White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2865: Break black

[Title: white robe Explorer text of Section 2865 black break: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: American rancher, martial arts world, crosses the god-level hex, crosses the black coffin, and chats with the group of elves. Century: GO Rebirth City Xiuxian smuggling and sanctification Although he lost his sense and control of the body, he believed After the Fu Mo Yin is urged in his mind, the body will also activate, and the power of the Fu Mo Yin will surely flow in the body.

But unfortunately nothing is different. Indeed, as Zhou Mei said, Fu Moyin has no effect on the Nether Chain.

It was the same when the sky-changing seal was changed, and it failed to break the blue chain on the body.

He couldn't control his body, but his head could move. He didn't delay his speech, which made him feel strange. He laughed, "What kind of awesomeness is this void chain? Let me open a bun!"

"Hum, I'm too lazy to tell you more, you don't understand it, let me return you to the West!" Zhou Mei coldly hummed.

Chu Lidao said: "It looks like this void chain can't be maintained for long!"

Zhou Mei sneered at him obliquely: "It's useless to stir the sword!"

Chu Li said: "That's what I said!"

"What's the matter!" Zhou Mei sneered again and again: "Enough to kill you!"

Chu Li shook his head: "That may not be so!"

"Stop dying!" She slid to Chu Li, and the jade palm fluttered toward his chest, her palm exuding a soft blue light, the color of the empty chain, reflecting the bright white jade palm.

"Bang!" A white light hit her palm, striking an amazing muffled sound.

Zhou Mei stepped back to dissolve the strength of her palm, and frowned at Chu Li.

Chu Li looked at her with a smile: "It's not that easy?"

"It's useless!" Zhou Mei hummed. "In vain, why don't you enter Xitian Bliss Really?"

Chu Lidao said: "How can we talk about leaving without fulfilling our mission!"

"Ask yourself hard!" Zhou Mei said coldly, suddenly pressing her palm, silent.

"Oh!" Chu suddenly exploded in front of his face.

If he were in place, his head would be blown by this blow.

But he had slipped a foot, and it was worth the blow.

Zhou Mei's face changed slightly.

Under the Void Chain, he could not control his body, how could he retreat?

Has the Void Chain been broken?

But Chu Chu still stood upright, but it didn't look like it.

Chu Li secretly fortunately, Qiankun bracelet is really mysterious, Qiankun bracelet supports his body, you can control the body by controlling the bracelet.

"Huh!" Zhou Mei continued to give up without a shadow of evil, and a muffled sound rang in the air, forcing Chu to keep slipping.

He acted as if he were impetuous, his body was stiff and unable to move, but he could float back.

It was only a short distance, but it was enough to avoid these shadowless palms, avoiding more than 20 palms at a time, Zhou Mei stopped, Ming eyes stared at him slightly, eyes fell on Chu Li's hands.

Chu Li's hands were narrowed in the wide robe sleeves, and she couldn't see the truth.

But she felt that strangeness was on these hands, so she hummed, "What martial arts are you doing?"

Chu Li smiled and said: "Qian Kun Gong."

"Huh!" Zhou Mei flashed to him, reaching out and catching his right hand.

Chu Li flashed like a ghost, avoiding this catch.

Zhou Mei continues to catch.

Her body was erratic, forming phantoms, and Chu Li was surrounded in the blink of an eye.

Although Chu Li flashed from left to right, she still couldn't avoid her high body style, and she finally caught her right palm.

"Hum, see where you run away!" Zhou Mei smugly grabbed his right palm, and she had to pull it over to see what was weird.

His body is out of control, why can he still move? This is a strange thing that has never been encountered since the practice of the Void Chain.

"Bang!" Chu Li left his sleeve and his right sleeve turned on a white light at the same time.

The blue chain suddenly lighted up, and suddenly became thick. It absorbed these two white lights so that it could not escape. The blue light flickered and disappeared, just like breathing, and finally went silent.

"Hum, it has been guarded against you for a long time. The Nether Chain is better than you think!" Zhou Mei proudly said to him, "It's treacherous!"

On the surface, she didn't care, but she laughed and stared at her, but she was startled and sighed. She did not expect that this monk was so treacherous, she always showed weakness and weakness, and she seduced herself to be fooled. If it weren't for the imagination of the Void Chain that was beyond his imagination, he would really succeed, and he could not have guarded him.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity!"

Zhou Mei has pulled out his right palm, exposing the sleeve.

Chu Li's palm is white, slender and well-proportioned, which is suitable for the sword.

Her eyes fell on a Qiankun bracelet on Chu Li's wrist, and Wei Ming's eyes hummed, "No wonder!"

Qiankun bracelet suddenly shot off her.

"Bang!" The blue chain suddenly came out, blocking the Qiankun bracelet from flying.

The Qiankun bracelet flew back to Chu from his left wrist again.

Zhou Mei hummed, "You got Qiankun bracelet!"

The cold light flashed in Chu Li's eyes, and suddenly the swords of the **** of thunder shot out.

"Bang bang bang ..." The original sword of the God of Thunder was invisible and directly attacked the soul. At this time, it was blocked by the blue chain and appeared in the void. It was a small sword with a handle.

The dense thunderbolt of thunder gods shot like a rainstorm, but no sword flew out of the shackles of the blue chain, all were blocked by the blue chain, and then stalemate with the chain for a moment, and eventually dissipated.

Zhou Mei stepped back, already letting go of his right hand, her face slightly changed.

Chu Li laughed: "Girl Zhou, how long can Void Chain persist?"

He desperately urged the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword to consume the power of the Void Chain. Since the Void Chain lasts for a short time, it is likely to consume her own power, and it is extremely costly.

The God of Thunder and Thunder Sword was enough to consume her.

"It's useless, die!" Zhou Mei said no more, and her left palm fluttered toward his chest.

This time she performed the previous mysterious method, which seemed slow, but it was extremely fast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

But Chu Li was still on one side, and flickered away gently.

Zhou Mei's murder is more prosperous.

She was astonished in her mind that this was as terrible as a monk. As long as she had seen the martial arts once, she could think of a cracking method. The next time she used it, she would have no power. He could always avoid Feng Rui.

The magical skills and tricks he has performed are all ahead of the world, and the power is amazing, but when he is in front of the monk Dingru, the first pass is fine, the second pass is useless!

Chu Li flashed white light from his left wrist, and a Qiankun bracelet flew back to his right wrist.

As a result, he is more flexible.

Zhou Mei failed to attack one after another, lost her patience, and sneered, "This time you can still escape, then your life is too big!"

She said she took a black pill from her arms and threw it at Chu Li.

Heiwan turned into a black light and came to Chu Li's chest.

Chu Li's face changed greatly, his body seemed to be pulled back fiercely by powerful forces, and he quickly withdrew.

Heiguang ignored his dodge and fell directly on him.

"Oh !!" It sounded like a pot of water poured on coke.

Chu Li's body was immediately shrouded in black light, the void chain had disappeared, but he was not free, and was swallowed by black light. He could only see a black shadow covering him, but he could not see his shape.

He felt himself falling into an endless void, blank, and his brain stopped working.

"Boom!" A giant tree descended from the void and appeared in my mind.

Endless power came from the tree body, and the spirit of clear spirit spread all over the body.

Zhou Mei is staring at her jade face, staring at the black light, this is a rare treasure, and it is certain that a monk will die this time!

But she wasn't happy, but she was a bit lost. She didn't kill him outright. Instead, she relied on such a strange thing, which was disgraceful.

Suddenly, the rays of light broke through the black light, as if the sun broke through the dark clouds. 166 novel reading network

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