky, Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor appeared in good time, fixing Boone on the surface of the "stage" again, suppressing his soul power and vitality along the way.

In the air, the Nether White Tiger accelerated down. On the tiger's palm in front of the right, a large amount of qi condensed, and a black mist wrapped around the tiger's claws, as if making the tiger's claws a little longer. New energy is born between black and white.

However, the person involved was so involved in the battle that he didn't pay attention to this.

"Roar!! (White Tiger Nether Sky Slash)!"

The tiger's claws slashed towards the back of Boone's neck. If the blow was real, even if he did not die, he would lose half his life.

Under the pressure of death, Boone didn't care about the risk. A surge of thunder-attributed energy in his body hit his forehead, stimulated the brain through an electric current, and forcibly got rid of the dizziness. Then, a burst of purple lightning burst out from his body, completely enveloping himself, turning him into a huge monster. violet electric sphere.

The Nether White Tiger will definitely be able to withstand this Zidian, but Xiao Wu and Oscar are hard to say.

But there was no problem - Ning Rongrong had already put on the two of them his eighth spirit ring and first spirit skill Nine Treasures Divine Light Body Protection, and all the purple lightning that fell on the two of them was absorbed by the divine light.

At the same time, the Nether White Tiger's attack landed, and the claws made of shadows were offset by the lightning, but the stellar energy resisted the lightning, and even helped the tiger's palm to tear apart the lightning and slapped it on the back of Boon's neck.

The part offset by the power of lightning did not cause too much damage. Boone's neck bone was not broken, and he survived smoothly.

Moreover, the Blue Silver Emperor, who bound Boone, suffered a strong electric shock at zero distance, and the Blue Silver Emperor itself did not have lightning resistance. , successfully tore off the Blue Silver Emperor.

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But it's not over yet!

Ma Hongjun's attack has arrived—the phoenix line of fire condensed into a black line, under the effect of the fourth soul skill mark, bypasses the Nether White Tiger, turns a corner, and lands on Boone's crystal armor, and the black flame burns all over again En whole body.

At the same time, Xiao Wu also adjusted her posture, and swung the trident in her hand again.

This time Xiao Wu used the thorn, aiming at the gap in the crystal armor on Boone's neck, and through the effect of accumulating soul skills, forcefully pushed out the trident in his hand!

Le Bai at the side suddenly sensed something, and quietly relaxed his "interference" with the world, allowing Sea God to send down a sliver of will.

In an instant, the Seagod's Heart on the trident in Xiao Wu's hand emitted golden light, condensing into a majestic golden light, and said dissatisfied: "The trident is not used for this."

Hearing this voice, Xiao Wu was startled, but soon realized something.

Boone on the opposite side was even more startled. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was about to pee out of fear: "Sea God!!!"

Sea God ignored Boon, but said to Xiao Wu: "I have spent my whole life across the sea, and created my own thirteen-way halberd technique, called the Golden Thirteen Halberds."

As he spoke, Sea God naturally took the trident from Xiao Wu's hand and waved it: "Look carefully, I'll only demonstrate once."

On-site teaching started here, and Le Bai explained the situation to others in time to prevent them from rushing over to disturb.

"No! You are just a little bit of Seagod's power!"

Boone confirmed the situation, and didn't even confirm the situation of other people. All his attention was on the golden Seagod phantom in front of him: "Disappear for me!"

Energy poured out of Boone's body, forcibly "extinguishing" the black fire on his body with several times the energy of the water attribute, and then more energy turned into a basket and a purple ball, which gathered on the crystal armor in Boone's hands: " The magic whale exploded!"

"The first form, no fixed storm, a single-body restriction technique."

While speaking, Sea God waved his trident and threw a circle of light at Boon, immobilizing him directly.

When it was over, he glanced at Le Bai, and added: "But you can't limit your soul power. If you encounter an opponent with strong control over soul power, you should pay attention to this point."

"Second Form, Qian Zai Kongyou, a group attack technique."

The trident danced, rolled up golden clouds, and rolled Boon into the sky, and large pieces of the crystal armor on his body were cracked.

"The third form, never returning, a single-target attack technique."

Poseidon made a throwing posture, and when he was about to throw, Boone finally broke through the restrictive effect of the indeterminate storm with his own energy, and the two energies condensed in his hands merged to release a blue water bomb wrapped in purple electricity.

Seeing this, Poseidon threw it decisively, and the golden trident turned into a golden light, piercing through the blue water bomb wrapped in purple electricity, and piercing Boone's crystal armor, blood was seen!

However, instead of disappearing, the water bomb pierced by the golden light detonated directly on the spot.

Catalyzed by the thunder-attributed energy, the water-attributed energy exploded into an astonishing wave of air, rushing over the surroundings as if crushing them.

Xiao Wu just wanted to open the invincible golden body for a second, but saw the Sea God beckoning, and the golden trident had already returned to her hand: "Fourth form, tides from all over the world, unloading technique."

The trident rolled up the golden and blue energy and turned it into waves, removing all the explosive air waves coming from ahead.

At the end, Sea God glanced in Le Bai's direction again, and added: "Generally, it can be removed, unless the opponent's attacks are strong, fast and numerous."

"Damn Sea God!"

Boon let out a hysterical growl: "It's just a shadow, just a shadow! A shadow!!"

He put his palms together and put them on his chest. There was a jewel-like "core" there, and the rotating energy could be seen inside. The energy of the surrounding sea passed through the stage made by Le Bai and converged into the "core".

"Fifth form, open to all rivers, auxiliary skills, quickly gather energy."

The trident was lifted high, the Seagod's Heart was brightly lit, and the energy of the surrounding sea rushed to gather, the scale was about ten times that of Boone.

However, in order to show the effect of the move he created, Sea God waited for Boone to complete the move: "I can't control water attribute energy compared to you, but for thunder attribute, you will never be stronger than me, demon whale thunder wave!"

Boone transformed the absorbed water attribute energy into thunder attribute in his body, and then released it from the "core" on his chest, turning it into a three meter thick thunder pillar, shooting towards Xiao Wu.

Even though he put on a hysterical appearance, Boon was still very calm. He knew very well that Seagod was only reluctantly appearing through the successor at the moment—the same kind of incarnation. As long as she is dealt with, the phantom of the Seagod will naturally disappear.

"Sixth form, dividing land and sea, slashing technique."

Poseidon said calmly, erected the trident in his hand, and simply swiped down. The energy gathered through the fifth form before turned into a sea-blue linear slash, splitting the thunder pillar released by Boon into two...

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