White Tower Wizard

Chapter 135: Man-made volcano about to erupt

   After entering the somewhat damaged gate, the speeding car did not drive far, and then took a long winding mountain road.

Green thought it was a factory when he entered the gate, but he didn't even see the shadow of a factory building. Except for a simple repaired dirt road, it was lined with low bushes, sand, and weeds, which looked like "vibrant". .

   If he didn't know where he was, he would almost think it was a barren mountain.

   "We really entered the steel factory, right?"

   Green asked incredulously, his tone full of suspicion.

   Where is the factory in this place right now?

   "That's right! After coming in from the gate just now, they all belonged to the second steel plant."

   Du Sang did not look back, just drove intensively, but there was a lot of pride in his tone.

   Now that there are no obstacles on the Central Avenue, the speed of the car is not only much faster, but also much more stable.

   "Wow... It's a huge factory, but it seems to be a little different from the "factory" in my impression..."

   Green curled his lips after speaking, not taking Dusan's words seriously.

   Thanks to the car no longer colliding with him, he also regained some of the spirit of motion sickness, and he was able to make fun of Dusan.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no way, after all, this is a newly built steel plant, even the Sky Furnace has only been completed not long, where can I take care of the construction of the minutiae supporting facilities..."

   Du Sang obviously understood the meaning in Green’s words, and said with some embarrassment:

   "Although it looks desolate, you don't need to question whether this is a steel plant, because we have been driving on the surface of the Sky Furnace since we went uphill."

   This news didn't surprise Green, after all, he already knew what kind of structure the Sky Furnace was—a man-made active volcano.


   Casper, who was sitting in the passenger seat, heard the news and couldn't help joining their chat, and said with interest:

"So it's full of hot magma? Haha, it's really interesting. How did you think of building an artificial volcano? Is it because the times are developing too fast? I start to feel a little out of touch. There is also a layer of soil as the outer shell. How thick? It doesn't seem to be reliable..."

   Although Green felt that Casper was paying attention to something strange, he also cast his gaze on the ground illuminated by the front light.

   How thick is this? For high temperature and high pressure magma, what is the upper limit of its pressure? How long can it last... he was thinking about this question of life.

"To be precise, it's not just magma, it's also mixed with a lot of molten iron. After all, this is a steelmaking furnace. As the mountain of the'protective shell', we used magic to reinforce it, retaining a thickness of about 10 meters... …"

   Du Sang explained in detail, his tone was very confident at first, but soon became depressed.

   "Speaking of Green, do you really have a way to stop the reaction inside the Sky Furnace and lower the temperature? If you can't do it, then what we are doing now is useless and completely meaningless..."

"I can't do what you said. I am only responsible for providing magic elements so that your mages can continue to cast spells. I also meant this from the beginning. As long as you can cast spells, you have a way to calm it down, right? ?"

   Facing Dusan's question, Green said his initial thoughts.

   He looked at the scenery outside the car. It was already very different from the foot of the mountain. The more he went up, the vegetation became less, and just as they spoke, the place he saw had become dead.

   "Yes! If it weren't for being banned, it would be absolutely impossible for the Sky Furnace to overheat. Damn it! It's to blame which group of **** did not consider comprehensively when designing it. I had already reminded..."

   Dusan still seemed a little frustrated when he spoke.

   "The temperature of the air is getting hotter and hotter. Where are we driving directly?" Casper asked suddenly.

   Green also noticed that the red firelight in the sky illuminates the darkness, and the red haze seems to be pressed down from the top of his head.

   The darkness no longer exists here. He glanced out of the car, and the scattered traces of rats that had been scattered before disappeared completely.

   "In front is the top-level console, now all the magic engineers should be gathered there, we have arrived..."

   As Du Sang's voice fell, the minecart turned a bend on the mountain road, and they came to the top of this low mountain with an elevation of three to four hundred meters. Green finally saw the buildings belonging to the normal factory.

Several buildings together form a huge complex of buildings. Their function is not clear from the appearance, but one of them is particularly huge standing in the middle of the top of the mountain, which looks a bit like an ancient Roman Colosseum with a lid. .

   The skyrocketing fire light came out from this circular building, illuminating the entire top of the mountain.

   Many dirty workers were gathering near the "Colosseum". They also noticed the minecart that was driving. The crowd was like a frying pan, and all the workers approached.

   "Master Dusan is back!"

   "Thank God! I finally came back, I'm saved!"

   "Did you really find support?"


   Green heard a chaotic shout from the crowd, and everyone greeted him as if they had seen the savior.

   And when the minecart stopped outside the entrance of the round building, the crowd swarmed up and completely surrounded the entire vehicle.

   Du Sang was the first to jump out of the car, but his face changed a lot before he could stand still, and immediately asked loudly, "How is the situation? Where is Director Taylor?"

   The scene was noisy, everyone was talking babbledly, and it took him a while to hear the words of an engineer next to him.

   "The temperature has been overloaded! Director Taylor has entered the pressure relief hall with the last magic crystal..."

After learning the news ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Du Sang immediately turned around and quickly drew towards Green, and then said: "No matter what you have to do, you have to follow me immediately. The Sky Furnace may explode at any time! "

   Looking at Dusan, who was racing against time, Green also realized the seriousness of the problem, and he didn't care too much, so he immediately jumped out of the car.

   The moment he landed, he felt something was wrong, the whole ground was trembling, and his face was frightened white!

   This is definitely a super bad signal!

   This shows that the internal pressure is almost too big to be contained by the shell, and they are equivalent to standing on an active volcano that is about to erupt!

   I heard that the eruption of a volcano can rush up to an altitude of one thousand meters, then this...

   No, it's probably more terrifying than that.

   This is still a man-made volcano that has been magically processed, and it is more powerful when heated and pressurized.

   So once it explodes, there is no chance of being spared!

   is awesome!

   Which genius really did this genius design? He is afraid of being a fool! What a pit in my head! Such a big security hazard has also been built, and it is stupid...

   Green cursed frantically in his heart. He felt that he was too fateful. He fell into the tiger's den before he got out of the wolf den and shouldn't get on this train.

   "The person who was **** in the car is a prisoner, look at him, don't let him run!"

   He only had time to leave a word to the crowd before being pulled into the "Colosseum" by Dusan.

   Casper and Vivian followed closely, and both realized the critical situation.


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