White Tower Wizard

Chapter 106: Fantasy Battle

"Um...that doctor! You'd better come over and take a look, Green's situation seems to be a little bit wrong!"

Casper's voice broke the silence in the room and also awakened Merkel, who was in sorrow and contemplation.

"What? I have a name, Merkel, okay..."

Merkel woke up, rolled her eyes at Casper, and realized that this is not the time to distract herself. He hurriedly walked to the sofa, but saw Green's body began to exude a strange black air, and the whole person's skin began to darken slowly, as if he was about to turn into a shadow.

"There is a trauma on the arm, the opening is small, but the penetrating injury, the knife is very sharp, but the bleeding has been stopped, no further treatment. The rest are some bruises and contusions, no major problem... But black air... "

Merkel carefully checked Green, who had been stripped to only a pair of underwear, and used various magic methods. Fortunately, Green didn't wake up, otherwise, I'm afraid his heart will be overwhelmed. "Hi! This is..."

Just after Merkel used the Medical Visualization Curse again, something happened suddenly! He looked at Green's skin in amazement, and black blood vessels began to grow continuously, multiplying and spreading rapidly in his body.

"By the way, before he inhaled the poison gas of that mud monster, he had been exposed to the infection of the plague atmosphere." Casper saw this scene, and also remembered what happened to them in the Tomb Raider camp before.

Vivienne seemed to darken her eyes, reaching out to hold Green's hand.

But Merkel looked at it for a moment, and said categorically: "It's not just a physical problem! This should be more like a mental erosion reaction, something is assimilating his body!" Then he reacted again and was about to speak. , Casper on the side blurted out.

"The evil **** hidden in his dreams!"

"This situation is troublesome! Usually because he is awake, he shut the evil **** in his dream, but now he is in a coma, and without active consciousness, the evil **** will definitely seize the opportunity to escape. If he is assimilated by it Finished, then Green will be trapped in his dream forever..."

Merkel's tone was also a little anxious.

"Damn it! When I first came to see him in his dreams, the situation was not so bad. How could this be?"

"Now is not the time to think about the reasons! What is the way? How can I prevent this evil **** from escaping?" Casper also began to worry.

"Damn...this is my professional counterpart, but I have never cured evil spirits..."

While cursing in a low voice, Merkel quickly got up and ran back to the laboratory, and soon he ran out again with a candle and a medicine bottle.

"Mental erosion, so many drugs are no longer effective. I can only try to communicate Green's dreams. If I can wake him up, then everything will be fine!"

Merkel spoke quickly, and then placed the black candle on the table. With a wave of the wand, the faint green flame lit up, and the whole room changed color, and the bright yellow fluorite light seemed to have turned into a faint Green seems to add a touch of horror.

Then he poured the blue potion into Green.

"Lighting the soul candle can maximize my dream spell, and it can also work with Requiem Water, greatly reducing Green’s own resistance to will. It may be very difficult to enter his dream in this state, but I can only try this way..."

Merkel's tone was not very self-confident, but she still began to chant the spell. First, she covered Green's body with a seal to restrain the spread of black energy, and then she began to cast the dream spell.

"In this case, my seal is also effective!" Kasper said, and gave Green a confusing seal.

Everyone's hearts are held together tightly...


Above the ruins of the city, Green looked at Urik in the distance. Although he was very disturbed, he finally stopped thinking about it.

It hasn't escaped yet, which is the best news so far.


There was an angry roar in the distance, and Urik's voice was so loud that it reverberated throughout the dream space.

"Shameless thief, I wanted to save your life, but it seems that you don't cherish my mercy at all! Or, all the problems that killed you will disappear!"

Green floating in the air, listening to this "full 3D stereo surround sound", couldn't help covering his ears. The sound was too loud and it was deafening.

And looking at the one-hundred-meter-high black giant Urik who rushed towards him from a distance, the momentum was still huge, and the whole land was shaking.

This opening method seems a bit wrong... Green has a strong sense of vision. He thinks the current situation is a bit strange. This is the battlefield of the investigative corps or the scene of the tail beast battle...

Under this weird feeling, although Green was a little frightened, he did not lose the courage to fight a battle. After all, he had just discovered the power of his fantasy (brain) thought (hole).

In my own dream, you can still be bullied by this ghost!

Green, who has released his thoughts, feels that he is full of power. At this moment, he is not only possessed by Lu Lin, Wu Lin is alive, and Xuan Lin is reborn, but also the incarnation of thousands of "sons of luck". There are countless buffs on him. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although I am very scared in reality, here, Yurik, just see if I can't kill you!

In midair, Green felt a surge of blood in his heart, and quickly stretched out his hand in the direction where Urik was rushing.

"Really. Infinite Sword System!"

Wormholes appeared behind Green, and densely packed magical blades appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, making it possible for people to see the intensive phobia.

Before Urik could react, he waved his hand, and streamers shot out in the blink of an eye.

Urik's one-hundred-meter-high body is simply a huge living target.

"Shoo, hoo..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the dense sound of breaking through the air was intertwined with the crashing sound. Urik's running footsteps stopped, and there was still a few kilometers between them.

The situation now has an advantage for him. Green reckons that the reason why the distance between them has become so far is probably because Urik had been hiding at the exit before and wanted to go out, but he did not expect to be affected by one of his "big tricks". Arrived, directly pushed to the edge of the city.

But it's no wonder that Ulrich seems to be quite weak, and it has pulled down the average pass line of Cthulhu, no wonder he will be caught for experimentation.

Green thought about it carefully, and it had two abilities, one to create plague and the other to control dreams.

The former has nothing to do with him, but manipulating the dream is interesting. Now it seems that because it is locked in his own dream, this power has become a sharing between the two.

So they all have this ability, so what does it depend on to decide the victory or defeat in the dream? That's naturally a brain hole! Can a native evil **** be better than Naodong?

Thinking about it this way, Green didn't even have the last fear...

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