White Tower Wizard

Chapter 125: Why did you start being a father?

   "Where are people?"

   Merkel, who opened the office door, walked in all of a sudden and asked the question that everyone was puzzled by.

   Green frowned as he looked at the empty office.

   Come late? Did you escape?

   In this way, the suspicion of this Dean Griffin is even greater... Green thought in his heart.

   Casper also walked into the office and tried the tea cup on the desk with his hands.

   "The tea still has a little warmth."

   "People shouldn't have gone far! I'll ask if anyone has seen him."

   Merkel also reacted and walked out of the office to look for someone in the corridor.

   "It's really strange. When I went to pick you up at the door, he was always in the office. Did he go to other places temporarily?"

   Mage William walked into the office, looked at the empty room, frowned, and complained helplessly.

   "You can't make it clear, is there anything wrong with him?"

   "The course of the matter is really unclear for a while. It's just that Dr. Merkel was kidnapped before, and we now suspect that Dean Griffin may be involved in this matter."

   Under repeated questioning, Green also had to say some of his conjectures.

   "And more likely, he may also be a member of the cult organization we discovered..."


   The news seemed like a thunder, making Master William stand up on the spot.

   What's more appropriate is that a lightning flashed across the window, and the muffled thunder suddenly exploded.

   The raindrops began to slap on the window intensively, making a rattling sound.

   The storm really came, and the huge wind made people feel his power in the room.

  Mage William stopped asking, he seemed to recall all the things that happened when he was with Dean Griffin just now.

   Green also breathed a sigh of relief.

   And it happened that Alice in Vivienne's arms was frightened by thunder and shivered, and she whispered unconsciously.

   He also took this opportunity to see the little girl. After a series of great changes, he didn't know how her mental state was.

   "Alice, how are you?"

   Green took Alice in Vivienne's arms, let her sit on the leather reception sofa in the office, squatted in front of her and asked gently.

   Alice was timid, with tears on her face, she didn't speak, she just lowered her head slightly, her two small hands tightly tugged the corners of Green's clothes, she looked terrified.

   "Don't be afraid, all this will pass, you have to be strong..."

   Green was full of sympathy for Alice, but he was very upset. He had no experience in how to comfort the little girl.

   After all, he hasn't been a father in his previous life, and what's more, it feels more like he just picked up a daughter all of a sudden.

   He is still a pure virgin all his life! How did you fall into the role of father? This is really a tragedy...

   But watching Alice kept crying, her lonely, weak, and helpless appearance seemed to be able to hit the softest place in his heart.

   There is always the illusion that he is really a father.

   Alas, tragedy...

   "Alice, don't be sad, we will all be your family from now on."

   As soon as Green's voice fell, Alice's tears fell more fiercely, and she even cried.

   This makes him more headache, at a loss what to do, don’t know what to do, and seems to make the situation worse.

   After a while, there was no other way, and Green accepted his fate and rubbed Alice's hair comfortingly.

   Forget it, it’s better to cry than to hide in my heart...

   Green stood up and looked around the room preoccupiedly. Now that Griffin was gone, his plan was suddenly deadlocked.

   But Casper was still wandering around the room. He seemed to be checking many things carefully, checking the window sills, desks, bookshelves, and even on the floor for a long time.

   This unusual behavior naturally aroused his curiosity, but after observing it for a long time, he couldn't see the reason. Finally he couldn't help but ask: "Casper, what did you find?"

   "A lot of clues have been found... like on this floor..."

   Casper didn't look back, just spoke softly, giving people a very confident feeling.

"on the floor?"

   Green stared at the ground confusedly, but found nothing, nothing.

   "Is there anything on the floor?"

   "Footprints, a lot of footprints. Some of them were left after we came in, but most of the rest belonged to the same person. He paced the room without stopping, his steps hurriedly and scattered."

   Kasper said, turning his head.

   "Ah! Why can't I see?"

   Green was very surprised. He only felt that the floor was clean and there was no water and mud. There were no footprints.

   "That's because the scene you see in your eyes is different from what I see in my eyes."

   Hearing these words, Green discovered that Caspar’s wolf-like eyes actually lit up, like bright yellow amber, which was really beautiful.

   "You are..." Green pointed to Casper's eyes blankly.

   "This is the perspective of a demon hunter, right? I only saw it in the book. It's really amazing..."

   Unexpectedly, the wizard William in the room suddenly interjected, his tone was still very interested, which interrupted Green's emotions and caused him to roll his eyes.

   "My body has undergone the transformation of a demon hunter, and my sensory abilities are far beyond that of ordinary people, and what I see is indeed more detailed than you..."

   Casper said nonchalantly, and then started talking while walking in the office.

   "From the perspective of the footprints, before we came, there was only one person in the office. There were handprints on the windowsill, and there were signs of opening the windows, but there was no sign of anyone climbing. It should be that the floor was too high to give up."

   "Then he wandered around the room for a long time, then came to the bookshelf, searched for a while, and finally took out the book."

  Speaking of this, Casper came to the bookshelf, pulled out a book from a pile of books, and displayed it in front of everyone.

   Is it so awesome! Should you change your name to Foul Caspar Moss...

   Green was stunned by Casper's explanation, and he took a serious look at the book in his hand, called "The Origin and Characteristics of Magic Stones". The cover was very delicate, and it seemed that the price was high.

   "Why is he reading at this time?"

   While Green was puzzled, Master William suddenly said: "Oh! I have this book too. It is a hardcover collection. The last page of the book is inlaid with a small magic stone, which is used as a model!"

   Kasper immediately opened the book to the last page when he heard the words. There was a big hole in the center of the thick cardboard, and one thing was missing at first glance.

