“Marshal of the Warring States before you said about the choice of the Seven Warriors Sea, I can recommend my captain Blackbeard Marshall · D. Tichy! ”

Lafitte’s first words came up also said directly to the point.

This time, the mission here is to recommend his captain to become Nanabukai.

Only by becoming a Qiwu Sea can you complete the next thing, so Lafitte is particularly attentive to the handling of this matter at this time.

“A nobody, you can also become a Qi Wuhai!?”

A trace of disdain flashed on the face of the Warring States, and now any cat and dog want to become Qiwu Hai.

None of this has heard of this pirate.

He actually wants to become Qiwu Hai?

To become a Qiwu Sea, two conditions must be met.

The first is to have enough strength.

After all, the Seven Wuhai is a powerful force with the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters and the three major forces of the Great Shipping Route.

If you don’t have enough strength and prestige, it is simply impossible to become a Qi Wuhai.

As long as you have enough strength and prove your strength, you can also apply to become His Majesty Seven Wuhai yourself.

The second condition is obedience to the world government.

Each of the seven seas must obey the arrangements of the world government.

It was as if a contract had been signed between Nanabu Hai and the World Government.

The terms and conditions of this contract must be completed according to the contract.

If the contract is violated, the World Government can revoke Nanabukai’s position at any time.

Although Qi Wuhai is unwilling to obey the world government in his heart.

This is also clear to the world government.

But as long as you don’t let the world government catch you breaking the contract.

Then you can still continue to serve as His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

But on the first condition, this one called Blackbeard cannot be met.

If you don’t even have a reputation, then the strength is estimated to be without thinking.

“Our side has prepared a big gift for Marshal of the Warring States!”

“Big gift!?” The Warring States were curious about what kind of gift they had prepared in order to become the Seven Wuhai.

But seeing that the other party did not mean to say it, the people here are all human spirits.

It is also clear that there are two other people here, and the Warring States have finished what they wanted to say before at this time.

So the purpose of keeping these two people is gone.

In itself, it is to knock on Qi Wuhai and see if they have any recommended candidates.

But none of the people came to the whole, and the knocking did not help, and as for the recommended people, since they all said no, then there is none.

After driving Doflamingo and the bear away, Sengoku turned to look at Lafitte at this time and said, “Tell me what your gift is!” ”

If it wasn’t a good thing, the Warring States would definitely send him into the Advance City at that time.

“Fire Fist Ace!”


Sengoku did not understand for a moment what this meant.

The big gift they said was actually to give Fire Fist Ace to them.

Is this saying that they caught Ace?

The Warring States also had a little thought at this time.

No one here knows Ace’s identity better than him, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the son of One Piece Roger!

They actually captured Ace and gave it to the Navy.

This made the Warring States also hesitate a little at this time, and now taking Ace’s words is equivalent to saying that it is a hot potato.

“That’s right, it was our captain who took it!”

When Lafitte said this, a hint of pride could not help but flash on his face.

This is the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team, which was also taken down by their captain.

Originally, Blackbeard was ready to negotiate conditions with the Warring States before deciding.

But Lin Yang’s appearance instantly disrupted his rhythm, and now Blackbeard felt that he had to move faster.

Otherwise, if he continues like this, he will have no chance to return to the new world in the future.

Moreover, Lin Yang gave him a feeling that he was too insecure, and he had to implement his plan earlier.

So Blackbeard is currently saying that it will be troublesome to know that Ace will take it.

But he had to!

Only by winning Ace will he have a bargaining chip to trade with the Navy, the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team.

Although I saw Lin Yang surrounded by the three major admirals in the live broadcast, in Blackbeard’s opinion, this was absolutely dead.

But he also knew in his heart that Ace had already caught it anyway, and it would be a big trouble to remain in his hands.

It is better to give it directly to the Navy in exchange for the benefits you want!

“Are you sure you caught Ace!? The captain of the Whitebeard Erban squad!? ”

Sengoku took a deep breath, and as a result, Lafitte handed over the photo.

On this is indeed the appearance of Ace being caught, and there are a few of them standing on the side as if showing off their loot.

This also made the Sengoku believe this.

But this thing he felt bigger, because he knew that once he took Ace.

Then it is equivalent to a war with the Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard’s character as an old rival Sengoku cannot be unaware!

Ace is the former One Piece King Gore D. Roger’s only son, so he had to die.

But facing a group of four emperors… The most powerful man in the world!

And since the World Government had gone to great lengths to find Ace and kill him twenty years ago.

It was only because it was not found at the time, but twenty years later, when Ace, Roger’s son, came to life.

And its identity information was also learned by the world government.

The world government wanted to get rid of him again, but this time it was too late, and Ace was protected by Whitebeard again, so that the world government could not attack Ace.

What does this mean?

This shows that the world government’s murderous heart for Ace has existed for twenty years, whether twenty years ago or twenty years later.

The world government is all Ace, who has Roger’s blood, and has an absolute will to kill.

Therefore, since the world government’s will to kill Ace has existed for twenty years.

Then when they get Ace, they must kill it.

Even if it comes to paying a war as a price for this, Ace must die.

Secondly, because Ace is a high-ranking cadre of the Whitebeard Pirate Group of the Four Emperors.

Shortly after Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he was promoted by Whitebeard to the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Since then, Ace has officially become a senior cadre of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At the same time, he has also become the world’s strongest man, the confidant of the whitebeard of the Four Emperors.

Ace’s identity is too special, and killing him will be a good deterrent to the increasingly rampant pirates.

And because of Lin Yang’s affairs, now the navy and the world government urgently need something to open up the situation and save their face.

Ace seems to be this bargaining chip.

The Warring States were also entangled at this time.

“Wait for me for a while!”

“Well, I’m waiting for you Marshal of the Warring States here!”

Looking at the appearance of the Warring States, Lafitte probably knew it in his heart at this time, but he did not dare to assert directly before he was finally determined.

Although accidents would happen, Sengoku left with Tsuru at this time, and only a few major generals remained in the entire hall watching him.

He didn’t have much to say about this, so he sat quietly on the stool and waited for the answer.

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