“It’s very simple, in fact, you haven’t understood the essence of this world!”

A hint of pride flashed in Lin Yang’s heart, and it seemed that Zefa seemed to have taken the bait.

I’m not afraid that he is interested, I am afraid that he is not interested in what he says at all.

If this is the case, it is estimated that it is delusional to want Zefa to join his pirate group.

Although the current decline in Zefa’s strength can be said to be very serious.

But after all, he was once a naval admiral, not to mention Zefa’s addition can allow him to better combat the momentum of the navy.

The former general joined and became a pirate, which is no more shocking than going to do some power rock.

The Power Rock Navy can be stopped, but it is impossible to stop it by joining its own pirate group.

“The nature of the world…”

Zefa believes that although he does not fully understand the nature of the world, he has a lot of insight as a former admiral.

What is the essence of this world, is it not clear to him?

Probably the navy and pirates, the world government and the revolutionary army.

It is a world of struggle, and Zefa already knows it well.

“That’s right, in essence, it’s actually a world deformity!”

There are only two ways for the world to go to sea.

Become a navy and go to sea legally.

Even so, the degrees of freedom are very limited.

But the Navy also doesn’t say that you can go everywhere you go.

The second is to report to the Holy Land of Mary Joa for approval for five years.

It’s like in the story of Rolando, Roland returned from an expedition, and the king wanted to go to Shandia, so he reported to the Holy Land of Marie Joa for approval for five years.

In addition, those who go to sea are considered pirates.

In general, businessmen are not counted in this.

Merchants will have navies, and world governments will grant them something similar to a sea permit.

This thing can generally only be in the specified area, and if you want to go to other places, you need zero time approval.

As for the others, they are running around, and even one is hanging a flag.

This is 100% defined as a pirate by the world government.

So some people may have been defined as pirates when they first went to sea.

This is a simple derivation, and countries that refuse to join the world government will be arrested and taken to work in the kingdom of laborers to death.

And even more so those who cause chaos outside the governance of world governments?

Only taxes and death cannot be avoided.

Pirates do not pay taxes, naturally they are going to die.

In total, the pirates have undergone three changes.

From ordinary pirates who were sneaky at the beginning and ran away, they gradually upgraded to semi-sneaky pirates with their own common range of activities, and then pirates with their own bases.

From the point of view of the navy, the threat of the pirates is that the four emperors of the new world are greater than the first half and the four seas.

The most terrible thing about the four emperors is not that they are pirates, but that they are a country within a state, and they are a country.

The freest existence on the sea.

Pirates, pirates are outlaws, pirates are outlaws at sea.

Most pirates are the kind of people who want to get it for nothing and opportunistic to find treasure.

Even Lin Yang’s hands were not the same as before, and his hands were stained with blood…

It is inevitable that from the moment you become a pirate, you will have to fight not only with the navy, but also with pirates and bounty hunters.

It can be said that becoming a pirate is essentially speaking, although he usually does not shoot at civilians.

But these things are basically snatched from other pirates.

Take the heavenly gold, isn’t it also the tribute paid by other countries to the Draco and snatched by themselves?

So he can’t say that his hands are clean.

After going to sea, the pirates do not produce at all, and if they want to survive, they must rob.

Pirates are the nightmare of ordinary people.

There are two kinds of people who go to sea in the anime, those who yearn for the sea, or those who go to sea for freedom and dreams.

The other is the true pirates, typical example of Blackbeard, they are usually ambitious, cruel, and unscrupulous in order to achieve their ends.

And the second is definitely the mainstream of this world, which accounts for 99.9 percent of people, and it is estimated that this is what it looks like.

In fact, in essence, if the Draco is removed.

The navy and the world government are definitely the mainstream of this world.

It’s even really upholding justice.

But unfortunately, in fact, a large part of the pirates were actually forced out by the Draco.

This heavy tax is not something that every country can pay.

So in the end, those who can’t afford it will be reduced to an outlawless place, and if you want to survive, you can only become more ruthless than others!

For the Navy, anyone who goes to sea privately is a pirate, no matter how just his reasons for going to sea are.

Navigators and the like are not casual, but anyone who wants to go to sea through normal channels.

The Navy’s consent is required, but the problem is that consent alone will have to wait a long time.

The identity of the navigator is so constrained, which highlights that the pirates are so free.


Zefa sorted out his thoughts, and then looked at Lin Yang with a respectful look: “I want to know what the essence of the world you are talking about!” ”

Perhaps the nature of the world he understood was not the same as what Lin Yang understood.

In this regard, Zefa is willing to listen to his opinion to see where the gap between the essence that Lin Yang said and what he thinks is.

Or maybe there is no gap at all, exactly what you think.

For Zefa, who is currently confused, he needs to listen to everyone’s ideas.

Then determine whether what you want to do is really what you need to do.

“Let me ask you first, why did the pirates appear?”

“The appearance of pirates …”

Zefa never thought about this question, because for him, as long as he was defined as a pirate.

Then he won’t care about any reason.

Zefa shook his head, he didn’t know in his heart and didn’t know how to answer.

“Pirates are essentially defined by the world government, are we going to be called pirates just after going to sea, this is just your own photo, I can be a pirate, you can also be a pirate, this is just a title…”

Why did the captain put one so simple to say so complicated …

They originally felt that they still understood a little, but after being explained by Lin Yang like this, they suddenly didn’t understand anything!

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