To say, most of the group did not jump out.

Or in other words, under the rule of the world government itself, in fact, the people of this world have developed subtle ideas.

“Think about it, do pirates rob things?”

Lin Yang said this, I believe they all know that everyone in this world knows the nature of pirates.

Therefore, after he finished speaking, the people around him had already agreed with Lin Yang’s words in their hearts.

Aren’t pirates essentially just robbing things?

Whether it’s robbing other pirates, civilians or other forces.

The result is all robbery, but the object of robbery is different.

But what does this have to do with what they are going to say at this time?

For a moment, they didn’t understand either.

But Lin Yang said this not once or twice.

Knowing that Lin Yang would continue, they did not hurry to interrupt at this time.

“Then let me ask you, is Draco also considered a robbery, but it sounds good to say that it is called taxation?”

In fact, it is said to be taxation, but in fact, many countries are because they cannot afford to give heavenly gold.

So in the end it became an outlawless place.

It’s just that the pirates are clearly robbing you, but Draco is different.

Draco is secretly asking you to give, but no matter how you look at it, it seems to be the same concept as robbery.

Although Draco has always claimed to be the god who created the world, Draco has not always shown the posture of a god.

Although it will still be wantonly robbed, but in front of the public.

Draco would still use money to do things like buy slaves and so on.

As a result, there is the heavenly gold that the Draco levies from various allied countries, and every year the Draco will accumulate a large amount of wealth through the heavenly gold.

This makes there is no greater gap between Draco and humans living in the mortal world, in other words, the appearance of equality among all beings.

This can also be seen in the population auction venue, Charros San is under the public, and also needs to pay a lot of money to bid for purchases.

And the so-called heavenly gold has become the biggest lie of the Draco to the world.

The so-called heavenly gold is just a cover used by the Draco to hide their unreasonable plunder.

The true face of the Draco is looting for no reason, such as Charros robbing the people. Woman.

It was the robbery of the red fruit, such as its vomit slavery, and it was also unjustifiable robbery.

And the Draco whitewashes these through heavenly gold, whitewashing its needs for material desires and whitewashing its contempt for the world.

The World Government has many allies and is the largest force in the One Piece world.

The world government has an obligation to protect these countries, and these countries are subject to the arrangements of the world government.

It can be said that they are an interdependent relationship, yet in the member countries that are currently emerging.

One problem can be found that these countries are generally not highly combative.

On the contrary, the military power of non-allied countries is a little stronger.

For example, in the country of Wano, although they are much weaker than Kaido’s Hundred Beast Pirates.

But the combat ability of the country of Wano and the combat ability of the generals are much stronger than that of Dressrosa and Alabastan.

The first reason why these allied countries are relatively weak is that they themselves are not too threatened.

Protected by the world government, these allied nations are not afraid of pirate invasions.

So far, these countries have not been attacked by a series of pirates such as the Four Emperors.

Qibukai is an exception because it is an armed organization recognized by the government.

Without the invasion, these allied countries would have lived relatively peacefully, and the armies they formed would only protect themselves and would not be subverted by their people.

Non-member countries are always in danger of being invaded, so they will try to arm their forces.

Second, these allied countries all have to pay high amounts of heavenly gold to the world government to protect their countries.

As a result, people in many countries have no means of living.

Without the support of healthy people, it is completely impossible to build a strong army.

In addition, the world government must not allow them to have too strong armed forces, otherwise they are afraid of posing a threat to the world government.

So anyway, the world government is just embellishing itself.

Is there any difference in essence from pirates?

There is no difference at all.

And Lin Yang said this, although there were still many people who did not understand.

But most people here are not fools, and the meaning is already obvious.

Even Zefa’s face changed drastically at this time, if Lin Yang said so.

Is this really the case, is it true that the world government is also a ‘pirate’?

“So Zefa, you now change your thinking, if it was the revolutionary army that established the regime eight hundred years ago, is the current world government a revolutionary army, and then the revolutionary army king eight hundred years ago will not finally become a Draco?”


Zefa didn’t know what to say at this time.

Just think about it according to Lin Yang’s thinking framework.

If it is really according to what he said, then the world is essentially the same for everyone.

Only ordinary people have really not changed.

Because they have no combat effectiveness, they need to be protected and there is no way to resist.

Just like Lin Yang said before, think about it differently.

The current navy can actually be the four emperors, and the world government is also a revolutionary army.

After changing the identities of the two sides, in fact, Zefa felt that the difference was not very big.

Who can guarantee that eight hundred years ago their world government was not a revolutionary army?

It’s just that the first revolutionary army is counted.

So this is just a reincarnation, and the same is true of the navy as an organization.

Escorting the Draco is essentially just a thug for the world government.

So they are actually not much different from the pirates, and they will protect when they pay the protection fee, isn’t this the same as the four emperors?

In the territory of the Four Emperors, as long as the protection fee is paid, then the country will be protected by the Four Emperors.

It is commonly known to put your flag on this island, and this island is protected by this pirate group.

A good example is Fishman Island, which is ruled by Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world.

So this is also the reason why Zefa is speechless at this time.

Because what Lin Yang said was so correct, he couldn’t refute it at all.

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