   Green also reflected it all at once, and the sudden forbidden demons probably caught Griffin by surprise.

   And what he didn't expect was that after the earthquake, he had been under the supervision of Master William, and all the magic stones had been gathered. He couldn't let go of the magic, so naturally there was no chance to escape.

   But because of their arrival, he finally found a breakthrough here.


   The current discoveries have made Griffin more and more suspicious, but it has become more and more regrettable. Their arrival actually created opportunities for Griffin to escape.

   This is really...

   Wait, what is Casper doing?

   Just when Green was frustrated, he was surprised to see Casper carefully smelling the set of books on his hand.

   Is there a reversal?

   "It is indeed a hardcover collection edition. The paper used is very high-grade, and the fragrance is so unique. The pulp for papermaking should come from the red willow wood of Moroya. The printing ink is also added with fragrance. It is really strong..."

   Kasper sniffed and talked about a lot of analysis before he raised his head and made a conclusion.

   "The smell is still in the air, I can track it."


   The news made Green's eyes bright again, and the willows were bright.

   While he was happy in his heart, Merkel came back dejectedly and opened her mouth:

"It's over! It's all over! I have asked all the people on the 5th floor and even the 4th floor. No one has ever seen Dean Griffin go downstairs. They all said he hadn't been down when he came up. Could he still be in this room? It's gone!"

   seemed to collapse, Merkel scratched her hair frantically.

   For this result, Green was not surprised at all.

   "This is not surprising, he has a magic stone, a small invisibility spell can make everyone invisible to him..."

   Green told Merkel what they had just discovered.

   "Then go after it! After a while, maybe he will run away without a trace!"

   As a victim of the kidnapping case, Merkel seemed particularly anxious, turning around and wanted to rush out.

   "Wait a while!" Green suddenly stopped him.

"If there is no accident, he should have gone outside. We just came from the outside and we know how dangerous it is, and nothing may happen to the next chase, but it seems to be safe here at the moment. "

  Speaking of this, Green asked Mage William on the side: "Mage William, how long can the magic stone reserve here last?"

"We removed the magic crystals from some medical facilities that were not usable. If they were only used for lighting, they could last for a few days at least, but maybe they are not usable at all. Soon Fores will know about it. Circumstances, maybe we can see the rescue team early tomorrow morning. What do you mean by that?"

   Master William’s answer was quite optimistic, but Green always felt that everything had to be prepared for the worst.

   "It's nothing, but in this situation, only light can bring a sense of security."

   He shook his head slightly, then looked at Alice and continued:

   "Because it might be very dangerous next, the only thing I worry about now is Alice. Staying here is the best choice at the moment, but I don't trust him alone..."

   While talking, Green looked at Vivienne, with a tentative touch.

   "I want to protect you."

   Vivian spoke, her attitude was plain, but she didn't seem to change.

   There is no way, Green looked at Merkel again.

   "Uh... well, I will stay to take care of Alice. I also have forbidden magic, I can't release magic, maybe I can only drag you back when I go..."

   Merkel's voice was a little low, and he was quite unwilling to see that he was quite unwilling, but he was really telling the truth. If someone must stay, he would be the best choice.

   "Thank you, Merkel."

  Green was also relieved, and his worries were reduced by more than half, allowing Alice to stay in this safe shelter with the care of Master William and Merkel. He wanted to feel more at ease.

   "It's okay, I also know this is the best choice, and it just so happens that I can play some of my duties here."

   Merkel smiled reluctantly, walked to the sofa, and touched her head with her hand.

"Mr Green……"

   Alice looked very scared, shivering constantly, her little hand tightly grasping the corner of Green's clothes, which was all seen by Green.

   "Don't be afraid, Alice, it's safe here, Uncle Merkel will take care of you. I'm the one who talks, and I will pick you up as soon as the matter is over, okay? Let's pull the hook!"

   Green used his most amiable attitude to talk to Alice, and stretched out the little finger of his left hand.

   "Like this, give me your hand..."

   Under his guidance, his big hand and Alice's little hand hooked, and then said in a childlike tone.

   "Very good. This means that we have reached an agreement. I will definitely know what to say. Will you wait for me here first?"

   Seeing Alice's shiny eyes, Green is also very sincere.

  Perhaps precisely because of this, Alice slowly released the other hand that had been holding Green's corner tightly.

   "Very good, take care to protect yourself!"

   Green patted Alice on the head lightly, and finally said something, and then looked at Casper, they were about to leave.


   Green nodded to Merkel and Mage William ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then followed Casper out of the office, Vivian followed him.

   "Mr. Green! Please be careful!"

   When he walked to the door, Alice's shout finally came from behind.

"Do not worry."

   Green turned his head and waved, smiling goodbye.

   But he always feels a little helpless, it seems that a kind of dad's attributes are about to descend on him.


"Oh, don't you see that you can coax children? Boy Green, I originally thought that people who became fathers at your age are mostly in the countryside. I didn't expect this to be the case in a big city like Fries. Gee..."

   When he walked out of the office and reached the 4th floor, Casper said jokingly.

   "Huh? What do you think? When did I become a father?"

   There was a burst of mania in Greene's heart, how could this bad old man be innocent out of thin air!

  Obviously, I'm still a big flower... Uh...

   "Don't talk nonsense! Am I not married yet?"

   "Oh? Congratulations, you can skip the step of getting married and get it right in one step!" Casper smiled slightly on his face.

   "I said you planned to do the same, adopted Alice?"

   This question seemed to arouse Vivienne's interest, and even she stared at Green at once.


   Green was about to answer, but suddenly a shout came from behind.

   "Please wait! Please wait!"


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