White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3060: Excalibur

Chu moved in an unhurried manner, avoiding Jinguang.

He didn't believe that Shen Xing's energy source was radiating golden light. Each golden light was condensed with spiritual power, and her spiritual power could not last for too long.

And his light work is smart enough, even without magical powers, he is not afraid of Shen Xing now.

Shen Xing gritted her teeth, and suddenly waved her hands together, her fingers moving, black lights shot towards Chu Li, and Jin Guang and Black Light weaved a net to cover Chu Li.

Chu Li suddenly looked up at the sky.

A lotus flower appeared in the sky, huge and real, as if a white cloud floated in the void.

This lotus bloomed in a dazzling brilliance, condensed into a beam of light and fell on Chu Li, and moved with Chu Li.

Bai Guangrulian has formed his guardian breath.

Black light and golden light fell into the light of Tianlian, and immediately formed a muffled sound, such as spring thunder billowing, rumbling, but could not stop Chu Li.

He fluttered to Shen Xing, ignoring the golden light and the black light, and when he approached, he fluttered lightly.

"Bang!" Shen Xing stretched his palm and collided with him.

They both backed away.

The black light on Shen Xing's body flickered constantly, Chu Li swallowed white light all around, half a catty.

Chu Li was excited.

The internal force of inexhaustible magical power enters the body, but is blocked by the internal force of the Sun and Moon planting lotus, and he is no longer afraid of the inexhaustible magical power. With confidence, he can't help laughing.

Shen Xing Ning stagnates in the air, coldly said, "My tongue is wrong!"

Chu Li shook his head: "I do thank you, Girl Shen, if you did not motivate me, I would never have entered the country so quickly. I do n’t know how long I am today!"

He was truly sincere.

Without this powerful opponent, like a sword over his head, he would never reach such a level, and the potential would not be forced to this step.

Missing Xiao Qi Although they are motivation, they are far less important than life. Under the circumstances of life, all his strength and wisdom are squeezed out to form such an amazing advance.

Shen Xing sneered: "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Chu Li shook her head: "To this day, why would the girl Shen deceive herself? You should know that I am not the girl Shen you can kill now."

"Giggle!" Shen Xing laughed suddenly and shook her head: "Arrogant! Arrogance!"

Chu Li smiled, "Is there any way for Shen to kill me?"

"Then try it!" She sneered, suddenly shouting.

The howling sounds like a crane.

Chu Li frowned, feeling vaguely uncomfortable.

A streamer shot from a large hall, and immediately reached Shen Xing, she reached out her hand gently, and the streamer fell into her jade palm.

Chu Lining looked at it, but it was a short sword.

The dagger has only the forearm length, it is plain and unremarkable, and the scabbard has no pattern.

There was a sudden chill on his back, and sweaty hairs stood up, warning signs flashed in his heart, reminding him to run away immediately, otherwise his life would be in danger.

He would disappear in a flash.

"Huh!" Shen Xing's cold humming and an invisible force came at the same time, his body was stagnant, and he was so immobile.

But it is a dagger that emits a light, and the light is as good as the light of the god's purpose, restraining his magical powers.

Shen Xing fluttered at him.

Chu Li moved when she moved together, and Kankan avoided the sword light.

"Oh!" Jian Guang fell into the void, sending a whistle, as if the torn garment was torn.

Chu Li knew that this was the voice of void tearing. If he couldn't avoid it, this time it would naturally be torn. The power was really terrifying.

"Well!" The wailing sound continued, and Shen Xing kept stabbing, as if playing around.

This joke-like stabbing made Chu centrifugal tremble and dodge.

Shen Xing chuckled and said: "How? Still think I can't kill you?"

"What kind of sword is this?" Chu Li said, "Girl Shen, do you have this magic sword, and what kind of inexperienced skill you can practice, you can hold them down by holding it!"

Shen Xing shook her head and smiled, "This sword is not something anyone can control."

"I see." Chu Li nodded. "It takes a lifeless practice to complete. What kind of sword is it?"

"There is no magic sword," Shen Xing said, "our Zhenzong magic sword."

"Spiritless sword ..." Chu Li frowned.

He has never heard of this sword.

No wonder Shen Xing was able to practice God's eyes. It seems that this is because of the lack of a living sword, instead of probing from the gods.

Shen Xing stabbed and hummed, "Only your lotus sects have lotus chakras, and our emperor Jisong has no Zhenzong sword? Eat me a sword!"

Her stinging stings three times.

Jian Guang was suddenly invisible.

Chu Li's face was so calm, his body turned into a light smoke.

"Oh!" Chu Li suddenly stagnates, his left shoulder ripped apart, and at the same time, Sensen's bones are exposed, and the flesh and blood on his shoulder disappears without a trace.

Shen Xing chuckled: "How?"

She spoke again and again.

Chu Li was less able to dodge this time, roaring loudly, and the white light was loud.

"Oh!" His right shoulder was exposed again, and his flesh was gone.

Can't push **** both shoulders.

The strong light of Tianlian couldn't stop the sword light of the immortal sword, and stabbed him unhindered.

"Look where you run away this time!" Shen Xing smiled and stabbed three swords.

"Oh!" Chu Li appeared a hole in his right leg ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Bone bones, the flesh of his thigh is gone, and only the bone can support his body.

He seemed to be stuck in place, unable to move, but only allowed Shen Xing to stab his sword.

Shen Xing didn't stab him at all, only stabbed his limbs.

Chu Li's face looked stern: "If you want to kill, kill, why bother me so much?"

"Don't torture you a bit, isn't it too cheap for you?" Shen Xing laughed and shook her head: "It's not so easy to die!"

Chu Li Road said: "I just like to attract the girl's hate!"

"You must die for your sins!" Shen Xingyi smiled coldly and stabbed three swords instantly.

Chu Li shook his head: "How do I say this?"

His left leg was stabbed again, leaving only bones, but he didn't care to speak.

Shen Xing sneered: "You should know!"

Chu Lidao said: "I really don't know, is it because I'm joking with Shen girl? ... Shenzhen girl isn't joking like this?"

"Huh!" Shen Xing Lengheng: "Stop being dead!"

Her sharp sword stabbed Chu Li's heart.

"Wow!" Chu Li left his hand to block his heart, his left palm turned into bones, and his flesh melted.

Shen Xing frowned, angry.

I do not know why, seeing Chu Li face such pain but not caring, she can still laugh and laugh, and the more she hates and angers, the fiercer the nameless industry.

She stabbed again.

Chu Li's right hand was blocked in his heart, and the flesh and blood of his right palm melted, leaving only bones.

Only bones were left on the thighs and shoulders, and only bones were left on both palms. He looked miserable. People in the distance looked stunned and felt that Shen Xing was offended. The most poisonous woman was right.

Shen Xing sneered: "See how many swords you can block!"

She fluttered lightly, and when Chu Li approached, this time she no longer stabbed, and the sword stabbed directly.

PS: The update is complete.

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