White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3106: Knife ghost

Chu Li frowned, "They have a big picture!"

He had disappeared the next moment.

Su Xin was stunned, and the six men were surprised, taking a step back with the sword, shortening the distance between each other, forming a defensive trend.

After more than a dozen breaths, they didn't dare to carelessly, they didn't dare to move, their hearts were tense, and they became more careful.

Su Xin pouted and smiled.

She suddenly understood that Chu Li was indeed leaving, because he was in too much distress at the same time, and he might sense his danger, so he rushed over and rushed back.

After a dozen more breaths.

The six men with masks seemed to react, stepping on the first two steps, the momentum suddenly raged, raging like fury.

Su Xindai raised her eyebrows again.

She felt Mori Han's murderous power and mighty power, and she was almost a drowning boat.

"Uncle." Jingxue fluttered.

As she approached, Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Jingxue's momentum was like waves, but it easily dispelled their turbulent momentum and eliminated the pressure of raging waves.

Su Xin turned to look at Jingxue, her mood was complicated.

She has a special status in the Lotus Sect, and is hidden. Only the disciples of the Lotus Sect know one or two, but the outside world does not know.

But through the reactions of the six people, she understood that they had deliberately killed themselves, and the law-protection team had only suffered.

The cultivation of these six people is profound, and the sword is fierce and fierce. She is not an opponent, and it is likely that she will become a ghost, or even a ghost, under one sword.

After Jingxue arrived, their threat disappeared.

It seems that the six wolves met the tiger, although it was still terrible, the tail was already clamped, and the momentum was very good.

Jingxue glanced at six people and said lightly, "They actually sent only six guys this time? Weird!"

Su Xin frowned and groaned.

She felt that the six were coming towards herself, so why was she facing herself?

Although he has a special status in the sect, he will become the next lord, but it will take a long time, and no one knows whether there will be variables.

At present, the suzerain is only 5,000 yuan. There are too many events in the remaining 5,000 years, so it is not necessary to remove yourself now.

Besides this, she could not think of any other reason. She rarely appeared outside the ancestors even before going out and used another identity.

So he was silent and no enemies.

Why kill yourself?

Jingxue first: "The Nine Youjiao is getting more and more excessive. Do you think we will only be passively beaten instead of taking the initiative?"

The six were silent.

They kept silent on the knife, but they did not speak, and seemed to be building their strength for a fatal blow.

Jingxue was keenly aware of his intention, and shook his head to look at the void.

The next moment there was Chu Li in the void.

He stepped forward to the two women, glanced at the six people who were gaining momentum, and said lightly, "Uncle, is it life or death?"

Without waiting for Su Xin to speak, he continued: "A total of ten top masters of the Nine Youjiao have been arranged to kill our disciples of Lotus Sect. If I go late, they will surely succeed."

"Kill, but don't let the spirit fly!" Su Xin said in a deep voice.

Chu Li nodded slightly, his eyes flashed suddenly.

"Bang, bang! Bang, bang!" The six of them flew out, and in the air, the masks on their faces had shattered, revealing their faces, like ghosts.

"Huh?" Su Xinming's eyes flickered, and she whispered in surprise.

Chu Li and Jing Xue looked at her.

Su Xin said: "I know their identity, but it turned out to be a ghost!"

"Bang bang bang ..." All six fell to the open space in front of the woods, still and still dead.

Chu Li directly used the God of Thunder sword.

He is now enough to kill people with the God of Thunder and the Thunder Sword. He does not need the Cangyun God Sword, and he does not need to use a bullsword to kill chickens.

"What is the sword ghost?" Jingxue frowned. "I don't seem to have heard of it."

"It is the sinner of Jiuyou Religion." Su Xin shook his head gently. "Every disciple always has some unsound minds.

Jingxue Road: "So they made them ghosts?"

"Body and sword unite, give up your soul, everything is dominated by swords." Su Xin shook his head and said, "They do this, they can exchange for tyrannical power, but they have lost their soul and autonomy, and they have completely become a sword! "

"The knife is him, he is the knife." Jingxue said, "Is this a very clever knife?"

"It's a sword art, it is said to be passed from Jiu You Yuan." Su Xin sighed, "It's a loss of authenticity, it's vicious, it's too extreme!"

"Whether it is extremely extreme or not, it will be very powerful." Jingxue frowned. "There are a hundred ghosts of Nine Youjiao, we are by no means rivals!"

They are also six people. The guard team is already the top master of the Lotus Sect, but they can't stop them, showing their power.

As for their end, it is normal for sinners to forgive death.

"How could there be so many!" Su Xin grinned. "It's true. Four of the five cases in Tiannan are restless."

Chu Lidao said: "This knife-ghost cultivation method has great disadvantages."

"What's wrong?" Both women asked.

Chu Lidao said: "It's just that you don't defend, you die or I die. It is difficult to live long, and it will break at any time."

"It's okay." Su Xin said: "They have one sword, they won't die as long as the knife is there. After the resurrection of Jiuyouyuan, their knife will be poured into them for repair."

"Their knife is hard to break, just like our lotus wheel?" Jingxue Road.

Su Xin gently nodded.

"It's troublesome, endless!" Jing Xue frowned for a moment.

Chu Lidao said: "It is necessary to ask the suzerain clearly, so as not to cause any serious trouble."

Jing Xue hummed: "They want to kill Master Su Xin, in my opinion, don't be merciful, just kill it directly."

"Killing them is enough." Su Xin nodded gently.

The Lotus Sect has the ability to let the opponent soul fly away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but Jiu Youjiao can also, with the Nine You Treasures, can also let the Lotus Sect disciple soul fly away, can not be born again.

The two cases scoff at each other and leave a little room for better.

Jingxue Road: "Uncle, these swords and ghosts are a scourge. I think they are violent in nature, and they are prone to extremes and are too dangerous."

"I'll ask the lord, you wait!" Su Xin said.

The lotus seat held her away.

Jingxue looked at Chu Li: "Have you been saved yet? Shizu and her ...?"

"Everything is fine." Chu Li Road.

Jing Cedar breathed in a breath: "Nine quiet religions are coming, are they really going to fight?"

Chu Li was silent.

According to his feelings, Jiuyoujiao is ready to launch a thunder strike. As for why he first killed Su Xin, there must be no intention.

Jingxue Road: "A wave has just flattened and another wave has arisen. Without the gods, human beings will not stop, it is really ..."

She shook her head slightly without knowing what to say.

Chu Li smiled: "Well, everyone is looking for troubles. If you don't have troubles, you should find troubles, let it be!"

Jing Xue suddenly shot with one palm.

A soft light fell, covering a long knife.

This knife is motionless.

Jingxue took a step forward, but stopped again, feeling the stern intention of killing, and then taking the next step would face a fatal blow.

She felt that the knife had come alive, as if she were a person, staring at her with a stern look, ready to kill at any time.

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