White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3095: Realize

"Hey, Sun Sihuai, come here today!" Void heard a voice.

Chu Li shook his head and ignored.

Footsteps came from the outside, paused, and stepped in, but it was a young **** who came to Chu Li.

Chu Li looked up and got up and said, "Elder Lu."

The youthful **** looks handsome, and his eyebrows are full of brilliance. At a glance, he knows that he is a hero, frank and masculine.

He knew from Sun Sihuai's memory that this was the six elders Lu in the Tianshen clan looking for opportunities.

The **** of heaven is unique, and Lu Xunji is even more exaggerated, and his qualifications far exceed those of ordinary gods, and the longer and younger he is.

He was a middle-aged man ten thousand years ago, but now he is a young man, and he is not only young, but also young with no mood.

Lu Xunji looked at Chuli away and slowly nodded: "Xiao Sun, it seems you have an adventure."

Chu Li showed an embarrassed look and nodded.

Lu Xunji said: "This is also your chance, but no one can understand this Cangyun sword post. You have the deepest understanding now.

Chu Lidao said: "I will be careful, if something is wrong, I will immediately quit."

"It's not like you can retreat." Lu Xunji shook his head.

With a word, he took a square square stone from his arms, which was a very regular square.

"You hold it, it can save your life when it is critical." Lu Xunji gave a precious look, and then gave Chu Li his heart.

Chu Li froze and said, "Elder, don't need it."

"Hold it!" Lu Xunji shoved it into his hand and said, "This is a protecting stone, which can only be used once."

Chu Li nodded: "Understand, I will not take a second risk!"

"That's fine." Lu Xunji nodded: "Go ahead."

This guardian stone is really a treasure.

Not only can it be used as a treasure to protect the spirit, but it can also help to strengthen the spirit. It only takes a long time, but the most important thing for God is patience and time.

He has taken it with him over the years, and his spirit has skyrocketed. He can overpower the gods, and it is also high.

But at this very time, for the safety of the whole god, I can only abandon this treasure. I hope that Sun Sihuai can successfully realize the Cangyun Jiantie.

With the guardian stone, Sun Sihuai can rest assured.

Chu Li quickly found this guardian stone in Sun Sihuai's memory, with some inexplicable complex emotions in his heart.

The thoughts and feelings of God on this day are indeed very different from humans.

If you have such treasures, you will never give them to others, unless it is your own woman or Jingxue them.

It was Lu Xunji who changed himself, and would not give the guardian stone to Sun Sihuai. This feeling seemed too great.

He settled down, found that the cool stone came from the guardian stone, and quickly expelled the weakness and fatigue in his mind. The blink of an eye was already full of energy and full of energy.

He smiled and continued to stare at the copybook.

Lu Xunji stood outside Tianwu Hall, looked up to the sky, his face was sober.

The emergence of the demon is a vital news.

Unexpectedly, after coming to this side of the world, he still could not escape the hunting of the demon, and Tianshen Mountain's leisure time would disappear.

From then on, Tianshen Mountain will fight with the demon, and there will be no quiet days.

He even gloomed at the embarrassment of the demon.

His mind floated, and for a while he thought of the intractable nature of the demon, and for a while he thought of the coping methods of the gods.

Time unknowingly past, the **** of God's concept of time is very weak, because time is not precious to them, so they do not care.

When he woke up again, he found that Yuehua had already begun.

Suddenly he turned his head, a word appeared in the void, and he was drifting towards the Temple of Heaven Enlightenment. He said, "What's going on?"

"Elder, Sun Sihuai has already realized the second copybook!" A whisper came from the void, and his voice was low: "This is the third one!"

"Good!" Lu Xunji said in a deep voice: "Send in!"

"Elder ..." The voice of Void hesitated: "I'm afraid it's wrong to go on like this, he's no longer."

"It's okay, and there is a guardian stone." Lu Xunji hummed.

"... Yes." The voice lingering in the void slowly sounded, and hesitantly continued to float into the hall with the copybook.

Lu Xunji stood with his hands in his hands, and he simply did not leave. He looked up at Yuehua.

Suddenly he took a soft breath, and Yuehua, who was like a drill, got into his mouth, and he was quickly transported and nourished.

He nodded with satisfaction. Yuehua's exceptionally clear night tonight was better than usual. It seemed to be a good time.

An hour later, another copybook floated to the mouth of Tianwu Palace.

Two middle-aged men hurried in.

Lu Xunji held his fist: "Elder Chi, Elder Fan."

"Hehe ..." Both of them smiled, their mouths closed together.

"Go and go." A middle-aged man raised his hand.

"Yes." A voice agreed in the void, and the copybook drifted into the hall under the watch of the three elders, disappearing.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that this Sun Sihuai suddenly opened his head!" A middle-aged man shook his head and exclaimed: "It seems that the fate of our gods is in our hands!"

"If he really understands the Cangyun sword post, then he won't be afraid of the demon entangled!" Another middle-aged man slowly nodded: "You can even take the initiative to find the trouble of the demon!"

"Now it's only Sun Sihuai." All three looked at the mouth of the palace.

Mingyue was moving slowly, and they waited until tomorrow when Yelu wet their clothes.

"Haha ..." A loud laugh burst out of Tianwu Temple.

The three of them immediately rejoiced.

This laughter was wanton and wild, and obviously it was the cultivation success that made me so happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So I hurried into the hall.

"Three elders." Chu Li got up and fisted, and laughed: "What a Cangyun sword post, that's it!"

"How's it going?" Lu Xunji asked quickly.

Chu Li laughed and said, "I'm so lucky!"

He said taking out the guardian stone from his arms and looking for Lu to the machine.

Lu Xunji waved his hand: "Here it is! ... Tell me about it, really got Cangyun Jiantie?"

The three looked at the wall and found nothing, and they were shocked.

A voice came from the void: "Three elders, the copybook suddenly disappeared, no one touched."

"Hmm--?" The three elders' faces changed.

Cangyun Jiantie is a fetish, how can it disappear?

Chu Lidao said, "Once the Cangyun sword post is realized, it will disappear."

"This ..." Lu Xunji frowned.

Chu Li smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter, I can write it."

"How powerful is it?" Lu Xunji said busyly.

Chu Lidao said, "Will Elder Lu give it a try?"

"Very good, come on!" Lu Xunji laughed.

They all know the mystery and magic of the Cangyun Jiantie, which can kill the demon, never really experienced it, of course, they must see it.

In case the Cangyun Sword posted by Sun Sihuai is not so powerful.

Chu Li said: "Can Elder Lu be ready?"

"Come on!" Lu Xunji said in a deep voice.

"Well!" With a whistle, Lu Xunji suddenly saw a sword mark on his forehead.

Lu Xunji's face was pale and shaky.

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