White Tower Wizard

Chapter 142: Praying mantis catching cicada

Not only is the situation on the ground changing, but the atmosphere on the ground is also tense and solemn.

Underground in the mining area, the round table hall where the Eternal Church is in a mess, with wooden high-back chairs falling all over, the circular conference table was broken into two sections from the middle.

The fluorite lamps around the walls were all shattered, and sparkling crystal shards burst into various places on the ground.

However, instead, the lighting function is a huge magic light group hanging directly above the hall, and it is unknown which party created it.

Its lighting efficiency has completely exploded the original fluorite lamp, like a small sun hanging in the hall, clear and bright, and all the shadows are completely melted away.

On the ground, on the walls, on the tables and chairs, there were bullet holes and traces of scorched magic strikes.

The huge black statue also reveals its true appearance. The feet are taller than a person, but the entire hall is not tens of meters high in proportion to the statue.

Because the statue does not show the whole body, the position of the legs above the knees blends into the ceiling of the hall very naturally.

It seems to be infinitely fascinating. I don't know if the statue is only this big, or if there are other parts on the upper level.

At this moment, in front of the statue, apart from Governor Gibbs, only the priest of Forun was standing.

Gibbs's fat face looked very ugly, because the backbone of his eternal church was given a pot by Faulkner.

The body of the black-robed man lay on the ground in the hall.

And these people are the results of his hard work over the past ten years.

"... Faulkner, do you have to tell me life and death today?"

Gibbs looked at Faulkner, who was confronting him, his teeth tickling with hatred, and his words were insidious like dripping water.

On the opposite side of the hall, Faulkner, with a cigar in his mouth, looked indifferent, and was silent in front of a pool of blood.

There were only three living people left beside him, and the bodies of the soldiers lay on the ground, with blood everywhere, but he didn't seem to care about it.

In terms of the number of people, four to two, the advantage is on his side. After spitting out a smoke ring, Faulkner looked at the former governor with no surprise or joy.

Two soldiers holding guns stood in front of him, and the tall Colonel Bige was also standing aside, both of them wounded.

Gibbs didn't get the response he deserved, and continued to speak: "Faukner, for the sake of working together for many years, I will invite you one more time..."

"The times are about to change. The old masters will return soon. The mages will eventually pay the price for the sins they once committed. Come on! Join us and welcome the coming of the Lord!"

Gibbs became more and more enthusiastic, speaking happily, with morbid sarcasm.

"Mages full of lies are fooling the common people. They think that they have denied the gods and mastered the laws of the world... It's ridiculous!!"

The sound suddenly amplified.

"Haha! The Lord is eternal and immortal! The mighty power of the **** has never been far away from his followers. The Lord is the truth! The Lord is eternal!"

"Come on! Faulkner, I know that we are a class of people, all disappointed in the decayed and ignorant world, I can read your inner anger. Do you want money, right? Follow the Lord’s footsteps and you will get Boundless wealth! Come on..."

Gibbs was emotional, and his provocative speech seemed to have reached a climax, ignoring the dead men and the flesh and blood of the corpses in the same place, and he extended his hand to Faulkner expectantly and extended an invitation.

Unlike his fanatical attitude, Faulkner was as cold as a piece of ice.

Until Gibbs finished his preaching, the only visible change was the cigar on Faulkner's mouth. Mars burned from the head to the tail in one breath.

The smoke was so hard that Faulkner vomited smoke for more than ten seconds.

Then he threw away the remaining cigars, and then said in a low voice: "Over the years, the accounts of the supplies sent by Fores are always not quite right. Later I checked for a long time and found that it was related to you, but I never found it. evidence……"

"But I thought you were just a little too greedy, but I didn't expect that you actually did this great'career' silently here underground, Lord Eternal? Is that sculpture monster behind you? ..."

Faulkner's voice was a little mocking, and this attitude gradually cooled Gibbs's face.

"I hate two kinds of people the most in my life. One is the self-righteous lunatic, and the other is the person who teases me. And now I think you have met both of these conditions. Fatty..."

Faulkner's voice changed and became fierce.

"Gibbs, he called you'dead fat man'."

The Fran priest on the side reminded him faintly, as if he was "fanning the flames."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

This answer obviously represents the breakdown of the negotiation. Gibbs completely withdrew his hand, with a fierce look in his eyes, and said viciously:

"...It's a pity, I thought you were a smart person..."

"No way, you sinner who scorns the authority of the Eternal Lord, let me grant you death..."

As soon as his words fell, the priest of Foren on the side raised his hand, and the two soldiers armed with guns suddenly screamed, a large hole penetrated through their chest, and blood gushed out.

The tall Colonel Bige seemed to have noticed something, and he flashed sideways quickly. Although he escaped the end of the "breast-piercing", the muscles of his left arm suddenly burst and almost lost his entire arm.

"There is something invisible in the air!"

Big shocked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Enduring the painful expression that was deformed, he covered his arm and shouted.

And then he also confirmed his guess. Two soldiers with big holes in their chests suddenly floated from the ground into the air in a weird posture, as if there was something invisible in the big hole in their chests, and they lifted them up.

Then the two soldiers were like rag dolls. They were thrown to the ground, and they died in an instant with the wounds passing through their chests.

"I didn't expect that you, a big man, would be able to escape..." Gibbs looked a little surprised, then raised his hand and said: "This is the gift of the Eternal Lord, why not accept it? See if you can still How many times..."

At this moment, Faulkner felt something was wrong, like the Priest Forren next to Gibbs, under his command, something invisible in the air attacked...


"Oops, it's really dangerous now. Did you expect this situation before?"

A man in black looked at the magic light mirror that appeared in front of him, scratching his head in embarrassment.

The picture that emerged in the magic mirror was exactly what was happening in the Round Table Hall, and from the picture, it was shown from the first perspective of Colonel Bige, as if he had borrowed his eyes as a monitor.

"It seems that Gibbs is really an avid Cthulhu believer. What is the trick of this'invisible thing'? Do you have a clue?" The black man asked another eagle-eyed man beside him.

This conspicuous feature also exposed their identities. It was Hanks and Aaron.

"...Probably it is the ability given by the evil god, it doesn't matter, our only goal is the task, other than that, we don't need to care about everything."

Hanks leaned on a cane, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

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